blob: 560de5a9353a7dcbde8cddcce1adf6610d72f1bd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Logging module to be used by all scripts.
cros_logging is a wrapper around logging with additional support for NOTICE
level. This is to be used instead of the default logging module. The new
logging level can only be used from here.
The log levels should be used as follows:
DEBUG: Enabled on the CLI with --debug. This is the noisiest logging level.
Often, as the name suggests, it may contain debugging information you wouldn't
otherwise need.
INFO: Enabled on the CLI with --verbose. Logging at this level should contain
relatively fine-grained info about the steps the process is performing, but
should be light on details (which should be in debug).
NOTICE: The default log level. It should relay a high level overview of what
the process is doing. It should NOT be a noisy output.
WARNING: Unexpected scenarios that are well handled and do not interrupt the
process, things like retrying an operation or missing optional information
needed to complete a portion of a process.
ERROR: Problems that are fatal to a specific operation or script, e.g.
unable to read a file or invalid arguments.
CRITICAL/FATAL: Rarely needed. These should reflect an extraordinary error that
might require the shutdown of an application or lead to data loss.
WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL/FATAL: These levels are always included in the above
levels as one would expect. Limiting the output of a script to just these log
levels is rarely desirable, but the --log-level argument can be used to do so.
import os
import sys
# pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import
from logging import *
# pylint: enable=unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import
# Have to import shutdown explicitly from logging because it is not included
# in logging's __all__.
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from logging import shutdown
# pylint: enable=unused-import
# Import as private to avoid polluting module namespace.
from chromite.lib import buildbot_annotations as _annotations
# Remove deprecated APIs to force use of new ones.
del WARN
del warn
# Notice Level.
addLevelName(NOTICE, 'NOTICE')
def _SetupCloudLogging():
"""If appropriate environment variables are set, enable cloud logging.
Cloud logging is only enabled when the environment has
If these are set, then cloud logging is enable, see
import as cloud_logging # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
except ImportError as e:
# TODO(mmortensen): Change to python3's ModuleNotFoundError when this
# code is only used by python3. Beware though with branches and bisection
# this could need to be ImportError for a long time. ImportError is the
# parent class of ModuleNotFoundError and works on both python2 and python3.
log(ERROR, 'Could not import %s', e)
client = cloud_logging.Client()
# Retrieves a Cloud Logging handler based on the environment
# you're running in and integrates the handler with the
# Python logging module. By default this captures all logs
# at INFO level and higher
def _CloudLoggingEnvVariablesAreDefined():
"""Check for cloud-logging ENV variables."""
cloud_logging_env_value = os.environ.get('CHROMITE_CLOUD_LOGGING')
google_app_creds_env_value = os.environ.get('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS')
# If both variables are set, log their values and return True.
if cloud_logging_env_value == '1' and google_app_creds_env_value:
log(INFO, 'CHROMITE_CLOUD_LOGGING is %s', cloud_logging_env_value)
return True
if cloud_logging_env_value == '1' and not google_app_creds_env_value:
return False
if _CloudLoggingEnvVariablesAreDefined():
# Notice implementation.
def notice(message, *args, **kwargs):
"""Log 'msg % args' with severity 'NOTICE'."""
log(NOTICE, message, *args, **kwargs)
# Only buildbot aware entry-points need to spew buildbot specific logs. Require
# user action for the special log lines.
_buildbot_markers_enabled = False
def EnableBuildbotMarkers():
# pylint: disable=global-statement
global _buildbot_markers_enabled
_buildbot_markers_enabled = True
def _PrintForBuildbot(handle, annotation_class, *args):
"""Log a line for buildbot.
This function dumps a line to log recognizable by buildbot if
EnableBuildbotMarkers has been called. Otherwise, it dumps the same line in a
human friendly way that buildbot ignores.
handle: The pipe to dump the log to. If None, log to sys.stderr.
annotation_class: Annotation subclass for the type of buildbot log.
buildbot_tag: A tag specifying the type of buildbot log.
*args: The rest of the str arguments to be dumped to the log.
if handle is None:
handle = sys.stderr
if annotation_class == _annotations.SetEmailNotifyProperty:
annotation = annotation_class(*args)
# Cast each argument, because we end up getting all sorts of objects from
# callers.
str_args = [str(x) for x in args]
annotation = annotation_class(*str_args)
if _buildbot_markers_enabled:
line = str(annotation)
line = annotation.human_friendly
handle.write('\n' + line + '\n')
def PrintBuildbotLink(text, url, handle=None):
"""Prints out a link to buildbot."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.StepLink, text, url)
def PrintKitchenSetBuildProperty(name, data, handle=None):
"""Prints out a request to set a build property to a JSON value."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.SetBuildProperty, name, data)
def PrintKitchenSetEmailNotifyProperty(name, data, handle=None):
"""Prints out a request to set an email_notify build property."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.SetEmailNotifyProperty, name, data)
def PrintBuildbotStepText(text, handle=None):
"""Prints out stage text to buildbot."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.StepText, text)
def PrintBuildbotStepWarnings(handle=None):
"""Marks a stage as having warnings."""
PrintBuildbotStepText('[FAILED BUT FORGIVEN]', handle=handle)
# Warnings not supported by LUCI, so working around until re-added.
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.StepWarnings)
def PrintBuildbotStepFailure(handle=None):
"""Marks a stage as having failures."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.StepFailure)
def PrintBuildbotStepName(name, handle=None):
"""Marks a step name for buildbot to display."""
_PrintForBuildbot(handle, _annotations.BuildStep, name)