blob: ca96fdf6dc2b5af6695a72fce9896c262e238670 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The Binhost API interacts with Portage binhosts and Packages files."""
import functools
import os
from chromite.lib import binpkg
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.utils import key_value_store
# The name of the ACL argument file.
_GOOGLESTORAGE_GSUTIL_FILE = 'googlestorage_acl.txt'
# The name of the package file (relative to sysroot) where the list of packages
# for dev-install is stored.
_DEV_INSTALL_PACKAGES_FILE = 'build/dev-install/package.installable'
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error class for the module."""
class EmptyPrebuiltsRoot(Error):
"""When a prebuilts root is unexpectedly empty."""
class NoAclFileFound(Error):
"""No ACL file could be found."""
def _ValidateBinhostConf(path, key):
"""Validates the binhost conf file defines only one environment variable.
This function is effectively a sanity check that ensures unexpected
configuration is not clobbered by conf overwrites.
path: Path to the file to validate.
key: Expected binhost key.
ValueError: If file defines != 1 environment variable.
if not os.path.exists(path):
# If the conf file does not exist, e.g. with new targets, then whatever.
kvs = key_value_store.LoadFile(path)
if not kvs:
raise ValueError(
'Found empty .conf file %s when a non-empty one was expected.' % path)
elif len(kvs) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'Conf file %s must define exactly 1 variable. '
'Instead found: %r' % (path, kvs))
elif key not in kvs:
raise KeyError('Did not find key %s in %s' % (key, path))
def _ValidatePrebuiltsFiles(prebuilts_root, prebuilts_paths):
"""Validate all prebuilt files exist.
prebuilts_root: Absolute path to root directory containing prebuilts.
prebuilts_paths: List of file paths relative to root, to be verified.
LookupError: If any prebuilt archive does not exist.
for prebuilt_path in prebuilts_paths:
full_path = os.path.join(prebuilts_root, prebuilt_path)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
raise LookupError('Prebuilt archive %s does not exist' % full_path)
def _ValidatePrebuiltsRoot(target, prebuilts_root):
"""Validate the given prebuilts root exists.
If the root does not exist, it probably means the build target did not build
successfully, so warn callers appropriately.
target: The build target in question.
prebuilts_root: The expected root directory for the target's prebuilts.
EmptyPrebuiltsRoot: If prebuilts root does not exist.
if not os.path.exists(prebuilts_root):
raise EmptyPrebuiltsRoot(
'Expected to find prebuilts for build target %s at %s. '
'Did %s build successfully?' % (target, prebuilts_root, target))
def GetPrebuiltsRoot(chroot, sysroot, build_target):
"""Find the root directory with binary prebuilts for the given sysroot.
chroot (chroot_lib.Chroot): The chroot where the sysroot lives.
sysroot (sysroot_lib.Sysroot): The sysroot.
build_target (build_target_lib.BuildTarget): The build target.
Absolute path to the root directory with the target's prebuilt archives.
root = os.path.join(chroot.path, sysroot.path.lstrip(os.sep), 'packages')
_ValidatePrebuiltsRoot(build_target, root)
return root
def GetPrebuiltsFiles(prebuilts_root):
"""Find paths to prebuilts at the given root directory.
Assumes the root contains a Portage package index named Packages.
The package index paths are used to de-duplicate prebuilts uploaded. The
immediate consequence of this is reduced storage usage. The non-obvious
consequence is the shared packages generally end up with public permissions,
while the board-specific packages end up with private permissions. This is
what is meant to happen, but a further consequence of that is that when
something happens that causes the toolchains to be uploaded as a private
board's package, the board will not be able to build properly because
it won't be able to fetch the toolchain packages, because they're expected
to be public.
prebuilts_root: Absolute path to root directory containing a package index.
List of paths to all prebuilt archives, relative to the root.
package_index = binpkg.GrabLocalPackageIndex(prebuilts_root)
prebuilt_paths = []
for package in package_index.packages:
prebuilt_paths.append(package['CPV'] + '.tbz2')
include_debug_symbols = package.get('DEBUG_SYMBOLS')
if cros_build_lib.BooleanShellValue(include_debug_symbols, default=False):
prebuilt_paths.append(package['CPV'] + '.debug.tbz2')
_ValidatePrebuiltsFiles(prebuilts_root, prebuilt_paths)
return prebuilt_paths
def UpdatePackageIndex(prebuilts_root, upload_uri, upload_path, sudo=False):
"""Update package index with information about where it will be uploaded.
This causes the existing Packages file to be overwritten.
prebuilts_root: Absolute path to root directory containing binary prebuilts.
upload_uri: The URI (typically GS bucket) where prebuilts will be uploaded.
upload_path: The path at the URI for the prebuilts.
sudo (bool): Whether to write the file as the root user.
Path to the new Package index.
assert not upload_path.startswith('/')
package_index = binpkg.GrabLocalPackageIndex(prebuilts_root)
package_index.SetUploadLocation(upload_uri, upload_path)
package_index.header['TTL'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
package_index_path = os.path.join(prebuilts_root, 'Packages')
package_index.WriteFile(package_index_path, sudo=sudo)
return package_index_path
def SetBinhost(target, key, uri, private=True):
"""Set binhost configuration for the given build target.
A binhost is effectively a key (Portage env variable) pointing to a URL
that contains binaries. The configuration is set in .conf files at static
directories on a build target by build target (and host by host) basis.
This function updates the .conf file by completely rewriting it.
target: The build target to set configuration for.
key: The binhost key to set, e.g. POSTSUBMIT_BINHOST.
uri: The new value for the binhost key, e.g. gs://chromeos-prebuilt/foo/bar.
private: Whether or not the build target is private.
Path to the updated .conf file.
conf_root = os.path.join(
constants.PRIVATE_BINHOST_CONF_DIR if private else
constants.PUBLIC_BINHOST_CONF_DIR, 'target')
conf_file = '%s-%s.conf' % (target, key)
conf_path = os.path.join(conf_root, conf_file)
_ValidateBinhostConf(conf_path, key)
osutils.WriteFile(conf_path, '%s="%s"' % (key, uri))
return conf_path
def RegenBuildCache(chroot, overlay_type):
"""Regenerate the Build Cache for the given target.
chroot (chroot_lib): The chroot where the regen command will be run.
overlay_type: one of "private", "public", or "both".
list[str]: The overlays with updated caches.
overlays = portage_util.FindOverlays(overlay_type)
task = functools.partial(
portage_util.RegenCache, commit_changes=False, chroot=chroot)
task_inputs = [[o] for o in overlays if os.path.isdir(o)]
results = parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(task, task_inputs)
# Filter out all of the unchanged-overlay results.
return [overlay_dir for overlay_dir in results if overlay_dir]
def GetPrebuiltAclArgs(build_target):
"""Read and parse the GS ACL file from the private overlays.
build_target (build_target_lib.BuildTarget): The build target.
list[list[str]]: A list containing all of the [arg, value] pairs. E.g.
[['-g', 'group_id:READ'], ['-u', 'user:FULL_CONTROL']]
acl_file = portage_util.FindOverlayFile(_GOOGLESTORAGE_GSUTIL_FILE,
if not acl_file:
raise NoAclFileFound('No ACL file found for %s.' %
lines = osutils.ReadFile(acl_file).splitlines()
# Remove comments.
lines = [line.split('#', 1)[0].strip() for line in lines]
# Remove empty lines.
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]
return [line.split() for line in lines]
def GetBinhosts(build_target):
"""Get the binhosts for the build target.
build_target (build_target_lib.BuildTarget): The build target.
list[str]: The build target's binhosts.
binhosts = portage_util.PortageqEnvvar('PORTAGE_BINHOST',,
return binhosts.split() if binhosts else []
def ReadDevInstallPackageFile(filename):
"""Parse the dev-install package file.
filename (str): The full path to the dev-install package list.
list[str]: The packages in the package list file.
with open(filename) as f:
return [line.strip() for line in f]
def ReadDevInstallFilesToCreatePackageIndex(chroot, sysroot, package_index_path,
upload_uri, upload_path):
"""Create dev-install Package index specified by package_index_path
The current Packages file is read and a new Packages file is created based
on the subset of packages in the _DEV_INSTALL_PACKAGES_FILE.
chroot (chroot_lib.Chroot): The chroot where the sysroot lives.
sysroot (sysroot_lib.Sysroot): The sysroot.
package_index_path (str): Path to the Packages file to be created.
upload_uri: The URI (typically GS bucket) where prebuilts will be uploaded.
upload_path: The path at the URI for the prebuilts.
list[str]: The list of packages contained in package_index_path,
where each package string is a category/file.
# Read the dev-install binhost package file
devinstall_binhost_filename = chroot.full_path(sysroot.path,
devinstall_package_list = ReadDevInstallPackageFile(
# Read the Packages file, remove packages not in package_list
package_path = chroot.full_path(sysroot.path, 'packages')
CreateFilteredPackageIndex(package_path, devinstall_package_list,
upload_uri, upload_path)
# We have the list of packages, create full path and verify each one.
upload_targets_list = GetPrebuiltsForPackages(
package_path, devinstall_package_list)
return upload_targets_list
def CreateFilteredPackageIndex(package_path, devinstall_package_list,
upload_uri, upload_path, sudo=False):
"""Create Package file for dev-install process.
The created package file (package_index_path) contains only the
packages from the system packages file (in package_path) that are in the
devinstall_package_list. The new package file will use the provided values
for upload_uri and upload_path.
package_path (str): Absolute path to the standard Packages file.
devinstall_package_list (list[str]): Packages from packages.installable
package_index_path (str): Absolute path for new Packages file.
upload_uri (str): The URI where prebuilts will be uploaded.
upload_path (str): The path at the URI for the prebuilts.
sudo (bool): Whether to write the file as the root user.
def ShouldFilterPackage(package):
"""Local func to filter packages not in the devinstall_package_list
package (dict): Dictionary with key 'CPV' and package name as value
True (filter) if not in the devinstall_package_list, else False (don't
filter) if in the devinstall_package_list
value = package['CPV']
if value in devinstall_package_list:
return False
return True
package_index = binpkg.GrabLocalPackageIndex(package_path)
package_index.SetUploadLocation(upload_uri, upload_path)
package_index.header['TTL'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
package_index.WriteFile(package_index_path, sudo=sudo)
def GetPrebuiltsForPackages(package_root, package_list):
"""Create list of file paths for the package list and validate they exist.
package_root (str): Path to 'packages' directory.
package_list (list[str]): List of packages.
List of validated targets.
upload_targets_list = []
for pkg in package_list:
zip_target = pkg + '.tbz2'
full_pkg_path = os.path.join(package_root, pkg) + '.tbz2'
if not os.path.exists(full_pkg_path):
raise LookupError('DevInstall archive %s does not exist' % full_pkg_path)
return upload_targets_list