blob: cbacf3edc365601f3339c9f7b5494b89cc9e0147 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module to manage stage failure messages."""
import collections
import json
import re
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
# Currently, an exception is reported to CIDB failureTabe using the exception
# class name as the exception_type. failure_message_lib.FailureMessageManager
# uses the exception_type to decide which StageFailureMessage class to use
# to rebuild the failure message. Whenever you need to change the names of these
# classes, please add the new class names to their corresponding type lists,
# and DO NOT remove the old class names from the type lists.
# TODO (nxia): instead of using the class name as the exception type when
# reporting an exception to CIDB, we need to have an attribute like
# EXCEPTION_CATEGORY (say EXCEPTION_TYPE) and this type cannot be changed or
# removed from EXCEPTION_TYPE_LIST. But we can add new types to the list.
BUILD_SCRIPT_FAILURE_TYPES = ('BuildScriptFailure',)
PACKAGE_BUILD_FAILURE_TYPES = ('PackageBuildFailure',)
# These keys must exist as column names from failureView in cidb.
'id', 'build_stage_id', 'outer_failure_id', 'exception_type',
'exception_message', 'exception_category', 'extra_info',
'timestamp', 'stage_name', 'board', 'stage_status', 'build_id',
'master_build_id', 'builder_name', 'build_number',
'build_config', 'build_status', 'important', 'buildbucket_id')
# A namedtuple containing values fetched from CIDB failureView.
_StageFailure = collections.namedtuple('_StageFailure', FAILURE_KEYS)
class StageFailure(_StageFailure):
"""A class presenting values of a failure fetched from CIDB failureView."""
def GetStageFailureFromMessage(cls, stage_failure_message):
"""Create StageFailure from a StageFailureMessage instance.
stage_failure_message: An instance of StageFailureMessage.
An instance of StageFailure.
return StageFailure(
stage_failure_message.extra_info, None,
stage_failure_message.stage_name, None, None, None, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None)
def GetStageFailureFromDicts(cls, failure_dict, stage_dict, build_dict):
"""Get StageFailure from value dictionaries.
failure_dict: A dict presenting values of a tuple from failureTable.
stage_dict: A dict presenting values of a tuple from buildStageTable.
build_dict: A dict presenting values of a tuple from buildTable.
An instance of StageFailure.
return StageFailure(
failure_dict['id'], failure_dict['build_stage_id'],
failure_dict['outer_failure_id'], failure_dict['exception_type'],
failure_dict['exception_message'], failure_dict['exception_category'],
failure_dict['extra_info'], failure_dict['timestamp'],
stage_dict['name'], stage_dict['board'], stage_dict['status'],
build_dict['id'], build_dict['master_build_id'],
build_dict['build_number'], build_dict['build_config'],
build_dict['status'], build_dict['important'],
class StageFailureMessage(object):
"""Message class contains information of a general stage failure.
Failed stages report stage failures to CIDB failureTable (see more details
in failures_lib.ReportStageFailure). This class constructs a failure
message instance from the stage failure information stored in CIDB.
def __init__(self, stage_failure, extra_info=None, stage_prefix_name=None):
"""Construct a StageFailureMessage instance.
stage_failure: An instance of StageFailure.
extra_info: The extra info of the origin failure, default to None.
stage_prefix_name: The prefix name (string) of the failed stage,
default to None.
self.failure_id =
self.build_stage_id = stage_failure.build_stage_id
self.stage_name = stage_failure.stage_name
self.exception_type = stage_failure.exception_type
self.exception_message = stage_failure.exception_message
self.exception_category = stage_failure.exception_category
self.outer_failure_id = stage_failure.outer_failure_id
if extra_info is not None:
self.extra_info = extra_info
# No extra_info provided, decode extra_info from stage_failure.
self.extra_info = self._DecodeExtraInfo(stage_failure.extra_info)
if stage_prefix_name is not None:
self.stage_prefix_name = stage_prefix_name
# No stage_prefix_name provided, extra prefix name from stage_failure.
self.stage_prefix_name = self._ExtractStagePrefixName(self.stage_name)
def __str__(self):
return ('[failure id] %s [stage name] %s [stage prefix name] %s '
'[exception type] %s [exception category] %s [exception message] %s'
' [extra info] %s' %
(self.failure_id, self.stage_name, self.stage_prefix_name,
self.exception_type, self.exception_category,
self.exception_message, self.extra_info))
def _DecodeExtraInfo(self, extra_info):
"""Decode extra info json into dict.
extra_info: The extra_info of the origin exception, default to None.
An empty dict if extra_info is None; extra_info itself if extra_info is
a dict; else, load the json string into a dict and return it.
if not extra_info:
return {}
elif isinstance(extra_info, dict):
return extra_info
return json.loads(extra_info)
except ValueError as e:
logging.error('Cannot decode extra_info: %s', e)
return {}
# TODO(nxia): Force format checking on stage names when they're created
def _ExtractStagePrefixName(self, stage_name):
"""Extract stage prefix name given a full stage name.
Format examples in our current CIDB buildStageTable:
HWTest [bvt-arc] -> HWTest
HWTest -> HWTest
ImageTest -> ImageTest
ImageTest [amd64-generic] -> ImageTest
VMTest (attempt 1) -> VMTest
VMTest [amd64-generic] (attempt 1) -> VMTest
stage_name: The full stage name (string) recorded in CIDB.
The prefix stage name (string).
pattern = r'([^ ]+)( +\[([^]]+)\])?( +\(([^)]+)\))?'
m = re.compile(pattern).match(stage_name)
if m is not None:
return stage_name
class BuildScriptFailureMessage(StageFailureMessage):
"""Message class contains information of a BuildScriptFailure."""
def GetShortname(self):
"""Return the short name (string) of the run command."""
return self.extra_info.get('shortname')
class PackageBuildFailureMessage(StageFailureMessage):
"""Message class contains information of a PackagebuildFailure."""
def GetShortname(self):
"""Return the short name (string) of the run command."""
return self.extra_info.get('shortname')
def GetFailedPackages(self):
"""Return a list of packages (strings) that failed to build."""
return self.extra_info.get('failed_packages', [])
class CompoundFailureMessage(StageFailureMessage):
"""Message class contains information of a CompoundFailureMessage."""
def __init__(self, stage_failure, **kwargs):
"""Construct a CompoundFailureMessage instance.
stage_failure: An instance of StageFailure.
kwargs: Extra message information to pass to StageFailureMessage.
super(CompoundFailureMessage, self).__init__(stage_failure, **kwargs)
self.inner_failures = []
def __str__(self):
msg_str = super(CompoundFailureMessage, self).__str__()
for failure in self.inner_failures:
msg_str += ('(Inner Stage Failure Message) %s' % str(failure))
return msg_str
def GetFailureMessage(failure_message):
"""Convert a regular failure message instance to CompoundFailureMessage.
failure_message: An instance of StageFailureMessage.
A CompoundFailureMessage instance.
return CompoundFailureMessage(
def HasEmptyList(self):
"""Check whether the inner failure list is empty.
True if self.inner_failures is empty; else, False.
return not bool(self.inner_failures)
def HasExceptionCategories(self, exception_categories):
"""Check whether any of the inner failures matches the exception categories.
exception_categories: A set of exception categories (members of
True if any of the inner failures matches a memeber in
exception_categories; else, False.
return any(x.exception_category in exception_categories
for x in self.inner_failures)
def MatchesExceptionCategories(self, exception_categories):
"""Check whether all of the inner failures matches the exception categories.
exception_categories: A set of exception categories (members of
True if all of the inner failures match a memeber in
exception_categories; else, False.
return (not self.HasEmptyList() and
all(x.exception_category in exception_categories
for x in self.inner_failures))
class FailureMessageManager(object):
"""Manager class to create a failure message or reconstruct messages."""
def CreateMessage(cls, stage_failure, **kwargs):
"""Create a failure message instance depending on the exception type.
stage_failure: An instance of StageFailure.
kwargs: Extra message information to pass to StageFailureMessage.
A failure message instance of StageFailureMessage class (or its
if stage_failure.exception_type in BUILD_SCRIPT_FAILURE_TYPES:
return BuildScriptFailureMessage(stage_failure, **kwargs)
elif stage_failure.exception_type in PACKAGE_BUILD_FAILURE_TYPES:
return PackageBuildFailureMessage(stage_failure, **kwargs)
return StageFailureMessage(stage_failure, **kwargs)
def ReconstructMessages(cls, failure_messages):
"""Reconstruct failure messages by nesting messages.
A failure message with not none outer_failure_id is an inner failure of its
outer failure message(failure_id == outer_failure_id). This method takes a
list of failure messages, reconstructs the list by 1) converting the outer
failure message into a CompoundFailureMessage instance 2) insert the inner
failure messages to the inner_failures list of their outer failure messages.
CompoundFailures in CIDB aren't nested
(see failures_lib.ReportStageFailure), so there isn't another
inner failure list layer in a inner failure message and there're no circular
For example, given failure_messages list
B(failure_id=2, outer_failure_id=1),
C(failure_id=3, outer_failure_id=1),
E(failure_id=5, outer_failure_id=4),
this method returns a reconstructed list:
[A(failure_id=1, inner_failures=[B(failure_id=2, outer_failure_id=1),
C(failure_id=3, outer_failure_id=1)]),
D(failure_id=4, inner_failures=[E(failure_id=5, outer_failure_id=4)]),
failure_messages: A list a failure message instances not nested.
A list of failure message instances of StageFailureMessage class (or its
sub-class). Failure messages with not None outer_failure_id are nested
into the inner_failures list of their outer failure messages.
failure_message_dict = {x.failure_id: x for x in failure_messages}
for failure in failure_messages:
if failure.outer_failure_id is not None:
assert failure.outer_failure_id in failure_message_dict
outer_failure = failure_message_dict[failure.outer_failure_id]
if not isinstance(outer_failure, CompoundFailureMessage):
outer_failure = CompoundFailureMessage.GetFailureMessage(
failure_message_dict[outer_failure.failure_id] = outer_failure
del failure_message_dict[failure.failure_id]
return list(failure_message_dict.values())
def ConstructStageFailureMessages(cls, stage_failures):
"""Construct stage failure messages from failure entries from CIDB.
stage_failures: A list of StageFailure instances.
A list of stage failure message instances of StageFailureMessage class
(or its sub-class). See return type of ReconstructMessages().
failure_messages = [cls.CreateMessage(f) for f in stage_failures]
return cls.ReconstructMessages(failure_messages)