blob: e57df4a0de30ee174751b0fadbfb0d71ab5ea860 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
* Common header file for Chromium OS
* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
#ifndef __configs_chromeos_h__
#define __configs_chromeos_h__
* In anticipation of implementing early firmware selection, these defines
* signal the features that are required in U-Boot.
* The defines munging is thus kept to one Chrome OS-specific file. The
* upstream boards will define all features as normal for their platform.
* It is possible that these will be too broad for some platforms - e.g. we
* may have a platform which wants to use MMC in CONFIG_CROS_RO. However,
* we can deal with additional needs as we come to them.
* While it is something of an inconvenience, it may improve boot time on
* some platforms also.
* - Full version as now with factory defined, all features enabled
* - This will operate as factory build, or verified boot
* - Minimized for use only with verified boot
* - No command line, filesystems, LCD console, etc.
* - Still has all drivers enabled and can perform verified boot
* - Requires CONFIG_CROS_SMALL. Will only support running RO firmware
* - Set up for running VbLoadFirmware() only
* - Minimal RAM, no display, no USB, no mass storage (SPI flash only)
* - Intended for running in SPL
* - Requires CONFIG_CROS_SMALL. Will only support running RW firmware
* - Set up for running VbSelectAndLoadKernel() only
* This config file defines platform-independent settings that a verified boot
* firmware must have.
/* Stringify a token */
#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x
* Enable this feature to embed crossystem data into device tree before booting
* the kernel. We add quite a few things to the FDT, including a 16KB binary
* blob.
#define CONFIG_SYS_FDT_PAD 0x8000
* This is the default kernel command line to a Chrome OS kernel. An ending
* space character helps us concatenate more arguments.
#define CHROMEOS_BOOTARGS "cros_secure " CONFIG_BOOTARGS " "
* Non-verified boot script *
* Defines the regen_all variable, which is used by other commands
* defined in this file. Usage is to override one or more of the environment
* variables and then run regen_all to regenerate the environment.
* Args from other scipts in this file:
* bootdev_bootargs: Filled in by other commands below based on the boot
* device.
* Args:
* common_bootargs: A copy of the default bootargs so we can run regen_all
* more than once.
* dev_extras: Placeholder space for developers to put their own boot args.
* extra_bootargs: Filled in by script in some cases.
"common_bootargs=cros_legacy " DIRECT_BOOTARGS "\0" \
"dev_extras=\0" \
"extra_bootargs=" \
"bootdev_bootargs=\0" \
"regen_all=" \
"setenv bootargs " \
"${common_bootargs} " \
"${dev_extras} " \
"${extra_bootargs} " \
* Defines ext2_boot and run_disk_boot_script.
* The run_disk_boot_script runs a u-boot script on the boot disk. At the
* moment this is used to allow the boot disk to choose a partion to boot from,
* but could theoretically be used for more complicated things.
* The ext2_boot script boots from an ext2 device.
* Args from other scipts in this file:
* devtype: The device type we're booting from, like "usb" or "mmc"
* devnum: The device number (depends on devtype). If we're booting from
* extranal MMC (for instance), this would be 1
* devname: The linux device name that will be assigned, like "sda" or
* mmcblk0p
* Args expected to be set by the u-boot script in /u-boot/boot.scr.uimg:
* rootpart: The root filesystem partion; we default to 3 in case there are
* problems reading the boot script.
* cros_bootfile: The name of the kernel in the root partition; we default to
* "/boot/vmlinux.uimg"
* Other args:
* script_part: The FAT partion we'll look for a boot script in.
* script_img: The name of the u-boot script.
* When we boot from an ext2 device, we will look at partion 12 (0x0c) to find
* a u-boot script (as /u-boot/boot.scr.uimg). That script is expected to
* override "rootpart" and "cros_bootfile" as needed to select which partition
* to boot from.
* USB download support:
* Once we have loaded the kernel from the selected device successfully,
* we check whether a kernel has in fact been provided through the USB
* download feature. In that case the kernaddr environment variable will
* be set. It might seem strange that we load the original kernel and
* then ignore it, but we try to load the kernel from a number of different
* places. If the USB disk fails (because there is no disk inserted or
* it is invalid) we don't want to pull in the kernaddr kernel and boot it
* with USB as the root disk. So allow the normal boot failover to occur,
* and only insert the kernaddr kernel when we actually have decided
* what to boot from.
"rootpart=5\0" \
"cros_bootfile=/boot/vmlinux.uimg\0" \
"script_part=c\0" \
"script_img=/u-boot/boot.scr.uimg\0" \
"run_disk_boot_script=" \
"if fatload ${devtype} ${devnum}:${script_part} " \
"${loadaddr} ${script_img}; then " \
"source ${loadaddr}; " \
"echo done; " \
"fi\0" \
"regen_ext2_bootargs=" \
"setenv bootdev_bootargs root=${devname} rootwait ro; " \
"run regen_all\0" \
"ext2_boot=" \
"run regen_ext2_bootargs; " \
"setenv rootpart 5; "\
"if ext2load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${rootpart} " \
"${loadaddr} ${cros_bootfile}; then " \
"if test \"${kernaddr}\" != \"\"; then "\
"echo \"Using bundled kernel\"; "\
"bootm ${kernaddr};" \
"fi; "\
"bootm ${loadaddr};" \
* Network-boot related settings.
* At the moment, we support:
* - initramfs factory install (tftp kernel with factory installer initramfs)
* - full network root booting (tftp kernel and initial ramdisk)
* - nfs booting (tftp kernel and point root to NFS)
* Network booting is enabled if you have an ethernet adapter plugged in at boot
* and also have set tftpserverip/nfsserverip to something other than
* For full network booting or initramfs factory install you just need
* tftpserverip. To choose full network booting over initramfs factory intsall,
* you have to set has_initrd=1. For full NFS root you neet to set both
* tftpserverip and nfsserverip.
"tftpserverip=\0" \
"nfsserverip=\0" \
"has_initrd=0\0" \
"initrd_high=0xffffffff\0" \
"regen_nfsroot_bootargs=" \
"setenv bootdev_bootargs " \
"dev=/dev/nfs4 rw nfsroot=${nfsserverip}:${rootpath} " \
"ip=dhcp noinitrd; " \
"run regen_all\0" \
"regen_initrdroot_bootargs=" \
"setenv bootdev_bootargs " \
"rw root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=512000 cros_netboot; " \
"run regen_all\0" \
"regen_initramfs_install_bootargs=" \
"setenv bootdev_bootargs " \
"lsm.module_locking=0 cros_netboot_ramfs " \
"cros_factory_install cros_secure; " \
"run regen_all\0" \
"tftp_setup=" \
"setenv tftpkernelpath " \
"/tftpboot/vmlinux.uimg; " \
"setenv tftprootpath " \
"/tftpboot/initrd.uimg; " \
"setenv rootpath " \
"/export/nfsroot; " \
"setenv autoload n\0" \
"initrdroot_boot=" \
"run tftp_setup; " \
"run regen_initrdroot_bootargs; " \
"bootp; " \
"if tftpboot ${rootaddr} ${tftpserverip}:${tftprootpath} && " \
" tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${tftpserverip}:${tftpkernelpath}; " \
"then " \
"bootm ${loadaddr} ${rootaddr}; " \
"else " \
"echo 'ERROR: Could not load root/kernel from TFTP'; " \
"exit; " \
"fi\0" \
"initramfs_boot=" \
"run tftp_setup; "\
"run regen_initramfs_install_bootargs; "\
"bootp; " \
"if tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${tftpserverip}:${tftpkernelpath}; " \
"then " \
"bootm ${loadaddr}; "\
"else " \
"echo 'ERROR: Could not load kernel from TFTP'; " \
"exit; " \
"fi\0" \
"tftp_ext2_boot=" \
"run tftp_setup; " \
"run regen_ext2_bootargs; " \
"bootp; " \
"if tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${tftpserverip}:${tftpkernelpath}; " \
"then " \
"bootm ${loadaddr}; " \
"else " \
"echo 'ERROR: Could not load kernel from TFTP'; " \
"exit; " \
"fi\0" \
"nfsroot_boot=" \
"run tftp_setup; " \
"run regen_nfsroot_bootargs; " \
"bootp; " \
"if tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${tftpserverip}:${tftpkernelpath}; " \
"then " \
"bootm ${loadaddr}; " \
"else " \
"echo 'ERROR: Could not load kernel from TFTP'; " \
"exit; " \
"fi\0" \
"net_boot=" \
"if test ${ethact} != \"\"; then " \
"if test ${tftpserverip} != \"\"; then " \
"if test ${nfsserverip} != \"\"; then " \
"run nfsroot_boot; " \
"fi; " \
"if test ${has_initrd} != \"0\"; then " \
"run initrdroot_boot; " \
"else " \
"run initramfs_boot; " \
"fi; " \
"fi; " \
"fi\0" \
* Our full set of extra enviornment variables.
* A few notes:
* - Right now, we can only boot from one USB device. Need to fix this once
* usb works better.
* - We define "non_verified_boot", which is the normal boot command unless
* it is overridden in the FDT.
* - When we're running securely, the FDT will specify to call vboot_twostop
* directly.
"set_devname=" \
"part uuid ${devtype} ${devnum}:${rootpart} rootuuid; " \
"setenv devname PARTUUID=${rootuuid}\0" \
"usb_boot=setenv devtype usb; " \
"setenv devnum 0; " \
"run run_disk_boot_script;" \
"run set_devname; " \
"run ext2_boot\0" \
"mmc_setup=" \
"mmc dev ${devnum}; " \
"mmc rescan; " \
"setenv devtype mmc\0" \
"mmc_boot=" \
"run mmc_setup; " \
"run run_disk_boot_script;" \
"run set_devname; " \
"run ext2_boot\0" \
"mmc0_boot=setenv devnum 0; " \
"run mmc_boot\0" \
"mmc1_boot=setenv devnum 1; " \
"run mmc_boot\0" \
"mmc0_tftpboot=setenv devnum 0; " \
"run mmc_setup; " \
"run tftp_ext2_boot\0" \
"nvboot=" \
"usb start; " \
"run net_boot; " \
"run usb_boot; " \
"run mmc1_boot; " \
"run mmc0_boot\0"
#define NON_VERIFIED_BOOTCOMMAND "run nvboot"
#endif /* __configs_chromeos_h__ */