blob: d033499db17b86049cf6f7f36e55fe847dcb899a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A command line interface to Gerrit-on-borg instances.
Internal Note:
To expose a function directly to the command line interface, name your function
with the prefix "UserAct".
import argparse
import collections
import configparser
import functools
import inspect
import json
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shlex
import sys
from chromite.lib import chromite_config
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import gob_util
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import pformat
from chromite.lib import retry_util
from chromite.lib import terminal
from chromite.lib import uri_lib
from chromite.utils import memoize
class Config:
"""Manage the user's gerrit config settings.
This is entirely unique to this gerrit command. Inspiration for naming and
layout is taken from ~/.gitconfig settings.
def __init__(self, path: Path = chromite_config.GERRIT_CONFIG):
self.cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
if path.exists():
def expand_alias(self, action):
"""Expand any aliases."""
alias = self.cfg.get('alias', action, fallback=None)
if alias is not None:
return shlex.split(alias)
return action
class UserAction(object):
"""Base class for all custom user actions."""
# The name of the command the user types in.
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
raise RuntimeError('Internal error: action missing __call__ implementation')
# How many connections we'll use in parallel. We don't want this to be too high
# so we don't go over our per-user quota. Pick 10 somewhat arbitrarily as that
# seems to be good enough for users.
COLOR = None
# Map the internal names to the ones we normally show on the web ui.
'COMR': ['CQ', 'Commit Queue ',],
'CRVW': ['CR', 'Code Review ',],
'SUBM': ['S ', 'Submitted ',],
'VRIF': ['V ', 'Verified ',],
'LCQ': ['L ', 'Legacy ',],
# Order is important -- matches the web ui. This also controls the short
# entries that we summarize in non-verbose mode.
# Shorter strings for CL status messages.
'NEW': 'NEW',
'WIP': 'WIP',
def red(s):
return COLOR.Color(terminal.Color.RED, s)
def green(s):
return COLOR.Color(terminal.Color.GREEN, s)
def blue(s):
return COLOR.Color(terminal.Color.BLUE, s)
def _run_parallel_tasks(task, *args):
"""Small wrapper around BackgroundTaskRunner to enforce job count."""
# When we run in parallel, we can hit the max requests limit.
def check_exc(e):
if not isinstance(e, gob_util.GOBError):
raise e
return e.http_status == 429
@retry_util.WithRetry(5, handler=check_exc, sleep=1, backoff_factor=2)
def retry(*args):
except gob_util.GOBError as e:
if e.http_status != 429:
logging.warning('%s: skipping due: %s', args, e)
with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(retry, processes=CONNECTION_LIMIT) as q:
for arg in args:
def limits(cls):
"""Given a dict of fields, calculate the longest string lengths
This allows you to easily format the output of many results so that the
various cols all line up correctly.
lims = {}
for cl in cls:
for k in cl.keys():
# Use %s rather than str() to avoid codec issues.
# We also do this so we can format integers.
lims[k] = max(lims.get(k, 0), len('%s' % cl[k]))
return lims
# TODO: This func really needs to be merged into the core gerrit logic.
def GetGerrit(opts, cl=None):
"""Auto pick the right gerrit instance based on the |cl|
opts: The general options object.
cl: A CL taking one of the forms: 1234 *1234 chromium:1234
A tuple of a gerrit object and a sanitized CL #.
gob = opts.gob
if cl is not None:
if cl.startswith('*') or cl.startswith('chrome-internal:'):
gob = config_lib.GetSiteParams().INTERNAL_GOB_INSTANCE
if cl.startswith('*'):
cl = cl[1:]
cl = cl[16:]
elif ':' in cl:
gob, cl = cl.split(':', 1)
if not gob in opts.gerrit:
opts.gerrit[gob] = gerrit.GetGerritHelper(gob=gob, print_cmd=opts.debug)
return (opts.gerrit[gob], cl)
def GetApprovalSummary(_opts, cls):
"""Return a dict of the most important approvals"""
approvs = dict([(x, '') for x in GERRIT_SUMMARY_CATS])
for approver in cls.get('currentPatchSet', {}).get('approvals', []):
cats = GERRIT_APPROVAL_MAP.get(approver['type'])
if not cats:
logging.warning('unknown gerrit approval type: %s', approver['type'])
cat = cats[0].strip()
val = int(approver['value'])
if not cat in approvs:
# Ignore the extended categories in the summary view.
elif approvs[cat] == '':
approvs[cat] = val
elif val < 0:
approvs[cat] = min(approvs[cat], val)
approvs[cat] = max(approvs[cat], val)
return approvs
def PrettyPrintCl(opts, cl, lims=None, show_approvals=True):
"""Pretty print a single result"""
if lims is None:
lims = {'url': 0, 'project': 0}
status = ''
if opts.verbose:
status += '%s ' % (cl['status'],)
status += '%s ' % (GERRIT_SUMMARY_MAP.get(cl['status'], cl['status']),)
if show_approvals and not opts.verbose:
approvs = GetApprovalSummary(opts, cl)
if approvs[cat] in ('', 0):
functor = lambda x: x
elif approvs[cat] < 0:
functor = red
functor = green
status += functor('%s:%2s ' % (cat, approvs[cat]))
print('%s %s%-*s %s' % (blue('%-*s' % (lims['url'], cl['url'])), status,
lims['project'], cl['project'], cl['subject']))
if show_approvals and opts.verbose:
for approver in cl['currentPatchSet'].get('approvals', []):
functor = red if int(approver['value']) < 0 else green
n = functor('%2s' % approver['value'])
t = GERRIT_APPROVAL_MAP.get(approver['type'], [approver['type'],
print(' %s %s %s' % (n, t, approver['by']['email']))
def PrintCls(opts, cls, lims=None, show_approvals=True):
"""Print all results based on the requested format."""
if opts.raw:
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
pfx = ''
# Special case internal Chrome GoB as that is what most devs use.
# They can always redirect the list elsewhere via the -g option.
if opts.gob == site_params.INTERNAL_GOB_INSTANCE:
pfx = site_params.INTERNAL_CHANGE_PREFIX
for cl in cls:
print('%s%s' % (pfx, cl['number']))
elif opts.json:
json.dump(cls, sys.stdout)
if lims is None:
lims = limits(cls)
for cl in cls:
PrettyPrintCl(opts, cl, lims=lims, show_approvals=show_approvals)
def _Query(opts, query, raw=True, helper=None):
"""Queries Gerrit with a query string built from the commandline options"""
if opts.branch is not None:
query += ' branch:%s' % opts.branch
if opts.project is not None:
query += ' project: %s' % opts.project
if opts.topic is not None:
query += ' topic: %s' % opts.topic
if helper is None:
helper, _ = GetGerrit(opts)
return helper.Query(query, raw=raw, bypass_cache=False)
def FilteredQuery(opts, query, helper=None):
"""Query gerrit and filter/clean up the results"""
ret = []
logging.debug('Running query: %s', query)
for cl in _Query(opts, query, raw=True, helper=helper):
# Gerrit likes to return a stats record too.
if not 'project' in cl:
# Strip off common leading names since the result is still
# unique over the whole tree.
if not opts.verbose:
for pfx in ('aosp', 'chromeos', 'chromiumos', 'external', 'overlays',
'platform', 'third_party'):
if cl['project'].startswith('%s/' % pfx):
cl['project'] = cl['project'][len(pfx) + 1:]
cl['url'] = uri_lib.ShortenUri(cl['url'])
if opts.sort == 'unsorted':
return ret
if opts.sort == 'number':
key = lambda x: int(x[opts.sort])
key = lambda x: x[opts.sort]
return sorted(ret, key=key)
class _ActionSearchQuery(UserAction):
"""Base class for actions that perform searches."""
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('--sort', default='number',
help='Key to sort on (number, project); use "unsorted" '
'to disable')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch',
help='Limit output to the specific branch')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project',
help='Limit output to the specific project')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--topic',
help='Limit output to the specific topic')
class ActionTodo(_ActionSearchQuery):
"""List CLs needing your review"""
COMMAND = 'todo'
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
cls = FilteredQuery(opts, 'attention:self')
PrintCls(opts, cls)
class ActionSearch(_ActionSearchQuery):
"""List CLs matching the search query"""
COMMAND = 'search'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
help='The search query')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
cls = FilteredQuery(opts, opts.query)
PrintCls(opts, cls)
class ActionMine(_ActionSearchQuery):
"""List your CLs with review statuses"""
COMMAND = 'mine'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('--draft', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Show draft changes')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
if opts.draft:
rule = 'is:draft'
rule = 'status:new'
cls = FilteredQuery(opts, 'owner:self %s' % (rule,))
PrintCls(opts, cls)
def _BreadthFirstSearch(to_visit, children, visited_key=lambda x: x):
"""Runs breadth first search starting from the nodes in |to_visit|
to_visit: the starting nodes
children: a function which takes a node and returns the nodes adjacent to it
visited_key: a function for deduplicating node visits. Defaults to the
identity function (lambda x: x)
A list of nodes which are reachable from any node in |to_visit| by calling
|children| any number of times.
to_visit = list(to_visit)
seen = set(visited_key(x) for x in to_visit)
for node in to_visit:
for child in children(node):
key = visited_key(child)
if key not in seen:
return to_visit
class ActionDeps(_ActionSearchQuery):
"""List CLs matching a query, and all transitive dependencies of those CLs"""
COMMAND = 'deps'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
help='The search query')
def __call__(self, opts):
"""Implement the action."""
cls = _Query(opts, opts.query, raw=False)
def _QueryChange(cl, helper=None):
return _Query(opts, cl, raw=False, helper=helper)
transitives = _BreadthFirstSearch(
cls, functools.partial(self._Children, opts, _QueryChange),
visited_key=lambda cl: cl.PatchLink())
# This is a hack to avoid losing GoB host for each CL. The PrintCls
# function assumes the GoB host specified by the user is the only one
# that is ever used, but the deps command walks across hosts.
if opts.raw:
print('\n'.join(x.PatchLink() for x in transitives))
transitives_raw = [cl.patch_dict for cl in transitives]
PrintCls(opts, transitives_raw)
def _ProcessDeps(opts, querier, cl, deps, required):
"""Yields matching dependencies for a patch"""
# We need to query the change to guarantee that we have a .gerrit_number
for dep in deps:
if not dep.remote in opts.gerrit:
opts.gerrit[dep.remote] = gerrit.GetGerritHelper(
remote=dep.remote, print_cmd=opts.debug)
helper = opts.gerrit[dep.remote]
# TODO(phobbs) this should maybe catch network errors.
changes = querier(dep.ToGerritQueryText(), helper=helper)
# Handle empty results. If we found a commit that was pushed directly
# (e.g. a bot commit), then gerrit won't know about it.
if not changes:
if required:
logging.error('CL %s depends on %s which cannot be found',
cl, dep.ToGerritQueryText())
# Our query might have matched more than one result. This can come up
# when CQ-DEPEND uses a Gerrit Change-Id, but that Change-Id shows up
# across multiple repos/branches. We blindly check all of them in the
# hopes that all open ones are what the user wants, but then again the
# CQ-DEPEND syntax itself is unable to differeniate. *shrug*
if len(changes) > 1:
logging.warning('CL %s has an ambiguous CQ dependency %s',
cl, dep.ToGerritQueryText())
for change in changes:
if change.status == 'NEW':
yield change
def _Children(cls, opts, querier, cl):
"""Yields the Gerrit dependencies of a patch"""
for change in cls._ProcessDeps(
opts, querier, cl, cl.GerritDependencies(), False):
yield change
class ActionInspect(_ActionSearchQuery):
"""Show the details of one or more CLs"""
COMMAND = 'inspect'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('cls', nargs='+', metavar='CL',
help='The CL(s) to update')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
cls = []
for arg in opts.cls:
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts, arg)
change = FilteredQuery(opts, 'change:%s' % cl, helper=helper)
if change:
logging.warning('no results found for CL %s', arg)
PrintCls(opts, cls)
class _ActionLabeler(UserAction):
"""Base helper for setting labels."""
LABEL = None
def init_subparser(cls, parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('-m', '--msg', '--message', metavar='MESSAGE',
help='Optional message to include')
parser.add_argument('cls', nargs='+', metavar='CL',
help='The CL(s) to update')
parser.add_argument('value', nargs=1, metavar='value', choices=cls.VALUES,
help='The label value; one of [%(choices)s]')
def __call__(cls, opts):
"""Implement the action."""
# Convert user friendly command line option into a gerrit parameter.
def task(arg):
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts, arg)
helper.SetReview(cl, labels={cls.LABEL: opts.value[0]}, msg=opts.msg,
dryrun=opts.dryrun, notify=opts.notify)
_run_parallel_tasks(task, *opts.cls)
class ActionLabelAutoSubmit(_ActionLabeler):
"""Change the Auto-Submit label"""
COMMAND = 'label-as'
LABEL = 'Auto-Submit'
VALUES = ('0', '1')
class ActionLabelCodeReview(_ActionLabeler):
"""Change the Code-Review label (1=LGTM 2=LGTM+Approved)"""
COMMAND = 'label-cr'
LABEL = 'Code-Review'
VALUES = ('-2', '-1', '0', '1', '2')
class ActionLabelVerified(_ActionLabeler):
"""Change the Verified label"""
COMMAND = 'label-v'
LABEL = 'Verified'
VALUES = ('-1', '0', '1')
class ActionLabelCommitQueue(_ActionLabeler):
"""Change the Commit-Queue label (1=dry-run 2=commit)"""
COMMAND = 'label-cq'
LABEL = 'Commit-Queue'
VALUES = ('0', '1', '2')
class _ActionSimpleParallelCLs(UserAction):
"""Base helper for actions that only accept CLs."""
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('cls', nargs='+', metavar='CL',
help='The CL(s) to update')
def __call__(self, opts):
"""Implement the action."""
def task(arg):
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts, arg)
self._process_one(helper, cl, opts)
_run_parallel_tasks(task, *opts.cls)
class ActionSubmit(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Submit CLs"""
COMMAND = 'submit'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SubmitChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun, notify=opts.notify)
class ActionAbandon(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Abandon CLs"""
COMMAND = 'abandon'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('-m', '--msg', '--message', metavar='MESSAGE',
help='Include a message')
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.AbandonChange(cl, msg=opts.msg, dryrun=opts.dryrun,
class ActionRestore(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Restore CLs that were abandoned"""
COMMAND = 'restore'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.RestoreChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionWorkInProgress(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs as work in progress"""
COMMAND = 'wip'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetWorkInProgress(cl, True, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionReadyForReview(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs as ready for review"""
COMMAND = 'ready'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetWorkInProgress(cl, False, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionReviewers(UserAction):
"""Add/remove reviewers' emails for a CL (prepend with '~' to remove)"""
COMMAND = 'reviewers'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('cl', metavar='CL',
help='The CL to update')
parser.add_argument('reviewers', nargs='+',
help='The reviewers to add/remove')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
# Allow for optional leading '~'.
email_validator = re.compile(r'^[~]?%s$' % constants.EMAIL_REGEX)
add_list, remove_list, invalid_list = [], [], []
for email in opts.reviewers:
if not email_validator.match(email):
elif email[0] == '~':
if invalid_list:
'Invalid email address(es): %s' % ', '.join(invalid_list))
if add_list or remove_list:
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts,
helper.SetReviewers(cl, add=add_list, remove=remove_list,
dryrun=opts.dryrun, notify=opts.notify)
class ActionMessage(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Add a message to a CL"""
COMMAND = 'message'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
help='The message to post')
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetReview(cl, msg=opts.message, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionTopic(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Set a topic for one or more CLs"""
COMMAND = 'topic'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
help='The topic to set')
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetTopic(cl, opts.topic, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionPrivate(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs private"""
COMMAND = 'private'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetPrivate(cl, True, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionPublic(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs public"""
COMMAND = 'public'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetPrivate(cl, False, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionSethashtags(UserAction):
"""Add/remove hashtags on a CL (prepend with '~' to remove)"""
COMMAND = 'hashtags'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('cl', metavar='CL',
help='The CL to update')
parser.add_argument('hashtags', nargs='+',
help='The hashtags to add/remove')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
add = []
remove = []
for hashtag in opts.hashtags:
if hashtag.startswith('~'):
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts,
helper.SetHashtags(cl, add, remove, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionDeletedraft(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Delete draft CLs"""
COMMAND = 'deletedraft'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.DeleteDraft(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionReviewed(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs as reviewed"""
COMMAND = 'reviewed'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.ReviewedChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionUnreviewed(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Mark CLs as unreviewed"""
COMMAND = 'unreviewed'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.UnreviewedChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionIgnore(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Ignore CLs (suppress notifications/dashboard/etc...)"""
COMMAND = 'ignore'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.IgnoreChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionUnignore(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Unignore CLs (enable notifications/dashboard/etc...)"""
COMMAND = 'unignore'
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.UnignoreChange(cl, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
class ActionCherryPick(UserAction):
"""Cherry pick CLs to branches."""
COMMAND = 'cherry-pick'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
# Should we add an option to walk Cq-Depend and try to cherry-pick them?
parser.add_argument('--rev', '--revision', default='current',
help='A specific revision or patchset')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--msg', '--message', metavar='MESSAGE',
help='Include a message')
parser.add_argument('--branches', '--branch', '--br', action='split_extend',
default=[], required=True,
help='The destination branches')
parser.add_argument('cls', nargs='+', metavar='CL',
help='The CLs to cherry-pick')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
# Process branches in parallel, but CLs in serial in case of CL stacks.
def task(branch):
for arg in opts.cls:
helper, cl = GetGerrit(opts, arg)
ret = helper.CherryPick(cl, branch, rev=opts.rev, msg=opts.msg,
dryrun=opts.dryrun, notify=opts.notify)
logging.debug('Response: %s', ret)
if opts.raw:
uri = f'https://{}/c/{ret["_number"]}'
_run_parallel_tasks(task, *opts.branches)
class ActionReview(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Review CLs with multiple settings
The label option supports extended/multiple syntax for easy use. The --label
option may be specified multiple times (as settings are merges), and multiple
labels are allowed in a single argument. Each label has the form:
<long or short name><=+-><value>
Common arguments:
Commit-Queue=0 Commit-Queue-1 Commit-Queue+2 CQ+2
'V+1 CQ+2'
'AS=1 V=1'
COMMAND = 'review'
class _SetLabel(argparse.Action):
"""Argparse action for setting labels."""
'AS': 'Auto-Submit',
'CQ': 'Commit-Queue',
'CR': 'Code-Review',
'V': 'Verified',
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
labels = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
for request in values.split():
if '=' in request:
# Handle Verified=1 form.
short, value = request.split('=', 1)
elif '+' in request:
# Handle Verified+1 form.
short, value = request.split('+', 1)
elif '-' in request:
# Handle Verified-1 form.
short, value = request.split('-', 1)
value = '-%s' % (value,)
parser.error('Invalid label setting "%s". Must be Commit-Queue=1 or '
'CQ+1 or CR-1.' % (request,))
# Convert possible short label names like "V" to "Verified".
label = self.LABEL_MAP.get(short)
if not label:
label = short
# We allow existing label requests to be overridden.
labels[label] = value
def init_subparser(cls, parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('-m', '--msg', '--message', metavar='MESSAGE',
help='Include a message')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--label', dest='labels',
action=cls._SetLabel, default={},
help='Set a label with a value')
parser.add_argument('--ready', default=None, action='store_true',
help='Set CL status to ready-for-review')
parser.add_argument('--wip', default=None, action='store_true',
help='Set CL status to WIP')
parser.add_argument('--reviewers', '--re', action='append', default=[],
help='Add reviewers')
parser.add_argument('--cc', action='append', default=[],
help='Add people to CC')
def _process_one(helper, cl, opts):
"""Use |helper| to process the single |cl|."""
helper.SetReview(cl, msg=opts.msg, labels=opts.labels, dryrun=opts.dryrun,
notify=opts.notify, reviewers=opts.reviewers,,
ready=opts.ready, wip=opts.wip)
class ActionAccount(_ActionSimpleParallelCLs):
"""Get user account information"""
COMMAND = 'account'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('accounts', nargs='*', default=['self'],
help='The accounts to query')
def __call__(cls, opts):
"""Implement the action."""
helper, _ = GetGerrit(opts)
def print_one(header, data):
print(f'### {header}')
print(pformat.json(data, compact=opts.json).rstrip())
def task(arg):
detail = gob_util.FetchUrlJson(, f'accounts/{arg}/detail')
if not detail:
print(f'{arg}: account not found')
print_one('detail', detail)
for field in ('groups', 'capabilities', 'preferences', 'sshkeys',
data = gob_util.FetchUrlJson(, f'accounts/{arg}/{field}')
print_one(field, data)
_run_parallel_tasks(task, *opts.accounts)
class ActionConfig(UserAction):
"""Manage the gerrit tool's own config file
Gerrit may be customized via ~/.config/chromite/gerrit.cfg.
It is an ini file like ~/.gitconfig. See `man git-config` for basic format.
# Set up subcommand aliases.
common-search = search 'is:open project:something/i/care/about'
COMMAND = 'config'
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
# For now, this is a place holder for raising visibility for the config file
# and its associated help text documentation.
opts.parser.parse_args(['config', '--help'])
class ActionHelp(UserAction):
"""An alias to --help for CLI symmetry"""
COMMAND = 'help'
def init_subparser(parser):
"""Add arguments to this action's subparser."""
parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?',
help='The command to display.')
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
# Show global help.
if not opts.command:
opts.parser.parse_args([opts.command, '--help'])
class ActionHelpAll(UserAction):
"""Show all actions help output at once."""
COMMAND = 'help-all'
def __call__(opts):
"""Implement the action."""
first = True
for action in _GetActions():
if first:
first = False
opts.parser.parse_args([action, '--help'])
except SystemExit:
def _GetActions():
"""Get all the possible actions we support.
An ordered dictionary mapping the user subcommand (e.g. "foo") to the
function that implements that command (e.g. UserActFoo).
VALID_NAME = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-z-]*[a-z]$')
actions = {}
for cls in globals().values():
if (not inspect.isclass(cls) or
not issubclass(cls, UserAction) or
not getattr(cls, 'COMMAND', None)):
# Sanity check names for devs adding new commands. Should be quick.
cmd = cls.COMMAND
assert VALID_NAME.match(cmd), '"%s" must match [a-z-]+' % (cmd,)
assert cmd not in actions, 'multiple "%s" commands found' % (cmd,)
actions[cmd] = cls
return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(actions.items()))
def _GetActionUsages():
"""Formats a one-line usage and doc message for each action."""
actions = _GetActions()
cmds = list(actions.keys())
functions = list(actions.values())
usages = [getattr(x, 'usage', '') for x in functions]
docs = [x.__doc__.splitlines()[0] for x in functions]
cmd_indent = len(max(cmds, key=len))
usage_indent = len(max(usages, key=len))
return '\n'.join(
' %-*s %-*s : %s' % (cmd_indent, cmd, usage_indent, usage, doc)
for cmd, usage, doc in zip(cmds, usages, docs)
def _AddCommonOptions(parser, subparser):
"""Add options that should work before & after the subcommand.
Make it easy to do `gerrit --dry-run foo` and `gerrit foo --dry-run`.
subparser, '--ne', '--no-emails', dest='notify',
default='ALL', action='store_const', const='NONE',
help='Do not send e-mail notifications')
subparser, '-n', '--dry-run', dest='dryrun',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Show what would be done, but do not make changes')
def GetBaseParser() -> commandline.ArgumentParser:
"""Returns the common parser (i.e. no subparsers added)."""
description = """\
There is no support for doing line-by-line code review via the command line.
This helps you manage various bits and CL status.
For general Gerrit documentation, see:
The Searching Changes page covers the search query syntax:
$ gerrit todo # List all the CLs that await your review.
$ gerrit mine # List all of your open CLs.
$ gerrit inspect 28123 # Inspect CL 28123 on the public gerrit.
$ gerrit inspect *28123 # Inspect CL 28123 on the internal gerrit.
$ gerrit label-v 28123 1 # Mark CL 28123 as verified (+1).
$ gerrit reviewers 28123 # Add foo@ as a reviewer on CL \
$ gerrit reviewers 28123 # Remove foo@ as a reviewer on \
CL 28123.
$ gerrit label-cq `gerrit --raw mine` 1 # Mark *ALL* of your public CLs \
with Commit-Queue=1.
$ gerrit label-cq `gerrit --raw -i mine` 1 # Mark *ALL* of your internal \
CLs with Commit-Queue=1.
$ gerrit --json search 'attention:self' # Dump all pending CLs in JSON.
description += _GetActionUsages()
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(
description=description, default_log_level='notice')
group = parser.add_argument_group('Server options')
group.add_argument('-i', '--internal', dest='gob', action='store_const',
help='Query internal Chrome Gerrit instance')
group.add_argument('-g', '--gob',
help='Gerrit (on borg) instance to query (default: %s)' %
group = parser.add_argument_group('CL options')
_AddCommonOptions(parser, group)
parser.add_argument('--raw', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Return raw results (suitable for scripting)')
parser.add_argument('--json', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Return results in JSON (suitable for scripting)')
return parser
def GetParser(parser: commandline.ArgumentParser = None) -> (
"""Returns the full parser to use for this module."""
if parser is None:
parser = GetBaseParser()
actions = _GetActions()
# Subparsers are required by default under Python 2. Python 3 changed to
# not required, but didn't include a required option until 3.7. Setting
# the required member works in all versions (and setting dest name).
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action')
subparsers.required = True
for cmd, cls in actions.items():
# Format the full docstring by removing the file level indentation.
description = re.sub(r'^ ', '', cls.__doc__, flags=re.M)
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd, description=description)
_AddCommonOptions(parser, subparser)
return parser
def main(argv):
base_parser = GetBaseParser()
opts, subargs = base_parser.parse_known_args(argv)
config = Config()
if subargs:
# If the action is an alias to an expanded value, we need to mutate the argv
# and reparse things.
action = config.expand_alias(subargs[0])
if action != subargs[0]:
pos = argv.index(subargs[0])
argv = argv[:pos] + action + argv[pos + 1:]
parser = GetParser(parser=base_parser)
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
# In case the action wants to throw a parser error.
opts.parser = parser
# A cache of gerrit helpers we'll load on demand.
opts.gerrit = {}
# pylint: disable=global-statement
global COLOR
COLOR = terminal.Color(enabled=opts.color)
# Now look up the requested user action and run it.
actions = _GetActions()
obj = actions[opts.action]()
except (cros_build_lib.RunCommandError, gerrit.GerritException,
gob_util.GOBError) as e: