blob: 0895583b83962ff360ae6013e3a6bbdf66acd7ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/saturation_protector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "modules/audio_processing/logging/apm_data_dumper.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
void ShiftBuffer(std::array<float, kPeakEnveloperBufferSize>* buffer_) {
// Move everything one element back.
std::copy(buffer_->begin() + 1, buffer_->end(), buffer_->begin());
} // namespace
SaturationProtector::PeakEnveloper::PeakEnveloper() = default;
void SaturationProtector::PeakEnveloper::Process(float frame_peak_dbfs) {
// Update the delayed buffer and the current superframe peak.
current_superframe_peak_dbfs_ =
std::max(current_superframe_peak_dbfs_, frame_peak_dbfs);
speech_time_in_estimate_ms_ += kFrameDurationMs;
if (speech_time_in_estimate_ms_ > kPeakEnveloperSuperFrameLengthMs) {
speech_time_in_estimate_ms_ = 0;
const bool buffer_full = elements_in_buffer_ == kPeakEnveloperBufferSize;
if (buffer_full) {
*peak_delay_buffer_.rbegin() = current_superframe_peak_dbfs_;
} else {
peak_delay_buffer_[elements_in_buffer_] = current_superframe_peak_dbfs_;
current_superframe_peak_dbfs_ = -90.f;
float SaturationProtector::PeakEnveloper::Query() const {
float result;
if (elements_in_buffer_ > 0) {
result = peak_delay_buffer_[0];
} else {
result = current_superframe_peak_dbfs_;
return result;
SaturationProtector::SaturationProtector(ApmDataDumper* apm_data_dumper)
: apm_data_dumper_(apm_data_dumper),
extra_saturation_margin_db_(GetExtraSaturationMarginOffsetDb()) {}
void SaturationProtector::UpdateMargin(
const VadWithLevel::LevelAndProbability& vad_data,
float last_speech_level_estimate) {
const float delayed_peak_dbfs = peak_enveloper_.Query();
const float difference_db = delayed_peak_dbfs - last_speech_level_estimate;
if (last_margin_ < difference_db) {
last_margin_ = last_margin_ * kSaturationProtectorAttackConstant +
difference_db * (1.f - kSaturationProtectorAttackConstant);
} else {
last_margin_ = last_margin_ * kSaturationProtectorDecayConstant +
difference_db * (1.f - kSaturationProtectorDecayConstant);
last_margin_ = rtc::SafeClamp<float>(last_margin_, 12.f, 25.f);
float SaturationProtector::LastMargin() const {
return last_margin_ + extra_saturation_margin_db_;
void SaturationProtector::Reset() {
peak_enveloper_ = PeakEnveloper();
void SaturationProtector::DebugDumpEstimate() const {
apm_data_dumper_->DumpRaw("agc2_adaptive_saturation_margin_db", last_margin_);
} // namespace webrtc