blob: b742f9c6eb3004ae237acd0d775510fa6a1d8f13 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Install debug symbols for specified packages.
Only reinstall the debug symbols if they are not already installed to save time.
The debug symbols are packaged outside of the prebuilt package in a
.debug.tbz2 archive when FEATURES=separatedebug is set (by default on
builders). On local machines, separatedebug is not set and the debug symbols
are part of the prebuilt package.
import argparse
import functools
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import tempfile
import urllib.parse
from chromite.lib import binpkg
from chromite.lib import build_target_lib
from chromite.lib import cache
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import path_util
from chromite.utils import outcap
if cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot():
# pylint: disable=import-error
from portage import create_trees
DEBUG_SYMS_EXT = ".debug.tbz2"
# We cache the package indexes. When the format of what we store changes,
# bump the cache version to avoid problems.
class DebugSymbolsInstaller:
"""Container for environment objects, needed for multiprocessing."""
def __init__(self, vartree, gs_context, sysroot, stdout_to_null):
self._vartree = vartree
self._gs_context = gs_context
self._sysroot = sysroot
self._stdout_to_null = stdout_to_null
self._capturer = outcap.OutputCapturer()
def __enter__(self):
if self._stdout_to_null:
return self
def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_val, _exc_tb):
if self._stdout_to_null:
def Install(self, cpv, url):
"""Install the debug symbols for |cpv|.
This will install the debug symbols tarball in PKGDIR so that it can be
used later.
cpv: the cpv of the package to build. This assumes that the cpv is
installed in the sysroot.
url: url of the debug symbols archive. This could be a Google
Storage url or a local path.
archive = os.path.join(
self._vartree.settings["PKGDIR"], cpv + DEBUG_SYMS_EXT
# GsContext does not understand file:// scheme so we need to extract the
# path ourselves.
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
if not parsed_url.scheme or parsed_url.scheme == "file":
url = parsed_url.path
if not os.path.isfile(archive):
self._gs_context.Copy(url, archive, debug_level=logging.DEBUG)
compression = cros_build_lib.CompressionDetectType(archive)
compressor = cros_build_lib.FindCompressor(compression)
with osutils.TempDir(sudo_rm=True) as tempdir:
["tar", "-I", compressor, "-xf", archive, "-C", tempdir],
with open(
self._vartree.getpath(cpv, filename="CONTENTS"),
) as content_file:
# Merge the content of the temporary dir into the sysroot.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
link = self._vartree.dbapi._dblink(cpv)
tempdir, self._sysroot, content_file, None, "", {}, None
def ShouldGetSymbols(cpv, vardb, remote_symbols):
"""Return True if the symbols for cpv are available and are not installed.
We try to check if the symbols are installed before checking availability as
a GS request is more expensive than checking locally.
cpv: cpv of the package
vardb: a vartree dbapi
remote_symbols: a mapping from cpv to debug symbols url
True if |cpv|'s debug symbols are not installed and are available
features, contents = vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["FEATURES", "CONTENTS"])
return (
"separatedebug" in features
and not "/usr/lib/debug/" in contents
and cpv in remote_symbols
def RemoteSymbols(vartree, binhost_cache=None):
"""Get the cpv to debug symbols mapping.
If several binhost contain debug symbols for the same cpv, keep only the
highest priority one.
vartree: a vartree
binhost_cache: a cache containing the cpv to debug symbols url for all
known binhosts. None if we are not caching binhosts.
a dictionary mapping the cpv to a remote debug symbols gsurl.
symbols_mapping = {}
for binhost in vartree.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"].split():
if binhost:
symbols_mapping.update(ListBinhost(binhost, binhost_cache))
return symbols_mapping
def GetPackageIndex(binhost, binhost_cache=None):
"""Get the packages index for |binhost|.
If a cache is provided, use it to a cache remote packages index.
binhost: a portage binhost, local, google storage or http.
binhost_cache: a cache for the remote packages index.
A PackageIndex object.
key = binhost.split("://")[-1]
key = key.rstrip("/").split("/")
if binhost_cache and binhost_cache.Lookup(key).Exists():
with open(binhost_cache.Lookup(key).path, "rb") as f:
return pickle.load(f)
pkgindex = binpkg.GrabRemotePackageIndex(binhost)
if pkgindex and binhost_cache:
# Only cache remote binhosts as local binhosts can change.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
pickle.dump(pkgindex, temp_file)
elif pkgindex is None:
urlparts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(binhost)
if urlparts.scheme not in ("file", ""):
# Don't fail the build on network errors. Print a warning message
# and continue.
logging.warning("Could not get package index %s", binhost)
return None
binhost = urlparts.path
if not os.path.isdir(binhost):
raise ValueError("unrecognized binhost format for %s.")
pkgindex = binpkg.GrabLocalPackageIndex(binhost)
return pkgindex
def ListBinhost(binhost, binhost_cache=None):
"""Return the cpv to debug symbols mapping for a given binhost.
List the content of the binhost to extract the cpv to debug symbols
mapping. If --cachebinhost is set, we cache the result to avoid the
cost of gsutil every time.
binhost: a portage binhost, local or on google storage.
binhost_cache: a cache containing mappings cpv to debug symbols url for
a given binhost (None if we don't want to cache).
A cpv to debug symbols url mapping.
symbols = {}
pkgindex = GetPackageIndex(binhost, binhost_cache)
if pkgindex is None:
return symbols
for p in pkgindex.packages:
if p.get("DEBUG_SYMBOLS") == "yes":
path = p.get("PATH", p["CPV"] + ".tbz2")
base_url = pkgindex.header.get("URI", binhost)
symbols[p["CPV"]] = os.path.join(
base_url, path.replace(".tbz2", DEBUG_SYMS_EXT)
return symbols
def GetMatchingCPV(package, vardb):
"""Return the cpv of the installed package matching |package|.
package: package name
vardb: a vartree dbapi
The cpv of the installed package whose name matches |package|.
matches = vardb.match(package)
if not matches:
cros_build_lib.Die("Could not find package %s", package)
if len(matches) != 1:
"Ambiguous package name: %s.\n"
"Matching: %s" % (package, " ".join(matches))
return matches[0]
def GetVartree(sysroot):
"""Get the portage vartree.
This must be called in subprocesses only. The vartree is not serializable,
and is implemented as a singleton in portage, so it always breaks the
parallel call when initialized before it is called.
trees = create_trees(target_root=sysroot, config_root=sysroot)
return trees[sysroot]["vartree"]
def GetBinhostCache(options):
"""Get and optionally clear the binhost cache."""
cache_dir = os.path.join(
path_util.FindCacheDir(), "cros_install_debug_syms-v" + CACHE_VERSION
if options.clearcache:
osutils.RmDir(cache_dir, ignore_missing=True)
binhost_cache = None
if options.cachebinhost:
binhost_cache = cache.DiskCache(cache_dir)
return binhost_cache
def GetInstallArgs(options, sysroot):
"""Resolve the packages that are to have their debug symbols installed.
This function must be called in subprocesses only since it requires the
portage vartree.
See: GetVartree
list[(pkg, binhost_url)]
vartree = GetVartree(sysroot)
symbols_mapping = RemoteSymbols(vartree, GetBinhostCache(options))
if options.all:
to_install = vartree.dbapi.cpv_all()
to_install = [
GetMatchingCPV(p, vartree.dbapi) for p in options.packages
to_install = [
for p in to_install
if ShouldGetSymbols(p, vartree.dbapi, symbols_mapping)
return [(p, symbols_mapping[p]) for p in to_install]
def ListInstallArgs(options, sysroot):
"""List the args for the calling process."""
lines = ["%s %s" % arg for arg in GetInstallArgs(options, sysroot)]
def GetInstallArgsList(argv):
"""Get the install args from the --list reexec of the command."""
# Insert the --list as the first argument to prevent parsing --list as a
# package when a package is given.
cmd = [argv[0]] + ["--list"] + argv[1:]
result =, capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
return [line.split() for line in lines if line]
def _InstallOne(sysroot, debug, args):
"""Parallelizable wrapper for the DebugSymbolsInstaller.Install method."""
vartree = GetVartree(sysroot)
gs_context = gs.GSContext(boto_file=vartree.settings["BOTO_CONFIG"])
with DebugSymbolsInstaller(
vartree, gs_context, sysroot, not debug
) as installer:
def GetParser():
"""Build the argument parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--board", help="Board name (required).", required=True)
help="Install the debug symbols for all installed packages",
help="list of packages that need the debug symbols.",
advanced = parser.add_argument_group("Advanced options")
help="Don't cache the list of files contained in binhosts. "
"(Default: cache)",
help="Clear the binhost cache.",
help="Number of processes to run in parallel.",
help="List the packages whose debug symbols would be installed and "
"their binhost path.",
return parser
def ParseArgs(argv):
"""Parse and validate arguments."""
parser = GetParser()
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
if options.all and options.packages:
parser.error("Cannot use --all with a list of packages")
return options
def main(argv):
if not cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot():
raise commandline.ChrootRequiredError(argv)
options = ParseArgs(argv)
cmd = [constants.CHROMITE_BIN_DIR / "cros_install_debug_syms"] + argv
if osutils.IsNonRootUser():
# sysroot must have a trailing / as the tree dictionary produced by
# create_trees in indexed with a trailing /.
sysroot = build_target_lib.get_default_sysroot_path(options.board) + "/"
if options.list:
ListInstallArgs(options, sysroot)
args = GetInstallArgsList(cmd)
if not args:"No packages found needing debug symbols.")
# Partial to simplify the arguments to parallel since the first two are the
# same for every call.
partial_install = functools.partial(_InstallOne, sysroot, options.debug)
with multiprocessing.Pool( as pool:, args)
logging.debug("installation done, updating packages index file")
packages_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, "packages")
packages_file = os.path.join(packages_dir, "Packages")
# binpkg will set DEBUG_SYMBOLS automatically if it detects the debug
# symbols in the packages dir.
pkgindex = binpkg.GrabLocalPackageIndex(packages_dir)
with open(packages_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as p: