blob: 14c130c7660de9c8f22debcf9c1e3e1745c50a00 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for GerritHelper."""
import collections
import getpass
import http.client
import http.cookiejar
import io
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
from unittest import mock
import urllib.parse
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gob_util
from chromite.lib import osutils
class GerritTestCase(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Test class for tests that interact with a Gerrit server.
Configured by default to use a specially-configured test Gerrit server at
t3st-chr0m3(-review) The test server configuration may be
altered by setting the following environment variables from the parent
CROS_TEST_GIT_HOST: host name for git operations; defaults to
CROS_TEST_GERRIT_HOST: host name for Gerrit operations; defaults to
CROS_TEST_COOKIES_PATH: path to a cookies.txt file to use for git/Gerrit
requests; defaults to ~/.gitcookies.
CROS_TEST_COOKIE_NAMES: comma-separated list of cookie names from
CROS_TEST_COOKIES_PATH to set on requests; defaults
to none. The current implementation only sends
cookies matching the exact host name and the empty
path ("/").
# pylint: disable=protected-access
TEST_USERNAME = 'test-username'
GerritInstance = collections.namedtuple('GerritInstance', [
def _create_gerrit_instance(self, tmp_dir):
default_host = 't3st-chr0m3'
git_host = os.environ.get('CROS_TEST_GIT_HOST',
constants.GOB_HOST % default_host)
gerrit_host = os.environ.get('CROS_TEST_GERRIT_HOST',
'' % default_host)
project_prefix = 'test-%s/' % (cros_build_lib.GetRandomString(),)
cookies_path = os.environ.get('CROS_TEST_COOKIES_PATH',
# "o" is the cookie name that GoB uses in its instructions.
cookie_names_str = os.environ.get('CROS_TEST_COOKIE_NAMES', 'o')
cookie_names = {c for c in cookie_names_str.split(',') if c}
tmpcookies_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '.gitcookies')
if os.path.exists(cookies_path):
shutil.copy(cookies_path, tmpcookies_path)
return self.GerritInstance(
gerrit_url='https://%s/' % gerrit_host,
git_url='https://%s/' % git_host,
def setUp(self):
"""Sets up the gerrit instances in a class-specific temp dir."""
self.saved_params = {}
os.environ['HOME'] = self.tempdir
# Create gerrit instance.
gi = self.gerrit_instance = self._create_gerrit_instance(self.tempdir)
# This --global will use our tempdir $HOME we set above, not the real ~/.
['git', 'config', '--global', 'http.cookiefile', gi.cookies_path],
jar = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(gi.cookies_path)
def GetCookies(host, _path):
return dict(
(, urllib.parse.unquote(c.value)) for c in jar
if c.domain == host and c.path == '/' and in gi.cookie_names)
self.PatchObject(gob_util, 'GetCookies', GetCookies)
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
# Make all chromite code point to the test server.
self.patched_params = {
'EXTERNAL_GOB_HOST': gi.git_host,
'EXTERNAL_GERRIT_HOST': gi.gerrit_host,
'EXTERNAL_GOB_URL': gi.git_url,
'EXTERNAL_GERRIT_URL': gi.gerrit_url,
'INTERNAL_GOB_HOST': gi.git_host,
'INTERNAL_GERRIT_HOST': gi.gerrit_host,
'INTERNAL_GOB_URL': gi.git_url,
'INTERNAL_GERRIT_URL': gi.gerrit_url,
'AOSP_GOB_HOST': gi.git_host,
'AOSP_GERRIT_HOST': gi.gerrit_host,
'AOSP_GOB_URL': gi.git_url,
'AOSP_GERRIT_URL': gi.gerrit_url,
'MANIFEST_URL': '%s/%s' % (
gi.git_url, site_params.MANIFEST_PROJECT
'MANIFEST_INT_URL': '%s/%s' % (
gi.git_url, site_params.MANIFEST_INT_PROJECT
site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE: gi.gerrit_url,
site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE: gi.gerrit_url,
site_params.CHROMIUM_REMOTE: gi.gerrit_url,
site_params.CHROME_REMOTE: gi.gerrit_url
for k in self.patched_params.keys():
self.saved_params[k] = site_params.get(k)
def tearDown(self):
# Restore the 'patched' site parameters.
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
def createProject(self, suffix, description='Test project', owners=None,
"""Create a project on the test gerrit server."""
name = self.gerrit_instance.project_prefix + suffix
body = {
'description': description,
'submit_type': submit_type,
if owners is not None:
body['owners'] = owners
path = 'projects/%s' % urllib.parse.quote(name, '')
conn = gob_util.CreateHttpConn(
self.gerrit_instance.gerrit_host, path, reqtype='PUT', body=body)
response = conn.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(201, response.status,
'Expected 201, got %s' % response.status)
s = io.BytesIO(
self.assertEqual(b")]}'", s.readline().rstrip())
jmsg = json.load(s)
self.assertEqual(name, jmsg['name'])
return name
def _CloneProject(self, name, path):
"""Clone a project from the test gerrit server."""
root = os.path.dirname(path)
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (
gob_util.GIT_PROTOCOL, self.gerrit_instance.git_host, name)
git.RunGit(root, ['clone', url, path])
# Install commit-msg hook.
hook_path = os.path.join(path, '.git', 'hooks', 'commit-msg')
hook_cmd = ['curl', '-n', '-o', hook_path,
'-b', self.gerrit_instance.cookies_path]
% self.gerrit_instance.gerrit_host), quiet=True)
os.chmod(hook_path, stat.S_IRWXU)
# Set git identity to test account
['git', 'config', '', self.TEST_EMAIL], cwd=path, quiet=True)
return path
def cloneProject(self, name, path=None):
"""Clone a project from the test gerrit server."""
if path is None:
path = os.path.basename(name)
if path.endswith('.git'):
path = path[:-4]
path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, path)
return self._CloneProject(name, path)
def _CreateCommit(cls, clone_path, filename=None, msg=None, text=None,
"""Create a commit in the given git checkout.
clone_path: The directory on disk of the git clone.
filename: The name of the file to write. Optional.
msg: The commit message. Optional.
text: The text to append to the file. Optional.
amend: Whether to amend an existing patch. If set, we will amend the
HEAD commit in the checkout and upload that patch.
(sha1, changeid) of the new commit.
if not filename:
filename = 'test-file.txt'
if not msg:
msg = 'Test Message'
if not text:
text = 'Another day, another dollar.'
fpath = os.path.join(clone_path, filename)
osutils.WriteFile(fpath, '%s\n' % text, mode='a')['git', 'add', filename], cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
cmd = ['git', 'commit']
cmd += ['--amend', '-C', 'HEAD'] if amend else ['-m', msg], cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
return cls._GetCommit(clone_path)
def createCommit(self, clone_path, filename=None, msg=None, text=None,
"""Create a commit in the given git checkout.
clone_path: The directory on disk of the git clone.
filename: The name of the file to write. Optional.
msg: The commit message. Optional.
text: The text to append to the file. Optional.
amend: Whether to amend an existing patch. If set, we will amend the
HEAD commit in the checkout and upload that patch.
clone_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, clone_path)
return self._CreateCommit(clone_path, filename, msg, text, amend)
def _GetCommit(clone_path, ref='HEAD'):
log_proc =
['git', 'log', '-n', '1', ref], cwd=clone_path,
print_cmd=False, capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
sha1 = None
change_id = None
for line in log_proc.output.splitlines():
match = re.match(r'^commit ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$', line)
if match:
sha1 =
match = re.match(r'^\s+Change-Id:\s*(\S+)$', line)
if match:
change_id =
return (sha1, change_id)
def getCommit(self, clone_path, ref='HEAD'):
"""Get the sha1 and change-id for the head commit in a git checkout."""
clone_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, clone_path)
(sha1, change_id) = self._GetCommit(clone_path, ref)
return (sha1, change_id)
def _UploadChange(clone_path, branch='master', remote='origin'):
['git', 'push', remote, 'HEAD:refs/for/%s' % branch], cwd=clone_path,
def uploadChange(self, clone_path, branch='master', remote='origin'):
"""Create a gerrit CL from the HEAD of a git checkout."""
clone_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, clone_path)
self._UploadChange(clone_path, branch, remote)
def _PushBranch(clone_path, branch='master'):
['git', 'push', 'origin', 'HEAD:refs/heads/%s' % branch],
cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
def pushBranch(self, clone_path, branch='master'):
"""Push a branch directly to gerrit, bypassing code review."""
clone_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, clone_path)
self._PushBranch(clone_path, branch)
def createAccount(self, name='Test User', email='',
password=None, groups=None):
"""Create a new user account on gerrit."""
username = urllib.parse.quote(email.partition('@')[0])
path = 'accounts/%s' % username
body = {
'name': name,
'email': email,
if password:
body['http_password'] = password
if groups:
if isinstance(groups, str):
groups = [groups]
body['groups'] = groups
conn = gob_util.CreateHttpConn(
self.gerrit_instance.gerrit_host, path, reqtype='PUT', body=body)
response = conn.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(201, response.status)
s = io.BytesIO(
self.assertEqual(b")]}'", s.readline().rstrip())
jmsg = json.load(s)
self.assertEqual(email, jmsg['email'])
class GerritHelperTest(GerritTestCase):
"""Unittests for GerritHelper."""
def _GetHelper(self, remote=config_lib.GetSiteParams().EXTERNAL_REMOTE):
return gerrit.GetGerritHelper(remote)
def createPatch(self, clone_path, project, remote='origin', **kwargs):
"""Create a patch in the given git checkout and upload it to gerrit.
clone_path: The directory on disk of the git clone.
project: The associated project.
remote: The remote to upload changes to.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to createCommit.
A GerritPatch object.
(revision, changeid) = self.createCommit(clone_path, **kwargs)
gpatch = self.CreateGerritPatch(clone_path, remote, project=project)
self.assertEqual(gpatch.change_id, changeid)
self.assertEqual(gpatch.revision, revision)
return gpatch
def testSimpleQuery(self):
"""Create one independent and three dependent changes, then query them."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
(head_sha1, head_changeid) = self.createCommit(clone_path)
for idx in range(3):
['git', 'checkout', head_sha1], cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
self.createCommit(clone_path, filename='test-file-%d.txt' % idx)
helper = self._GetHelper()
changes = helper.Query(owner='self', project=project)
self.assertEqual(len(changes), 4)
changes = helper.Query(head_changeid, project=project, branch='main')
self.assertEqual(len(changes), 1)
self.assertEqual(changes[0].change_id, head_changeid)
self.assertEqual(changes[0].sha1, head_sha1)
change = helper.QuerySingleRecord(
head_changeid, project=project, branch='main')
self.assertEqual(change.change_id, head_changeid)
self.assertEqual(change.sha1, head_sha1)
change = helper.GrabPatchFromGerrit(project, head_changeid, head_sha1)
self.assertEqual(change.change_id, head_changeid)
self.assertEqual(change.sha1, head_sha1)
@mock.patch.object(gerrit.GerritHelper, '_GERRIT_MAX_QUERY_RETURN', 2)
def testGerritQueryTruncation(self):
"""Verify that we detect gerrit truncating our query, and handle it."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
# Using a shell loop is markedly faster than running a python loop.
num_changes = 5
cmd = ('for ((i=0; i<%i; i=i+1)); do '
'echo "Another day, another dollar." > test-file-$i.txt; '
'git add test-file-$i.txt; '
'git commit -m "Test commit $i."; '
'done' % num_changes), shell=True, cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
helper = self._GetHelper()
changes = helper.Query(project=project)
self.assertEqual(len(changes), num_changes)
def testIsChangeCommitted(self):
"""Tests that we can parse a json to check if a change is committed."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project)
helper = self._GetHelper()
helper.SetReview(gpatch.gerrit_number, labels={'Code-Review':'+2'})
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project)
def testGetLatestSHA1ForBranch(self):
"""Verifies that we can query the tip-of-tree commit in a git repository."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
for _ in range(5):
(master_sha1, _) = self.createCommit(clone_path)
self.pushBranch(clone_path, 'master')
for _ in range(5):
(testbranch_sha1, _) = self.createCommit(clone_path)
self.pushBranch(clone_path, 'testbranch')
helper = self._GetHelper()
helper.GetLatestSHA1ForBranch(project, 'master'),
helper.GetLatestSHA1ForBranch(project, 'testbranch'),
def _ChooseReviewers(self):
all_reviewers = set(['', '',
ret = list(all_reviewers.difference(['' % getpass.getuser()]))
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(ret), 2)
return ret
def testSetReviewers(self):
"""Verify that we can set reviewers on a CL."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project)
emails = self._ChooseReviewers()
helper = self._GetHelper()
helper.SetReviewers(gpatch.gerrit_number, add=(
emails[0], emails[1]))
reviewers = gob_util.GetReviewers(, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(len(reviewers), 2)
[r['email'] for r in reviewers],
[emails[0], emails[1]])
reviewers = gob_util.GetReviewers(, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(len(reviewers), 1)
self.assertEqual(reviewers[0]['email'], emails[1])
def testPatchNotFound(self):
"""Test case where ChangeID isn't found on the server."""
changeids = ['I' + ('deadbeef' * 5), 'I' + ('beadface' * 5)]
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
['*' + cid for cid in changeids])
# Change ID sequence starts at 1000.
gerrit_numbers = ['123', '543']
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
['*' + num for num in gerrit_numbers])
def testVagueQuery(self):
"""Verify GerritHelper complains if an ID matches multiple changes."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
(sha1, _) = self.createCommit(clone_path)
(_, changeid) = self.createCommit(clone_path)
self.uploadChange(clone_path, 'master')
['git', 'checkout', sha1], cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
self.pushBranch(clone_path, 'testbranch')
clone_path, msg='Test commit.\n\nChange-Id: %s' % changeid)
self.uploadChange(clone_path, 'testbranch')
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
def testQueries(self):
"""Verify assorted query operations."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project)
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project)
helper = self._GetHelper()
# Multi-queries with one valid and one invalid term should raise.
invalid_change_id = 'I1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
[invalid_change_id, gpatch.change_id])
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
[gpatch.change_id, invalid_change_id])
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
['9876543', gpatch.gerrit_number])
self.assertRaises(gerrit.GerritException, gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo,
[gpatch.gerrit_number, '9876543'])
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
# Simple query by project/changeid/sha1.
patch_info = helper.GrabPatchFromGerrit(gpatch.project, gpatch.change_id,
self.assertEqual(patch_info.gerrit_number, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(patch_info.remote, site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
# Simple query by gerrit number to external remote.
patch_info = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo([gpatch.gerrit_number])
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].gerrit_number, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].remote, site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
# Simple query by gerrit number to internal remote.
patch_info = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo(['*' + gpatch.gerrit_number])
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].gerrit_number, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].remote, site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
# Query to external server by gerrit number and change-id which refer to
# the same change should return one result.
fq_changeid = '~'.join((gpatch.project, 'master', gpatch.change_id))
patch_info = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo([gpatch.gerrit_number, fq_changeid])
self.assertEqual(len(patch_info), 1)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].gerrit_number, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].remote, site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
# Query to internal server by gerrit number and change-id which refer to
# the same change should return one result.
patch_info = gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo(
['*' + gpatch.gerrit_number, '*' + fq_changeid])
self.assertEqual(len(patch_info), 1)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].gerrit_number, gpatch.gerrit_number)
self.assertEqual(patch_info[0].remote, site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
def testSubmitOutdatedCommit(self):
"""Tests that we can parse a json to check if a change is committed."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project, 'p1')
# Create a change.
gpatch1 = self.createPatch(clone_path, project)
# Update the change.
gpatch2 = self.createPatch(clone_path, project, amend=True)
# Make sure we're talking about the same change.
self.assertEqual(gpatch1.change_id, gpatch2.change_id)
# Try submitting the out-of-date change.
helper = self._GetHelper()
helper.SetReview(gpatch1.gerrit_number, labels={'Code-Review':'+2'})
with self.assertRaises(gob_util.GOBError) as ex:
self.assertEqual(ex.exception.http_status, http.client.CONFLICT)
# Try submitting the up-to-date change.
def testResetReviewLabels(self):
"""Tests that we can remove a code review label."""
project = self.createProject('testProject')
helper = self._GetHelper()
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project, 'p1')
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project, msg='Init')
helper.SetReview(gpatch.gerrit_number, labels={'Code-Review':'+2'})
gob_util.ResetReviewLabels(, gpatch.gerrit_number,
label='Code-Review', notify='OWNER')
def testApprovalTime(self):
"""Approval timestamp should be reset when a new patchset is created."""
# Create a change.
project = self.createProject('testProject')
helper = self._GetHelper()
clone_path = self.cloneProject(project, 'p1')
gpatch = self.createPatch(clone_path, project, msg='Init')
helper.SetReview(gpatch.gerrit_number, labels={'Code-Review':'+2'})
# Update the change.
new_msg = 'New %s' % gpatch.commit_message
['git', 'commit', '--amend', '-m', new_msg], cwd=clone_path, quiet=True)
gpatch2 = self._GetHelper().QuerySingleRecord(
change=gpatch.change_id, project=gpatch.project, branch='master')
self.assertNotEqual(gpatch2.approval_timestamp, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(gpatch2.commit_timestamp, 0)
self.assertEqual(gpatch2.approval_timestamp, gpatch2.commit_timestamp)
class GerritParserTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Unittests for GerritHelper."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def _GetHelper(self, remote=config_lib.GetSiteParams().EXTERNAL_REMOTE):
return gerrit.GetGerritHelper(remote)
def testGetChangeFromStdoutPass(self):
"""Test that the proper change number is returned from the git stdout."""
stdout = ('remote:\nremote:\nremote: '
' gerrit: test')
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
self.assertEqual(changenum, '123')
stdout = ('remote:\nremote: '
' gerrit: test')
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
self.assertEqual(changenum, '123')
stdout = ('remote: '
' gerrit: test 456')
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
self.assertEqual(changenum, '123')
stdout = ('remote: '
' handle /+/124 in URI')
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
self.assertEqual(changenum, '123')
def testGetChangeFromStdoutFail(self):
"""Test that the function returns None when an improper stdout is given."""
# Fails because remote is not at the start of the text.
stdout = """
remote: https://example./c/some/project/repo/+/123 gerrit: test
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
stdout = """
remote:https://example./c/some/project/repo/+/123 gerrit: test
changenum = self._GetHelper()._get_changenumber_from_stdout(stdout)
class DirectGerritHelperTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Unittests for GerritHelper that use the real Chromium instance."""
# A big list of real changes.
CHANGES = ['235893', '*189165', '231790', '*190026', '231647', '234645']
def testMultipleChangeDetail(self):
"""Test ordering of results in GetMultipleChangeDetail"""
changes = [x for x in self.CHANGES if not x.startswith('*')]
helper = gerrit.GetCrosExternal()
results = list(helper.GetMultipleChangeDetail([str(x) for x in changes]))
gerrit_numbers = [str(x['_number']) for x in results]
self.assertEqual(changes, gerrit_numbers)
def testQueryMultipleCurrentPatchset(self):
"""Test ordering of results in QueryMultipleCurrentPatchset"""
changes = [x for x in self.CHANGES if not x.startswith('*')]
helper = gerrit.GetCrosExternal()
results = list(helper.QueryMultipleCurrentPatchset(changes))
self.assertEqual(changes, [x.gerrit_number for _, x in results])
self.assertEqual(changes, [x for x, _ in results])
def testGetGerritPatchInfo(self):
"""Test ordering of results in GetGerritPatchInfo"""
# Swizzle from our old syntax to the new syntax.
changes = []
for change in self.CHANGES:
if change.startswith('*'):
changes.append('chrome-internal:%s' % (change[1:],))
changes.append('chromium:%s' % (change,))
results = list(gerrit.GetGerritPatchInfo(changes))
self.assertEqual(changes, [x.gerrit_number_str for x in results])