blob: 2c5ee5b0363085fff58c6569a9ff140b4779da60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/saturation_protector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/agc2_common.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/logging/apm_data_dumper.h"
#include "rtc_base/gunit.h"
#include "test/gmock.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
constexpr float kInitialMarginDb = 20.f;
using saturation_protector_impl::RingBuffer;
SaturationProtectorState CreateSaturationProtectorState() {
SaturationProtectorState state;
ResetSaturationProtectorState(kInitialMarginDb, state);
return state;
// Updates `state` for `num_iterations` times with constant speech level and
// peak powers and returns the maximum margin.
float RunOnConstantLevel(int num_iterations,
float speech_peak_dbfs,
float speech_level_dbfs,
SaturationProtectorState& state) {
float last_margin = state.margin_db;
float max_difference = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i) {
UpdateSaturationProtectorState(speech_peak_dbfs, speech_level_dbfs, state);
const float new_margin = state.margin_db;
max_difference =
std::max(max_difference, std::abs(new_margin - last_margin));
last_margin = new_margin;
return max_difference;
} // namespace
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, RingBufferInit) {
RingBuffer b;
EXPECT_EQ(b.Size(), 0);
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, RingBufferPushBack) {
RingBuffer b;
constexpr float kValue = 123.f;
EXPECT_EQ(b.Size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(b.Front().value(), kValue);
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, RingBufferReset) {
RingBuffer b;
EXPECT_EQ(b.Size(), 0);
// Checks that the front value does not change until the ring buffer gets full.
RingBufferFrontUntilBufferIsFull) {
RingBuffer b;
constexpr float kValue = 123.f;
for (int i = 1; i < b.Capacity(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(b.Front().value(), kValue);
b.PushBack(kValue + i);
// Checks that when the buffer is full it behaves as a shift register.
FullRingBufferFrontIsDelayed) {
RingBuffer b;
// Fill the buffer.
for (int i = 0; i < b.Capacity(); ++i) {
// The ring buffer should now behave as a shift register with a delay equal to
// its capacity.
for (int i = b.Capacity(); i < 2 * b.Capacity() + 1; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(b.Front().value(), i - b.Capacity());
// Checks that a state after reset equals a state after construction.
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, ResetState) {
SaturationProtectorState init_state;
ResetSaturationProtectorState(kInitialMarginDb, init_state);
SaturationProtectorState state;
ResetSaturationProtectorState(kInitialMarginDb, state);
RunOnConstantLevel(/*num_iterations=*/10, /*speech_level_dbfs=*/-20.f,
/*speech_peak_dbfs=*/-10.f, state);
ASSERT_NE(init_state, state); // Make sure that there are side-effects.
ResetSaturationProtectorState(kInitialMarginDb, state);
EXPECT_EQ(init_state, state);
// Checks that the estimate converges to the ratio between peaks and level
// estimator values after a while.
ProtectorEstimatesCrestRatio) {
constexpr int kNumIterations = 2000;
constexpr float kPeakLevel = -20.f;
constexpr float kCrestFactor = kInitialMarginDb + 1.f;
constexpr float kSpeechLevel = kPeakLevel - kCrestFactor;
const float kMaxDifference = 0.5f * std::abs(kInitialMarginDb - kCrestFactor);
auto state = CreateSaturationProtectorState();
RunOnConstantLevel(kNumIterations, kPeakLevel, kSpeechLevel, state);
EXPECT_NEAR(state.margin_db, kCrestFactor, kMaxDifference);
// Checks that the margin does not change too quickly.
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, ChangeSlowly) {
constexpr int kNumIterations = 1000;
constexpr float kPeakLevel = -20.f;
constexpr float kCrestFactor = kInitialMarginDb - 5.f;
constexpr float kOtherCrestFactor = kInitialMarginDb;
constexpr float kSpeechLevel = kPeakLevel - kCrestFactor;
constexpr float kOtherSpeechLevel = kPeakLevel - kOtherCrestFactor;
auto state = CreateSaturationProtectorState();
float max_difference =
RunOnConstantLevel(kNumIterations, kPeakLevel, kSpeechLevel, state);
max_difference = std::max(
RunOnConstantLevel(kNumIterations, kPeakLevel, kOtherSpeechLevel, state),
constexpr float kMaxChangeSpeedDbPerSecond = 0.5f; // 1 db / 2 seconds.
kMaxChangeSpeedDbPerSecond / 1000 * kFrameDurationMs);
// Checks that there is a delay between input change and margin adaptations.
TEST(AutomaticGainController2SaturationProtector, AdaptToDelayedChanges) {
constexpr int kDelayIterations = kFullBufferSizeMs / kFrameDurationMs;
constexpr float kInitialSpeechLevelDbfs = -30.f;
constexpr float kLaterSpeechLevelDbfs = -15.f;
auto state = CreateSaturationProtectorState();
// First run on initial level.
float max_difference = RunOnConstantLevel(
kDelayIterations, kInitialSpeechLevelDbfs + kInitialMarginDb,
kInitialSpeechLevelDbfs, state);
// Then peak changes, but not RMS.
max_difference =
kLaterSpeechLevelDbfs + kInitialMarginDb,
kInitialSpeechLevelDbfs, state),
// Then both change.
max_difference =
kLaterSpeechLevelDbfs + kInitialMarginDb,
kLaterSpeechLevelDbfs, state),
// The saturation protector expects that the RMS changes roughly
// 'kFullBufferSizeMs' after peaks change. This is to account for delay
// introduced by the level estimator. Therefore, the input above is 'normal'
// and 'expected', and shouldn't influence the margin by much.
const float total_difference = std::abs(state.margin_db - kInitialMarginDb);
EXPECT_LE(total_difference, 0.05f);
EXPECT_LE(max_difference, 0.01f);
} // namespace webrtc