blob: 72382c7fea70b9d3db8a630e7cd53975fd1efb0d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common python commands used by various internal build scripts."""
import os
import time
import multiprocessing
from collections import namedtuple
from chromite.utils import key_value_store
AcquireResult = namedtuple('AcquireResult', ['result', 'reason'])
def ListdirFullpath(directory):
"""Return all files in a directory with full pathnames.
directory: directory to find files for.
Full paths to every file in that directory.
return [os.path.join(directory, f) for f in os.listdir(directory)]
class RestrictedAttrDict(dict):
"""Define a dictionary which is also a struct.
The keys will belong to a restricted list of values.
_slots = ()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Ensure that only the expected keys are added during initialization."""
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Ensure all slots are at least populated with None.
for key in self._slots:
for key in self.keys():
assert key in self._slots, 'Unexpected key %s in %s' % (key, self._slots)
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
"""Setting an attribute, actually sets a dictionary value."""
if name not in self._slots:
raise AttributeError("'%s' may not have attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
self[name] = val
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Fetching an attribute, actually fetches a dictionary value."""
if name not in self:
raise AttributeError("'%s' has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
return self[name]
def __setitem__(self, name, val):
"""Restrict which keys can be stored in this dictionary."""
if name not in self._slots:
raise KeyError(name)
dict.__setitem__(self, name, val)
def __str__(self):
"""Default stringification behavior."""
name = self._name if hasattr(self, '_name') else self.__class__.__name__
return '%s (%s)' % (name, self._GetAttrString())
def _GetAttrString(self, delim=', ', equal='='):
"""Return string showing all non-None values of self._slots.
The ordering of attributes in self._slots is honored in string.
delim: String for separating key/value elements in result.
equal: String to put between key and associated value in result.
A string like "a='foo', b=12".
slots = [s for s in self._slots if self[s] is not None]
elems = ['%s%s%r' % (s, equal, self[s]) for s in slots]
return delim.join(elems)
def _clear_if_default(self, key, default):
"""Helper for constructors.
If they key value is set to the default value, set it to None.
key: Key value to check and possibly clear.
default: Default value to compare the key value against.
if self[key] == default:
self[key] = None
def ReadLsbRelease(sysroot):
"""Reads the /etc/lsb-release file out of the given sysroot.
sysroot: The path to sysroot of an image to read sysroot/etc/lsb-release.
The lsb-release file content in a dictionary of key/values.
lsb_release_file = os.path.join(sysroot, 'etc', 'lsb-release')
lsb_release = {}
with open(lsb_release_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
tokens = line.strip().split('=')
lsb_release[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]
return lsb_release
def ReadMinorVersion(sysroot: str):
"""Reads the /etc/update_engine.conf file out of the given sysroot.
sysroot: The path to sysroot of an image to read
The the minor version.
update_engine_conf = os.path.join(sysroot, 'etc', 'update_engine.conf')
versions = key_value_store.LoadFile(update_engine_conf)
if MINOR_VERSION in versions:
return versions.get(MINOR_VERSION)
return None
class MemoryConsumptionSemaphore(object):
"""A semaphore that tries to acquire only if there is enough memory available.
Watch the free memory of the host in order to not oversubscribe. Also,
rate limit so that memory consumption of previously launched
fledgling process can swell to peak(ish) level. Also assumes this semaphore
controls the vast majority of the memory utilization on the host when
It will also measure the available total memory when there are no
acquires (and when it was initialized) and use that to baseline a guess
based on the configured max memory per acquire to limit the total of
def __init__(self, system_available_buffer_bytes=None,
"""Create a new MemoryConsumptionSemaphore.
system_available_buffer_bytes (int): The number of bytes to reserve
on the system as a buffer against moving into swap (or OOM).
single_proc_max_bytes (int): The number of bytes we expect a process
to consume on the system.
quiescence_time_seconds (float): The number of seconds to wait at a
minimum between acquires. The purpose is to ensure the subprocess
begins to consume a stable amount of memory.
unchecked_acquires (int): The number acquires to allow without checking
available memory. This is to allow users to supply a mandatory minimum
even if the semaphore would otherwise not allow it (because of the
current available memory being to low).
total_max (int): The upper bound of maximum concurrent runs (default 10).
clock (fn): Function that gets float time.
A new MemoryConsumptionSemaphore.
self.quiescence_time_seconds = quiescence_time_seconds
self.unchecked_acquires = unchecked_acquires
self._lock = multiprocessing.RLock() # single proc may acquire lock twice.
self._total_max = multiprocessing.RawValue('I', total_max)
self._n_within = multiprocessing.RawValue('I', 0)
self._timer_future = multiprocessing.RawValue('d', 0)
self._clock = clock # injected, primarily useful for testing.
self._system_available_buffer_bytes = system_available_buffer_bytes
self._single_proc_max_bytes = single_proc_max_bytes
self._base_available = self._get_system_available()
def _get_system_available(self):
"""Get the system's available memory (memory free before swapping)."""
with open('/proc/meminfo') as fp:
for line in fp:
fields = line.split()
if fields[0] == 'MemAvailable:':
size = int(fields[1])
if len(fields) > 2:
assert fields[2] == 'kB', line
size *= 1024
return size
return 0
def _timer_blocked(self):
"""Check the timer, if we're past it return true, otherwise false."""
if self._clock() >= self._timer_future.value:
return False
return True
def _inc_within(self):
"""Inc the lock."""
with self._lock:
self._n_within.value += 1
def _dec_within(self):
"""Dec the lock."""
with self._lock:
self._n_within.value -= 1
def _set_timer(self):
"""Set a time in the future to unblock after."""
with self._lock:
self._timer_future.value = max(
self._clock() + self.quiescence_time_seconds,
def _allow_consumption(self):
"""Calculate max utilization to determine if another should be allowed.
Boolean if you're allowed to consume (acquire).
with self._lock:
one_more_total = (self._n_within.value + 1) * self._single_proc_max_bytes
total_avail = self._base_available - self._system_available_buffer_bytes
# If the guessed max plus yourself is above what's available including
# the buffer then refuse to admit.
if total_avail < one_more_total:
return False
return True
def acquire(self, timeout):
"""Block until enough available memory, or timeout.
Polls the system every SYSTEM_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS and determines
if there is enough available memory to proceed, or potentially timeout.
timeout (float): Time to block for available memory before return.
A tuple (bool, string) bool flags if you should go, and string is a text
representation of the reason for the acquire result.
# Remeasure the base.
if self._n_within.value == 0:
self._base_available = self._get_system_available()
# If you're under the unchecked_acquires go for it, but lock
# so that we can't race for it.
with self._lock:
if self._n_within.value < self.unchecked_acquires:
return AcquireResult(True, 'Succeeded as unchecked')
init_time = self._clock()
# If not enough memory or timer is running then block.
while init_time + timeout > self._clock():
with self._lock:
if not self._timer_blocked():
# Extrapolate system state and perhaps allow.
if (self._allow_consumption() and
self._n_within.value < self._total_max.value):
return AcquireResult(True, 'Allowed due to available memory')
# There was no moment before timeout where we could have ran the task.
return AcquireResult(False,
'Timed out (due to quiescence, '
'total max, or avail memory)')
def release(self):
"""Releases a single acquire."""