blob: d58a9b234786a27e4c34fa61b81c2566ad04a100 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string.h>
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/ns/noise_suppression_x.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/ns/nsx_core.h"
static const int16_t kIndicatorTable[17] = {
0, 2017, 3809, 5227, 6258, 6963, 7424, 7718,
7901, 8014, 8084, 8126, 8152, 8168, 8177, 8183, 8187
// Compute speech/noise probability
// speech/noise probability is returned in: probSpeechFinal
//snrLocPrior is the prior SNR for each frequency (in Q11)
//snrLocPost is the post SNR for each frequency (in Q11)
void WebRtcNsx_SpeechNoiseProb(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
uint16_t* nonSpeechProbFinal,
uint32_t* priorLocSnr,
uint32_t* postLocSnr) {
uint32_t tmpU32no1, tmpU32no2, tmpU32no3;
int32_t indPriorFX, tmp32no1;
int32_t logLrtTimeAvgKsumFX;
int16_t indPriorFX16;
int16_t tmp16, tmp16no1, tmp16no2, tmpIndFX, tableIndex, frac;
size_t i;
int normTmp, nShifts;
int32_t r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9;
int32_t const_max = 0x7fffffff;
int32_t const_neg43 = -43;
int32_t const_5412 = 5412;
int32_t const_11rsh12 = (11 << 12);
int32_t const_178 = 178;
// compute feature based on average LR factor
// this is the average over all frequencies of the smooth log LRT
logLrtTimeAvgKsumFX = 0;
for (i = 0; i < inst->magnLen; i++) {
r0 = postLocSnr[i]; // Q11
r1 = priorLocSnr[i];
r2 = inst->logLrtTimeAvgW32[i];
__asm __volatile(
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"clz %[r3], %[r0] \n\t"
"clz %[r5], %[r1] \n\t"
"slti %[r4], %[r3], 32 \n\t"
"slti %[r6], %[r5], 32 \n\t"
"movz %[r3], $0, %[r4] \n\t"
"movz %[r5], $0, %[r6] \n\t"
"slti %[r4], %[r3], 11 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r3], -11 \n\t"
"neg %[r7], %[r6] \n\t"
"sllv %[r6], %[r1], %[r6] \n\t"
"srav %[r7], %[r1], %[r7] \n\t"
"movn %[r6], %[r7], %[r4] \n\t"
"sllv %[r1], %[r1], %[r5] \n\t"
"and %[r1], %[r1], %[const_max] \n\t"
"sra %[r1], %[r1], 19 \n\t"
"mul %[r7], %[r1], %[r1] \n\t"
"sllv %[r3], %[r0], %[r3] \n\t"
"divu %[r8], %[r3], %[r6] \n\t"
"slti %[r6], %[r6], 1 \n\t"
"mul %[r7], %[r7], %[const_neg43] \n\t"
"sra %[r7], %[r7], 19 \n\t"
"movz %[r3], %[r8], %[r6] \n\t"
"subu %[r0], %[r0], %[r3] \n\t"
"movn %[r0], $0, %[r6] \n\t"
"mul %[r1], %[r1], %[const_5412] \n\t"
"sra %[r1], %[r1], 12 \n\t"
"addu %[r7], %[r7], %[r1] \n\t"
"addiu %[r1], %[r7], 37 \n\t"
"addiu %[r5], %[r5], -31 \n\t"
"neg %[r5], %[r5] \n\t"
"sll %[r5], %[r5], 12 \n\t"
"addu %[r5], %[r5], %[r1] \n\t"
"subu %[r7], %[r5], %[const_11rsh12] \n\t"
"mul %[r7], %[r7], %[const_178] \n\t"
"sra %[r7], %[r7], 8 \n\t"
"addu %[r7], %[r7], %[r2] \n\t"
"sra %[r7], %[r7], 1 \n\t"
"subu %[r2], %[r2], %[r7] \n\t"
"addu %[r2], %[r2], %[r0] \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [r0] "+r" (r0), [r1] "+r" (r1), [r2] "+r" (r2),
[r3] "=&r" (r3), [r4] "=&r" (r4), [r5] "=&r" (r5),
[r6] "=&r" (r6), [r7] "=&r" (r7), [r8] "=&r" (r8)
: [const_max] "r" (const_max), [const_neg43] "r" (const_neg43),
[const_5412] "r" (const_5412), [const_11rsh12] "r" (const_11rsh12),
[const_178] "r" (const_178)
: "hi", "lo"
inst->logLrtTimeAvgW32[i] = r2;
logLrtTimeAvgKsumFX += r2;
inst->featureLogLrt = (logLrtTimeAvgKsumFX * BIN_SIZE_LRT) >>
(inst->stages + 11);
// done with computation of LR factor
// compute the indicator functions
// average LRT feature
// FLOAT code
// indicator0 = 0.5 * (tanh(widthPrior *
// (logLrtTimeAvgKsum - threshPrior0)) + 1.0);
tmpIndFX = 16384; // Q14(1.0)
tmp32no1 = logLrtTimeAvgKsumFX - inst->thresholdLogLrt; // Q12
nShifts = 7 - inst->stages; // WIDTH_PR_MAP_SHIFT - inst->stages + 5;
//use larger width in tanh map for pause regions
if (tmp32no1 < 0) {
tmpIndFX = 0;
tmp32no1 = -tmp32no1;
//widthPrior = widthPrior * 2.0;
tmp32no1 = WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32no1, nShifts); // Q14
// compute indicator function: sigmoid map
if (tmp32no1 < (16 << 14) && tmp32no1 >= 0) {
tableIndex = (int16_t)(tmp32no1 >> 14);
tmp16no2 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
tmp16no1 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex + 1] - kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
frac = (int16_t)(tmp32no1 & 0x00003fff); // Q14
tmp16no2 += (int16_t)((tmp16no1 * frac) >> 14);
if (tmpIndFX == 0) {
tmpIndFX = 8192 - tmp16no2; // Q14
} else {
tmpIndFX = 8192 + tmp16no2; // Q14
indPriorFX = inst->weightLogLrt * tmpIndFX; // 6*Q14
//spectral flatness feature
if (inst->weightSpecFlat) {
tmpU32no1 = WEBRTC_SPL_UMUL(inst->featureSpecFlat, 400); // Q10
tmpIndFX = 16384; // Q14(1.0)
//use larger width in tanh map for pause regions
tmpU32no2 = inst->thresholdSpecFlat - tmpU32no1; //Q10
nShifts = 4;
if (inst->thresholdSpecFlat < tmpU32no1) {
tmpIndFX = 0;
tmpU32no2 = tmpU32no1 - inst->thresholdSpecFlat;
//widthPrior = widthPrior * 2.0;
tmpU32no1 = WebRtcSpl_DivU32U16(tmpU32no2 << nShifts, 25); //Q14
// compute indicator function: sigmoid map
// FLOAT code
// indicator1 = 0.5 * (tanh(sgnMap * widthPrior *
// (threshPrior1 - tmpFloat1)) + 1.0);
if (tmpU32no1 < (16 << 14)) {
tableIndex = (int16_t)(tmpU32no1 >> 14);
tmp16no2 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
tmp16no1 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex + 1] - kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
frac = (int16_t)(tmpU32no1 & 0x00003fff); // Q14
tmp16no2 += (int16_t)((tmp16no1 * frac) >> 14);
if (tmpIndFX) {
tmpIndFX = 8192 + tmp16no2; // Q14
} else {
tmpIndFX = 8192 - tmp16no2; // Q14
indPriorFX += inst->weightSpecFlat * tmpIndFX; // 6*Q14
//for template spectral-difference
if (inst->weightSpecDiff) {
tmpU32no1 = 0;
if (inst->featureSpecDiff) {
normTmp = WEBRTC_SPL_MIN(20 - inst->stages,
RTC_DCHECK_GE(normTmp, 0);
tmpU32no1 = inst->featureSpecDiff << normTmp; // Q(normTmp-2*stages)
tmpU32no2 = inst->timeAvgMagnEnergy >> (20 - inst->stages - normTmp);
if (tmpU32no2 > 0) {
// Q(20 - inst->stages)
tmpU32no1 /= tmpU32no2;
} else {
tmpU32no1 = (uint32_t)(0x7fffffff);
tmpU32no3 = (inst->thresholdSpecDiff << 17) / 25;
tmpU32no2 = tmpU32no1 - tmpU32no3;
nShifts = 1;
tmpIndFX = 16384; // Q14(1.0)
//use larger width in tanh map for pause regions
if (tmpU32no2 & 0x80000000) {
tmpIndFX = 0;
tmpU32no2 = tmpU32no3 - tmpU32no1;
//widthPrior = widthPrior * 2.0;
tmpU32no1 = tmpU32no2 >> nShifts;
// compute indicator function: sigmoid map
/* FLOAT code
indicator2 = 0.5 * (tanh(widthPrior * (tmpFloat1 - threshPrior2)) + 1.0);
if (tmpU32no1 < (16 << 14)) {
tableIndex = (int16_t)(tmpU32no1 >> 14);
tmp16no2 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
tmp16no1 = kIndicatorTable[tableIndex + 1] - kIndicatorTable[tableIndex];
frac = (int16_t)(tmpU32no1 & 0x00003fff); // Q14
tmp16no2 += (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT_WITH_ROUND(
tmp16no1, frac, 14);
if (tmpIndFX) {
tmpIndFX = 8192 + tmp16no2;
} else {
tmpIndFX = 8192 - tmp16no2;
indPriorFX += inst->weightSpecDiff * tmpIndFX; // 6*Q14
//combine the indicator function with the feature weights
// FLOAT code
// indPrior = 1 - (weightIndPrior0 * indicator0 + weightIndPrior1 *
// indicator1 + weightIndPrior2 * indicator2);
indPriorFX16 = WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16ResW16(98307 - indPriorFX, 6); // Q14
// done with computing indicator function
//compute the prior probability
// FLOAT code
// inst->priorNonSpeechProb += PRIOR_UPDATE *
// (indPriorNonSpeech - inst->priorNonSpeechProb);
tmp16 = indPriorFX16 - inst->priorNonSpeechProb; // Q14
inst->priorNonSpeechProb += (int16_t)((PRIOR_UPDATE_Q14 * tmp16) >> 14);
//final speech probability: combine prior model with LR factor:
memset(nonSpeechProbFinal, 0, sizeof(uint16_t) * inst->magnLen);
if (inst->priorNonSpeechProb > 0) {
r0 = inst->priorNonSpeechProb;
r1 = 16384 - r0;
int32_t const_23637 = 23637;
int32_t const_44 = 44;
int32_t const_84 = 84;
int32_t const_1 = 1;
int32_t const_neg8 = -8;
for (i = 0; i < inst->magnLen; i++) {
r2 = inst->logLrtTimeAvgW32[i];
if (r2 < 65300) {
__asm __volatile(
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[const_23637] \n\t"
"sll %[r6], %[r1], 16 \n\t"
"clz %[r7], %[r6] \n\t"
"clo %[r8], %[r6] \n\t"
"slt %[r9], %[r6], $0 \n\t"
"movn %[r7], %[r8], %[r9] \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 14 \n\t"
"andi %[r3], %[r2], 0xfff \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r3], %[r3] \n\t"
"mul %[r3], %[r3], %[const_84] \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 12 \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r2], %[const_neg8] \n\t"
"movn %[r2], %[const_neg8], %[r5] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[const_44] \n\t"
"sra %[r3], %[r3], 7 \n\t"
"addiu %[r7], %[r7], -1 \n\t"
"slti %[r9], %[r7], 31 \n\t"
"movz %[r7], $0, %[r9] \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 19 \n\t"
"addu %[r4], %[r4], %[r3] \n\t"
"addiu %[r3], %[r2], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], -4 \n\t"
"neg %[r5], %[r2] \n\t"
"sllv %[r6], %[r4], %[r2] \n\t"
"srav %[r5], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"slt %[r2], %[r2], $0 \n\t"
"movn %[r6], %[r5], %[r2] \n\t"
"sllv %[r3], %[const_1], %[r3] \n\t"
"addu %[r2], %[r3], %[r6] \n\t"
"clz %[r4], %[r2] \n\t"
"clo %[r5], %[r2] \n\t"
"slt %[r8], %[r2], $0 \n\t"
"movn %[r4], %[r5], %[r8] \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], -1 \n\t"
"slt %[r5], $0, %[r2] \n\t"
"or %[r5], %[r5], %[r7] \n\t"
"movz %[r4], $0, %[r5] \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r7], -7 \n\t"
"addu %[r6], %[r6], %[r4] \n\t"
"bltz %[r6], 1f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r6], -8 \n\t"
"neg %[r3], %[r4] \n\t"
"srav %[r5], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"mul %[r5], %[r5], %[r1] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[r1] \n\t"
"slt %[r4], %[r4], $0 \n\t"
"srav %[r5], %[r5], %[r6] \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 8 \n\t"
"movn %[r2], %[r5], %[r4] \n\t"
"sll %[r3], %[r0], 8 \n\t"
"addu %[r2], %[r0], %[r2] \n\t"
"divu %[r3], %[r3], %[r2] \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [r2] "+r" (r2), [r3] "=&r" (r3), [r4] "=&r" (r4),
[r5] "=&r" (r5), [r6] "=&r" (r6), [r7] "=&r" (r7),
[r8] "=&r" (r8), [r9] "=&r" (r9)
: [r0] "r" (r0), [r1] "r" (r1), [const_23637] "r" (const_23637),
[const_neg8] "r" (const_neg8), [const_84] "r" (const_84),
[const_1] "r" (const_1), [const_44] "r" (const_44)
: "hi", "lo"
nonSpeechProbFinal[i] = r3;
// Update analysis buffer for lower band, and window data before FFT.
void WebRtcNsx_AnalysisUpdate_mips(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
int16_t* out,
int16_t* new_speech) {
int iters, after;
int anaLen = (int)inst->anaLen;
int *window = (int*)inst->window;
int *anaBuf = (int*)inst->analysisBuffer;
int *outBuf = (int*)out;
int r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
#if defined(MIPS_DSP_R1_LE)
int r8;
// For lower band update analysis buffer.
memcpy(inst->analysisBuffer, inst->analysisBuffer + inst->blockLen10ms,
(inst->anaLen - inst->blockLen10ms) * sizeof(*inst->analysisBuffer));
memcpy(inst->analysisBuffer + inst->anaLen - inst->blockLen10ms, new_speech,
inst->blockLen10ms * sizeof(*inst->analysisBuffer));
// Window data before FFT.
#if defined(MIPS_DSP_R1_LE)
__asm __volatile(
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"sra %[iters], %[anaLen], 3 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"blez %[iters], 2f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lw %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lw %[r1], 0(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lw %[r2], 4(%[window]) \n\t"
"lw %[r3], 4(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lw %[r4], 8(%[window]) \n\t"
"lw %[r5], 8(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lw %[r6], 12(%[window]) \n\t"
"lw %[r7], 12(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phl %[r8], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phr %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phl %[r1], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phr %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phl %[r3], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phr %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phl %[r5], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"muleq_s.w.phr %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
#if defined(MIPS_DSP_R2_LE)
" %[r8], %[r0], 15 \n\t"
" %[r1], %[r2], 15 \n\t"
" %[r3], %[r4], 15 \n\t"
" %[r5], %[r6], 15 \n\t"
"sw %[r8], 0(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r1], 4(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r3], 8(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r5], 12(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r8], %[r8], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r0], %[r0], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r1], %[r1], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r2], %[r2], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r3], %[r3], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r4], %[r4], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r5], %[r5], 15 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r6], %[r6], 15 \n\t"
"sll %[r0], %[r0], 16 \n\t"
"sll %[r2], %[r2], 16 \n\t"
"sll %[r4], %[r4], 16 \n\t"
"sll %[r6], %[r6], 16 \n\t"
" %[r0], %[r8], %[r0] \n\t"
" %[r2], %[r1], %[r2] \n\t"
" %[r4], %[r3], %[r4] \n\t"
" %[r6], %[r5], %[r6] \n\t"
"sw %[r0], 0(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r2], 4(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r4], 8(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sw %[r6], 12(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 16 \n\t"
"addiu %[anaBuf], %[anaBuf], 16 \n\t"
"addiu %[outBuf], %[outBuf], 16 \n\t"
"b 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[iters], %[iters], -1 \n\t"
"2: \n\t"
"andi %[after], %[anaLen], 7 \n\t"
"3: \n\t"
"blez %[after], 4f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[anaBuf], %[anaBuf], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[outBuf], %[outBuf], 2 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], -2(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"b 3b \n\t"
" addiu %[after], %[after], -1 \n\t"
"4: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [r0] "=&r" (r0), [r1] "=&r" (r1), [r2] "=&r" (r2),
[r3] "=&r" (r3), [r4] "=&r" (r4), [r5] "=&r" (r5),
[r6] "=&r" (r6), [r7] "=&r" (r7), [r8] "=&r" (r8),
[iters] "=&r" (iters), [after] "=&r" (after),
[window] "+r" (window),[anaBuf] "+r" (anaBuf),
[outBuf] "+r" (outBuf)
: [anaLen] "r" (anaLen)
: "memory", "hi", "lo"
__asm __volatile(
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"sra %[iters], %[anaLen], 2 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"blez %[iters], 2f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 2(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 2(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r4], 4(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r5], 4(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r6], 6(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r7], 6(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"mul %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[anaBuf], %[anaBuf], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r6], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r6], %[r6], 14 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 2(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r4], 4(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r6], 6(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"addiu %[outBuf], %[outBuf], 8 \n\t"
"b 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[iters], %[iters], -1 \n\t"
"2: \n\t"
"andi %[after], %[anaLen], 3 \n\t"
"3: \n\t"
"blez %[after], 4f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[anaBuf]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[anaBuf], %[anaBuf], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[outBuf], %[outBuf], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], -2(%[outBuf]) \n\t"
"b 3b \n\t"
" addiu %[after], %[after], -1 \n\t"
"4: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [r0] "=&r" (r0), [r1] "=&r" (r1), [r2] "=&r" (r2),
[r3] "=&r" (r3), [r4] "=&r" (r4), [r5] "=&r" (r5),
[r6] "=&r" (r6), [r7] "=&r" (r7), [iters] "=&r" (iters),
[after] "=&r" (after), [window] "+r" (window),
[anaBuf] "+r" (anaBuf), [outBuf] "+r" (outBuf)
: [anaLen] "r" (anaLen)
: "memory", "hi", "lo"
// For the noise supression process, synthesis, read out fully processed
// segment, and update synthesis buffer.
void WebRtcNsx_SynthesisUpdate_mips(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
int16_t* out_frame,
int16_t gain_factor) {
int iters = (int)inst->blockLen10ms >> 2;
int after = inst->blockLen10ms & 3;
int r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
int16_t *window = (int16_t*)inst->window;
int16_t *real = inst->real;
int16_t *synthBuf = inst->synthesisBuffer;
int16_t *out = out_frame;
int sat_pos = 0x7fff;
int sat_neg = 0xffff8000;
int block10 = (int)inst->blockLen10ms;
int anaLen = (int)inst->anaLen;
__asm __volatile(
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"blez %[iters], 2f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 2(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r4], 4(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r5], 4(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r6], 6(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r7], 6(%[real]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"mul %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r6], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r6], %[r6], 14 \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r6], %[r6], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r6], 0x1000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r6], %[r6], 13 \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"movz %[r2], %[sat_pos], %[r3] \n\t"
"movz %[r4], %[sat_pos], %[r5] \n\t"
"movz %[r6], %[sat_pos], %[r7] \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 2(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r5], 4(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r7], 6(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addu %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addu %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"addu %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"addu %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"movz %[r2], %[sat_pos], %[r3] \n\t"
"movz %[r4], %[sat_pos], %[r5] \n\t"
"movz %[r6], %[sat_pos], %[r7] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"movn %[r0], %[sat_neg], %[r1] \n\t"
"movn %[r2], %[sat_neg], %[r3] \n\t"
"movn %[r4], %[sat_neg], %[r5] \n\t"
"movn %[r6], %[sat_neg], %[r7] \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 2(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r4], 4(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r6], 6(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 2(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r4], 4(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r6], 6(%[out]) \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[synthBuf],%[synthBuf], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[out], %[out], 8 \n\t"
"b 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[iters], %[iters], -1 \n\t"
"2: \n\t"
"blez %[after], 3f \n\t"
" subu %[block10], %[anaLen], %[block10] \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x1000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 13 \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addu %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"movn %[r0], %[sat_neg], %[r1] \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[out]) \n\t"
"addiu %[synthBuf],%[synthBuf], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[out], %[out], 2 \n\t"
"b 2b \n\t"
" addiu %[after], %[after], -1 \n\t"
"3: \n\t"
"sra %[iters], %[block10], 2 \n\t"
"4: \n\t"
"blez %[iters], 5f \n\t"
" andi %[after], %[block10], 3 \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 2(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r4], 4(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r5], 4(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[r6], 6(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r7], 6(%[real]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"mul %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], 0x2000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r6], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[r6], %[r6], 14 \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r2], %[r2], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r4], %[r4], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"mul %[r6], %[r6], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r2], %[r2], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r4], %[r4], 0x1000 \n\t"
"addiu %[r6], %[r6], 0x1000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r2], %[r2], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r4], %[r4], 13 \n\t"
"sra %[r6], %[r6], 13 \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"movz %[r2], %[sat_pos], %[r3] \n\t"
"movz %[r4], %[sat_pos], %[r5] \n\t"
"movz %[r6], %[sat_pos], %[r7] \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 2(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r5], 4(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"lh %[r7], 6(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addu %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addu %[r2], %[r2], %[r3] \n\t"
"addu %[r4], %[r4], %[r5] \n\t"
"addu %[r6], %[r6], %[r7] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"movz %[r2], %[sat_pos], %[r3] \n\t"
"movz %[r4], %[sat_pos], %[r5] \n\t"
"movz %[r6], %[sat_pos], %[r7] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r3], %[r2], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r5], %[r4], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"slt %[r7], %[r6], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"movn %[r0], %[sat_neg], %[r1] \n\t"
"movn %[r2], %[sat_neg], %[r3] \n\t"
"movn %[r4], %[sat_neg], %[r5] \n\t"
"movn %[r6], %[sat_neg], %[r7] \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 2(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r4], 4(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"sh %[r6], 6(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[synthBuf],%[synthBuf], 8 \n\t"
"b 4b \n\t"
" addiu %[iters], %[iters], -1 \n\t"
"5: \n\t"
"blez %[after], 6f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[window]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"addiu %[window], %[window], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x2000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 14 \n\t"
"mul %[r0], %[r0], %[gain_factor] \n\t"
"addiu %[r0], %[r0], 0x1000 \n\t"
"sra %[r0], %[r0], 13 \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addu %[r0], %[r0], %[r1] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_pos] \n\t"
"movz %[r0], %[sat_pos], %[r1] \n\t"
"slt %[r1], %[r0], %[sat_neg] \n\t"
"movn %[r0], %[sat_neg], %[r1] \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[synthBuf]) \n\t"
"addiu %[synthBuf],%[synthBuf], 2 \n\t"
"b 2b \n\t"
" addiu %[after], %[after], -1 \n\t"
"6: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [r0] "=&r" (r0), [r1] "=&r" (r1), [r2] "=&r" (r2),
[r3] "=&r" (r3), [r4] "=&r" (r4), [r5] "=&r" (r5),
[r6] "=&r" (r6), [r7] "=&r" (r7), [iters] "+r" (iters),
[after] "+r" (after), [block10] "+r" (block10),
[window] "+r" (window), [real] "+r" (real),
[synthBuf] "+r" (synthBuf), [out] "+r" (out)
: [gain_factor] "r" (gain_factor), [sat_pos] "r" (sat_pos),
[sat_neg] "r" (sat_neg), [anaLen] "r" (anaLen)
: "memory", "hi", "lo"
// update synthesis buffer
memcpy(inst->synthesisBuffer, inst->synthesisBuffer + inst->blockLen10ms,
(inst->anaLen - inst->blockLen10ms) * sizeof(*inst->synthesisBuffer));
+ inst->anaLen - inst->blockLen10ms, inst->blockLen10ms);
// Filter the data in the frequency domain, and create spectrum.
void WebRtcNsx_PrepareSpectrum_mips(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
int16_t* freq_buf) {
uint16_t *noiseSupFilter = inst->noiseSupFilter;
int16_t *real = inst->real;
int16_t *imag = inst->imag;
int32_t loop_count = 2;
int16_t tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, tmp_4, tmp_5, tmp_6;
int16_t tmp16 = (int16_t)(inst->anaLen << 1) - 4;
int16_t* freq_buf_f = freq_buf;
int16_t* freq_buf_s = &freq_buf[tmp16];
__asm __volatile (
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
//first sample
"lh %[tmp_1], 0(%[noiseSupFilter]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], 14 \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"negu %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3] \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 2(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[imag], %[imag], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[noiseSupFilter], %[noiseSupFilter], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[freq_buf_f], %[freq_buf_f], 4 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_1], 0(%[noiseSupFilter]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_4], 2(%[noiseSupFilter]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_5], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_6], 2(%[imag]) \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_5], %[tmp_5], %[tmp_4] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_6], %[tmp_6], %[tmp_4] \n\t"
"addiu %[loop_count], %[loop_count], 2 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_5], %[tmp_5], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_6], %[tmp_6], 14 \n\t"
"addiu %[noiseSupFilter], %[noiseSupFilter], 4 \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 4(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 6(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"negu %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3] \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_5], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_5], 0(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_6], 2(%[imag]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_6], 2(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"negu %[tmp_6], %[tmp_6] \n\t"
"addiu %[freq_buf_s], %[freq_buf_s], -8 \n\t"
"addiu %[real], %[real], 4 \n\t"
"addiu %[imag], %[imag], 4 \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 2(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_5], 4(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_6], 6(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"blt %[loop_count], %[loop_size], 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[freq_buf_f], %[freq_buf_f], 8 \n\t"
//last two samples:
"lh %[tmp_1], 0(%[noiseSupFilter]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_4], 2(%[noiseSupFilter]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_5], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"lh %[tmp_6], 2(%[imag]) \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], %[tmp_1] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_5], %[tmp_5], %[tmp_4] \n\t"
"mul %[tmp_6], %[tmp_6], %[tmp_4] \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_2], %[tmp_2], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_5], %[tmp_5], 14 \n\t"
"sra %[tmp_6], %[tmp_6], 14 \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[real]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 4(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 0(%[imag]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 6(%[freq_buf_s]) \n\t"
"negu %[tmp_3], %[tmp_3] \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_2], 0(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_3], 2(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_5], 4(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_6], 6(%[freq_buf_f]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_5], 2(%[real]) \n\t"
"sh %[tmp_6], 2(%[imag]) \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [real] "+r" (real), [imag] "+r" (imag),
[freq_buf_f] "+r" (freq_buf_f), [freq_buf_s] "+r" (freq_buf_s),
[loop_count] "+r" (loop_count), [noiseSupFilter] "+r" (noiseSupFilter),
[tmp_1] "=&r" (tmp_1), [tmp_2] "=&r" (tmp_2), [tmp_3] "=&r" (tmp_3),
[tmp_4] "=&r" (tmp_4), [tmp_5] "=&r" (tmp_5), [tmp_6] "=&r" (tmp_6)
: [loop_size] "r" (inst->anaLen2)
: "memory", "hi", "lo"
#if defined(MIPS_DSP_R1_LE)
// Denormalize the real-valued signal |in|, the output from inverse FFT.
void WebRtcNsx_Denormalize_mips(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
int16_t* in,
int factor) {
int32_t r0, r1, r2, r3, t0;
int len = (int)inst->anaLen;
int16_t *out = &inst->real[0];
int shift = factor - inst->normData;
__asm __volatile (
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"beqz %[len], 8f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"bltz %[shift], 4f \n\t"
" sra %[t0], %[len], 2 \n\t"
"beqz %[t0], 2f \n\t"
" andi %[len], %[len], 3 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 2(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 4(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 6(%[in]) \n\t"
" %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
" %[r1], %[r1], %[shift] \n\t"
" %[r2], %[r2], %[shift] \n\t"
" %[r3], %[r3], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[t0], %[t0], -1 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r1], 2(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 4(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r3], 6(%[out]) \n\t"
"bgtz %[t0], 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[out], %[out], 8 \n\t"
"2: \n\t"
"beqz %[len], 8f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"3: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[len], %[len], -1 \n\t"
" %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[out], %[out], 2 \n\t"
"bgtz %[len], 3b \n\t"
" sh %[r0], -2(%[out]) \n\t"
"b 8f \n\t"
"4: \n\t"
"negu %[shift], %[shift] \n\t"
"beqz %[t0], 6f \n\t"
" andi %[len], %[len], 3 \n\t"
"5: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 2(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 4(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 6(%[in]) \n\t"
"srav %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
"srav %[r1], %[r1], %[shift] \n\t"
"srav %[r2], %[r2], %[shift] \n\t"
"srav %[r3], %[r3], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[t0], %[t0], -1 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r1], 2(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 4(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r3], 6(%[out]) \n\t"
"bgtz %[t0], 5b \n\t"
" addiu %[out], %[out], 8 \n\t"
"6: \n\t"
"beqz %[len], 8f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"7: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[len], %[len], -1 \n\t"
"srav %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[out], %[out], 2 \n\t"
"bgtz %[len], 7b \n\t"
" sh %[r0], -2(%[out]) \n\t"
"8: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [t0] "=&r" (t0), [r0] "=&r" (r0), [r1] "=&r" (r1),
[r2] "=&r" (r2), [r3] "=&r" (r3)
: [len] "r" (len), [shift] "r" (shift), [in] "r" (in),
[out] "r" (out)
: "memory"
// Normalize the real-valued signal |in|, the input to forward FFT.
void WebRtcNsx_NormalizeRealBuffer_mips(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst,
const int16_t* in,
int16_t* out) {
int32_t r0, r1, r2, r3, t0;
int len = (int)inst->anaLen;
int shift = inst->normData;
__asm __volatile (
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"beqz %[len], 4f \n\t"
" sra %[t0], %[len], 2 \n\t"
"beqz %[t0], 2f \n\t"
" andi %[len], %[len], 3 \n\t"
"1: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r1], 2(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r2], 4(%[in]) \n\t"
"lh %[r3], 6(%[in]) \n\t"
"sllv %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
"sllv %[r1], %[r1], %[shift] \n\t"
"sllv %[r2], %[r2], %[shift] \n\t"
"sllv %[r3], %[r3], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 8 \n\t"
"addiu %[t0], %[t0], -1 \n\t"
"sh %[r0], 0(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r1], 2(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r2], 4(%[out]) \n\t"
"sh %[r3], 6(%[out]) \n\t"
"bgtz %[t0], 1b \n\t"
" addiu %[out], %[out], 8 \n\t"
"2: \n\t"
"beqz %[len], 4f \n\t"
" nop \n\t"
"3: \n\t"
"lh %[r0], 0(%[in]) \n\t"
"addiu %[in], %[in], 2 \n\t"
"addiu %[len], %[len], -1 \n\t"
"sllv %[r0], %[r0], %[shift] \n\t"
"addiu %[out], %[out], 2 \n\t"
"bgtz %[len], 3b \n\t"
" sh %[r0], -2(%[out]) \n\t"
"4: \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [t0] "=&r" (t0), [r0] "=&r" (r0), [r1] "=&r" (r1),
[r2] "=&r" (r2), [r3] "=&r" (r3)
: [len] "r" (len), [shift] "r" (shift), [in] "r" (in),
[out] "r" (out)
: "memory"