blob: 3f38939ab26022a97ca5250942f164d9c9dd31c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that handles patches applied to a repo checkout."""
import contextlib
import functools
import sys
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
class PatchRejected(cros_patch.PatchException):
"""Raised if a patch was rejected by the CQ because the CQ failed."""
def ShortExplanation(self):
return 'was rejected by the CQ.'
class PatchNotEligible(cros_patch.PatchException):
"""Raised if a patch was not eligible for transaction."""
def ShortExplanation(self):
return ('was not eligible (wrong manifest branch, wrong labels, or '
'otherwise filtered from eligible set).')
# Note: This exception differs slightly in meaning from
# PatchExceededRecursionLimit. That exception is caused by a RuntimeError when
# we hit recursion depth, where as this one is thrown by us before we reach the
# python recursion limit.
class PatchReachedRecursionLimit(cros_patch.PatchException):
"""Raised if we gave up on a too-recursive patch plan."""
def ShortExplanation(self):
return ('was part of a dependency stack that reached our recursion '
'depth limit. Try breaking this stack into smaller pieces.')
class PatchExceededRecursionLimit(cros_patch.PatchException):
"""Raised if we encountered recursion limit while trying to apply patch."""
def ShortExplanation(self):
return ('was part of a dependency stack that exceeded our recursion '
'depth. Try breaking this stack into smaller pieces.')
class GerritHelperNotAvailable(gerrit.GerritException):
"""Exception thrown when a specific helper is requested but unavailable."""
def __init__(self, remote=config_lib.GetSiteParams().EXTERNAL_REMOTE):
# Stringify the pool so that serialization doesn't try serializing
# the actual HelperPool.
self.remote = remote
self.args = (remote,)
def __str__(self):
return (
"Needed a remote=%s gerrit_helper, but one isn't allowed by this "
'HelperPool instance.') % (self.remote,)
def _PatchWrapException(functor):
"""Decorator to intercept patch exceptions and wrap them.
Specifically, for known/handled Exceptions, it intercepts and
converts it into a DependencyError- via that, preserving the
cause, while casting it into an easier to use form (one that can
be chained in addition).
def f(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
return functor(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
except gerrit.GerritException as e:
if isinstance(e, gerrit.QueryNotSpecific):
e = ('%s\nSuggest you use gerrit numbers instead (prefixed with a '
"'chrome-internal:' if it's an internal change)." % e)
new_exc = cros_patch.PatchException(parent, e)
raise new_exc.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
except cros_patch.PatchException as e:
if ==
new_exc = cros_patch.DependencyError(parent, e)
raise new_exc.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
f.__name__ = functor.__name__
return f
def _FetchChangesForRepo(fetched_changes, by_repo, repo):
"""Fetch the changes for a given `repo`.
fetched_changes: A dict from change ids to changes which is updated by
this method.
by_repo: A mapping from repositories to changes.
repo: The repository we should fetch the changes for.
changes = by_repo[repo]
refs = set(c.ref for c in changes if not c.HasBeenFetched(repo))
cmd = ['fetch', '-f', changes[0].project_url] + list(refs)
git.RunGit(repo, cmd, print_cmd=True)
for change in changes:
sha1 = change.HasBeenFetched(repo) or change.sha1
change.UpdateMetadataFromRepo(repo, sha1=sha1)
fetched_changes[] = change
class HelperPool(object):
"""Pool of allowed GerritHelpers to be used by CQ/PatchSeries."""
def __init__(self, cros_internal=None, cros=None):
"""Initialize this instance with the given handlers.
Most likely you want the classmethod SimpleCreate which takes boolean
If a given handler is None, then it's disabled; else the passed in
object is used.
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
self.pool = {
site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE : cros,
site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE : cros_internal
def SimpleCreate(cls, cros_internal=True, cros=True):
"""Classmethod helper for creating a HelperPool from boolean options.
cros_internal: If True, allow access to a GerritHelper for internal.
cros: If True, allow access to a GerritHelper for external.
An appropriately configured HelperPool instance.
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
if cros:
cros = gerrit.GetGerritHelper(site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
cros = None
if cros_internal:
cros_internal = gerrit.GetGerritHelper(site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
cros_internal = None
return cls(cros_internal=cros_internal, cros=cros)
def ForChange(self, change):
"""Return the helper to use for a particular change.
If no helper is configured, an Exception is raised.
return self.GetHelper(change.remote)
def GetHelper(self, remote):
"""Return the helper to use for a given remote.
If no helper is configured, an Exception is raised.
helper = self.pool.get(remote)
if not helper:
raise GerritHelperNotAvailable(remote)
return helper
def __iter__(self):
for helper in self.pool.values():
if helper:
yield helper
class _ManifestShim(object):
"""A fake manifest that only contains a single repository.
This fake manifest is used to allow us to filter out patches for
the PatchSeries class. It isn't a complete implementation -- we just
implement the functions that PatchSeries uses. It works via duck typing.
All of the below methods accept the same arguments as the corresponding
methods in git.ManifestCheckout.*, but they do not make any use of the
arguments -- they just always return information about this project.
def __init__(self, path, tracking_branch, remote='origin'):
tracking_branch = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (
remote, git.StripRefs(tracking_branch),
attrs = dict(local_path=path, path=path, tracking_branch=tracking_branch)
self.checkout = git.ProjectCheckout(attrs)
def FindCheckouts(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
"""Returns the list of checkouts.
In this case, we only have one repository so we just return that repository.
We accept the same arguments as git.ManifestCheckout.FindCheckouts, but we
do not make any use of them.
A list of ProjectCheckout objects.
return [self.checkout]
class PatchSeries(object):
"""Class representing a set of patches applied to a repo checkout."""
def __init__(self, path, helper_pool=None, forced_manifest=None,
deps_filter_fn=None, is_submitting=False):
path: Path to the buildroot.
helper_pool: Pool of allowed GerritHelpers to be used for fetching
patches. Defaults to allowing both internal and external fetches.
forced_manifest: A manifest object to use for mapping projects to
repositories. Defaults to the buildroot.
deps_filter_fn: A function which specifies what patches you would
like to accept. It is passed a patch and is expected to return
True or False.
is_submitting: Whether we are currently submitting patchsets. This is
used to print better error messages.
self.manifest = forced_manifest
if helper_pool is None:
helper_pool = HelperPool.SimpleCreate(cros_internal=True, cros=True)
self._helper_pool = helper_pool
self._path = path
if deps_filter_fn is None:
deps_filter_fn = lambda x: True
self.deps_filter_fn = deps_filter_fn
self._is_submitting = is_submitting
self.failed_tot = {}
# A mapping of ChangeId to exceptions if the patch failed against
# ToT. Primarily used to keep the resolution/applying from going
# down known bad paths.
self._committed_cache = cros_patch.PatchCache()
self._lookup_cache = cros_patch.PatchCache()
self._change_deps_cache = {}
def _ManifestDecorator(functor):
"""Method decorator that sets self.manifest automatically.
This function automatically initializes the manifest, and allows callers to
override the manifest if needed.
# pylint: disable=no-self-argument,protected-access,not-callable
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
manifest = kwargs.pop('manifest', None)
# Wipe is used to track if we need to reset manifest to None, and
# to identify if we already had a forced_manifest via __init__.
wipe = self.manifest is None
if manifest:
if not wipe:
raise ValueError("manifest can't be specified when one is forced "
'via __init__')
elif wipe:
manifest = git.ManifestCheckout.Cached(self._path)
manifest = self.manifest
self.manifest = manifest
return functor(self, *args, **kwargs)
if wipe:
self.manifest = None
f.__name__ = functor.__name__
f.__doc__ = functor.__doc__
return f
def GetGitReposForChange(self, change, strict=False, manifest=None):
"""Get the project path(s) associated with the specified change.
change: The change to operate on.
strict: If True, throw ChangeNotInManifest rather than returning
None. Default: False.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing what we're working on.
List of the project paths, if found in the manifest. Otherwise returns
None (if strict=False).
if manifest is None:
manifest = self.manifest
if manifest:
checkouts = change.GetCheckouts(manifest, strict=strict)
if checkouts:
return [c.GetPath(absolute=True) for c in checkouts]
return None
def GetGitRepoForChange(self, change, strict=False, manifest=None):
"""Get the project path associated with the specified change.
change: The change to operate on.
strict: If True, throw ChangeNotInManifest rather than returning
None. Default: False.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing what we're working on.
The project path if found in the manifest. Otherwise returns
None (if strict=False).
project_dir = None
if manifest is None:
manifest = self.manifest
if manifest:
checkout = change.GetCheckout(manifest, strict=strict)
if checkout is not None:
project_dir = checkout.GetPath(absolute=True)
return project_dir
def ApplyChange(self, change):
# Always enable content merging.
return change.ApplyAgainstManifest(self.manifest, trivial=False)
def _LookupHelper(self, patch):
"""Returns the helper for the given cros_patch.PatchQuery object."""
return self._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch.remote)
def _GetGerritPatch(self, query):
"""Query the configured helpers looking for a given change.
project: The gerrit project to query.
query: A cros_patch.PatchQuery object.
A GerritPatch object.
helper = self._LookupHelper(query)
query_text = query.ToGerritQueryText()
change = helper.QuerySingleRecord(
query_text, must_match=not git.IsSHA1(query_text))
if not change:
# If the query was a gerrit number based query, check the projects/change-id
# to see if we already have it locally, but couldn't map it since we didn't
# know the gerrit number at the time of the initial injection.
existing = self._lookup_cache[change]
if cros_patch.ParseGerritNumber(query_text) and existing is not None:
keys = change.LookupAliases()
self._lookup_cache.InjectCustomKeys(keys, existing)
return existing
if change.IsAlreadyMerged():
return change
def _LookupUncommittedChanges(self, deps, limit_to=None):
"""Given a set of deps (changes), return unsatisfied dependencies.
deps: A list of cros_patch.PatchQuery objects representing
sequence of dependencies for the leaf that we need to identify
as either merged, or needing resolving.
limit_to: If non-None, then this must be a mapping (preferably a
cros_patch.PatchCache for translation reasons) of which non-committed
changes are allowed to be used for a transaction.
A sequence of cros_patch.GitRepoPatch instances (or derivatives) that
need to be resolved for this change to be mergable.
Some variety of cros_patch.PatchException if an unsatisfiable required
dependency is encountered.
unsatisfied = []
for dep in deps:
if dep in self._committed_cache:
except GerritHelperNotAvailable:
# Internal dependencies are irrelevant to external builders.'Skipping internal dependency: %s', dep)
dep_change = self._lookup_cache[dep]
if dep_change is None:
dep_change = self._GetGerritPatch(dep)
if dep_change is None:
if getattr(dep_change, 'IsAlreadyMerged', lambda: False)():
elif limit_to is not None and dep_change not in limit_to:
if self._is_submitting:
raise PatchRejected(dep_change)
raise dep_change.GetMergeException() or PatchNotEligible(dep_change)
# Perform last minute custom filtering.
return [x for x in unsatisfied if self.deps_filter_fn(x)]
def CreateTransaction(self, change, limit_to=None):
"""Given a change, resolve it into a transaction.
In this case, a transaction is defined as a group of commits that
must land for the given change to be merged- specifically its
parent deps, and its CQ-DEPEND.
change: A cros_patch.GitRepoPatch instance to generate a transaction
limit_to: If non-None, limit the allowed uncommitted patches to
what's in that container/mapping.
A sequence of the necessary cros_patch.GitRepoPatch objects for
this transaction.
DependencyError: If we could not resolve a dependency.
GerritException or GOBError: If there is a failure in querying gerrit.
plan = []
gerrit_deps_seen = cros_patch.PatchCache()
self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(change, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
return plan
def CreateTransactions(self, changes, limit_to=None):
"""Create a list of transactions from a list of changes.
changes: A list of cros_patch.GitRepoPatch instances to generate
transactions for.
limit_to: See CreateTransaction docs.
A list of (change, plan, e) tuples for the given list of changes. The
plan represents the necessary GitRepoPatch objects for a given change. If
an exception occurs while creating the transaction, e will contain the
exception. (Otherwise, e will be None.)
for change in changes:
try:'Attempting to create transaction for %s', change)
plan = self.CreateTransaction(change, limit_to=limit_to)
except cros_patch.PatchException as e:
yield (change, (), e)
except RuntimeError as e:
if 'maximum recursion depth' in str(e):
yield (change, (), PatchExceededRecursionLimit(change))
yield (change, plan, None)
def _AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(self, change, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
"""Add a change and its dependencies into a |plan|.
change: The change to add to the plan.
plan: The list of changes to apply, in order. This function will append
|change| and any necessary dependencies to |plan|.
gerrit_deps_seen: The changes whose Gerrit dependencies have already been
limit_to: If non-None, limit the allowed uncommitted patches to
what's in that container/mapping.
remaining_depth: Amount of permissible recursion depth from this call.
DependencyError: If we could not resolve a dependency.
GerritException or GOBError: If there is a failure in querying gerrit.
if change in self._committed_cache:
if remaining_depth == 0:
raise PatchReachedRecursionLimit(change)
# Get a list of the changes that haven't been committed.
# These are returned as cros_patch.PatchQuery objects.
gerrit_deps = self.GetDepsForChange(change)
# Only process the Gerrit dependencies for each change once. We prioritize
# Gerrit dependencies over CQ dependencies, since Gerrit dependencies might
# be required in order for the change to apply.
if change not in gerrit_deps_seen:
gerrit_deps = self._LookupUncommittedChanges(
gerrit_deps, limit_to=limit_to)
for dep in gerrit_deps:
self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(dep, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
remaining_depth=remaining_depth - 1)
# If there are cyclic dependencies, we might have already applied this
# patch as part of dependency resolution. If not, apply this patch.
if change not in plan:
def GetDepsForChange(self, change):
"""Look up the Gerrit/CQ deps for |change|.
A tuple of PatchQuery objects representing change's Gerrit
dependencies, and CQ dependencies.
DependencyError: If we could not resolve a dependency.
GerritException or GOBError: If there is a failure in querying gerrit.
val = self._change_deps_cache.get(change)
if val is None:
val = self._change_deps_cache[change] = change.GerritDependencies()
return val
def InjectCommittedPatches(self, changes):
"""Record that the given patches are already committed.
This is primarily useful for external code to notify this object
that changes were applied to the tree outside its purview- specifically
useful for dependency resolution.
def InjectLookupCache(self, changes):
"""Inject into the internal lookup cache the given changes.
Uses |changes| rather than asking gerrit for them for dependencies.
def FetchChanges(self, changes, manifest=None):
"""Fetch the specified changes, if needed.
If we're an external builder, internal changes are filtered out.
changes: A list of changes to fetch.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing what we're working on.
A list of the filtered changes and a list of
cros_patch.ChangeNotInManifest instances for changes not in manifest.
by_repo = {}
changes_to_fetch = []
not_in_manifest = []
for change in changes:
except GerritHelperNotAvailable:
# Internal patches are irrelevant to external builders.'Skipping internal patch: %s', change)
repo = None
repos = self.GetGitReposForChange(change, strict=True,
except cros_patch.ChangeNotInManifest as e:"Skipping patch %s as it's not in manifest.", change)
for repo in repos:
by_repo.setdefault(repo, []).append(change)
# Fetch changes in parallel. The change.Fetch() method modifies the
# 'change' object, so make sure we grab all of that information.
with parallel.Manager() as manager:
fetched_changes = manager.dict()
fetch_repo = functools.partial(
_FetchChangesForRepo, fetched_changes, by_repo)
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(fetch_repo, [[repo] for repo in by_repo])
return [fetched_changes[] for c in changes_to_fetch], not_in_manifest
def Apply(self, changes, frozen=True, honor_ordering=False,
"""Applies changes from pool into the build root specified by the manifest.
This method resolves each given change down into a set of transactions-
the change and its dependencies- that must go in, then tries to apply
the largest transaction first, working its way down.
If a transaction cannot be applied, then it is rolled back
in full- note that if a change is involved in multiple transactions,
if an earlier attempt fails, that change can be retried in a new
transaction if the failure wasn't caused by the patch being incompatible
to ToT.
changes: A sequence of cros_patch.GitRepoPatch instances to resolve
and apply.
frozen: If True, then resolving of the given changes is explicitly
limited to just the passed in changes, or known committed changes.
This is basically CQ/Paladin mode, used to limit the changes being
pulled in/committed to just what we allow.
honor_ordering: Apply normally will reorder the transactions it
computes, trying the largest first, then degrading through smaller
transactions if the larger of the two fails. If honor_ordering
is False, then the ordering given via changes is preserved-
this is mainly of use for cbuildbot induced patching, and shouldn't
be used for CQ patching.
changes_filter: If not None, must be a functor taking two arguments:
series, changes; it must return the changes to work on.
This is invoked after the initial changes have been fetched,
thus this is a way for consumers to do last minute checking of the
changes being inspected, and expand the changes if necessary.
Primarily this is of use for cbuildbot patching when dealing w/
uploaded/remote patches.
A tuple of changes-applied, Exceptions for the changes that failed
against ToT, and Exceptions that failed inflight; These exceptions
are cros_patch.PatchException instances.
resolved, applied, failed = [], [], []
# Prefetch the changes; we need accurate change_id/id's, which is
# guaranteed via Fetch.
changes, not_in_manifest = self.FetchChanges(changes)
if changes_filter:
changes = changes_filter(self, changes)
limit_to = cros_patch.PatchCache(changes) if frozen else None
planned = set()
for change, plan, ex in self.CreateTransactions(changes, limit_to=limit_to):
if ex is not None:'Failed creating transaction for %s: %s', change, ex)
resolved.append((change, plan))'Transaction for %s is %s.',
change, ', '.join(str(x) for x in resolved[-1][-1]))
if not resolved:
# No work to do; either no changes were given to us, or all failed
# to be resolved.
return [], failed, []
if not honor_ordering:
# Sort by length, falling back to the order the changes were given to us.
# This is done to prefer longer transactions (more painful to rebase)
# over shorter transactions.
position = dict((change, idx) for idx, change in enumerate(changes))
def mk_key(data):
change, plan = data
ids = [ for x in plan]
return -len(ids), position[change]
for inducing_change, transaction_changes in resolved:
with self._Transaction(transaction_changes):
logging.debug('Attempting transaction for %s: changes: %s',
', '.join(str(x) for x in transaction_changes))
self._ApplyChanges(inducing_change, transaction_changes)
except cros_patch.PatchException as e:'Failed applying transaction for %s: %s',
inducing_change, e)
# Uniquify while maintaining order.
def _uniq(l):
s = set()
for x in l:
if x not in s:
yield x
applied = list(_uniq(applied))
self._is_submitting = True
failed = [x for x in failed if x.patch not in applied]
failed_tot = [x for x in failed if not x.inflight]
failed_inflight = [x for x in failed if x.inflight]
return applied, failed_tot, failed_inflight
def _Transaction(self, commits):
"""ContextManager used to rollback changes to a build root if necessary.
Specifically, if an unhandled non system exception occurs, this context
manager will roll back all relevant modifications to the git repos
commits: A sequence of cros_patch.GitRepoPatch instances that compromise
this transaction- this is used to identify exactly what may be changed,
thus what needs to be tracked and rolled back if the transaction fails.
# First, the book keeping code; gather required data so we know what
# to rollback to should this transaction fail. Specifically, we track
# what was checked out for each involved repo, and if it was a branch,
# the sha1 of the branch; that information is enough to rewind us back
# to the original repo state.
project_state = set(
r for x in commits for r in self.GetGitReposForChange(x, strict=True))
resets = []
for project_dir in project_state:
current_sha1 = git.RunGit(
project_dir, ['rev-list', '-n1', 'HEAD']).output.strip()
resets.append((project_dir, current_sha1))
assert current_sha1
committed_cache = self._committed_cache.copy()
except Exception:'Rewinding transaction: failed changes: %s .',
', '.join(str(x) for x in commits), exc_info=True)
for project_dir, sha1 in resets:
git.RunGit(project_dir, ['reset', '--hard', sha1])
self._committed_cache = committed_cache
def _ApplyChanges(self, _inducing_change, changes):
"""Apply a given ordered sequence of changes.
_inducing_change: The core GitRepoPatch instance that lead to this
sequence of changes; basically what this transaction was computed from.
Needs to be passed in so that the exception wrapping machinery can
convert any failures, assigning blame appropriately.
manifest: A ManifestCheckout instance representing what we're working on.
changes: A ordered sequence of GitRepoPatch instances to apply.
# Bail immediately if we know one of the requisite patches won't apply.
for change in changes:
failure = self.failed_tot.get(
if failure is not None:
raise failure
applied = []
for change in changes:
if change in self._committed_cache:
except cros_patch.PatchException as e:
if not e.inflight:
self.failed_tot[] = e
logging.debug('Done investigating changes. Applied %s',
' '.join([ for c in applied]))
def WorkOnSingleRepo(cls, git_repo, tracking_branch, **kwargs):
"""Classmethod to generate a PatchSeries that targets a single git repo.
It does this via forcing a fake manifest, which in turn points
tracking branch/paths/content-merging at what is passed through here.
git_repo: Absolute path to the git repository to operate upon.
tracking_branch: Which tracking branch patches should apply against.
kwargs: See PatchSeries.__init__ for the various optional args;
note forced_manifest cannot be used here.
A PatchSeries instance w/ a forced manifest.
if 'forced_manifest' in kwargs:
raise ValueError("RawPatchSeries doesn't allow a forced_manifest "
kwargs['forced_manifest'] = _ManifestShim(git_repo, tracking_branch)
return cls(git_repo, **kwargs)