blob: d260db4166201a151c210834e3bbd8d56c81f6c6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/fec_test_helper.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/flexfec_header_reader_writer.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/ulpfec_header_reader_writer.h"
#include "rtc_base/random.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Transport header size in bytes. Assume UDP/IPv4 as a reasonable minimum.
constexpr size_t kTransportOverhead = 28;
constexpr uint32_t kMediaSsrc = 83542;
constexpr uint32_t kFlexfecSsrc = 43245;
constexpr size_t kMaxMediaPackets = 48;
// Deep copies |src| to |dst|, but only keeps every Nth packet.
void DeepCopyEveryNthPacket(const ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList& src,
int n,
ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList* dst) {
int i = 0;
for (const auto& packet : src) {
if (i % n == 0) {
dst->emplace_back(new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet(*packet));
} // namespace
using ::testing::Types;
template <typename ForwardErrorCorrectionType>
class RtpFecTest : public ::testing::Test {
: random_(0xabcdef123456),
kRtpHeaderSize, // Minimum packet size.
IP_PACKET_SIZE - kRtpHeaderSize - kTransportOverhead -
fec_.MaxPacketOverhead(), // Maximum packet size.
&random_) {}
// Construct |received_packets_|: a subset of the media and FEC packets.
// Media packet "i" is lost if media_loss_mask_[i] = 1, received if
// media_loss_mask_[i] = 0.
// FEC packet "i" is lost if fec_loss_mask_[i] = 1, received if
// fec_loss_mask_[i] = 0.
void NetworkReceivedPackets(int* media_loss_mask, int* fec_loss_mask);
// Add packet from |packet_list| to list of received packets, using the
// |loss_mask|.
// The |packet_list| may be a media packet list (is_fec = false), or a
// FEC packet list (is_fec = true).
template <typename T>
void ReceivedPackets(const T& packet_list, int* loss_mask, bool is_fec);
// Check for complete recovery after FEC decoding.
bool IsRecoveryComplete();
ForwardErrorCorrectionType fec_;
Random random_;
test::fec::MediaPacketGenerator media_packet_generator_;
ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList media_packets_;
std::list<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet*> generated_fec_packets_;
ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacketList recovered_packets_;
int media_loss_mask_[kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets];
int fec_loss_mask_[kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets];
template <typename ForwardErrorCorrectionType>
void RtpFecTest<ForwardErrorCorrectionType>::NetworkReceivedPackets(
int* media_loss_mask,
int* fec_loss_mask) {
constexpr bool kFecPacket = true;
ReceivedPackets(media_packets_, media_loss_mask, !kFecPacket);
ReceivedPackets(generated_fec_packets_, fec_loss_mask, kFecPacket);
template <typename ForwardErrorCorrectionType>
template <typename PacketListType>
void RtpFecTest<ForwardErrorCorrectionType>::ReceivedPackets(
const PacketListType& packet_list,
int* loss_mask,
bool is_fec) {
uint16_t fec_seq_num = ForwardErrorCorrectionType::GetFirstFecSeqNum(
int packet_idx = 0;
for (const auto& packet : packet_list) {
if (loss_mask[packet_idx] == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket> received_packet(
new ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket());
received_packet->pkt = new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet();
received_packet->pkt->length = packet->length;
memcpy(received_packet->pkt->data, packet->data, packet->length);
received_packet->is_fec = is_fec;
if (!is_fec) {
received_packet->ssrc = kMediaSsrc;
// For media packets, the sequence number is obtained from the
// RTP header as written by MediaPacketGenerator::ConstructMediaPackets.
received_packet->seq_num =
} else {
received_packet->ssrc = ForwardErrorCorrectionType::kFecSsrc;
// For FEC packets, we simulate the sequence numbers differently
// depending on if ULPFEC or FlexFEC is used. See the definition of
// ForwardErrorCorrectionType::GetFirstFecSeqNum.
received_packet->seq_num = fec_seq_num;
// Sequence number of FEC packets are defined as increment by 1 from
// last media packet in frame.
if (is_fec)
template <typename ForwardErrorCorrectionType>
bool RtpFecTest<ForwardErrorCorrectionType>::IsRecoveryComplete() {
// We must have equally many recovered packets as original packets.
if (recovered_packets_.size() != media_packets_.size()) {
return false;
// All recovered packets must be identical to the corresponding
// original packets.
auto cmp =
[](const std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet>& media_packet,
const std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacket>&
recovered_packet) {
if (media_packet->length != recovered_packet->pkt->length) {
return false;
if (memcmp(media_packet->data, recovered_packet->pkt->data,
media_packet->length) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
return std::equal(media_packets_.cbegin(), media_packets_.cend(),
recovered_packets_.cbegin(), cmp);
// Define gTest typed test to loop over both ULPFEC and FlexFEC.
// Since the tests now are parameterized, we need to access
// member variables using |this|, thereby enforcing runtime
// resolution.
class FlexfecForwardErrorCorrection : public ForwardErrorCorrection {
static const uint32_t kFecSsrc = kFlexfecSsrc;
: ForwardErrorCorrection(
std::unique_ptr<FecHeaderReader>(new FlexfecHeaderReader()),
std::unique_ptr<FecHeaderWriter>(new FlexfecHeaderWriter()),
kMediaSsrc) {}
// For FlexFEC we let the FEC packet sequence numbers be independent of
// the media packet sequence numbers.
static uint16_t GetFirstFecSeqNum(uint16_t next_media_seq_num) {
Random random(0xbe110);
return random.Rand<uint16_t>();
class UlpfecForwardErrorCorrection : public ForwardErrorCorrection {
static const uint32_t kFecSsrc = kMediaSsrc;
: ForwardErrorCorrection(
std::unique_ptr<FecHeaderReader>(new UlpfecHeaderReader()),
std::unique_ptr<FecHeaderWriter>(new UlpfecHeaderWriter()),
kMediaSsrc) {}
// For ULPFEC we assume that the FEC packets are subsequent to the media
// packets in terms of sequence number.
static uint16_t GetFirstFecSeqNum(uint16_t next_media_seq_num) {
return next_media_seq_num;
using FecTypes =
Types<FlexfecForwardErrorCorrection, UlpfecForwardErrorCorrection>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(RtpFecTest, FecTypes);
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, WillProtectMediaPacketsWithLargeSequenceNumberGap) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 2;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 127;
this->media_packets_ =
// Create |kMaxMediaPackets - 1| sequence number difference.
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
WillNotProtectMediaPacketsWithTooLargeSequenceNumberGap) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 2;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 127;
this->media_packets_ =
// Create |kMaxMediaPackets| sequence number difference.
kMaxMediaPackets + 1);
-1, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryNoLoss) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 60;
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// No packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// No packets lost, expect complete recovery.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithLoss) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 60;
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 1 media packet lost
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// One packet lost, one FEC packet, expect complete recovery.
// 2 media packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// 2 packets lost, one FEC packet, cannot get complete recovery.
// Verify that we don't use an old FEC packet for FEC decoding.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, NoFecRecoveryWithOldFecPacket) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 20;
// Two frames: first frame (old) with two media packets and 1 FEC packet.
// Third frame (new) with 3 media packets, and no FEC packets.
// #0(media) #1(media) #2(FEC) ----Frame 1-----
// #32767(media) 32768(media) 32769(media) ----Frame 2-----
// #65535(media) #0(media) #1(media). ----Frame 3-----
// If we lose either packet 0 or 1 of third frame, FEC decoding should not
// try to decode using "old" FEC packet #2.
// Construct media packets for first frame, starting at sequence number 0.
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(2, 0);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Add FEC packet (seq#2) of this first frame to received list (i.e., assume
// the two media packet were lost).
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->ReceivedPackets(this->generated_fec_packets_, this->fec_loss_mask_,
// Construct media packets for second frame, with sequence number wrap.
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 32767);
// Expect 3 media packets for this frame.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->media_packets_.size());
// No packets lost
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
// Construct media packets for third frame, with sequence number wrap.
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 65535);
// Expect 3 media packets for this frame.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->media_packets_.size());
// Second media packet lost (seq#0).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
// Add packets #65535, and #1 to received list.
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect that no decoding is done to get missing packet (seq#0) of third
// frame, using old FEC packet (seq#2) from first (old) frame. So number of
// recovered packets is 5 (0 from first frame, three from second frame, and 2
// for the third frame, with no packets recovered via FEC).
EXPECT_EQ(5u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(this->recovered_packets_.size() != this->media_packets_.size());
// Verify we can still recover frame if sequence number wrap occurs within
// the frame and FEC packet following wrap is received after media packets.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithSeqNumGapOneFrameRecovery) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 20;
// One frame, with sequence number wrap in media packets.
// -----Frame 1----
// #65534(media) #65535(media) #0(media) #1(FEC).
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 65534);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Lose one media packet (seq# 65535).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
// Add FEC packet to received list following the media packets.
this->ReceivedPackets(this->generated_fec_packets_, this->fec_loss_mask_,
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect 3 media packets in recovered list, and complete recovery.
// Wrap-around won't remove FEC packet, as it follows the wrap.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
// Sequence number wrap occurs within the ULPFEC packets for the frame.
// Same problem will occur if wrap is within media packets but ULPFEC packet is
// received before the media packets. This may be improved if timing information
// is used to detect old ULPFEC packets.
// TODO(nisse): There's some logic to discard ULPFEC packets at wrap-around,
// however, that is not actually exercised by this test: When the first FEC
// packet is processed, it results in full recovery of one media packet and the
// FEC packet is forgotten. And then the wraparound isn't noticed when the next
// FEC packet is received. We should fix wraparound handling, which currently
// appears broken, and then figure out how to test it properly.
using RtpFecTestUlpfecOnly = RtpFecTest<UlpfecForwardErrorCorrection>;
TEST_F(RtpFecTestUlpfecOnly, FecRecoveryWithSeqNumGapOneFrameRecovery) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 200;
// 1 frame: 3 media packets and 2 FEC packets.
// Sequence number wrap in FEC packets.
// -----Frame 1----
// #65532(media) #65533(media) #65534(media) #65535(FEC) #0(FEC).
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 65532);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 2 FEC packets.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Lose the last two media packets (seq# 65533, 65534).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
this->ReceivedPackets(this->generated_fec_packets_, this->fec_loss_mask_,
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// The two FEC packets are received and should allow for complete recovery,
// but because of the wrap the first FEC packet will be discarded, and only
// one media packet is recoverable. So expect 2 media packets on recovered
// list and no complete recovery.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
EXPECT_EQ(this->recovered_packets_.size(), this->media_packets_.size());
// TODO(brandtr): This test mimics the one above, ensuring that the recovery
// strategy of FlexFEC matches the recovery strategy of ULPFEC. Since FlexFEC
// does not share the sequence number space with the media, however, having a
// matching recovery strategy may be suboptimal. Study this further.
// TODO(nisse): In this test, recovery based on the first FEC packet fails with
// the log message "The recovered packet had a length larger than a typical IP
// packet, and is thus dropped." This is probably not intended, and needs
// investigation.
using RtpFecTestFlexfecOnly = RtpFecTest<FlexfecForwardErrorCorrection>;
TEST_F(RtpFecTestFlexfecOnly, FecRecoveryWithSeqNumGapOneFrameNoRecovery) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 200;
// 1 frame: 3 media packets and 2 FEC packets.
// Sequence number wrap in FEC packets.
// -----Frame 1----
// #65532(media) #65533(media) #65534(media) #65535(FEC) #0(FEC).
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 65532);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 2 FEC packets.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Overwrite the sequence numbers generated by ConstructMediaPackets,
// to make sure that we do have a wrap.
auto it = this->generated_fec_packets_.begin();
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(&(*it)->data[2], 65535);
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(&(*it)->data[2], 0);
// Lose the last two media packets (seq# 65533, 65534).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
this->ReceivedPackets(this->generated_fec_packets_, this->fec_loss_mask_,
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// The two FEC packets are received and should allow for complete recovery,
// but because of the wrap the first FEC packet will be discarded, and only
// one media packet is recoverable. So expect 2 media packets on recovered
// list and no complete recovery.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(this->recovered_packets_.size() != this->media_packets_.size());
// Verify we can still recover frame if media packets are reordered.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithMediaOutOfOrder) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 20;
// One frame: 3 media packets, 1 FEC packet.
// -----Frame 1----
// #0(media) #1(media) #2(media) #3(FEC).
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 0);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Lose one media packet (seq# 1).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
// Reorder received media packets.
auto it0 = this->received_packets_.begin();
auto it1 = this->received_packets_.begin();
std::swap(*it0, *it1);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect 3 media packets in recovered list, and complete recovery.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
// Verify we can still recover frame if FEC is received before media packets.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithFecOutOfOrder) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 20;
// One frame: 3 media packets, 1 FEC packet.
// -----Frame 1----
// #0(media) #1(media) #2(media) #3(FEC).
this->media_packets_ =
this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(3, 0);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Lose one media packet (seq# 1).
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
// Add FEC packet to received list before the media packets.
this->ReceivedPackets(this->generated_fec_packets_, this->fec_loss_mask_,
// Add media packets to received list.
this->ReceivedPackets(this->media_packets_, this->media_loss_mask_, false);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect 3 media packets in recovered list, and complete recovery.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, this->recovered_packets_.size());
// Test 50% protection with random mask type: Two cases are considered:
// a 50% non-consecutive loss which can be fully recovered, and a 50%
// consecutive loss which cannot be fully recovered.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithLoss50percRandomMask) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 255;
// Packet Mask for (4,4,0) code, from random mask table.
// (kNumMediaPackets = 4; num_fec_packets = 4, kNumImportantPackets = 0)
// media#0 media#1 media#2 media#3
// fec#0: 1 1 0 0
// fec#1: 1 0 1 0
// fec#2: 0 0 1 1
// fec#3: 0 1 0 1
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskRandom, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 4 FEC packets.
EXPECT_EQ(4u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 4 packets lost: 3 media packets (0, 2, 3), and one FEC packet (0) lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->fec_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// With media packet#1 and FEC packets #1, #2, #3, expect complete recovery.
// 4 consecutive packets lost: media packets 0, 1, 2, 3.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Cannot get complete recovery for this loss configuration with random mask.
// Test 50% protection with bursty type: Three cases are considered:
// two 50% consecutive losses which can be fully recovered, and one
// non-consecutive which cannot be fully recovered.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithLoss50percBurstyMask) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 255;
// Packet Mask for (4,4,0) code, from bursty mask table.
// (kNumMediaPackets = 4; num_fec_packets = 4, kNumImportantPackets = 0)
// media#0 media#1 media#2 media#3
// fec#0: 1 0 0 0
// fec#1: 1 1 0 0
// fec#2: 0 1 1 0
// fec#3: 0 0 1 1
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 4 FEC packets.
EXPECT_EQ(4u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 4 consecutive packets lost: media packets 0,1,2,3.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect complete recovery for consecutive packet loss <= 50%.
// 4 consecutive packets lost: media packets 1,2, 3, and FEC packet 0.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->fec_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Expect complete recovery for consecutive packet loss <= 50%.
// 4 packets lost (non-consecutive loss): media packets 0, 3, and FEC# 0, 3.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->fec_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->fec_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Cannot get complete recovery for this loss configuration.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryNoLossUep) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 2;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = true;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 60;
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// No packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// No packets lost, expect complete recovery.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithLossUep) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 2;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = true;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 60;
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 1 media packet lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// One packet lost, one FEC packet, expect complete recovery.
// 2 media packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// 2 packets lost, one FEC packet, cannot get complete recovery.
// Test 50% protection with random mask type for UEP on.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryWithLoss50percUepRandomMask) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 1;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = true;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 255;
// Packet Mask for (4,4,1) code, from random mask table.
// (kNumMediaPackets = 4; num_fec_packets = 4, kNumImportantPackets = 1)
// media#0 media#1 media#2 media#3
// fec#0: 1 0 0 0
// fec#1: 1 1 0 0
// fec#2: 1 0 1 1
// fec#3: 0 1 1 0
this->media_packets_ =
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(this->media_packets_, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskRandom, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 4 FEC packets.
EXPECT_EQ(4u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 4 packets lost: 3 media packets and FEC packet#1 lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->fec_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// With media packet#3 and FEC packets #0, #1, #3, expect complete recovery.
// 5 packets lost: 4 media packets and one FEC packet#2 lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->fec_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[3] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Cannot get complete recovery for this loss configuration.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryNonConsecutivePackets) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 5;
constexpr uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 60;
this->media_packets_ =
// Create a new temporary packet list for generating FEC packets.
// This list should have every other packet removed.
ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList protected_media_packets;
DeepCopyEveryNthPacket(this->media_packets_, 2, &protected_media_packets);
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(protected_media_packets, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 1 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// 1 protected media packet lost
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// One packet lost, one FEC packet, expect complete recovery.
// Unprotected packet lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Unprotected packet lost. Recovery not possible.
// 2 media packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[0] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[2] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// 2 protected packets lost, one FEC packet, cannot get complete recovery.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryNonConsecutivePacketsExtension) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 21;
uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 127;
this->media_packets_ =
// Create a new temporary packet list for generating FEC packets.
// This list should have every other packet removed.
ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList protected_media_packets;
DeepCopyEveryNthPacket(this->media_packets_, 2, &protected_media_packets);
// Zero column insertion will have to extend the size of the packet
// mask since the number of actual packets are 21, while the number
// of protected packets are 11.
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(protected_media_packets, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 5 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(5u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Last protected media packet lost
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// One packet lost, one FEC packet, expect complete recovery.
// Last unprotected packet lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 2] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Unprotected packet lost. Recovery not possible.
// 6 media packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 11] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 9] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 7] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 5] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 3] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// 5 protected packets lost, one FEC packet, cannot get complete recovery.
TYPED_TEST(RtpFecTest, FecRecoveryNonConsecutivePacketsWrap) {
constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
constexpr int kNumMediaPackets = 21;
uint8_t kProtectionFactor = 127;
this->media_packets_ = this->media_packet_generator_.ConstructMediaPackets(
kNumMediaPackets, 0xFFFF - 5);
// Create a new temporary packet list for generating FEC packets.
// This list should have every other packet removed.
ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketList protected_media_packets;
DeepCopyEveryNthPacket(this->media_packets_, 2, &protected_media_packets);
// Zero column insertion will have to extend the size of the packet
// mask since the number of actual packets are 21, while the number
// of protected packets are 11.
0, this->fec_.EncodeFec(protected_media_packets, kProtectionFactor,
kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
kFecMaskBursty, &this->generated_fec_packets_));
// Expect 5 FEC packet.
EXPECT_EQ(5u, this->generated_fec_packets_.size());
// Last protected media packet lost
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// One packet lost, one FEC packet, expect complete recovery.
// Last unprotected packet lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 2] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// Unprotected packet lost. Recovery not possible.
// 6 media packets lost.
memset(this->media_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->media_loss_mask_));
memset(this->fec_loss_mask_, 0, sizeof(this->fec_loss_mask_));
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 11] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 9] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 7] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 5] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 3] = 1;
this->media_loss_mask_[kNumMediaPackets - 1] = 1;
this->NetworkReceivedPackets(this->media_loss_mask_, this->fec_loss_mask_);
for (const auto& received_packet : this->received_packets_) {
this->fec_.DecodeFec(*received_packet, &this->recovered_packets_);
// 5 protected packets lost, one FEC packet, cannot get complete recovery.
} // namespace webrtc