blob: 02fc3af2de4d04fad02a53828414a3d054a40adf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Initialize the board. The function is executed before any test.
proc __boardname___init { board } {
set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
set runtimes [board_info $board runtimes]
set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
verbose -log "Opening persistent connection ..." 1
eval "exec ssh -N -f $ssh_options root@$hostname &"
local_exec "ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c 'mkdir -p $tmpdir'" \
{} {} $timeout
# Remove test run by-products. The function is executed at DejaGNU exit.
proc __boardname___exit {} {
set board "__boardname__"
set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
verbose -log "Closing persistent connection ..." 1
local_exec "ssh $ssh_options -O exit root@$hostname" {} {} 10
verbose -log "Cleaning up - executing on board 'rm -fr $tmpdir' ..." 1
local_exec "ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c 'rm -fr $tmpdir'" \
{} {} 10
# Upload a file to the board. Uses scp over persistent SSH connection.
proc __boardname___download { board file args } {
set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
set destfile [lindex [file split $file] end]
verbose -log "scp -q $ssh_options $file root@$hostname:$tmpdir/"
set result [local_exec "scp -q $ssh_options $file root@$hostname:$tmpdir/" \
{} {} $timeout]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0 } {
verbose -log "failed to upload \'$file\' to \'$tmpdir/$destfile\'"
} else {
verbose -log "uploaded \"$file\' to remote board@\'$tmpdir/$destfile\'"
return "$tmpdir/$destfile"
# Download a file to the host machine. Uses scp over persistent SSH connection.
proc __boardname___upload { board file args } {
set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
set filen [file tail $file]
verbose -log "scp -q $ssh_options \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" ."
set result [local_exec \
"scp -q $ssh_options \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" ." \
{} {} $timeout]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0 } {
verbose -log \
"failed to transfer \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" to \".\""
} else {
verbose -log "transferred \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" to \".\""
# In case of success, always return the original file.
return "$file"
# Cache program output within different invoking of __boardname___exec.
# For example, the following command sequence will be executed
# > cd /tmp/dejagnu_xxxx/ && ./xxx.x0
# <output1 here>
# return [0, <output1>] (a)
# > rm /tmp/dejagnu_xxxx/xxxx.x0
# <output2 here>
# return [0, <output2>] (b)
# We need <output1>, not <output2>. What we do here is to keep <output1> in
# $program_output and in (b) we return [0, <output1>].
set program_output ""
# Execute a test on remote machine. Log into the target machine using
# persistent SSH connection and run a command in modified environment.
proc __boardname___exec { board program args } {
global program_output
if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
set pargs [lindex $args 0]
} else {
set pargs ""
if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
set inp "[lindex $args 1]"
} else {
set inp ""
if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
set outp "[lindex $args 2]"
} else {
set outp ""
if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
set timeout "[lindex $args 3]"
} else {
set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
set other_file ""
# Check if a file to be executed was copied from host machine. If so, we
# need to run it in copied runtimes.
set is_program "0"
if { [string match "$tmpdir/*" $program] } {
set path [file dirname $program]
# "$program" would usually be like "/x/y/z.out", set command to be "z.out".
set command [file tail $program]
set rootname [file rootname $command]
# TODO(shenhan): using rsync to copy all test case relatd stuff to host
# machine in case ".o" files are different from the exe files.
set other_file [file join $path "${rootname}.*"]
# Change directory to "/x/y", then execute "./z.out" - we want the working
# directory to be "/x/y". Setting GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP and GCOV_PREFIX is to
# force generating ".gcda" file under "/x/y" instead of some host path.
set program "cd $path && GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=999 GCOV_PREFIX=$tmpdir/ \
[file join "." $command]"
set is_program "1"
verbose -log "Exec: $program"
set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
set retv [local_exec \
"ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c '$program $pargs'" \
$inp $outp $timeout]
set status [lindex $retv 0]
if { $is_program == "1" } {
set program_output [lindex $retv 1]
# Before returning the execution status, we try to transfer the ".gcda"
# (and/or other files that have the same base name as the program) file to
# host, though for every program that runs, there is no corresponding "other"
# file. We have no idea when such an other file will be generated for the
# program, so every time, we assume there is an "other" file and try to do the
# transfer.
if { $status == 0 && $other_file != "" } {
set upv [${board}_upload $board $other_file ""]
if { $upv == "" } {
verbose -log "Safely ignored - \"$other_file\" does not exist."
return [list $status $program_output]
load_generic_config "unix"
load_base_board_description "linux-libremote"
set_board_info hostname "__board_hostname__"
set_board_info tmpdir "__tmp_dir__"
set_board_info isremote 1
set_board_info timeout 60
set_board_info ssh,options "-i __tmp_testing_rsa__ -o ControlMaster=auto \
-o ControlPath=__tmp_dir__/%r@%h:%p -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "