blob: d7e671cb5c0ec9557d4611eab70ff4d8d8862f58 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test to ensure consistency between vpython environments."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple
from import text_format
from packaging import version
from import (
from chromite.lib import constants
# The list of vpython environments to check for consistency. Paths are relative
# The list of exceptions in the format emitted by assertions in this test. I.e.,
# <wheel>: <path> wants <old-version> but <path> has <latest-version>
"infra/python/wheels/mypy-extensions-py3: scripts/black"
" wants 0.4.3 but scripts/mypy has 1.0.0",
"infra/python/wheels/typing-extensions-py3: scripts/mypy"
" wants but scripts/run_tests.vpython3 has 4.0.1",
"infra/python/wheels/tomli-py3: scripts/mypy"
" wants 1.1.0 but scripts/run_tests.vpython3 has 2.0.1",
"infra/python/wheels/tomli-py3: scripts/black"
" wants 1.1.0 but scripts/run_tests.vpython3 has 2.0.1",
def _parse(path: Path) -> Tuple[Path, spec_pb2.Spec]:
resolved_path = constants.CHROMITE_DIR / path
assert resolved_path.is_file(), f"{path}: Input file must exist."
assert (
not resolved_path.is_symlink()
), f"{path}: Check only real files, not symlinks."
lines = resolved_path.read_text().splitlines()
# Extract the textproto from embedded specs. See
start_marker = next(
(i for i, v in enumerate(lines) if v.endswith(_BEGIN_GUARD)), -1
if start_marker >= 0:
end = next(i for i, v in enumerate(lines) if v.endswith(_END_GUARD))
prefix_len = lines[start_marker].find(_BEGIN_GUARD)
lines = [line[prefix_len:] for line in lines[start_marker + 1 : end]]
spec = spec_pb2.Spec()
text_format.Parse("\n".join(lines), spec)
return (path, spec)
def test_vpython_consistency() -> None:
specs = [_parse(Path(f)) for f in _INPUTS]
# Map of package names, and the list of versions for it used by each file.
wheels: Dict[str, List[Tuple[version.Version, Path]]] = {}
for path, spec in specs:
for wheel in spec.wheel:
ver = version.parse(wheel.version.replace("version:", ""))
wheels.setdefault(, []).append((ver, path))
# Sort so that the latest version is always at index[0].
for versions in wheels.values():
violations: Set[str] = set()
for wheel, v in wheels.items():
best = None
for ver, path in v:
if best and ver != best:
f"{wheel}: {path} wants {ver} but {v[0][1]} has {best}"
best = ver
expired = "\n".join(_EXCEPTIONS - violations)
new = "\n".join(violations - _EXCEPTIONS)
# Fail if an entry in _EXCEPTIONS is no longer detected and should be
# removed.
assert not expired, f"Exception no longer needed:\n{expired}"
# Fail if there are new inconsistencies. To resolve a failure here:
# 1. If a new version has been introduced ("foo has <new-version>"):
# - try to uprev other environments that want it to <new-version>.
# 2. If an old version has been introduced ("foo wants <old-version>"):
# - try to use the newest version for foo.
# 3. If stuff breaks, add to _EXCEPTIONS.
assert not new, f"New vpython version inconsistencies:\n{new}"