blob: 6f211c01ee0c5462e7272a9c228781dcaf1c3294 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module to detect flashing infrastructure and flash ap firmware.
This script automatically detects the flashing infrastructure and uses that to
flash AP fw to the DUT. First it checks for the environment variable $IP, then
tries flash via ssh to that address if one is present. If not it looks up what
servo version is connected and uses that to flash the AP firmware. Right now
this script only works with octopus, grunt, wilco, and hatch devices but will
be extended to support more in the future.
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib.firmware import ap_firmware
from chromite.lib.firmware import servo_lib
class Error(Exception):
"""Base module error class."""
class DeployFailed(Error):
"""Error raised when deploy fails."""
class MissingBuildTargetCommandsError(Error):
"""Error thrown when board-specific functionality can't be imported."""
def _build_flash_ssh_cmds(futility, ip, port, path, tmp_file_name, fast,
verbose, passthrough_args: Iterable[str] = tuple()):
"""Helper function to build commands for flashing over ssh
futility (bool): if True then flash with futility, otherwise flash
with flashrom.
ip (string): ip address of dut to flash.
port (int): The port to ssh to.
path (string): path to BIOS image to be flashed.
tmp_file_name (string): name of tempfile with copy of testing_rsa
fast (bool): if True pass through --fast (-n for flashrom) to
flashing command.
verbose (bool): if True set -v flag in flash command.
passthrough_args: List of additional options passed to flashrom or futility.
scp_cmd ([string]):
flash_cmd ([string]):
ssh_parameters = [
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o', 'CheckHostIP=no'
ssh_port = ['-p', str(port)] if port else []
scp_port = ['-P', str(port)] if port else []
tmp = '/tmp'
hostname = 'root@%s' % ip
scp_cmd = (['scp', '-i', tmp_file_name] + scp_port + ssh_parameters +
[path, '%s:%s' % (hostname, tmp)])
flash_cmd = ['ssh', hostname, '-i', tmp_file_name] + ssh_port + ssh_parameters
if futility:
flash_cmd += [
'futility', 'update', '-p', 'host', '-i',
os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(path))
if fast:
flash_cmd += ['--fast']
if verbose:
flash_cmd += ['-v']
flash_cmd += [
'flashrom', '-p', 'host', '-w',
os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(path))
if fast:
flash_cmd += ['-n']
if verbose:
flash_cmd += ['-V']
if passthrough_args:
flash_cmd += passthrough_args
flash_cmd += ['&& reboot']
return scp_cmd, flash_cmd
def _ssh_flash(futility, path, verbose, ip, port, fast, dryrun,
passthrough_args: Iterable[str] = tuple()):
"""This function flashes AP firmware over ssh.
Tries to ssh to ip address once. If the ssh connection is successful the
file to be flashed is copied over to the DUT then flashed using either
futility or flashrom.
futility (bool): if True then flash with futility, otherwise flash
with flashrom.
path (str): path to the BIOS image to be flashed.
verbose (bool): if True to set -v flag in flash command and
print other debug info, if False do nothing.
ip (str): ip address of dut to flash.
port (int): The port to ssh to.
fast (bool): if True pass through --fast (-n for flashrom) to
flashing command.
dryrun (bool): Whether to actually execute the commands or just print
the commands that would have been run.
passthrough_args: List of additional options passed to flashrom or futility.
bool: True on success, False on failure.
"""'connecting to: %s\n', ip)
id_filename = '/mnt/host/source/chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa'
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
scp_cmd, flash_cmd = _build_flash_ssh_cmds(futility, ip, port, path,, fast, verbose,
try:, print_cmd=verbose, check=True, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('Could not copy image to dut.')
return False'Flashing now, may take several minutes.')
try:, print_cmd=verbose, check=True, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('Flashing failed.')
return False
return True
def _build_read_ssh_cmds(ip, port, path, tmp_file_name, verbose, region):
"""Helper function to build commands for reading images over ssh
ip (string): ip address of DUT.
port (int): The port to ssh to.
path (string): path to store the read BIOS image.
tmp_file_name (string): name of tempfile with copy of testing_rsa
verbose (bool): if True set -v flag in flash command.
region (str): Region to read.
scp_cmd ([string]):
flash_cmd ([string]):
ssh_parameters = [
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o', 'CheckHostIP=no'
ssh_port = ['-p', str(port)] if port else []
scp_port = ['-P', str(port)] if port else []
remote_path = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(path))
hostname = 'root@%s' % ip
scp_cmd = (['scp', '-i', tmp_file_name] + scp_port + ssh_parameters +
['%s:%s' % (hostname, remote_path), path])
flash_cmd = (['ssh', hostname, '-i', tmp_file_name] + ssh_port +
ssh_parameters + ['flashrom', '-p', 'host', '-r', remote_path])
if region:
flash_cmd += ['-i', region]
if verbose:
flash_cmd += ['-V']
return scp_cmd, flash_cmd
def ssh_read(path, verbose, ip, port, dryrun, region):
"""This function reads AP firmware over ssh.
Tries to ssh to ip address once. If the ssh connection is successful the
image is read from the DUT using flashrom, and then is copied back via scp.
path (str): path to the BIOS image to be flashed or read.
verbose (bool): if True to set -v flag in flash command and
print other debug info, if False do nothing.
ip (str): ip address of DUT.
port (int): The port to ssh to.
dryrun (bool): Whether to actually execute the commands or just print
the commands that would have been run.
region (str): Region to read.
bool: True on success, False on failure.
"""'Connecting to: %s\n', ip)
id_filename = '/mnt/host/source/chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa'
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
scp_cmd, flash_cmd = _build_read_ssh_cmds(ip, port, path,,
verbose, region)'Reading now, may take several minutes.')
try:, print_cmd=verbose, check=True, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('Read failed.')
return False
try:, print_cmd=verbose, check=True, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('Could not copy image from dut.')
return False
return True
def servo_run(dut_ctl, dut_cmd_on, dut_cmd_off, flash_cmd, verbose, dryrun):
"""Runs subprocesses for setting dut controls and executing flash_cmd.
dut_ctl (DutControl): The dut_control command runner instance.
dut_cmd_on ([[str]]): 2d array of dut-control commands
in the form [['dut-control', 'cmd1', 'cmd2'...],
['dut-control', 'cmd3'...]]
that get executed before the dut_cmd.
dut_cmd_off ([[str]]): 2d array of dut-control commands
in the same form that get executed after the dut_cmd.
flash_cmd ([str]): array containing all arguments for
the actual command. Run as root user on host.
verbose (bool): if True then print out the various
commands before running them.
dryrun (bool): Whether to actually execute the commands or just print them.
bool: True if commands were run successfully, otherwise False.
success = True
# Dut on command runs.
dut_ctl.run_all(dut_cmd_on, verbose=verbose, dryrun=dryrun)
# Need to wait for SPI chip power to stabilize (for some designs)
# Run the flash command.
cros_build_lib.sudo_run(flash_cmd, print_cmd=verbose, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('DUT command failed, see output above for more info.')
success = False
# Run the dut off commands to clean up state if possible.
dut_ctl.run_all(dut_cmd_off, verbose=verbose, dryrun=dryrun)
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError:
logging.error('DUT cmd off failed, see output above for more info.')
success = False
return success
def deploy(build_target,
flash_contents: Optional[str] = None,
passthrough_args: Iterable[str] = tuple()):
"""Deploy an AP FW image to a device.
build_target (build_target_lib.BuildTarget): The DUT build target.
image (str): The image path.
device (commandline.Device): The device to be used. Temporarily optional.
flashrom (bool): Whether to use flashrom or futility.
fast (bool): Whether to do a fast (no verification) flash.
port (int|None): The servo port.
verbose (bool): Whether to use verbose output for flash commands.
dryrun (bool): Whether to actually execute the deployment or just print the
operations that would have been performed.
flash_contents: Path to the file that contains the existing contents.
passthrough_args: List of additional options passed to flashrom or futility.
ip = None
if device:
port = device.port
if device.scheme == commandline.DEVICE_SCHEME_SSH:
ip = device.hostname
port = port or device.port
ip = os.getenv('IP')
module = ap_firmware.get_config_module(
if ip:
_deploy_ssh(image, module, flashrom, fast, verbose, ip, port, dryrun,
_deploy_servo(image, module, flashrom, fast, verbose, port, dryrun,
flash_contents, passthrough_args)
def _deploy_servo(image,
flash_contents: Optional[str] = None,
passthrough_args: Iterable[str] = tuple()):
"""Deploy to a servo connection.
image (str): Path to the image to flash.
module: The config module.
flashrom (bool): Whether to use flashrom or futility.
fast (bool): Whether to do a fast (no verification) flash.
verbose (bool): Whether to use verbose output for flash commands.
port (int|None): The servo port.
dryrun (bool): Whether to actually execute the deployment or just print the
operations that would have been performed.
flash_contents: Path to the file that contains the existing contents.
passthrough_args: Additional options passed to flashrom or futility.
logging.notice('Attempting to flash via servo.')
dut_ctl = servo_lib.DutControl(port)
servo = servo_lib.get(dut_ctl)
# TODO(b/143240576): Fast mode is sometimes necessary to flash successfully.
if (not fast and hasattr(module, 'is_fast_required') and
module.is_fast_required(not flashrom, servo)):
logging.notice('There is a known error with the board and servo type being '
'used, enabling --fast to bypass this problem.')
fast = True
if (hasattr(module, 'DEPLOY_SERVO_FORCE_FLASHROM') and
# Futility needs VBoot to flash so boards without functioning VBoot
# can set this attribute to True to force the use of flashrom.
flashrom = True
ap_config = module.get_config(servo)
flashrom_cmd = ['flashrom', '-p', ap_config.programmer, '-w', image]
futility_cmd = [
futility_cmd += ['--force', '--wp=0']
if fast:
futility_cmd += ['--fast']
flashrom_cmd += ['-n']
if verbose:
flashrom_cmd += ['-V']
futility_cmd += ['-v']
if flash_contents is not None:
flashrom_cmd += ['--flash-contents', flash_contents]
if passthrough_args:
flashrom_cmd += passthrough_args
futility_cmd += passthrough_args
flash_cmd = flashrom_cmd if flashrom else futility_cmd
if servo_run(dut_ctl, ap_config.dut_control_on, ap_config.dut_control_off,
flash_cmd, verbose, dryrun):
logging.notice('SUCCESS. Exiting flash_ap.')
logging.error('Unable to complete flash, verify servo connection '
'is correct and servod is running in the background.')
def _deploy_ssh(image, module, flashrom, fast, verbose, ip, port, dryrun,
passthrough_args: Iterable[str] = tuple()):
"""Deploy to a servo connection.
image (str): Path to the image to flash.
module: The config module.
flashrom (bool): Whether to use flashrom or futility.
fast (bool): Whether to do a fast (no verification) flash.
verbose (bool): Whether to use verbose output for flash commands.
ip (str): The DUT ip address.
port (int): The port to ssh to.
dryrun (bool): Whether to execute the deployment or just print the
commands that would have been executed.
passthrough_args: List of additional options passed to flashrom or futility.
logging.notice('Attempting to flash via ssh.')
# TODO(b/143241417): Can't use flashrom over ssh on wilco.
if (hasattr(module, 'DEPLOY_SSH_FORCE_FUTILITY') and
module.DEPLOY_SSH_FORCE_FUTILITY and flashrom):
logging.warning('Flashing with flashrom over ssh on this device fails '
'consistently, flashing with futility instead.')
flashrom = False
if _ssh_flash(not flashrom, image, verbose, ip, port, fast, dryrun,
logging.notice('ssh flash successful. Exiting flash_ap')
raise DeployFailed('ssh failed, try using a servo connection instead.')