blob: 3cf9c16f1ef8ecd63f1737096c4156059abb45a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for"""
import collections
import os
from unittest import mock
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import gs_unittest
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import partial_mock
from chromite.lib import signing
from chromite.scripts import pushimage
# Use our local copy of insns for testing as the main one is not available in
# the public manifest. Even though _REL is a relative path, this works because
# os.join leaves absolute paths on the right hand side alone.
class InputInsnsTest(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Tests for InputInsns"""
def setUp(self):
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple smoke test"""
insns = pushimage.InputInsns('test.board')
self.assertEqual(insns.GetChannels(), ['dev', 'canary'])
self.assertEqual(insns.GetKeysets(), ['stumpy-mp-v3'])
def testGetInsnFile(self):
"""Verify various inputs result in right insns path"""
testdata = (
('recovery', 'test.board'),
('firmware', 'test.board.firmware'),
('factory', 'test.board.factory'),
insns = pushimage.InputInsns('test.board')
for image_type, filename in testdata:
ret = insns.GetInsnFile(image_type)
self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(ret), '%s.instructions' % (filename))
def testSplitCfgField(self):
"""Verify splitting behavior behaves"""
testdata = (
('', []),
('a b c', ['a', 'b', 'c']),
('a, b', ['a', 'b']),
('a,b', ['a', 'b']),
('a,\tb', ['a', 'b']),
('a\tb', ['a', 'b']),
for val, exp in testdata:
ret = pushimage.InputInsns.SplitCfgField(val)
self.assertEqual(ret, exp)
def testOutputInsnsBasic(self):
"""Verify output instructions are sane"""
exp_content = """[insns]
channel = dev canary
keyset = stumpy-mp-v3
chromeos_shell = false
ensure_no_password = true
firmware_update = true
security_checks = true
create_nplusone = true
insns = pushimage.InputInsns('test.board')
self.assertEqual(insns.GetAltInsnSets(), [None])
m = self.PatchObject(osutils, 'WriteFile')
insns.OutputInsns('/bogus', {}, {})
content = m.call_args_list[0][0][1]
self.assertEqual(content.rstrip(), exp_content.rstrip())
def testOutputInsnsReplacements(self):
"""Verify output instructions can be updated"""
exp_content = """[insns]
channel = dev
keyset = batman
chromeos_shell = false
ensure_no_password = true
firmware_update = true
security_checks = true
create_nplusone = true
board = board
config_board = test.board
sect_insns = {
'channel': 'dev',
'keyset': 'batman',
sect_general = collections.OrderedDict((
('board', 'board'),
('config_board', 'test.board'),
insns = pushimage.InputInsns('test.board')
m = self.PatchObject(osutils, 'WriteFile')
insns.OutputInsns('/a/file', sect_insns, sect_general)
content = m.call_args_list[0][0][1]
self.assertEqual(content.rstrip(), exp_content.rstrip())
def testOutputInsnsMergeAlts(self):
"""Verify handling of alternative sections"""
channel = %(channel)s
chromeos_shell = false
ensure_no_password = true
firmware_update = true
security_checks = true
create_nplusone = true
override = sect_insns
keyset = %(keyset)s
board = board
config_board = test.board
exp_alts = ['', 'insns.two', 'insns.hotsoup']
exp_fields = {
'one': {'channel': 'dev canary', 'keyset': 'OneKeyset', 'extra': ''},
'two': {'channel': 'best', 'keyset': 'TwoKeyset', 'extra': ''},
'hotsoup': {
'channel': 'dev canary',
'keyset': 'ColdKeyset',
'extra': 'soup = cheddar\n',
# Make sure this overrides the insn sections.
sect_insns = {
'override': 'sect_insns',
sect_insns_copy = sect_insns.copy()
sect_general = collections.OrderedDict((
('board', 'board'),
('config_board', 'test.board'),
insns = pushimage.InputInsns('test.multi')
self.assertEqual(insns.GetAltInsnSets(), exp_alts)
m = self.PatchObject(osutils, 'WriteFile')
for alt in exp_alts:
insns.OutputInsns('/a/file', sect_insns, sect_general, insns_merge=alt)
self.assertEqual(sect_insns, sect_insns_copy)
content = m.call_args_list[0][0][1]
exp_content = TEMPLATE_CONTENT % exp_fields[alt[6:]]
self.assertEqual(content.rstrip(), exp_content.rstrip())
class MarkImageToBeSignedTest(gs_unittest.AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests for MarkImageToBeSigned()"""
def setUp(self):
# Minor optimization -- we call this for logging purposes in the main
# code, but don't really care about it for testing. It just slows us.
self.PatchObject(cros_build_lib, 'MachineDetails', return_value='1234\n')
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple smoke test"""
tbs_base = 'gs://some-bucket'
insns_path = 'chan/board/ver/file.instructions'
tbs_file = '%s/tobesigned/90,chan,board,ver,file.instructions' % tbs_base
ret = pushimage.MarkImageToBeSigned(self.ctx, tbs_base, insns_path, 90)
self.assertEqual(ret, tbs_file)
def testPriority(self):
"""Verify diff priority values get used correctly"""
for prio, sprio in ((0, '00'), (9, '09'), (35, '35'), (99, '99')):
ret = pushimage.MarkImageToBeSigned(self.ctx, '', '', prio)
self.assertEqual(ret, '/tobesigned/%s,' % sprio)
def testBadPriority(self):
"""Verify we reject bad priority values"""
for prio in (-10, -1, 100, 91239):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, pushimage.MarkImageToBeSigned, self.ctx,
'', '', prio)
def testTbsUpload(self):
"""Make sure we actually try to upload the file"""
pushimage.MarkImageToBeSigned(self.ctx, '', '', 50)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', '--'])
class PushImageTests(gs_unittest.AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests for PushImage()"""
def setUp(self):
self.mark_mock = self.PatchObject(pushimage, 'MarkImageToBeSigned')
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple smoke test"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testBasic_SignTypesEmptyList(self):
"""Tests PushImage behavior when |sign_types| is empty instead of None.
As part of the buildbots, PushImage function always receives a tuple for
|sign_types| argument. This test checks the behavior for empty tuple.
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
profile='hi', sign_types=())
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testBasic_RealBoardName(self):
"""Runs a simple smoke test using a real board name."""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'x86-alex', 'R34-5126.0.0')
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testBasicMock(self):
"""Simple smoke test in mock mode"""
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
dry_run=True, mock=True)
def testBadVersion(self):
"""Make sure we barf on bad version strings"""
self.assertRaises(ValueError, pushimage.PushImage, '', '', 'asdf')
def testNoInsns(self):
"""Boards w/out insn files should get skipped"""
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'a bad bad board', 'R34-5126.0.0')
self.assertEqual(self.gs_mock.call_count, 0)
self.assertEqual(urls, None)
def testSignTypesRecovery(self):
"""Only sign the requested recovery type"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(self.gs_mock.call_count, 30)
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testSignTypesBase(self):
"""Only sign the requested recovery type"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(self.gs_mock.call_count, 32)
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testSignTypesGscFirmware(self):
"""Only sign the requested type"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'board2', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(self.gs_mock.call_count, 30)
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testSignTypesNone(self):
"""Verify nothing is signed when we request an unavailable type"""
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(self.gs_mock.call_count, 28)
self.assertEqual(urls, {})
def testGsError(self):
"""Verify random GS errors don't make us blow up entirely"""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('stat'), returncode=1,
output='gobblety gook\n')
with cros_test_lib.LoggingCapturer('chromite'):
self.assertRaises(pushimage.PushError, pushimage.PushImage, '/src',
'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0')
def testMultipleKeysets(self):
"""Verify behavior when processing an insn w/multiple keysets"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
force_keysets=('key1', 'key2', 'key3'))
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testForceChannel(self):
"""Verify behavior when user has specified custom channel"""
'meep': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.board', 'R34-5126.0.0',
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
def testMultipleAltInsns(self):
"""Verify behavior when processing an insn w/multiple insn overlays"""
'canary': [
'dev': [
with mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, 'Exists', return_value=True):
urls = pushimage.PushImage('/src', 'test.multi', 'R1-1.0.0')
self.assertEqual(urls, EXPECTED)
class MainTests(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Tests for main()"""
def setUp(self):
self.PatchObject(pushimage, 'PushImage')
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple smoke test"""
pushimage.main(['--board', 'test.board', '/src', '--yes'])