blob: 4d74b71dd0be201bc4035410709cda5a6c7511f6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Logic to handle uprevving packages."""
import collections
import enum
import filecmp
import functools
import os
import re
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from chromite.cbuildbot import manifest_version
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.lib.chroot_lib import Chroot
from chromite.utils import pms
CHROME_VERSION_REGEX = r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
_CHROME_OVERLAY_PATH = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT,
GitRef = collections.namedtuple('GitRef', ['path', 'ref', 'revision'])
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error class for the module."""
class NoUnstableEbuildError(Error):
"""When no unstable ebuild can be found."""
class EbuildUprevError(Error):
"""An error occurred while uprevving packages."""
class EbuildManifestError(Error):
"""Error when running ebuild manifest."""
class ChromeEBuild(portage_util.EBuild):
"""Thin sub-class of EBuild that adds a few small helpers."""
chrome_version_re = re.compile(r'.*-(%s|9999).*' % CHROME_VERSION_REGEX)
chrome_version = ''
def __init__(self, path):
portage_util.EBuild.__init__(self, path)
re_match = self.chrome_version_re.match(self.ebuild_path_no_revision)
if re_match:
self.chrome_version =
def __str__(self):
return self.ebuild_path
def is_unstable(self):
return not self.is_stable
def atom(self):
return '%s-%s' % (self.package, self.version)
def get_chrome_version_from_refs(refs):
"""Get the chrome version to use from the list of provided tags.
refs (list[GitRef]): The tags to parse for the best chrome version.
str: The chrome version to use.
assert refs
# Each tag is a chrome version string, e.g. "78.0.3876.1", so extract the
# tag name from the ref, e.g. "refs/tags/78.0.3876.1".
versions = [ref.ref.split('/')[-1] for ref in refs]
return best_chrome_version(versions)
def best_chrome_version(versions):
# Convert each version from a string like "78.0.3876.1" to a list of ints
# to compare them, find the most recent (max), and then reconstruct the
# version string.
assert versions
version = max([int(part) for part in v.split('.')] for v in versions)
return '.'.join(str(part) for part in version)
def best_chrome_ebuild(ebuilds):
"""Determine the best/newest chrome ebuild from a list of ebuilds."""
assert ebuilds
version = best_chrome_version(ebuild.chrome_version for ebuild in ebuilds)
candidates = [
ebuild for ebuild in ebuilds if ebuild.chrome_version == version
if len(candidates) == 1:
# Only one, return it.
return candidates[0]
# Compare revisions to break a tie.
best = candidates[0]
for candidate in candidates[1:]:
if best.current_revision < candidate.current_revision:
best = candidate
return best
def find_chrome_ebuilds(package_dir):
"""Return a tuple of chrome's unstable ebuild and stable ebuilds.
package_dir: The path to where the package ebuild is stored.
Tuple [unstable_ebuild, stable_ebuilds].
Exception: if no unstable ebuild exists for Chrome.
stable_ebuilds = []
unstable_ebuilds = []
for ebuild_path in portage_util.EBuild.List(package_dir):
ebuild = ChromeEBuild(ebuild_path)
if not ebuild.chrome_version:
logging.warning('Poorly formatted ebuild found at %s', ebuild_path)
if ebuild.is_unstable:
# Apply some sanity checks.
if not unstable_ebuilds:
raise NoUnstableEbuildError('Missing 9999 ebuild for %s' % package_dir)
if not stable_ebuilds:
logging.warning('Missing stable ebuild for %s', package_dir)
return best_chrome_ebuild(unstable_ebuilds), stable_ebuilds
class Outcome(enum.Enum):
"""An enum representing the possible outcomes of a package uprev attempt.
NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS: An ebuild with a higher version than the requested
version already exists, so no change occurred.
SAME_VERSION_EXISTS: An ebuild with the same version as the requested
version already exists and the stable & unstable ebuilds are identical,
so no change occurred.
REVISION_BUMP: An ebuild with the same version as the requested version
already exists but the contents of the stable & unstable ebuilds differ,
so the stable ebuild was updated and the revision number was increased.
VERSION_BUMP: The requested uprev version was greater than that of any
stable ebuild that exists, so a new stable ebuild was created at the
requested version.
NEW_EBUILD_CREATED: No stable ebuild for this package existed yet, so a new
stable ebuild was created at the requested version.
class UprevResult(object):
"""The result of a package uprev attempt.
This object is truthy if files were altered by the uprev and falsey if no
files were changed.
outcome: An instance of Outcome documenting what change took place.
changed_files: A list of the paths of the files that were altered by this
uprev attempt.
outcome: Outcome
changed_files: List[str]
def __init__(self,
outcome: Outcome,
changed_files: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None):
self.outcome = outcome
if isinstance(changed_files, str):
raise TypeError('changed_files must be a list of str, not a bare str.')
self.changed_files = list(changed_files or [])
def __bool__(self):
"""Returns True only if this Result indicates that a file was modified."""
return self.outcome in (
class UprevChromeManager(object):
"""Class to handle uprevving chrome and its related packages."""
def __init__(self, version, build_targets=None, overlay_dir=None,
self._version = version
self._build_targets = build_targets or []
self._new_ebuild_files = []
self._removed_ebuild_files = []
self._overlay_dir = str(overlay_dir or _CHROME_OVERLAY_PATH)
self._chroot = chroot
def modified_ebuilds(self):
return self._new_ebuild_files + self._removed_ebuild_files
def uprev(self, package: str) -> UprevResult:
"""Uprev a chrome package."""
package_dir = os.path.join(self._overlay_dir, package)
package_name = os.path.basename(package)
# Find the unstable (9999) ebuild and any existing stable ebuilds.
unstable_ebuild, stable_ebuilds = find_chrome_ebuilds(package_dir)
# Find the best stable candidate to uprev -- the one that will be replaced.
should_uprev, candidate = self._find_chrome_uprev_candidate(stable_ebuilds)
if not should_uprev and candidate:
return UprevResult(Outcome.NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS)
result = self._mark_as_stable(candidate, unstable_ebuild, package_name,
# If result is falsey then no files changed, and we don't need to do any
# clean-up.
if not result:
return result
if candidate and not candidate.IsSticky():
return result
def _find_chrome_uprev_candidate(
self, stable_ebuilds: List[ChromeEBuild]
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[ChromeEBuild]]:
"""Find the ebuild to replace.
stable_ebuilds: All stable ebuilds that were found.
A (okay_to_uprev, best_stable_candidate) tuple.
okay_to_uprev: A bool indicating that an uprev should proceed. False if
a newer stable ebuild than the requested version exists.
best_stable_candidate: The highest version stable ebuild that exists, or
None if no stable ebuilds exist.
candidates = []
# This is an artifact from the old process.
chrome_branch_re = re.compile(r'%s.*_rc.*' % CHROME_VERSION_REGEX)
for ebuild in stable_ebuilds:
if not candidates:
return (True, None)
candidate = best_chrome_ebuild(candidates)
# A candidate is only a valid uprev candidate if its chrome version
# is no better than the target version. We can uprev equal versions
# (i.e. a revision bump), but not older. E.g.:
# Case 1 - Uprev: self._version =, Candidate =
# Case 2 - Uprev: self._version =, Candidate =
# Case 3 - Skip: self._version =, Candidate =
best_version = best_chrome_version(
[self._version, candidate.chrome_version])
if self._version == best_version:
# Cases 1 and 2.
return (True, candidate)
logging.warning('A chrome ebuild candidate with a higher version than the '
'requested uprev version was found.')
logging.debug('Requested uprev version: %s', self._version)
logging.debug('Candidate version found: %s', candidate.chrome_version)
return (False, candidate)
def _mark_as_stable(self, stable_candidate, unstable_ebuild, package_name,
package_dir) -> UprevResult:
"""Uprevs the chrome ebuild specified by chrome_rev.
This is the main function that uprevs the chrome_rev from a stable candidate
to its new version.
stable_candidate: ebuild that corresponds to the stable ebuild we are
revving from. If None, builds the a new ebuild given the version
and logic for chrome_rev type with revision set to 1.
unstable_ebuild: ebuild corresponding to the unstable ebuild for chrome.
package_name: package name.
package_dir: Path to the chromeos-chrome package dir.
Full portage version atom (including rc's, etc) that was revved.
def _is_new_ebuild_redundant(uprevved_ebuild, stable_ebuild) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the new ebuild is redundant.
This is True if there if the current stable ebuild is the exact same copy
of the new one.
if (stable_ebuild and
stable_candidate.chrome_version == uprevved_ebuild.chrome_version):
return filecmp.cmp(
return False
# Case where we have the last stable candidate with same version just rev.
if stable_candidate and stable_candidate.chrome_version == self._version:
new_ebuild_path = '%s-r%d.ebuild' % (
stable_candidate.current_revision + 1)
rev_bump = True
pf = '%s-%s_rc-r1' % (package_name, self._version)
new_ebuild_path = os.path.join(package_dir, '%s.ebuild' % pf)
rev_bump = False
new_ebuild_path, {})
new_ebuild = ChromeEBuild(new_ebuild_path)
# Determine whether this is ebuild is redundant.
if _is_new_ebuild_redundant(new_ebuild, stable_candidate):
msg = 'Previous ebuild with same version found and ebuild is redundant.'
return UprevResult(Outcome.SAME_VERSION_EXISTS)
if rev_bump:
return UprevResult(Outcome.REVISION_BUMP, [new_ebuild.ebuild_path])
elif stable_candidate:
# If a stable ebuild already existed and rev_bump is False, then a stable
# ebuild with a new major version has been generated.
return UprevResult(Outcome.VERSION_BUMP, [new_ebuild.ebuild_path])
# If no stable ebuild existed, then we've created the first stable ebuild
# for this package.
return UprevResult(Outcome.NEW_EBUILD_CREATED, [new_ebuild.ebuild_path])
def _clean_stale_package(self, package):
clean_stale_packages([package], self._build_targets, chroot=self._chroot)
class UprevOverlayManager(object):
"""Class to handle the uprev process for a set of overlays.
This handles the standard uprev process that covers most packages. There are
also specialized uprev processes for a few specific packages not handled by
this class, e.g. chrome and android.
TODO (saklein): The manifest object for this class is used deep in the
portage_util uprev process. Look into whether it's possible to redo it so
the manifest isn't required.
def __init__(self, overlays, manifest, build_targets=None, chroot=None,
"""Init function.
overlays (list[str]): The overlays to search for ebuilds.
manifest (git.ManifestCheckout): The manifest object.
build_targets (list[build_target_lib.BuildTarget]|None): The build
targets to clean in |chroot|, if desired. No effect unless |chroot| is
chroot (chroot_lib.Chroot|None): The chroot to clean, if desired.
output_dir (str|None): The path to optionally dump result files.
self.overlays = overlays
self.manifest = manifest
self.build_targets = build_targets or []
self.chroot = chroot
self.output_dir = output_dir
self._revved_packages = None
self._new_package_atoms = None
self._new_ebuild_files = None
self._removed_ebuild_files = None
self._overlay_ebuilds = None
# We cleaned up self referential ebuilds by this version, but don't enforce
# the check on older ones to avoid breaking factory/firmware branches.
root_version = manifest_version.VersionInfo.from_repo(constants.SOURCE_ROOT)
no_self_repos_version = manifest_version.VersionInfo('13099.0.0')
self._reject_self_repo = root_version >= no_self_repos_version
def modified_ebuilds(self):
if self._new_ebuild_files is not None:
return self._new_ebuild_files + self._removed_ebuild_files
return []
def uprev(self, package_list=None, force=False):
"""Uprev ebuilds.
Uprev ebuilds for the packages in package_list. If package_list is not
specified, uprevs all ebuilds for overlays in self.overlays.
package_list (list[str]): A list of packages to uprev.
force: Boolean indicating whether or not to consider blacklisted ebuilds.
# Use all found packages if an explicit package_list is not given.
use_all = not bool(package_list)
use_all=use_all, package_list=package_list, force=force)
with parallel.Manager() as manager:
# Contains the list of packages we actually revved.
self._revved_packages = manager.list()
# The new package atoms for cleanup.
self._new_package_atoms = manager.list()
# The list of added ebuild files.
self._new_ebuild_files = manager.list()
# The list of removed ebuild files.
self._removed_ebuild_files = manager.list()
inputs = [[overlay] for overlay in self.overlays]
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(self._uprev_overlay, inputs)
self._revved_packages = list(self._revved_packages)
self._new_package_atoms = list(self._new_package_atoms)
self._new_ebuild_files = list(self._new_ebuild_files)
self._removed_ebuild_files = list(self._removed_ebuild_files)
if self.output_dir and os.path.exists(self.output_dir):
# Write out dumps of the results. This is largely meant for sanity
# checking results.
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'revved_packages'),
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'new_package_atoms'),
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'new_ebuild_files'),
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'removed_ebuild_files'),
def _uprev_overlay(self, overlay):
"""Execute uprevs for an overlay.
overlay: The overlay to uprev.
if not os.path.isdir(overlay):
logging.warning('Skipping %s, which is not a directory.', overlay)
ebuilds = self._overlay_ebuilds.get(overlay, [])
if not ebuilds:
inputs = [[overlay, ebuild] for ebuild in ebuilds]
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(self._uprev_ebuild, inputs)
def _uprev_ebuild(self, overlay, ebuild):
"""Work on a single ebuild.
overlay: The overlay the ebuild belongs to.
ebuild: The ebuild to work on.
logging.debug('Working on %s, info %s', ebuild.package,
result = ebuild.RevWorkOnEBuild(
os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src'), self.manifest,
except (portage_util.InvalidUprevSourceError,
portage_util.EbuildVersionError) as e:
logging.error('An error occurred while uprevving %s: %s',
ebuild.package, e)
except OSError:
'Cannot rev %s\n'
'Note you will have to go into %s '
'and reset the git repo yourself.', ebuild.package, overlay)
if result:
new_package, ebuild_path_to_add, ebuild_path_to_remove = result
if ebuild_path_to_add:
if ebuild_path_to_remove:
self._new_package_atoms.append('=%s' % new_package)
def _populate_overlay_ebuilds(self,
"""Populates the overlay to ebuilds mapping.
Populate self._overlay_ebuilds for all overlays in self.overlays unless
otherwise specified by package_list.
use_all: Whether to include all ebuilds in the specified directories.
If true, then we gather all packages in the directories regardless
of whether they are in our set of packages.
package_list (list[str]): A set of the packages we want to gather. If
use_all is True, this argument is ignored, and should be None.
force: Boolean indicating whether or not to consider blacklisted ebuilds.
# See for origins of this.
root_version = manifest_version.VersionInfo.from_repo(constants.SOURCE_ROOT)
subdir_removal = manifest_version.VersionInfo('10363.0.0')
require_subdir_support = root_version < subdir_removal
if not package_list:
package_list = []
overlay_ebuilds = {}
inputs = [[overlay, use_all, package_list, force, require_subdir_support]
for overlay in self.overlays]
result = parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(portage_util.GetOverlayEBuilds,
for idx, ebuilds in enumerate(result):
overlay_ebuilds[self.overlays[idx]] = ebuilds
self._overlay_ebuilds = overlay_ebuilds
def _clean_stale_packages(self):
"""Cleans up stale package info from a previous build."""
clean_stale_packages(self._new_package_atoms, self.build_targets,
def clean_stale_packages(new_package_atoms, build_targets, chroot=None):
"""Cleans up stale package info from a previous build."""
if new_package_atoms:'Cleaning up stale packages %s.', new_package_atoms)
chroot = chroot or Chroot()
if cros_build_lib.IsOutsideChroot() and not chroot.exists():
logging.warning('Unable to clean packages. No chroot to enter.')
# First unmerge all the packages for a board, then eclean it.
# We need these two steps to run in order (unmerge/eclean),
# but we can let all the boards run in parallel.
def _do_clean_stale_packages(board):
if board:
suffix = '-' + board
runcmd =
suffix = ''
runcmd = cros_build_lib.sudo_run
if cros_build_lib.IsOutsideChroot():
# Setup runcmd with the chroot arguments once.
runcmd = functools.partial(
runcmd, enter_chroot=True, chroot_args=chroot.get_enter_args())
emerge, eclean = 'emerge' + suffix, 'eclean' + suffix
if not osutils.FindMissingBinaries([emerge, eclean]):
if new_package_atoms:
# If nothing was found to be unmerged, emerge will exit(1).
result = runcmd(
[emerge, '-q', '--unmerge'] + new_package_atoms,
extra_env={'CLEAN_DELAY': '0'},
if result.returncode not in (0, 1):
raise cros_build_lib.RunCommandError('unexpected error', result)
runcmd([eclean, '-d', 'packages'],
tasks = []
for build_target in build_targets:
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(_do_clean_stale_packages, tasks)
UprevVersionedPackageModifications = collections.namedtuple(
'UprevVersionedPackageModifications', ('new_version', 'files'))
class UprevVersionedPackageResult(object):
"""Data object for uprev_versioned_package."""
def __init__(self):
self.modified = []
def add_result(self, new_version, modified_files):
"""Adds version/ebuilds tuple to result.
new_version: New version number of package.
modified_files: List of files modified for the given version.
result = UprevVersionedPackageModifications(new_version, modified_files)
return self
def uprevved(self):
return bool(self.modified)
def uprev_ebuild_from_pin(package_path, version_no_rev, chroot):
"""Changes the package ebuild's version to match the version pin file.
package_path: The path of the package relative to the src root. This path
should contain a stable and an unstable ebuild with the same name
as the package.
version_no_rev: The version string to uprev to (excluding revision). The
ebuild's version will be directly set to this number.
chroot (chroot_lib.Chroot): specify a chroot to enter.
UprevVersionedPackageResult: The result.
package = os.path.basename(package_path)
package_src_path = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, package_path)
ebuild_paths = list(portage_util.EBuild.List(package_src_path))
stable_ebuild = None
unstable_ebuild = None
for path in ebuild_paths:
ebuild = portage_util.EBuild(path)
if ebuild.is_stable:
stable_ebuild = ebuild
unstable_ebuild = ebuild
if stable_ebuild is None:
raise EbuildUprevError('No stable ebuild found for %s' % package)
if unstable_ebuild is None:
raise EbuildUprevError('No unstable ebuild found for %s' % package)
if len(ebuild_paths) > 2:
raise EbuildUprevError('Found too many ebuilds for %s: '
'expected one stable and one unstable' % package)
# If the new version is the same as the old version, bump the revision number,
# otherwise reset it to 1
if version_no_rev == stable_ebuild.version_no_rev:
version = '%s-r%d' % (version_no_rev, stable_ebuild.current_revision + 1)
version = version_no_rev + '-r1'
new_ebuild_path = os.path.join(package_path,
'%s-%s.ebuild' % (package, version))
new_ebuild_src_path = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT,
manifest_src_path = os.path.join(package_src_path, 'Manifest')
new_ebuild_src_path, {})
# UpdateEbuildManifest runs inside the chroot and therefore needs a
# chroot-relative path.
new_ebuild_chroot_path = os.path.join(constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT,
portage_util.UpdateEbuildManifest(new_ebuild_chroot_path, chroot=chroot)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
raise EbuildManifestError(
'Unable to update manifest for %s: %s' % (package, e.stderr))
result = UprevVersionedPackageResult()
return result
def uprev_workon_ebuild_to_version(
package_path: Union[str, 'pathlib.Path'],
target_version: str,
chroot: Optional['chromite.lib.chroot_lib.Chroot'] = None,
allow_downrev: bool = True,
ref: str = 'HEAD',
src_root: str = constants.SOURCE_ROOT,
chroot_src_root: str = constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT) -> UprevResult:
"""Uprev a cros-workon ebuild to a specified version.
package_path: The path of the package relative to the src root. This path
should contain an unstable 9999 ebuild that inherits from cros-workon.
target_version: The version to use for the stable ebuild to be generated.
Should not contain a revision number.
chroot: The path to the chroot to enter, if not the default.
allow_downrev: Whether the downrev should be proceed. If not and the target
version is older than the existing version, abort this downrev.
ref: The target version's ref tag in the git repository to be used.
src_root: Path to the root of the source checkout. Only for testing.
chroot_src_root: Path to the root of the source checkout when inside the
chroot. Only override for testing.
package_path = str(package_path)
package = os.path.basename(package_path)
package_src_path = os.path.join(src_root, package_path)
ebuild_paths = list(portage_util.EBuild.List(package_src_path))
stable_ebuild = None
unstable_ebuild = None
for path in ebuild_paths:
ebuild = portage_util.EBuild(path)
if ebuild.is_stable:
stable_ebuild = ebuild
unstable_ebuild = ebuild
outcome = None
if stable_ebuild is None:
outcome = outcome or Outcome.NEW_EBUILD_CREATED
if unstable_ebuild is None:
raise EbuildUprevError(f'No unstable ebuild found for {package}')
if len(ebuild_paths) > 2:
raise EbuildUprevError(f'Found too many ebuilds for {package}: '
'expected one stable and one unstable')
if not unstable_ebuild.is_workon:
raise EbuildUprevError('A workon ebuild was expected '
f'but {unstable_ebuild.ebuild_path} is not workon.')
# If downrev is not allowed, and the new version is older than the existing
# version, early return without uprevving.
if (not allow_downrev and stable_ebuild and
pms.version_lt(target_version, stable_ebuild.version_no_rev)):
return UprevResult(outcome=Outcome.NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS)
# If the new version is the same as the old version, bump the revision number,
# otherwise reset it to 1
if stable_ebuild and target_version == stable_ebuild.version_no_rev:
output_version = f'{target_version}-r{stable_ebuild.current_revision + 1}'
outcome = outcome or Outcome.REVISION_BUMP
output_version = f'{target_version}-r1'
outcome = outcome or Outcome.VERSION_BUMP
new_ebuild_path = os.path.join(package_path,
new_ebuild_src_path = os.path.join(src_root, new_ebuild_path)
manifest_src_path = os.path.join(package_src_path, 'Manifest')
# Go through the normal uprev process for a cros-workon ebuild, by calculating
# and writing out the commit & tree IDs for the projects and subtrees
# specified in the unstable ebuild.
manifest = git.ManifestCheckout.Cached(constants.SOURCE_ROOT)
info = unstable_ebuild.GetSourceInfo(
os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src'), manifest)
commit_ids = [unstable_ebuild.GetCommitId(x, ref) for x in info.srcdirs]
if not commit_ids:
raise EbuildUprevError('No commit_ids found for %s' % info.srcdirs)
tree_ids = [unstable_ebuild.GetTreeId(x, ref) for x in info.subtrees]
tree_ids = [tree_id for tree_id in tree_ids if tree_id]
if not tree_ids:
raise EbuildUprevError('No tree_ids found for %s' % info.subtrees)
variables = dict(
new_ebuild_src_path, variables)
# If the newly generated stable ebuild is identical to the previous one,
# early return without incrementing the revision number.
if (stable_ebuild and target_version == stable_ebuild.version_no_rev and
filecmp.cmp(new_ebuild_src_path, stable_ebuild.ebuild_path,
return UprevResult(outcome=Outcome.SAME_VERSION_EXISTS)
if stable_ebuild is not None:
# UpdateEbuildManifest runs inside the chroot and therefore needs a
# chroot-relative path.
new_ebuild_chroot_path = os.path.join(chroot_src_root, new_ebuild_path)
portage_util.UpdateEbuildManifest(new_ebuild_chroot_path, chroot=chroot)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
raise EbuildManifestError(
f'Unable to update manifest for {package}: {e.stderr}')
changed_files = [new_ebuild_src_path]
if os.path.exists(manifest_src_path):
result = UprevResult(outcome=outcome, changed_files=changed_files)
if stable_ebuild is not None:
return result