blob: 95271733b67f8ed6ea934867f3f61801a1ba1cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Manage projects in the local manifest."""
import os
import platform
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
class LocalManifest:
"""Abstraction for manipulating the local manifest."""
def FromPath(cls, path, empty_if_missing=False):
if os.path.isfile(path):
return cls(osutils.ReadFile(path))
elif empty_if_missing:
cros_build_lib.Die("Manifest file, %r, not found", path)
return cls()
def __init__(self, text=None):
self._text = text or "<manifest>\n</manifest>"
self.nodes = ElementTree.fromstring(self._text)
def AddNonWorkonProject(self, name, path, remote=None, revision=None):
"""Add a new nonworkon project element to the manifest tree."""
element = ElementTree.Element(
"project", name=name, path=path, remote=remote
element.attrib["workon"] = "False"
if revision is not None:
element.attrib["revision"] = revision
return element
def GetProject(self, name, path=None):
"""Accessor method for getting a project node from the manifest tree.
project element node from ElementTree, otherwise, None
if path is None:
# Use a unique value that can't ever match.
path = object()
for project in self.nodes.findall("project"):
if project.attrib["name"] == name or project.attrib["path"] == path:
return project
return None
def ToString(self):
# Reset the tail for each node, then just do a hacky replace.
project = None
for project in self.nodes.findall("project"):
project.tail = "\n "
if project is not None:
# Tweak the last project to not have the trailing space.
project.tail = "\n"
# Fix manifest tag text and tail.
self.nodes.text = "\n "
self.nodes.tail = "\n"
return ElementTree.tostring(self.nodes, encoding="unicode")
def GetProjects(self):
return list(self.nodes.findall("project"))
def _AddProjectsToManifestGroups(options, new_group):
"""Enable the given manifest groups for the configured repository."""
groups_to_enable = ["name:%s" % x for x in new_group]
git_config = options.git_config
cmd = ["config", "-f", git_config, "--get", "manifest.groups"]
enabled_groups = (
git.RunGit(".", cmd, check=False).stdout.rstrip().split(",")
# Note that ordering actually matters, thus why the following code
# is written this way.
# Per repo behaviour, enforce an appropriate platform group if
# we're converting from a default manifest group to a limited one.
# Finally, note we reprocess the existing groups; this is to allow
# us to clean up any user screwups, or our own screwups.
requested_groups = (
["minilayout", "platform-%s" % (platform.system().lower(),)]
+ enabled_groups
+ list(groups_to_enable)
processed_groups = set()
finalized_groups = []
for group in requested_groups:
if group not in processed_groups:
cmd = [
git.RunGit(".", cmd)
def _AssertNotMiniLayout():
"Your repository checkout is using the old minilayout.xml workflow; "
"Autoupdate is no longer supported, reinstall your tree."
def GetParser():
"""Return a command line parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
# Subparsers are required by default under Python 2. Python 3 changed to
# not required, but didn't include a required option until 3.7. Setting
# the required member works in all versions (and setting dest name).
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
subparsers.required = True
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(
"add", help="Add projects to the manifest."
help="Is this a workon package?",
"-r", "--remote", help="Remote project name (for non-workon packages)."
help="Use to override the manifest defined default "
"revision used for a given project.",
subparser.add_argument("project", help="Name of project in the manifest.")
subparser.add_argument("path", nargs="?", help="Local path to the project.")
return parser
def main(argv):
parser = GetParser()
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
repo_dir = git.FindRepoDir(os.getcwd())
if not repo_dir:
"This script must be invoked from within a repository " "checkout."
options.git_config = os.path.join(repo_dir, "manifests.git", "config")
options.local_manifest_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, "local_manifest.xml")
manifest_sym_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, "manifest.xml")
if (
== "minilayout.xml"
# For now, we only support the add command.
assert options.command == "add"
if options.workon:
if options.path is not None:
parser.error("Adding workon projects do not set project.")
if options.remote is None:
parser.error("Adding non-workon projects requires a remote.")
if options.path is None:
parser.error("Adding non-workon projects requires a path.")
name = options.project
path = options.path
revision = options.revision
if revision is not None:
if not git.IsRefsTags(revision) and not git.IsSHA1(revision):
revision = git.StripRefsHeads(revision, False)
main_manifest = git.ManifestCheckout(os.getcwd())
main_element = main_manifest.FindCheckouts(name)
if path is not None:
main_element_from_path = main_manifest.FindCheckoutFromPath(
path, strict=False
if main_element_from_path is not None:
local_manifest = LocalManifest.FromPath(options.local_manifest_path)
if options.workon:
if not main_element:
parser.error("No project named %r in the default manifest." % name)
options, [checkout["name"] for checkout in main_element]
elif main_element:
if options.remote is not None:
# Likely this project wasn't meant to be remote, so workon main
# element.
"Project already exists in manifest. "
"Using that as workon project."
options, [checkout["name"] for checkout in main_element]
# Conflict will occur; complain.
"Requested project name=%r path=%r will conflict with "
"your current manifest %s"
% (name, path, main_manifest.manifest_path)
elif local_manifest.GetProject(name, path=path) is not None:
"Requested project name=%r path=%r conflicts with "
"your local_manifest.xml" % (name, path)
element = local_manifest.AddNonWorkonProject(
name=name, path=path, remote=options.remote, revision=revision
_AddProjectsToManifestGroups(options, [element.attrib["name"]])
with open(options.local_manifest_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return 0