blob: c4806e4696136e2795737b9181e828e393fc9d3a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Package Info (CPV) parsing."""
import collections
import functools
import re
import string
from typing import Union
from chromite.utils import pms
# Define data structures for holding PV and CPV objects.
_PV_FIELDS = ['pv', 'package', 'version', 'version_no_rev', 'rev']
PV = collections.namedtuple('PV', _PV_FIELDS)
# See ebuild(5) man page for the field specs these fields are based on.
# Notably, cpv does not include the revision, cpf does.
_CPV_FIELDS = ['category', 'cp', 'cpv', 'cpf'] + _PV_FIELDS
CPV = collections.namedtuple('CPV', _CPV_FIELDS)
# Package matching regexp, as dictated by package manager specification:
_pkg = r'(?P<package>' + r'[\w+][\w+-]*)'
_ver = (r'(?P<version>'
_pvr_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<pv>%s-%s)$' % (_pkg, _ver), re.VERBOSE)
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error class for the module."""
class InvalidComparisonTypeError(Error, TypeError):
"""Known class compared to an unknown type that cannot be resolved."""
class ParseTypeError(Error, TypeError):
"""Attempted parse of a type that could not be handled."""
def _SplitPV(pv, strict=True):
"""Takes a PV value and splits it into individual components.
Deprecated, use parse() instead.
pv: Package name and version.
strict: If True, returns None if version or package name is missing.
Otherwise, only package name is mandatory.
A collection with named members:
pv, package, version, version_no_rev, rev
m = _pvr_re.match(pv)
if m is None and strict:
return None
if m is None:
return PV(**{'pv': None, 'package': pv, 'version': None,
'version_no_rev': None, 'rev': None})
return PV(**m.groupdict())
def SplitCPV(cpv, strict=True):
"""Splits a CPV value into components.
Deprecated, use parse() instead.
cpv: Category, package name, and version of a package.
strict: If True, returns None if any of the components is missing.
Otherwise, only package name is mandatory.
A collection with named members:
category, pv, package, version, version_no_rev, rev
chunks = cpv.split('/')
if len(chunks) > 2:
raise ValueError('Unexpected package format %s' % cpv)
if len(chunks) == 1:
category = None
category = chunks[0]
m = _SplitPV(chunks[-1], strict=strict)
if strict and (category is None or m is None):
return None
# Gather parts and build each field. See ebuild(5) man page for spec.
cp_fields = (category, m.package)
cp = '%s/%s' % cp_fields if all(cp_fields) else None
cpv_fields = (cp, m.version_no_rev)
real_cpv = '%s-%s' % cpv_fields if all(cpv_fields) else None
cpf_fields = (real_cpv, m.rev)
cpf = '%s-%s' % cpf_fields if all(cpf_fields) else real_cpv
return CPV(category=category, cp=cp, cpv=real_cpv, cpf=cpf, **m._asdict())
def parse(cpv: Union[str, CPV, 'PackageInfo']):
"""Parse a package to a PackageInfo object.
cpv: Any package type. This function can parse strings, translate CPVs to a
PackageInfo instance, and will simply return the argument if given a
PackageInfo instance.
if isinstance(cpv, PackageInfo):
return cpv
elif isinstance(cpv, CPV):
parsed = cpv
elif isinstance(cpv, str):
parsed = SplitCPV(cpv, strict=False)
raise ParseTypeError(f'Unable to parse type: {type(cpv)}')
# Temporary measure. SplitCPV parses X-r1 with the revision as r1.
# Once the SplitCPV function has been fully deprecated we can switch
# the regex to exclude the r from what it parses as the revision instead.
# TODO: Change the regex to parse the revision without the r.
revision = parsed.rev.replace('r', '') if parsed.rev else None
return PackageInfo(
class PackageInfo(object):
"""Read-only class to hold and format commonly used package information."""
def __init__(self, category=None, package=None, version=None, revision=None):
# Private attributes to enforce read-only. Particularly to allow use of
# lru_cache for formatting.
self._category = category
self._package = package
self._version = str(version) if version is not None else None
self._revision = int(revision) if revision else 0
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PackageInfo):
return self == parse(other)
except ParseTypeError:
return False
# Simple comparisons for category, package, and revision. Do manual
# revision comparison to avoid recursion with the LRU Cache when
# comparing the `.vr`s.
if (self.category != other.category or self.package != other.package or
self.revision != other.revision):
# Early return to skip version logic when possible.
return False
if self.version and other.version:
return pms.version_eq(self.version, other.version)
return self.version == other.version
def __ge__(self, other):
return self == other or self > other
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PackageInfo):
raise InvalidComparisonTypeError(
f"'>' not supported between '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'.")
# Compare as much of the "category/package" as we have.
if self.atom and other.atom and self.atom != other.atom:
return self.atom > other.atom
elif self.category != other.category:
return self.category > other.category
elif self.package != other.package:
return self.package > other.package
if self.vr and other.vr:
# Both have versions, do full comparison.
return pms.version_gt(self.vr, other.vr)
# Simple compare since only one or neither has a version.
return self.vr > other.vr
def __le__(self, other):
return self == other or self < other
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, PackageInfo):
# x < y == y > x, so just do that when we can.
return other > self
raise InvalidComparisonTypeError(
f"'<' not supported between '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'.")
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._category, self._package, self._version, self._revision))
def __repr__(self):
return f'PackageInfo<{str(self)}>'
def __str__(self):
return self.cpvr or self.atom
def __format__(self, format_spec):
"""Formatter function.
The format |spec| is a format string containing any combination of:
{c}, {p}, {v}, or {r} for the package's category, package name, version,
or revision, respectively, or any of the class' {attribute}s.
e.g. {c}/{p} or {atom} for a package's atom (i.e. category/package_name).
fmtter = string.Formatter()
base_dict = {
'c': self.category,
'p': self.package,
'v': self.version,
# Force 'r' to be None when we have 0 to avoid -r0 suffixes.
'r': self.revision or None,
fields = (x for _, x, _, _ in fmtter.parse(format_spec) if x)
# Setting base_dict.get(x) as the default value for getattr allows it to
# fall back to valid, falsey values in the base_dict rather than
# overwriting them with None, i.e. 0 for version or revision.
fmt_dict = {x: getattr(self, x, base_dict.get(x)) for x in fields}
# We can almost do `if all(fmt_dict.values()):` to just check for falsey
# values here, but 0 is a valid version value.
if any(v in ('', None) for v in fmt_dict.values()):
return ''
return format_spec.format(**fmt_dict)
def category(self):
return self._category
def package(self):
return self._package
def version(self):
return self._version
def revision(self):
return self._revision
def cpv(self):
return format(self, '{c}/{p}-{v}')
def cpvr(self):
return format(self, '{cpv}-r{r}') or self.cpv
def cpf(self):
"""CPF is the portage name for cpvr, provided to simplify transition."""
return self.cpvr
def atom(self):
return format(self, '{c}/{p}')
def cp(self):
return self.atom
def pv(self):
return format(self, '{p}-{v}')
def pvr(self):
return format(self, '{pv}-r{r}') or self.pv
def vr(self):
return format(self, '{v}-r{r}') or self.version
def ebuild(self):
return format(self, '{pvr}.ebuild')
def relative_path(self):
"""Path of the ebuild relative to its overlay."""
return format(self, '{c}/{p}/{ebuild}')
def revision_bump(self):
"""Get a PackageInfo instance with an incremented revision."""
return PackageInfo(self.category, self.package, self.version,
self.revision + 1)
def with_version(self, version):
"""Get a PackageInfo instance with the new, specified version."""
return PackageInfo(self.category, self.package, version)
def to_cpv(self):
"""Get a CPV instance of this PackageInfo.
This method is provided only to allow compatibility with functions that
have not yet been converted to use PackageInfo objects. This function will
be removed when the CPV namedtuple is removed.
return SplitCPV(self.cpvr)