blob: c0fc44816959ba7ad14ebf7d9fc3a82f89c964e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""VM-related helper functions/classes."""
import distutils.version # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
import errno
import fcntl
import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shutil
import socket
import time
from chromite.cli.cros import cros_chrome_sdk
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import device
from chromite.lib import image_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import path_util
from chromite.lib import remote_access
from chromite.lib import retry_util
from chromite.utils import memoize
class VMError(device.DeviceError):
"""Exception for VM errors."""
def VMIsUpdatable(path):
"""Check if the existing VM image is updatable.
path: Path to the VM image.
True if VM is updatable; False otherwise.
table = { p for p in image_lib.GetImageDiskPartitionInfo(path)}
# Assume if size of the two root partitions match, the image
# is updatable.
return table['ROOT-B'].size == table['ROOT-A'].size
def CreateVMImage(image=None, board=None, updatable=True, dest_dir=None):
"""Returns the path of the image built to run in a VM.
By default, the returned VM is a test image that can run full update
testing on it. If there exists a VM image with the matching
|updatable| setting, this method returns the path to the existing
image. If |dest_dir| is set, it will copy/create the VM image to the
image: Path to the (non-VM) image. Defaults to None to use the latest
image for the board.
board: Board that the image was built with. If None, attempts to use the
configured default board.
updatable: Create a VM image that supports AU.
dest_dir: If set, create/copy the VM image to |dest|; otherwise,
use the folder where |image| resides.
if not image and not board:
raise VMError('Cannot create VM when both image and board are None.')
image_dir = os.path.dirname(image)
src_path = dest_path = os.path.join(image_dir, constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)
if dest_dir:
dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)
exists = False
# Do not create a new VM image if a matching image already exists.
exists = os.path.exists(src_path) and (
not updatable or VMIsUpdatable(src_path))
if exists and dest_dir:
# Copy the existing VM image to dest_dir.
shutil.copyfile(src_path, dest_path)
if not exists:
# No existing VM image that we can reuse. Create a new VM image.'Creating %s', dest_path)
cmd = [os.path.join(constants.CROSUTILS_DIR, ''),
if image:
cmd.append('--from=%s' % path_util.ToChrootPath(image_dir))
if updatable:
cmd.extend(['--disk_layout', '2gb-rootfs-updatable'])
if board:
cmd.extend(['--board', board])
# only runs in chroot, but dest_dir may not be
# reachable from chroot. In that case, we copy it to a temporary
# directory in chroot, and then move it to dest_dir .
tempdir = None
if dest_dir:
# Create a temporary directory in chroot to store the VM
# image. This is to avoid the case where dest_dir is not
# reachable within chroot.
tempdir =
['mktemp', '-d'],
cmd.append('--to=%s' % tempdir)
msg = 'Failed to create the VM image'
try:, enter_chroot=True, cwd=constants.SOURCE_ROOT)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', msg, e)
if tempdir:
path_util.FromChrootPath(tempdir), ignore_missing=True)
raise VMError(msg)
if dest_dir:
# Move VM from tempdir to dest_dir.
os.path.join(tempdir, constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)), dest_path)
osutils.RmDir(path_util.FromChrootPath(tempdir), ignore_missing=True)
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
raise VMError(msg)
return dest_path
class VM(device.Device):
"""Class for managing a VM."""
SSH_PORT = 9222
# kvm_* should match kvm_intel, kvm_amd, etc.
NESTED_KVM_GLOB = '/sys/module/kvm_*/parameters/nested'
FLASH_SIZE = 64*1024*1024
# Target architecture
ARCH_X86_64 = 'x86_64'
ARCH_AARCH64 = 'aarch64'
def __init__(self, opts):
"""Initialize VM.
opts: command line options.
super(VM, self).__init__(opts)
self.qemu_path = opts.qemu_path
self.qemu_img_path = opts.qemu_img_path
self.qemu_bios_path = opts.qemu_bios_path
self.qemu_arch = opts.qemu_arch
self.qemu_m = opts.qemu_m
self.qemu_cpu = opts.qemu_cpu
if self.qemu_cpu is None:
# TODO(pwang): replace SandyBridge to Haswell-noTSX once lab machine
# running VMTest all migrate to GCE.
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_X86_64:
self.qemu_cpu = 'SandyBridge,-invpcid,-tsc-deadline'
elif self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_AARCH64:
self.qemu_cpu = 'cortex-a57'
self.qemu_arch = opts.qemu_arch
self.qemu_smp = opts.qemu_smp
if self.qemu_smp == 0:
self.qemu_smp = min(8, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
self.qemu_hostfwd = opts.qemu_hostfwd
self.qemu_args = opts.qemu_args
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_X86_64:
if opts.enable_kvm is None:
self.enable_kvm = os.path.exists('/dev/kvm')
self.enable_kvm = opts.enable_kvm
self.enable_kvm = False
self.copy_on_write = opts.copy_on_write
# We don't need sudo access for software emulation or if /dev/kvm is
# writeable.
self.use_sudo = self.enable_kvm and not os.access('/dev/kvm', os.W_OK)
self.display = opts.display
self.image_path = opts.image_path
self.image_format = opts.image_format
self.device = remote_access.LOCALHOST
self.ssh_port = self.ssh_port or opts.ssh_port or VM.SSH_PORT
self.start = opts.start
self.stop = opts.stop
self.chroot_path = opts.chroot_path
self.cache_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.cache_dir)
assert os.path.isdir(self.cache_dir), "Cache directory doesn't exist"
self.vm_dir = opts.vm_dir
if not self.vm_dir:
self.vm_dir = os.path.join(osutils.GetGlobalTempDir(),
'cros_vm_%d' % self.ssh_port)
self.pidfile = os.path.join(self.vm_dir, '')
self.kvm_monitor = os.path.join(self.vm_dir, 'kvm.monitor')
self.kvm_pipe_in = '' % self.kvm_monitor # to KVM
self.kvm_pipe_out = '%s.out' % self.kvm_monitor # from KVM
self.kvm_serial = '%s.serial' % self.kvm_monitor
self.flash0_file = os.path.join(self.vm_dir, 'flash0.img')
self.flash1_file = os.path.join(self.vm_dir, 'flash1.img')
self.copy_image_on_shutdown = False
self.image_copy_dir = None
# Wait 2 min for non-KVM.
connect_timeout = (VM.SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT if self.enable_kvm else
def _CreateVMDir(self):
"""Safely create vm_dir."""
if not osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.vm_dir):
# For security, ensure that vm_dir is not a symlink, and is owned by us.
error_str = ('VM state dir is misconfigured; please recreate: %s'
% self.vm_dir)
assert os.path.isdir(self.vm_dir), error_str
assert not os.path.islink(self.vm_dir), error_str
assert os.stat(self.vm_dir).st_uid == os.getuid(), error_str
def _CreatePflashFiles(self):
"""Creates parallel flash images in the temporary VM dir.
One image is used for the UEFI firmware, the other as non-volatile
storage for UEFI variables.
These images will get removed on VM shutdown.
standard_uefi_paths = [
uefi_path = None
for p in standard_uefi_paths:
if os.path.exists(p):
uefi_path = p
if not uefi_path:
raise VMError('EDK2 QEMU firmware not found.')
['dd', 'if=%s' % uefi_path, 'of=%s' % self.flash0_file,
'count=1', 'bs=%dM' % (VM.FLASH_SIZE / (1024*1024)), 'conv=sync',
], dryrun=self.dryrun)'flash0 image created at %s.', self.flash0_file)
with open(self.flash1_file, 'wb+') as f:
f.truncate(VM.FLASH_SIZE)'flash1 image created at %s.', self.flash1_file)
def _CreateQcow2Image(self):
"""Creates a qcow2-formatted image in the temporary VM dir.
This image will get removed on VM shutdown.
Tuple of (path to qcow2 image, format of qcow2 image)
cow_image_path = os.path.join(self.vm_dir, 'qcow2.img')
qemu_img_args = [
'create', '-f', 'qcow2',
'-o', 'backing_file=%s' % self.image_path,
], dryrun=self.dryrun)'qcow2 image created at %s.', cow_image_path)
return cow_image_path, 'qcow2'
def _RmVMDir(self):
"""Cleanup vm_dir."""
osutils.RmDir(self.vm_dir, ignore_missing=True, sudo=self.use_sudo)
def QemuVersion(self):
"""Determine QEMU version.
QEMU version.
version_str =[self.qemu_path, '--version'],
capture_output=True, dryrun=self.dryrun,
# version string looks like one of these:
# QEMU emulator version 2.0.0 (Debian 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.36), Copyright (c)
# 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
# QEMU emulator version 2.6.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
# qemu-x86_64 version 2.10.1
# Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
m ='version ([0-9.]+)', version_str)
if not m:
raise VMError('Unable to determine QEMU version from:\n%s.' % version_str)
def _CheckQemuMinVersion(self):
"""Ensure minimum QEMU version."""
if self.dryrun:
min_qemu_version = '2.6.0''QEMU version %s', self.QemuVersion())
LooseVersion = distutils.version.LooseVersion
if LooseVersion(self.QemuVersion()) < LooseVersion(min_qemu_version):
raise VMError('QEMU %s is the minimum supported version. You have %s.'
% (min_qemu_version, self.QemuVersion()))
def _SetQemuPath(self):
"""Find a suitable Qemu executable."""
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_X86_64:
qemu_exe = 'qemu-system-x86_64'
elif self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_AARCH64:
qemu_exe = 'qemu-system-aarch64'
# Newer CrOS qemu builds provide a standalone version under libexec.
qemu_wrapper_path = os.path.join('usr/libexec/qemu/bin', qemu_exe)
qemu_exe_path = os.path.join('usr/bin', qemu_exe)
# Check SDK cache.
if not self.qemu_path:
qemu_dir = cros_chrome_sdk.SDKFetcher.GetCachePath(
cros_chrome_sdk.SDKFetcher.QEMU_BIN_PATH, self.cache_dir, self.board)
if qemu_dir:
for qemu_path in (qemu_wrapper_path, qemu_exe_path):
qemu_path = os.path.join(qemu_dir, qemu_path)
if os.path.isfile(qemu_path):
self.qemu_path = qemu_path
# Check chroot.
if not self.qemu_path:
for qemu_path in (qemu_wrapper_path, qemu_exe_path):
qemu_path = os.path.join(self.chroot_path, qemu_path)
print('checking', qemu_path)
if os.path.isfile(qemu_path):
self.qemu_path = qemu_path
# Check system.
if not self.qemu_path:
logging.warning('Using system QEMU.')
self.qemu_path = osutils.Which(qemu_exe)
if not self.qemu_path or not os.path.isfile(self.qemu_path):
raise VMError('QEMU not found.')
if self.copy_on_write:
if not self.qemu_img_path:
# Look for qemu-img right next to qemu-system-x86_64.
self.qemu_img_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(self.qemu_path), 'qemu-img')
if not os.path.isfile(self.qemu_img_path):
raise VMError('qemu-img not found. (Needed to create qcow2 image).')
logging.debug('QEMU path: %s', self.qemu_path)
def _GetBuiltVMImagePath(self):
"""Get path of a locally built VM image."""
vm_image_path = os.path.join(
constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src/build/images', self.board,
'latest', constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)
return vm_image_path if os.path.isfile(vm_image_path) else None
def _GetCacheVMImagePath(self):
"""Get path of a cached VM image."""
cache_path = cros_chrome_sdk.SDKFetcher.GetCachePath(
constants.TEST_IMAGE_TAR, self.cache_dir, self.board)
if cache_path:
vm_image = os.path.join(cache_path, constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)
if os.path.isfile(vm_image):
return vm_image
return None
def _SetVMImagePath(self):
"""Detect VM image path in SDK and chroot."""
if not self.image_path:
self.image_path = (self._GetCacheVMImagePath() or
if not self.image_path:
raise VMError('No VM image found. Use cros chrome-sdk --download-vm.')
if not os.path.isfile(self.image_path):
# Checks if the image path points to a directory containing the bin file.
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_path, constants.TEST_IMAGE_BIN)
if os.path.isfile(image_path):
self.image_path = image_path
raise VMError('VM image does not exist: %s' % self.image_path)
logging.debug('VM image path: %s', self.image_path)
def _SetBoard(self):
"""Sets the board.
Picks the first non-None board from the user-specified board,
SDK environment variable, cros default board.
DieSystemExit: If a board cannot be found.
if self.board:
sdk_board_env = os.environ.get(cros_chrome_sdk.SDKFetcher.SDK_BOARD_ENV)
self.board = cros_build_lib.GetBoard(sdk_board_env, strict=True)
def _WaitForSSHPort(self, sleep=5):
"""Wait for SSH port to become available."""
class _SSHPortInUseError(Exception):
"""Exception for _CheckSSHPortBusy to throw."""
def _CheckSSHPortBusy(ssh_port):
"""Check if the SSH port is in use."""
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind((remote_access.LOCALHOST_IP, ssh_port))
except socket.error as e:
if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:'SSH port %d in use...', self.ssh_port)
raise _SSHPortInUseError()
functor=lambda: _CheckSSHPortBusy(self.ssh_port),
except _SSHPortInUseError:
raise VMError('SSH port %d in use' % self.ssh_port)
def Run(self):
"""Performs an action, one of start, stop, or run a command in the VM."""
if not self.start and not self.stop and not self.cmd:
raise VMError('Must specify one of start, stop, or cmd.')
if self.start:
if self.cmd:
if not self.IsRunning():
raise VMError('VM not running.')
self.remote_run(self.cmd, stream_output=True)
if self.stop:
def _GetQemuArgs(self, image_path, image_format):
"""Returns the args to qemu used to launch the VM.
image_path: Path to QEMU image.
image_format: Format of the image.
# Append 'check' to warn if the requested CPU is not fully supported.'CPU: %s', str(self.qemu_cpu))
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_X86_64:
if 'check' not in self.qemu_cpu.split(','):
self.qemu_cpu += ',check'
# Append 'vmx=on' if the host supports nested virtualization. It can be
# enabled via 'vmx+' or 'vmx=on' (or similarly disabled) so just test for
# the presence of 'vmx'. For more details, see:
if 'vmx' not in self.qemu_cpu and self.enable_kvm:
for f in glob.glob(self.NESTED_KVM_GLOB):
if cros_build_lib.BooleanShellValue(osutils.ReadFile(f).strip(), False):
self.qemu_cpu += ',vmx=on'
qemu_args = [self.qemu_path]
if self.qemu_bios_path:
if not os.path.isdir(self.qemu_bios_path):
raise VMError('Invalid QEMU bios path: %s' % self.qemu_bios_path)
qemu_args += ['-L', self.qemu_bios_path]
qemu_args += [
'-m', self.qemu_m, '-smp', str(self.qemu_smp),
'-pidfile', self.pidfile,
'-chardev', 'pipe,id=control_pipe,path=%s' % self.kvm_monitor,
'-serial', 'file:%s' % self.kvm_serial,
'-mon', 'chardev=control_pipe',
'-device', 'virtio-net,netdev=eth0',
'-device', 'virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi',
'-device', 'virtio-rng',
'-device', 'scsi-hd,drive=hd,bootindex=0',
'-drive', 'if=none,id=hd,file=%s,cache=unsafe,format=%s'
% (image_path, image_format),
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_X86_64:
qemu_args += [
'-vga', 'virtio',
'-usb', '-device', 'usb-tablet',
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_AARCH64:
qemu_args += [
'-M', 'virt',
'-pflash', self.flash0_file,
'-pflash', self.flash1_file,
if self.qemu_cpu:
qemu_args += [ '-cpu', self.qemu_cpu ]
# netdev args, including hostfwds.
netdev_args = ('user,id=eth0,net=,hostfwd=tcp:%s:%d-:%d'
% (remote_access.LOCALHOST_IP, self.ssh_port,
if self.qemu_hostfwd:
for hostfwd in self.qemu_hostfwd:
netdev_args += ',hostfwd=%s' % hostfwd
qemu_args += ['-netdev', netdev_args]
if self.qemu_args:
for arg in self.qemu_args:
qemu_args += arg.split()
if self.enable_kvm:
qemu_args += ['-enable-kvm']
if not self.display:
qemu_args += ['-display', 'none']
return qemu_args
def Start(self, retries=1):
"""Start the VM.
retries: Number of times to retry launching the VM if it fails to boot-up.
if not self.enable_kvm:
logging.warning('KVM is not supported; Chrome VM will be slow')
self._SetVMImagePath()'Pid file: %s', self.pidfile)
for attempt in range(0, retries + 1):
logging.debug('Start VM, attempt #%d', attempt)
if self.qemu_arch == VM.ARCH_AARCH64:
image_path = self.image_path
image_format = self.image_format
if self.copy_on_write:
image_path, image_format = self._CreateQcow2Image()
qemu_args = self._GetQemuArgs(image_path, image_format)
# Make sure we can read these files later on by creating them as
# ourselves.
for pipe in [self.kvm_pipe_in, self.kvm_pipe_out]:
os.mkfifo(pipe, 0o600)
# Add use_sudo support to
run = cros_build_lib.sudo_run if self.use_sudo else
run(qemu_args, dryrun=self.dryrun)
except device.DeviceError:
if attempt == retries:
logging.warning('Error when launching VM. Retrying...')
def _GetVMPid(self):
"""Get the pid of the VM.
pid of the VM.
if not os.path.exists(self.vm_dir):
logging.debug('%s not present.', self.vm_dir)
return 0
if not os.path.exists(self.pidfile):'%s does not exist.', self.pidfile)
return 0
pid = osutils.ReadFile(self.pidfile).rstrip()
if not pid.isdigit():
# Ignore blank/empty files.
if pid:
logging.error('%s in %s is not a pid.', pid, self.pidfile)
return 0
return int(pid)
def IsRunning(self):
"""Returns True if there's a running VM.
True if there's a running VM.
pid = self._GetVMPid()
if not pid:
return False
# Make sure the process actually exists.
return os.path.isdir('/proc/%i' % pid)
def SaveVMImageOnShutdown(self, output_dir):
"""Takes a VM snapshot via savevm and signals to save the VM image later.
output_dir: A path specifying the directory that the VM image should be
saved to.
logging.debug('Taking VM snapshot')
self.copy_image_on_shutdown = True
self.image_copy_dir = output_dir
if not self.copy_on_write:
'Attempting to take a VM snapshot without --copy-on-write. Saved '
'VM image may not contain the desired snapshot.')
with open(self.kvm_pipe_in, 'w') as monitor_pipe:
# Saving the snapshot will take an indeterminate amount of time, so also
# send a fake command that the monitor will complain about so we can know
# when the snapshot saving is done.
monitor_pipe.write('savevm chromite_lib_vm_snapshot\n')
with open(self.kvm_pipe_out) as monitor_pipe:
# Set reads to be non-blocking
fd = monitor_pipe.fileno()
cur_flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, cur_flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
# 30 second timeout.
success = False
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 30:
line = monitor_pipe.readline()
if 'thisisafakecommand' in line:
logging.debug('Finished attempting to take VM snapshot')
success = True
logging.debug('VM monitor output: %s', line)
except IOError:
if not success:
logging.warning('Timed out trying to take VM snapshot')
def _KillVM(self):
"""Kill the VM process."""
pid = self._GetVMPid()
if pid:
# Add use_sudo support to
run = cros_build_lib.sudo_run if self.use_sudo else
run(['kill', '-9', str(pid)], check=False, dryrun=self.dryrun)
def _MaybeCopyVMImage(self):
"""Saves the VM image to a location on disk if previously told to."""
if not self.copy_image_on_shutdown:
if not self.image_copy_dir:
logging.debug('Told to copy VM image, but no output directory set')
shutil.copy(self.image_path, os.path.join(
self.image_copy_dir, os.path.basename(self.image_path)))
def Stop(self):
"""Stop the VM."""
logging.debug('Stop VM')
def _WaitForProcs(self, sleep=2):
"""Wait for expected processes to launch."""
class _TooFewPidsException(Exception):
"""Exception for _GetRunningPids to throw."""
def _GetRunningPids(exe, numpids):
pids = self.remote.GetRunningPids(exe, full_path=False)'%s pids: %s', exe, repr(pids))
if len(pids) < numpids:
raise _TooFewPidsException()
def _WaitForProc(exe, numpids):
functor=lambda: _GetRunningPids(exe, numpids),
except _TooFewPidsException:
raise VMError('_WaitForProcs failed: timed out while waiting for '
'%d %s processes to start.' % (numpids, exe))
# We could also wait for session_manager, nacl_helper, etc, but chrome is
# the long pole. We expect the parent, 2 zygotes, gpu-process,
# utility-process, 3 renderers.
_WaitForProc('chrome', 8)
def WaitForBoot(self, max_retry=5, sleep=5):
"""Wait for the VM to boot up.
Wait for ssh connection to become active, and wait for all expected chrome
processes to be launched. Set max_retry to a lower value since we can easily
restart the VM if something is stuck and timing out.
if not os.path.exists(self.vm_dir):
super(VM, self).WaitForBoot(sleep=sleep, max_retry=max_retry)
# XXX: this seems to be chromeos-secific, WaitForProcs waits for chrome
# Chrome can take a while to start with software emulation.
# if not self.enable_kvm:
# self._WaitForProcs()
def GetParser():
"""Parse a list of args.
argv: list of command line arguments.
List of parsed opts.
parser = device.Device.GetParser()
parser.add_argument('--start', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Start the VM.')
parser.add_argument('--stop', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Stop the VM.')
parser.add_argument('--image-path', type='path',
help='Path to VM image to launch with --start.')
parser.add_argument('--image-format', default=VM.IMAGE_FORMAT,
help='Format of the VM image (raw, qcow2, ...).')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-path', type='path',
help='Path of qemu binary to launch with --start.')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-m', type=str, default='8G',
help='Memory argument that will be passed to qemu.')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-smp', type=int, default='0',
help='SMP argument that will be passed to qemu. (0 '
'means auto-detection.)')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-cpu', type=str,
help='CPU argument that will be passed to qemu.')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-arch', type=str, default=VM.ARCH_X86_64,
choices=(VM.ARCH_AARCH64, VM.ARCH_X86_64),
help='VM architecture: ')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-bios-path', type='path',
help='Path of directory with qemu bios files.')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-hostfwd', action='append',
help='Ports to forward from the VM to the host in the '
'QEMU hostfwd format, eg tcp: to '
'forward port 54321 on the VM to 12345 on the host.')
parser.add_argument('--qemu-args', action='append',
help='Additional args to pass to qemu. Note that if '
'you want to pass an argument that starts with a '
'dash, e.g. -display you will need to enclose it '
'in quotes and add a space at the beginning: '
'" -display ..."')
parser.add_argument('--copy-on-write', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Generates a temporary copy-on-write image backed '
'by the normal boot image. All filesystem changes '
'will instead be reflected in the temporary '
parser.add_argument('--qemu-img-path', type='path',
help='Path to qemu-img binary used to create temporary '
'copy-on-write images.')
parser.add_argument('--disable-kvm', dest='enable_kvm',
action='store_false', default=None,
help='Disable KVM, use software emulation.')
parser.add_argument('--no-display', dest='display',
action='store_false', default=True,
help='Do not display video output.')
parser.add_argument('--ssh-port', type=int,
help='ssh port to communicate with VM.')
parser.add_argument('--chroot-path', type='path',
parser.add_argument('--cache-dir', type='path',
help='Cache directory to use.')
parser.add_argument('--vm-dir', type='path',
help='Temp VM directory to use.')
return parser