blob: bd3ad245c7b1952dbc1b24b33b065d112aa79dde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Basic infrastructure for implementing retries."""
import functools
import random
import re
import sys
import time
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
# Match stderr of curl's --fail option to see HTTP status code.
CURL_STATUS_RE = re.compile(br'The requested URL returned error: (\d+) ')
def _CreateExceptionRetryHandler(exception):
"""Returns a retry handler for given exception(s).
Please see WithRetry class document for details.
if not (isinstance(exception, type) and issubclass(exception, Exception) or
(isinstance(exception, tuple) and
all(issubclass(e, Exception) for e in exception))):
raise TypeError('exceptions should be an exception (or tuple), not %r' %
return lambda exc: isinstance(exc, exception)
class _RetryDelayStrategy(object):
"""The strategy of the delay between each retry attempts.
Please see WithRetry class document for details.
def __init__(self, sleep=0, backoff_factor=1, jitter=0):
if sleep < 0:
raise ValueError('sleep must be >= 0: %s' % sleep)
if backoff_factor < 1:
raise ValueError('backoff_factor must be 1 or greater: %s'
% backoff_factor)
if jitter < 0:
raise ValueError('jitter must be >= 0: %s' % jitter)
self._sleep = sleep
self._backoff_factor = backoff_factor
self._jitter = jitter
def Sleep(self, attempt):
"""Sleep to delay the current retry."""
assert attempt >= 1, 'Expect attempt is always positive: %s' % attempt
if self._backoff_factor > 1:
sleep_duration = self._sleep * self._backoff_factor ** (attempt - 1)
sleep_duration = self._sleep * attempt
# If |jitter| is set, add a random jitter sleep.
jitter = random.uniform(.5 * self._jitter, 1.5 * self._jitter)
total = sleep_duration + jitter
if total:
logging.debug('Retrying in %f (%f + jitter %f) seconds ...',
total, sleep_duration, jitter)
class WithRetry(object):
"""Decorator to handle retry on exception.
def _run():
... do something ...
If _run() raises an exception, it retries at most three times.
Retrying strategy.
If the decorated function throws an Exception instance, then this class
checks whether the retry should be continued or not based on the given
|handler| or |exception| as follows.
- If |handler| is given, which should be a callback which takes an exception
and returns bool, calls it with the thrown exception.
If the |handler| returns True, retry will be continued. Otherwise no
further retry will be made, and an exception will be raised.
- If |exception| is given, which is an exception class or a tuple of
exception classes, iff the thrown exception is a instance of the given
exception class(es) (or its subclass), continues to retry. Otherwise no
further retry will be made, and an exception will be raised.
- If neither is given, just continues to retry on any Exception instance.
- Note: it is not allowed to specify both |handler| and |exception| at once.
Delay strategy.
Between for each attempt, some delay can be set, as follows.
- If |sleep| is given, the delay between the first and second attempts is
|sleep| secs.
- The delay between the second and third attempts, and later, depends on
|sleep| and |backoff_factor|.
- If |backoff_factor| is not given, the delay will be linearly increased,
as |sleep| * (number of attempts). E.g., if |sleep| is 1, the delays
will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... and so on.
- If |backoff_factor| is given, the delay will be exponentially increased,
as |sleep| * |backoff_factor| ** (number of attempts - 1). E.g., if
|sleep| is 1, and |backoff_factor| is 2, the delay will be,
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... and so on
- Note: Keep in mind that, if |backoff_factor| is not given, the total
delay time will be triangular value of |max_retry| multiplied by the
|sleep| value. E.g., |max_retry| is 5, and |sleep| is 10, will be
T5 (i.e. 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) times 10 = 150 seconds total. Rather than
use a large sleep value, you should lean more towards large retries
and lower sleep intervals, or by utilizing |backoff_factor|.
- In addition, for each delay, random duration of the delay can be added,
as 'jitter'. (Often, this helps to avoid consecutive conflicting situation)
|jitter| is specifies the duration of jitter delay, randomized up to
50% in either direction.
def __init__(self,
max_retry, handler=None, exception=None, log_all_retries=False,
sleep=0, backoff_factor=1, jitter=0,
raise_first_exception_on_failure=True, exception_to_raise=None,
max_retry: A positive integer representing how many times to retry the
command before giving up. Worst case, the command is invoked
(max_retry + 1) times before failing.
handler: Please see above for details.
exception: Please see above for details.
log_all_retries: when True, logs all retries.
sleep: Please see above for details.
backoff_factor: Please see above for details.
jitter: Please see above for details.
raise_first_exception_on_failure: determines which excecption is raised
upon failure after retries. If True, the first exception that was
encountered. Otherwise, the final one.
exception_to_raise: Optional exception type. If given, raises its
instance, instead of the one raised from the retry body.
status_callback: Optional callback invoked after each call of |functor|.
It takes two arguments: |attempt| which is the index of the last
attempt (0-based), and |success| representing whether the last attempt
was successfully done or not. If the callback raises an exception, no
further retry will be made, and the exception will be propagated to
the caller.
if max_retry < 0:
raise ValueError('max_retry needs to be zero or more: %d' % max_retry)
self._max_retry = max_retry
if handler is not None and exception is not None:
raise ValueError('handler and exception cannot be specified at once')
self._handler = (
handler or _CreateExceptionRetryHandler(exception or Exception))
self._log_all_retries = log_all_retries
self._retry_delay = _RetryDelayStrategy(sleep, backoff_factor, jitter)
self._raise_first_exception_on_failure = raise_first_exception_on_failure
self._exception_to_raise = exception_to_raise
self._status_callback = status_callback or (lambda attempt, success: None)
def __call__(self, func):
def _Wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
fname = getattr(func, '__qualname__',
getattr(func, '__name__', '<nameless>'))
exc_info = None
for attempt in range(self._max_retry + 1):
if attempt:
if attempt and self._log_all_retries:
logging.debug('Retrying %s (attempt %d)', fname, attempt + 1)
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# Note we're not snagging BaseException, so
# MemoryError/KeyboardInterrupt and friends don't enter this except
# block.
# If raise_first_exception_on_failure, we intentionally ignore
# any failures in later attempts since we'll throw the original
# failure if all retries fail.
if exc_info is None or not self._raise_first_exception_on_failure:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
self._status_callback(attempt, False)
except Exception:
# In case callback raises an exception, quit the retry.
# For further investigation, log the original exception here.
logging.error('Ending retry due to Exception raised by a callback. '
'Original exception raised during the attempt is '
'as follows: ',
# Reraise the exception raised from the status_callback.
if not self._handler(e):
logging.debug('ending retries with error: %s(%s)', e.__class__, e)
logging.debug('%s(%s)', e.__class__, e)
# Run callback in outside of try's main block, in order to avoid
# accidental capture of an Exception which may be raised in callback.
self._status_callback(attempt, True)
return ret
# Did not return, meaning all attempts failed. Raise the exception.
if self._exception_to_raise:
raise self._exception_to_raise('%s: %s' % (exc_info[0], exc_info[1]))
raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2])
return _Wrapper
def GenericRetry(handler, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs):
"""Generic retry loop w/ optional break out depending on exceptions.
Runs functor(*args, **(kwargs excluding params for retry)) as a retry body.
Please see WithRetry for details about retrying parameters.
# Note: the default value needs to be matched with the ones of WithRetry's
# ctor.
log_all_retries = kwargs.pop('log_all_retries', False)
delay_sec = kwargs.pop('delay_sec', 0)
sleep = kwargs.pop('sleep', 0)
backoff_factor = kwargs.pop('backoff_factor', 1)
status_callback = kwargs.pop('status_callback', None)
raise_first_exception_on_failure = kwargs.pop(
'raise_first_exception_on_failure', True)
exception_to_raise = kwargs.pop('exception_to_raise', None)
max_retry=max_retry, handler=handler, log_all_retries=log_all_retries,
sleep=sleep, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, jitter=delay_sec,
def _run():
return functor(*args, **kwargs)
return _run()
def RetryException(exception, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper for GenericRetry based on exceptions.
Runs functor(*args, **(kwargs excluding params for retry)) as a retry body.
Please see WithRetry for details about retrying parameters.
log_all_retries = kwargs.pop('log_all_retries', False)
delay_sec = kwargs.pop('delay_sec', 0)
sleep = kwargs.pop('sleep', 0)
backoff_factor = kwargs.pop('backoff_factor', 1)
status_callback = kwargs.pop('status_callback', None)
raise_first_exception_on_failure = kwargs.pop(
'raise_first_exception_on_failure', True)
exception_to_raise = kwargs.pop('exception_to_raise', None)
max_retry=max_retry, exception=exception,
sleep=sleep, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, jitter=delay_sec,
def _run():
return functor(*args, **kwargs)
return _run()
def RetryCommand(functor, max_retry, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for run that will retry a command.
functor: run function to run; retries will only occur on
RunCommandError exceptions being thrown.
max_retry: A positive integer representing how many times to retry
the command before giving up. Worst case, the command is invoked
(max_retry + 1) times before failing.
sleep: Optional keyword. Multiplier for how long to sleep between
retries; will delay (1*sleep) the first time, then (2*sleep),
continuing via attempt * sleep.
retry_on: If provided, we will retry on any exit codes in the given list.
Note: A process will exit with a negative exit code if it is killed by a
signal. By default, we retry on all non-negative exit codes.
error_check: Optional callback to check the error output. Return None to
fall back to |retry_on|, or True/False to set the retry directly.
log_retries: Whether to log a warning when retriable errors occur.
args: Positional args passed to run; see run for specifics.
kwargs: Optional args passed to run; see run for specifics.
A CommandResult object.
RunCommandError: Raised on error.
values = kwargs.pop('retry_on', None)
error_check = kwargs.pop('error_check', lambda x: None)
log_retries = kwargs.pop('log_retries', True)
def ShouldRetry(exc):
"""Return whether we should retry on a given exception."""
if not ShouldRetryCommandCommon(exc):
return False
if values is None and exc.result.returncode < 0:'Child process received signal %d; not retrying.',
return False
ret = error_check(exc)
if ret is not None:
return ret
if values is None or exc.result.returncode in values:
if log_retries:
logging.warning('Command failed with retriable error.\n%s', exc)
return True
return False
return GenericRetry(ShouldRetry, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs)
def ShouldRetryCommandCommon(exc):
"""Returns whether any run should retry on a given exception."""
if not isinstance(exc, cros_build_lib.RunCommandError):
return False
if exc.result.returncode is None:
logging.error('Child process failed to launch; not retrying:\n'
'command: %s', exc.result.cmdstr)
return False
return True
def RunCommandWithRetries(max_retry, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for run that will retry a command
max_retry: See RetryCommand and run.
*args: See RetryCommand and run.
**kwargs: See RetryCommand and run.
A CommandResult object.
RunCommandError: Raised on error.
return RetryCommand(, max_retry, *args, **kwargs)
class DownloadError(Exception):
"""Fetching file via curl failed"""
def RunCurl(curl_args, *args, **kwargs):
"""Runs curl and wraps around all necessary hacks.
curl_args: Command line to pass to curl. Must be list of str.
*args, **kwargs: See RunCommandWithRetries and run.
Note that retry_on, error_check, sleep, backoff_factor cannot be
A CommandResult object.
DownloadError: Whenever curl fails for any reason.
cmd = ['curl', '--http1.1'] + curl_args
# These values were discerned via scraping the curl manpage; they're all
# retry related (dns failed, timeout occurred, etc, see the manpage for
# exact specifics of each).
# Note we allow 22 to deal w/ 500's- they're thrown by google storage
# occasionally. This is also thrown when getting 4xx, but curl doesn't
# make it easy to differentiate between them.
# Note we allow 35 to deal w/ Unknown SSL Protocol error, thrown by
# google storage occasionally.
# Finally, we do not use curl's --retry option since it generally doesn't
# actually retry anything; code 18 for example, it will not retry on.
retriable_exits = frozenset([5, 6, 7, 15, 18, 22, 26, 28, 35, 52, 56])
def _CheckExit(exc):
"""Filter out specific error codes when getting exit 22
Curl will exit(22) for a wide range of HTTP codes -- both the 4xx and 5xx
set. For the 4xx, we don't want to retry. We have to look at the output.
assert isinstance(exc, cros_build_lib.RunCommandError)
if exc.result.returncode == 22:
logging.debug('curl stderr %s', exc.result.error)
matched =
if not matched:
# Unexpected stderr. It may not be error output from --fail.
return True
status_code =
return not status_code.startswith(b'4')
# We'll let the common exit code filter do the right thing.
return None
return RunCommandWithRetries(
10, cmd, retry_on=retriable_exits, error_check=_CheckExit,
sleep=3, backoff_factor=1.6,
stderr=True, extra_env={'LC_MESSAGES': 'C'}, *args, **kwargs)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
if e.result.returncode in (51, 58, 60):
# These are the return codes of failing certs as per 'man curl'.
raise DownloadError(
'Download failed with certificate error? Try "sudo c_rehash".')
raise DownloadError('Curl failed w/ exit code %i: %s' %
(e.result.returncode, e.result.error))