blob: ff97c9a67a77f82a395f12029cfdcf09ebf1f7dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Merge multiple package status CSV files into one csv file.
This simplifies uploading to a Google Docs spreadsheet.
import os
import re
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import operation
from chromite.lib import table
from chromite.lib import upgrade_table as utable
COL_PACKAGE = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_PACKAGE
COL_SLOT = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_SLOT
COL_TARGET = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_TARGET
COL_OVERLAY = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_OVERLAY
oper = operation.Operation('merge_package_status')
# A bit of hard-coding with knowledge of how cros targets work.
def _GetCrosTargetRank(target):
"""Hard-coded ranking of known/expected OS root targets for sorting.
The lower the ranking, the earlier in the target list it falls by
convention. In other words, in the typical target combination
"virtual/target-os virtual/target-os-dev", "virtual/target-os" has
a lower ranking than "virtual/target-os-dev".
All valid rankings are greater than zero.
Valid ranking for target or a false value if target is unrecognized.
for ix, targ in enumerate(CHROMEOS_TARGET_ORDER):
if target == targ:
return ix + 1 # Avoid a 0 (non-true) result
return None
def ProcessTargets(targets, reverse_cros=False):
"""Process a list of |targets| to smaller, sorted list.
For example:
virtual/target-os virtual/target-os-dev -> virtual/target-os-dev
virtual/target-os virtual/target-os-dev world -> virtual/target-os-dev world
world virtual/target-sdk -> virtual/target-sdk world
The one virtual/target-os target always comes back first, with targets
otherwise sorted alphabetically. The virtual/target-os target that is
kept will be the one with the highest 'ranking', as decided
by _GetCrosTargetRank. To reverse the ranking sense, specify
|reverse_cros| as True.
These rules are specific to how we want the information to appear
in the final spreadsheet.
if targets:
# Sort cros targets according to "rank".
cros_targets = [t for t in targets if _GetCrosTargetRank(t)]
cros_targets.sort(key=_GetCrosTargetRank, reverse=reverse_cros)
# Don't condense non-cros targets.
other_targets = [t for t in targets if not _GetCrosTargetRank(t)]
# Assemble final target list, with single cros target first.
final_targets = []
if cros_targets:
if other_targets:
return final_targets
def LoadTable(filepath):
"""Load the csv file at |filepath| into a table.Table object."""
table_name = os.path.basename(filepath)
if table_name.endswith('.csv'):
table_name = table_name[:-4]
return table.Table.LoadFromCSV(filepath, name=table_name)
def MergeTables(tables):
"""Merge all |tables| into one merged table. Return table."""
def TargetMerger(_col, val, other_val):
"""Function to merge two values in Root Target column from two tables."""
targets = []
if val:
if other_val:
processed_targets = ProcessTargets(targets, reverse_cros=True)
return ' '.join(processed_targets)
def DefaultMerger(col, val, other_val):
"""Merge |val| and |other_val| in column |col| for some row."""
# This function is registered as the default merge function,
# so verify that the column is a supported one.
prfx = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_DEPENDS_ON.replace('ARCH', '')
if col.startswith(prfx):
# Merge dependencies by taking the superset.
return MergeToSuperset(col, val, other_val)
prfx = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_USED_BY.replace('ARCH', '')
if col.startswith(prfx):
# Merge users by taking the superset.
return MergeToSuperset(col, val, other_val)
regexp = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_UPGRADED.replace('ARCH', r'\S+')
if, col):
return MergeWithAND(col, val, other_val)
# For any column, if one value is missing just accept the other value.
# For example, when one table has an entry for 'arm version' but
# the other table does not.
if val == table.Table.EMPTY_CELL and other_val != table.Table.EMPTY_CELL:
return other_val
if other_val == table.Table.EMPTY_CELL and val != table.Table.EMPTY_CELL:
return val
# Raise a generic ValueError, which MergeTable function will clarify.
# The effect should be the same as having no merge_rule for this column.
raise ValueError
def MergeToSuperset(_col, val, other_val):
"""Merge |col| values as superset of tokens in |val| and |other_val|."""
tokens = set(val.split())
other_tokens = set(other_val.split())
all_tokens = tokens.union(other_tokens)
return ' '.join(sorted(tok for tok in all_tokens))
# This is only needed because the automake-wrapper package is coming from
# different overlays for different boards right now!
def MergeWithAND(_col, val, other_val):
"""For merging columns that might have differences but should not!."""
if not val:
return '"" AND ' + other_val
if not other_val + ' AND ""':
return val
return val + ' AND ' + other_val
# Prepare merge_rules with the defined functions.
merge_rules = {COL_TARGET: TargetMerger,
'__DEFAULT__': DefaultMerger}
# Merge each table one by one.
csv_table = tables[0]
if len(tables) > 1:
oper.Notice('Merging tables into one.')
for tmp_table in tables[1:]:
oper.Notice('Merging "%s" and "%s".' %
(csv_table.GetName(), tmp_table.GetName()))
csv_table.MergeTable(tmp_table, ID_COLS,
merge_rules=merge_rules, allow_new_columns=True)
# Sort the table by package name, then slot.
def IdSort(row):
return tuple(row[col] for col in ID_COLS)
return csv_table
def LoadAndMergeTables(args):
"""Load all csv files in |args| into one merged table. Return table."""
tables = []
for arg in args:
oper.Notice('Loading csv table from "%s".' % arg)
return MergeTables(tables)
# Used by upload_package_status.
def FinalizeTable(csv_table):
"""Process the table to prepare it for upload to online spreadsheet."""
oper.Notice('Processing final table to prepare it for upload.')
col_ver = utable.UpgradeTable.COL_CURRENT_VER
col_arm_ver = utable.UpgradeTable.GetColumnName(col_ver, 'arm')
col_x86_ver = utable.UpgradeTable.GetColumnName(col_ver, 'x86')
# Insert new columns
col_cros_target = 'ChromeOS Root Target'
col_host_target = 'Host Root Target'
col_cmp_arch = 'Comparing arm vs x86 Versions'
# Row by row processing
for row in csv_table:
# If the row is not unique when just the package
# name is considered, then add a ':<slot>' suffix to the package name.
id_values = {COL_PACKAGE: row[COL_PACKAGE]}
matching_rows = csv_table.GetRowsByValue(id_values)
if len(matching_rows) > 1:
for mr in matching_rows:
mr[COL_PACKAGE] += ':' + mr[COL_SLOT]
# Split target column into cros_target and host_target columns
target_str = row.get(COL_TARGET, None)
if target_str:
targets = target_str.split()
cros_targets = []
host_targets = []
for target in targets:
if _GetCrosTargetRank(target):
row[col_cros_target] = ' '.join(cros_targets)
row[col_host_target] = ' '.join(host_targets)
# Compare x86 vs. arm version, add result to col_cmp_arch.
x86_ver = row.get(col_x86_ver)
arm_ver = row.get(col_arm_ver)
if x86_ver and arm_ver:
if x86_ver != arm_ver:
row[col_cmp_arch] = 'different'
row[col_cmp_arch] = 'same'
def WriteTable(csv_table, outpath):
"""Write |csv_table| out to |outpath| as csv."""
fh = open(outpath, 'w')
oper.Notice('Wrote merged table to "%s"' % outpath)
except IOError as ex:
oper.Error('Unable to open %s for write: %s' % (outpath, ex))
def GetParser():
"""Return a command line parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--out', dest='outpath', type='path',
help='File to write merged results to')
parser.add_argument('input_csv_files', nargs='+')
return parser
def main(argv):
"""Main function."""
parser = GetParser()
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
csv_table = LoadAndMergeTables(options.input_csv_files)
WriteTable(csv_table, options.outpath)