blob: c2dfd439a2c5aebb05d727118547b89dcf8bab5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Parser for Portage elog summary.log files
The summary.log file is created by Portage at ${PORT_LOGDIR}/elog/summary.log
and appended to by every run of `emerge`. Any package that emits information
via the `elog` system will have an entry in the summary log, even those with
fatal errors.
The `ebuild` command and invocations of `emerge` with --pretend will *NOT*
generate entries in the summary.log file.
Documentation for the Portage log system can be found at:
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from chromite.lib.parser import package_info
SECTION_HEADER = re.compile(
r'>>> Messages generated by process (?P<process>\d+) on (?P<timestamp>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \w{3}) for package (?P<package>[^:]+):' # pylint: disable=line-too-long
LOG_ENTRY = re.compile(
r'(?P<level>INFO|WARN|LOG|ERROR|QA): (?P<phase>setup|unpack|prepare|configure|compile|test|install|preinst|postinst)' # pylint: disable=line-too-long
class Error(Exception):
"""Base exception type for this parser"""
class MalformedLogError(Error):
"""Error indicating a parsed log has unexpected structure"""
class DuplicatePackageError(Error):
"""Error indicating that duplicate packages were found in a summary.log"""
class SummaryLog(object):
"""Parsed contents of a summary.log file"""
def __init__(self, log_contents):
self.package_logs = sorted(
(PackageLog(cpv, logs) for cpv, logs in log_contents.items()),
key=lambda x: x.cpv)
def has_failed_packages(self):
return any(log.has_errors() for log in self.package_logs)
def failed_packages(self):
return sorted(log.cp for log in self.package_logs if log.has_errors())
def has_warned_packages(self):
return any(log.has_warnings() for log in self.package_logs)
def warned_packages(self):
return sorted(log.cp for log in self.package_logs if log.has_warnings())
def parse_from_file(file_path):
with open(file_path) as logfile:
return _parse_summary_log_from_lines_iterator(logfile)
def parse_from_string(string):
return _parse_summary_log_from_lines_iterator(string.splitlines(True))
class PackageLog(object):
"""Parsed contents of a single package's entry from a summary.log"""
def __init__(self, cpv, log_mapping):
self.cpv = cpv
self.log_levels = dict((k, dict(v)) for k, v in log_mapping.items())
def cp(self):
return self.cpv.cp
def has_errors(self):
return 'ERROR' in self.log_levels
def has_warnings(self):
return 'WARN' in self.log_levels
def _parse_summary_log_from_lines_iterator(log_lines, no_duplicates=False):
cpv = None
level = None
phase = None
# A mapping of package cpv -> log level -> ebuild phase -> messages
# Ex: contents["app-editor/vim"]["ERROR"]["compile"] -> "something happened"
contents = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str)))
for line in log_lines:
# Skip over blank lines
if not line.strip():
# Update the state once we're in a log section for a particular package
# If we encounter the same package twice that means the log has entries
# from a previous attempt.
header_match = SECTION_HEADER.match(line.strip())
if header_match:
cpv = package_info.SplitCPV('package'))
if cpv in contents and no_duplicates:
raise DuplicatePackageError()
# Match the ebuild phase and log entry. If we don't have a package set yet,
# then the log we're reading is malformed.
entry_match = LOG_ENTRY.match(line.strip())
if entry_match:
if not cpv:
raise MalformedLogError()
phase ='phase')
level ='level')
# All other lines are then the actual messages printed by ebuilds. Append
# them to their respective categories. If anything is unset by this point,
# the log is again malformed.
if not all((cpv, phase, level)):
raise MalformedLogError()
contents[cpv][level][phase] += line
return SummaryLog(contents)