Add gdb_dejiagnu test script

This is the basic dejagnu test script. Currently it just generate
the board information, compile gdb/gdbserver and run make check.
It needs baseline and some other features later.

TEST=./ -c /extend/gamma/ -b lumpy -r
      It finishes the dejagnu run.

Change-Id: I81678926eda640bb5637e6e4dc540a7b9801b000
Reviewed-by: Han Shen <>
Commit-Queue: Yunlian Jiang <>
Tested-by: Yunlian Jiang <>
diff --git a/dejagnu/boards/ b/dejagnu/boards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1729d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/boards/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright 2011-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# This file is a dejagnu "board file" and is used to run the testsuite
+# natively with gdbserver.
+# To use this file:
+# bash$ touch ${my_dejagnu_dir}/my-dejagnu.exp
+# bash$ export DEJAGNU=${my_dejagnu_dir}/my-dejagnu.exp
+# bash$ mkdir ${my_dejagnu_dir}/boards
+# bash$ cp ${src_dir}/gdb/testsuite/boards/native-gdbserver.exp \
+#   ${my_dejagnu_dir}/boards
+# bash$ cd ${build_dir}/gdb
+# bash$ make check RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=native-gdbserver"
+load_generic_config "gdbserver"
+process_multilib_options ""
+# The default compiler for this target.
+set_board_info compiler "[find_gcc]"
+set_board_info cflags "-fno-stack-protector"
+set_board_info cxxflags "-fno-stack-protector"
+set remote_directory "/tmp"
+set chrome_device_ip __board_hostname__
+# This gdbserver can only run a process once per session.
+set_board_info gdb,do_reload_on_run 1
+# There's no support for argument-passing (yet).
+set_board_info noargs 1
+# Can't do input (or output) in the current gdbserver.
+set_board_info gdb,noinferiorio 1
+# gdbserver does not intercept target file operations and perform them
+# on the host.
+set_board_info gdb,nofileio 1
+#set_board_info sockethost "localhost:"
+set_board_info use_gdb_stub 1
+# We will be using the standard GDB remote protocol.
+set_board_info gdb_protocol "remote"
+# Test the copy of gdbserver in the build directory.
+# set_board_info gdb_server_prog "../gdbserver/gdbserver"
+# Can't do hardware watchpoints, in general (it depends on gdbserver support for your target arch)
+set_board_info gdb,no_hardware_watchpoints 1
+#Can't do record
+set_board_info gdb,use_precord 0
+set_board_info gdb,can_reverse 0
+set gdb_test_timeout 60
+set_board_info timeout 60
+set_board_info ssh,options "-i __tmp_testing_rsa__ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=__tmp_dir__/%r@%h:%p -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
+set_board_info gdb_server_prog "__tmp_dir__/boards/ "
+set_board_info sockethost "__board_hostname__:"
+set_board_info protocol standard
+set_board_info gdb,socketport "1234"
+proc ${board}_spawn { board cmd } {
+    global board_info
+    set baseboard [lindex [split $board "/"] 0]
+    set board_info($baseboard,isremote) 0
+    set result [remote_spawn $board $cmd]
+    set board_info($baseboard,isremote) 1
+    return $result
+proc ${board}_exec { hostname program args } {
+    global board_info
+    verbose -log "$hostname $program $args"
+    set baseboard [lindex [split $hostname "/"] 0]
+    set board_info($baseboard,isremote) 0
+    set result [remote_exec $hostname $program $args]
+    set board_info($baseboard,isremote) 1
+    return $result
+proc ${board}_download { board host dest } {
+    verbose -log "chrome_download $board $host $dest"
+    global board_info
+    set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+    global chrome_device_ip remote_directory remote_file
+    verbose -log "scp -q $ssh_options $host root@$chrome_device_ip:$remote_directory/$dest"
+    set status [catch "exec scp -q $ssh_options $host root@$chrome_device_ip:$remote_directory/$dest" output]
+    if { $status == 0 } {
+        verbose -log "Copied $host to $remote_directory/$dest" 2
+        return "$remote_directory/$dest"
+    } else{
+        verbose -log "Download to $dest failed, $output." 2
+        return ""
+    }
+proc ${board}_file { dest op args } {
+    if { $op == "delete" } {
+	return 0
+    }
+    return [eval [list standard_file $dest $op] $args]
+proc skip_shlid_tests {} {
+  return 1
diff --git a/dejagnu/boards/ b/dejagnu/boards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c048b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/boards/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+REMOTE_SSH_FLAGS="-i __tmp_testing_rsa__ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o BatchMode=yes  -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=__tmp_dir__/%r@%h:%p"
+gdbserver_cmd="/usr/local/bin/gdbserver $1 $2 $3"
+ssh_cmd="nohup ${gdbserver_cmd} "
+echo "Executing: ssh  ${RSA_FILE} ${REMOTE_SSH_FLAGS} root@${FLAGS_remote} \"${ssh_cmd}\"" >&2
+ssh ${REMOTE_SSH_FLAGS} root@${FLAGS_remote} "${ssh_cmd}"
diff --git a/dejagnu/ b/dejagnu/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e95f84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import getpass
+import optparse
+import os
+from os import path
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import lock_machine
+import tc_enter_chroot
+from utils import command_executer
+from utils import constants
+from utils import logger
+from utils import misc
+def ProcessArguments(argv):
+  """Processing/validating script arguments."""
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=(
+      'Launches gdb dejagnu test in chroot for chromeos toolchain, compares '
+      'the test result with a repository baseline and prints out the result.'),
+                                 usage='run_dejagnu options')
+  parser.add_option('-c', '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root',
+                    help='Required. Specify chromeos root')
+  parser.add_option('-m', '--mount', dest='mount',
+                    help=('Specify gdb source to mount instead of "auto". '
+                          'Under "auto" mode, which is the default - gdb is '
+                          'checked out and built automatically at default '
+                          'directories. Under "mount" mode '
+                          '- the gdb_source is set to "$chromeos_'
+                          'root/chroot/usr/local/toolchain_root/gdb", which is '
+                          'the mount point for this option value.'))
+  parser.add_option('-b', '--board', dest='board',
+                    help=('Required. Specify board.'))
+  parser.add_option('-r', '--remote', dest='remote',
+                    help=('Required. Specify addresses/names of the board, '
+                          'seperate each address/name using comma(\',\').'))
+  parser.add_option('--cleanup', dest='cleanup', default=None,
+                    help=('Optional. Values to this option could be '
+                          '\'chroot\' (delete chroot) and '
+                          '\'chromeos\' (delete the whole chromeos tree).'))
+  options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+  if not options.chromeos_root:
+    raise Exception('Missing argument for --chromeos_root.')
+  if not options.remote:
+    raise Exception('Missing argument for --remote.')
+  if not options.board:
+    raise Exception('Missing argument for --board.')
+  if options.cleanup == 'mount' and not options.mount:
+    raise Exception('--cleanup=\'mount\' not valid unless --mount is given.')
+  if options.cleanup and not (
+    options.cleanup == 'mount' or \
+      options.cleanup == 'chroot' or options.cleanup == 'chromeos'):
+    raise Exception('Invalid option value for --cleanup')
+  if options.cleanup and options.keep_intermediate_files:
+    raise Exception('Only one of --keep and --cleanup could be given.')
+  return options
+class DejagnuExecuter(object):
+  """The class wrapper for dejagnu test executer."""
+  def __init__(self, base_dir, source_dir, chromeos_root, remote, board,
+               tools, cleanup):
+    self._l = logger.GetLogger()
+    self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
+    self._chromeos_chroot = path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot')
+    self._remote = remote
+    self._board = board
+    ## Compute target from board
+    self._target = misc.GetCtargetFromBoard(board, chromeos_root)
+    if not self._target:
+      raise Exception('Unsupported board "%s"' % board)
+    self._executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+    self._base_dir = base_dir
+    self._tmp_abs = None
+    self._tools = tools.split(',')
+    self._cleanup = cleanup
+    self._sshflag = " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no"
+    if source_dir:
+      self._source_dir = source_dir
+      self._mount_flag = 'USE="mounted_sources"'
+      self.MountSource()
+    else:
+      self._source_dir = None
+      self._mount_flag = ''
+  def SetupTestingDir(self):
+    self._tmp_abs = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dejagnu_', dir=path.join(
+        self._chromeos_chroot, 'tmp'))
+    self._tmp = self._tmp_abs[len(self._chromeos_chroot):]
+    self._tmp_testing_rsa = path.join(self._tmp, 'testing_rsa')
+    self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs = path.join(self._tmp_abs, 'testing_rsa')
+  def PrepareTestingRsaKeys(self):
+    if not path.isfile(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs):
+      shutil.copy(path.join(
+          self._chromeos_root,
+          'src/scripts/mod_for_test_scripts/ssh_keys/testing_rsa'),
+                  self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs)
+      os.chmod(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs, stat.S_IRUSR)
+  def PrepareTestFiles(self):
+    """Prepare site.exp and board exp files."""
+    # Create the boards directory.
+    os.mkdir('%s/boards' % self._tmp_abs)
+    # Generate the chromeos.exp file.
+    with open('%s/boards/' % self._base_dir, 'r') as template_file:
+      content =
+    substitutions = dict({
+        '__boardname__': self._board,
+        '__board_hostname__': self._remote,
+        '__tmp_testing_rsa__': self._tmp_testing_rsa,
+        '__tmp_dir__': self._tmp})
+    for pat, sub in substitutions.items():
+      content = content.replace(pat, sub)
+    board_file_name = '%s/boards/%s.exp' % (self._tmp_abs, self._board)
+    with open(board_file_name, 'w') as board_file:
+      board_file.write(content)
+    # Generate the site file
+    with open('%s/site.exp' % self._tmp_abs, 'w') as site_file:
+      site_file.write('set target_list "%s"\n' % self._board)
+    with open('%s/boards/' % self._base_dir, 'r')
+    as template_file:
+      content =
+    substitutions = dict({
+        '__board_hostname__': self._remote,
+        '__tmp_testing_rsa__': self._tmp_testing_rsa,
+         '__tmp_dir__': self._tmp})
+    for pat, sub in substitutions.items():
+      content = content.replace(pat, sub)
+    gdbserver_file_name = '%s/boards/' % (self._tmp_abs)
+    with open(gdbserver_file_name, 'w') as board_file:
+      board_file.write(content)
+    st = os.stat(gdbserver_file_name)
+    os.chmod(gdbserver_file_name, st.st_mode | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXUSR)
+  def PrepareGdb(self):
+    self.PrepareGdbDefault()
+  def PrepareGdbDefault(self):
+    ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root,
+        'equery w cross-%s/gdb' % self._target, return_output=True)[1]
+    ret = path.basename(ret.strip())
+    matcher = re.match(r'(.*).ebuild', ret)
+    if matcher:
+      gdb_reversion =
+    else:
+      raise Exception('Failed to get gdb reversion.')
+    gdb_version=gdb_reversion.split('-r')[0]
+    gdb_portage_dir = '/var/tmp/portage/cross-%s/%s/work' % (
+        self._target, gdb_reversion)
+    self._gdb_source_dir = path.join(gdb_portage_dir, gdb_version)
+    ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root,
+        ('sudo %s ebuild $(equery w cross-%s/gdb) clean compile' % (
+            self._mount_flag, self._target)))
+    if ret:
+      raise Exception('ebuild gdb failed.')
+  def PrepareGdbserver(self):
+    self.PrepareGdbserverDefault()
+  def PrepareGdbserverDefault(self):
+    cmd = ('./setup_board --board {0}; '
+           '{1} emerge-{0} gdb'.format(self._board, self._mount_flag))
+    ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root,
+        cmd, print_to_console=True)
+    if ret:
+      raise Exception('ebuild gdbserver failed.')
+    cmd = ('scp -i {0}  {1} '
+           '/build/{2}/usr/bin/gdbserver root@{3}:/usr/local/bin/'
+           .format(self._tmp_testing_rsa, self._sshflag,
+                   self._board, self._remote))
+    ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root,
+        cmd, print_to_console=True)
+    if ret:
+      raise Exception('copy gdbserver failed.')
+    if self._mount_flag:
+      self.MountSource(unmount=False)
+  def Cleanup(self):
+    if not self._cleanup:
+      return
+    if self._cleanup == 'chroot' or self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+      self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chroot inside \'{0}\''.format(
+        self._chromeos_root))
+      command = "cd %s; cros_sdk --delete" % self._chromeos_root
+      rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+      if rv:
+        self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete chroot.')
+      # Delete .cache -
+      command = "sudo rm -fr %s" % os.path.join(self._chromeos_root, ".cache")
+      rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+      if rv:
+        self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete \'.cache\'.')
+    if self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+      self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chromeos tree \'{0}\' ...'.format(
+        self._chromeos_root))
+      command = 'rm -fr {0}'.format(self._chromeos_root)
+      rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+      if rv:
+        self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to remove chromeos tree.')
+  def MakeCheck(self):
+    cmd = ('ssh -i {0} {1}  root@{2} "reboot && exit"'
+           .format(self._tmp_testing_rsa, self._sshflag,
+                   self._remote))
+    self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+    time.sleep(40)
+    cmd = ('ssh -i {0} {1}  root@{2} '
+           '"iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1234 -j ACCEPT"'
+           .format(self._tmp_testing_rsa, self._sshflag,
+                   self._remote
+                   ))
+    self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+    cmd = ('cd %s ; '
+           'DEJAGNU=%s make check' %
+           (path.join(self._gdb_source_dir, 'gdb'),
+            path.join(self._tmp, 'site.exp')))
+    ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+        self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+    if ret:
+      raise Exception('Make check failed.')
+  # This method ensures necessary mount points before executing chroot comamnd.
+  def MountSource(self, unmount=False):
+    script = os.path.join(self._base_dir, '')
+    if unmount:
+      mount = '-u'
+    else:
+      mount = '-m'
+    cmd = ('python {0} --chromeos_root={1} '
+           '--gdb_dir={2} --board={3} {4}'
+           .format(script, self._chromeos_root,
+                   self._source_dir, self._board,
+                   mount))
+def Main(argv):
+  opts = ProcessArguments(argv)
+  available_machine = opts.remote
+  executer = DejagnuExecuter(misc.GetRoot(argv[0])[0],
+                             opts.mount, opts.chromeos_root,
+                             available_machine,
+                             opts.board, opts.flags,
+                             opts.keep_intermediate_files, "",
+                             opts.cleanup)
+  # Return value is a 3- or 4-element tuple
+  #   element#1 - exit code
+  #   element#2 - stdout
+  #   element#3 - stderr
+  #   element#4 - exception infor
+  # Some other scripts need these detailed information.
+  ret = (1, '', '')
+  try:
+    executer.SetupTestingDir()
+    executer.PrepareTestingRsaKeys()
+    executer.PrepareTestFiles()
+    executer.PrepareGdb()
+    executer.PrepareGdbserver()
+    executer.MakeCheck()
+   # ret = executer.ValidateFailures()
+  except Exception as e:
+    # At least log the exception on console.
+    print e
+    # The #4 element encodes the runtime exception.
+    ret = (1, '', '', 'Exception happened during execution: \n' + str(e))
+  finally:
+    #available_machine.Unlock(exclusive=True)
+    #executer.CleanupIntermediateFiles()
+    #executer.Cleanup()
+    return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  retval = Main(sys.argv)[0]
+  sys.exit(retval)