blob: 63d70a5bd933c6d63daf983ca02a95a6e6cb55d6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests when handling patches."""
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import tempfile
from typing import Callable
import unittest
import unittest.mock as mock
from failure_modes import FailureModes
import patch_manager
from test_helpers import CallCountsToMockFunctions
from test_helpers import CreateTemporaryJsonFile
from test_helpers import WritePrettyJsonFile
class PatchManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test class when handling patches of packages."""
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the path is not a directory.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=False)
def testInvalidDirectoryPassedAsCommandLineArgument(self, mock_isdir):
test_dir = '/some/path/that/is/not/a/directory'
# Verify the exception is raised when the command line argument for
# '--filesdir_path' or '--src_path' is not a directory.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), 'Path is not a directory: '
'%s' % test_dir)
# Simulate the behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when a path to a directory is
# passed as the command line argument for '--filesdir_path' or '--src_path'.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
def testValidDirectoryPassedAsCommandLineArgument(self, mock_isdir):
test_dir = '/some/path/that/is/a/directory'
self.assertEqual(patch_manager.is_directory(test_dir), test_dir)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the patch metadata file is does
# not exist.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=False)
def testInvalidPathToPatchMetadataFilePassedAsCommandLineArgument(
self, mock_isfile):
abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/PATCHES.json'
# Verify the exception is raised when the command line argument for
# '--patch_metadata_file' does not exist or is not a file.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
str(err.exception), 'Invalid patch metadata file provided: '
'%s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
# Simulate the behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the path to the patch
# metadata file exists and is a file.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
def testPatchMetadataFileDoesNotEndInJson(self, mock_isfile):
abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/PATCHES'
# Verify the exception is raises when the command line argument for
# '--patch_metadata_file' exists and is a file but does not end in
# '.json'.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
str(err.exception), 'Patch metadata file does not end in ".json": '
'%s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
# Simulate the behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the command line argument
# for '--patch_metadata_file' exists and is a file.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
def testValidPatchMetadataFilePassedAsCommandLineArgument(self, mock_isfile):
abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/PATCHES.json'
'%s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the path to $FILESDIR
# does not exist.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=False)
def testInvalidPathToFilesDirWhenConstructingPathToPatch(self, mock_isdir):
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
rel_patch_path = 'cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
# Verify the exception is raised when the the absolute path to $FILESDIR of
# a package is not a directory.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.GetPathToPatch(abs_path_to_filesdir, rel_patch_path)
str(err.exception), 'Invalid path to $FILESDIR provided: '
'%s' % abs_path_to_filesdir)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the absolute path to the
# $FILESDIR of a package exists and is a directory.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
# Simulate the behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
# patch does not exist.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=False)
def testConstructedPathToPatchDoesNotExist(self, mock_isfile, mock_isdir):
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
rel_patch_path = 'cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
abs_patch_path = os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir, rel_patch_path)
# Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to the patch does
# not exist.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.GetPathToPatch(abs_path_to_filesdir, rel_patch_path)
str(err.exception), 'The absolute path %s to the patch %s does not '
'exist' % (abs_patch_path, rel_patch_path))
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the absolute path to the
# $FILESDIR of a package exists and is a directory.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
# patch exists and is a file.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
def testConstructedPathToPatchSuccessfully(self, mock_isfile, mock_isdir):
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
rel_patch_path = 'cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
abs_patch_path = os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir, rel_patch_path)
patch_manager.GetPathToPatch(abs_path_to_filesdir, rel_patch_path),
def testSuccessfullyGetPatchMetadataForPatchWithNoMetadata(self):
expected_patch_metadata = 0, None, False
test_patch = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
def testSuccessfullyGetPatchMetdataForPatchWithSomeMetadata(self):
expected_patch_metadata = 0, 1000, False
test_patch = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_stdout.patch',
'version_range': {
'until': 1000,
def testRemoveOldPatches(self):
"""Can remove old patches from PATCHES.json."""
one_patch_dict = {
'metadata': {
'title': '[some label] hello world',
'platforms': [
'rel_patch_path': 'x/y/z',
'version_range': {
'from': 4,
'until': 5,
patches = [
**one_patch_dict, 'version_range': {
'until': None
**one_patch_dict, 'version_range': {
'from': 100
**one_patch_dict, 'version_range': {
'until': 8
cases = [
(0, lambda x: self.assertEqual(len(x), 4)),
(6, lambda x: self.assertEqual(len(x), 3)),
(8, lambda x: self.assertEqual(len(x), 2)),
(1000, lambda x: self.assertEqual(len(x), 2)),
def _t(dirname: str, svn_version: int, assertion_f: Callable):
json_filepath = Path(dirname) / 'PATCHES.json'
with'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(patches, f)
patch_manager.RemoveOldPatches(svn_version, Path(), json_filepath)
with'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
result = json.load(f)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
prefix='patch_manager_unittest') as dirname:
for r, a in cases:
_t(dirname, r, a)
def testIsGitDirty(self):
"""Test if a git directory has uncommitted changes."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
prefix='patch_manager_unittest') as dirname:
dirpath = Path(dirname)
def _run_h(cmd):, cwd=dirpath, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)
_run_h(['git', 'init'])
test_file = dirpath / 'test_file'
_run_h(['git', 'add', '.'])
_run_h(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'test'])
with'w', encoding='utf-8'):
def testFailedToApplyPatchWhenInvalidSrcPathIsPassedIn(self):
src_path = '/abs/path/to/src'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
# Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to the unpacked
# sources of a package is not a directory.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.ApplyPatch(src_path, abs_patch_path)
'Invalid src path provided: %s' % src_path)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the absolute path to the
# unpacked sources of the package is valid and exists.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
def testFailedToApplyPatchWhenPatchPathIsInvalid(self, mock_isdir):
src_path = '/abs/path/to/src'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
# Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to the patch does
# not exist or is not a file.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.ApplyPatch(src_path, abs_patch_path)
self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), 'Invalid patch file provided: '
'%s' % abs_patch_path)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the absolute path to the
# unpacked sources of the package is valid and exists.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
# patch exists and is a file.
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'check_output')
def testFailedToApplyPatchInDryRun(self, mock_dry_run, mock_isfile,
# Simulate behavior of 'subprocess.check_output()' when '--dry-run'
# fails on the applying patch.
def FailedToApplyPatch(test_patch_cmd):
# First argument is the return error code, the second argument is the
# command that was run, and the third argument is the output.
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, test_patch_cmd, None)
mock_dry_run.side_effect = FailedToApplyPatch
src_path = '/abs/path/to/src'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
self.assertEqual(patch_manager.ApplyPatch(src_path, abs_patch_path), False)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when the absolute path to the
# unpacked sources of the package is valid and exists.
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
# Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
# patch exists and is a file.
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'check_output')
def testSuccessfullyAppliedPatch(self, mock_dry_run, mock_isfile,
src_path = '/abs/path/to/src'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_stdout.patch'
self.assertEqual(patch_manager.ApplyPatch(src_path, abs_patch_path), True)
self.assertEqual(mock_dry_run.call_count, 2)
def testFailedToUpdatePatchMetadataFileWhenPatchFileNotEndInJson(self):
patch = [{
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 10,
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/PATCHES'
# Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to the patch
# metadata file does not end in '.json'.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.UpdatePatchMetadataFile(abs_patch_path, patch)
self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), 'File does not end in ".json": '
'%s' % abs_patch_path)
def testSuccessfullyUpdatedPatchMetadataFile(self):
test_updated_patch_metadata = [{
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 10,
expected_patch_metadata = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 10,
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Make sure the updated patch metadata was written into the temporary
# .json file.
with open(json_test_file) as patch_file:
patch_contents = json.load(patch_file)
self.assertEqual(len(patch_contents), 1)
self.assertDictEqual(patch_contents[0], expected_patch_metadata)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
def testExceptionThrownWhenHandlingPatches(self, mock_get_path_to_patch):
filesdir_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_output.patch'
rel_patch_path = 'cherry/fixes_output.patch'
# Simulate behavior of 'GetPathToPatch()' when the absolute path to the
# patch does not exist.
def PathToPatchDoesNotExist(filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
raise ValueError('The absolute path to %s does not exist' %
os.path.join(filesdir_path, rel_patch_path))
# Use the test function to simulate the behavior of 'GetPathToPatch()'.
mock_get_path_to_patch.side_effect = PathToPatchDoesNotExist
test_patch_metadata = [{
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': rel_patch_path,
'version_range': {
'from': 10,
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
src_path = '/some/path/to/src'
revision = 1000
# Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to a patch does
# not exist.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file, filesdir_path,
src_path, FailureModes.FAIL)
'The absolute path to %s does not exist' % abs_patch_path)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
# Simulate behavior for 'ApplyPatch()' when an applicable patch failed to
# apply.
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'ApplyPatch', return_value=False)
def testExceptionThrownOnAFailedPatchInFailMode(self, mock_apply_patch,
filesdir_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
abs_patch_path = '/abs/path/to/filesdir/cherry/fixes_output.patch'
rel_patch_path = 'cherry/fixes_output.patch'
# Simulate behavior for 'GetPathToPatch()' when successfully constructed the
# absolute path to the patch and the patch exists.
mock_get_path_to_patch.return_value = abs_patch_path
test_patch_metadata = [{
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': rel_patch_path,
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
src_path = '/some/path/to/src'
revision = 1000
patch_name = 'fixes_output.patch'
# Verify the exception is raised when the mode is 'fail' and an applicable
# patch fails to apply.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file, filesdir_path,
src_path, FailureModes.FAIL)
'Failed to apply patch: %s' % patch_name)
mock_apply_patch.assert_called_once_with(src_path, abs_patch_path)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'ApplyPatch')
def testSomePatchesFailedToApplyInContinueMode(self, mock_apply_patch,
test_patch_1 = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
'until': 1250
test_patch_2 = {
'comment': 'Fixes input',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_input.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000
test_patch_3 = {
'comment': 'Adds a warning',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_warning.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 750,
'until': 1500
test_patch_4 = {
'comment': 'Adds a helper function',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_helper.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 20,
'until': 900
test_patch_metadata = [
test_patch_1, test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
# Simulate behavior for 'GetPathToPatch()' when successfully constructed the
# absolute path to the patch and the patch exists.
def MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath(call_count, filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
self.assertEqual(filesdir_path, abs_path_to_filesdir)
if call_count < 4:
return os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir,
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 4 times.'
# Simulate behavior for 'ApplyPatch()' when applying multiple applicable
# patches.
def MultipleCallsToApplyPatches(call_count, _src_path, path_to_patch):
if call_count < 3:
# Simulate that the first patch successfully applied.
return call_count == 0
# 'ApplyPatch()' was called more times than expected (3 times).
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 3 times.'
# Use test functions to simulate behavior.
mock_get_path_to_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath
mock_apply_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToApplyPatches
expected_applied_patches = ['fixes_output.patch']
expected_failed_patches = ['fixes_input.patch', 'add_warning.patch']
expected_non_applicable_patches = ['add_helper.patch']
expected_patch_info_dict = {
'applied_patches': expected_applied_patches,
'failed_patches': expected_failed_patches,
'non_applicable_patches': expected_non_applicable_patches,
'disabled_patches': [],
'removed_patches': [],
'modified_metadata': None
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
src_path = '/some/path/to/src/'
revision = 1000
patch_info = patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file,
abs_path_to_filesdir, src_path,
self.assertDictEqual(patch_info._asdict(), expected_patch_info_dict)
self.assertEqual(mock_get_path_to_patch.call_count, 4)
self.assertEqual(mock_apply_patch.call_count, 3)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'ApplyPatch')
def testSomePatchesAreDisabled(self, mock_apply_patch,
test_patch_1 = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
'until': 1190
test_patch_2 = {
'comment': 'Fixes input',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_input.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000
test_patch_3 = {
'comment': 'Adds a warning',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_warning.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 750,
'until': 1500
test_patch_4 = {
'comment': 'Adds a helper function',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_helper.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 20,
'until': 2000
test_patch_metadata = [
test_patch_1, test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
# Simulate behavior for 'GetPathToPatch()' when successfully constructed the
# absolute path to the patch and the patch exists.
def MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath(call_count, filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
self.assertEqual(filesdir_path, abs_path_to_filesdir)
if call_count < 4:
return os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir,
# 'GetPathToPatch()' was called more times than expected (4 times).
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 4 times.'
# Simulate behavior for 'ApplyPatch()' when applying multiple applicable
# patches.
def MultipleCallsToApplyPatches(call_count, _src_path, path_to_patch):
if call_count < 3:
test_patch_metadata[call_count +
# Simulate that the second patch applied successfully.
return call_count == 1
# 'ApplyPatch()' was called more times than expected (3 times).
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 3 times.'
# Use test functions to simulate behavior.
mock_get_path_to_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath
mock_apply_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToApplyPatches
expected_applied_patches = ['add_warning.patch']
expected_failed_patches = ['fixes_input.patch', 'add_helper.patch']
expected_disabled_patches = ['fixes_input.patch', 'add_helper.patch']
expected_non_applicable_patches = ['fixes_output.patch']
# Assigned 'None' for now, but it is expected that the patch metadata file
# will be modified, so the 'expected_patch_info_dict's' value for the
# key 'modified_metadata' will get updated to the temporary .json file once
# the file is created.
expected_modified_metadata_file = None
expected_patch_info_dict = {
'applied_patches': expected_applied_patches,
'failed_patches': expected_failed_patches,
'non_applicable_patches': expected_non_applicable_patches,
'disabled_patches': expected_disabled_patches,
'removed_patches': [],
'modified_metadata': expected_modified_metadata_file
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
expected_patch_info_dict['modified_metadata'] = json_test_file
src_path = '/some/path/to/src/'
revision = 1200
patch_info = patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file,
abs_path_to_filesdir, src_path,
self.assertDictEqual(patch_info._asdict(), expected_patch_info_dict)
# 'test_patch_1' and 'test_patch_3' were not modified/disabled, so their
# dictionary is the same, but 'test_patch_2' and 'test_patch_4' were
# disabled, so their 'until' would be set to 1200, which was the
# value passed into 'HandlePatches()' for the 'svn_version'.
test_patch_2['version_range']['until'] = 1200
test_patch_4['version_range']['until'] = 1200
expected_json_file = [
test_patch_1, test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4
# Make sure the updated patch metadata was written into the temporary
# .json file.
with open(json_test_file) as patch_file:
new_json_file_contents = json.load(patch_file)
self.assertListEqual(new_json_file_contents, expected_json_file)
self.assertEqual(mock_get_path_to_patch.call_count, 4)
self.assertEqual(mock_apply_patch.call_count, 3)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'ApplyPatch')
def testSomePatchesAreRemoved(self, mock_apply_patch,
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'non_applicable_patches' list and 'removed_patches' list because
# the 'svn_version' (1500) >= 'until' (1190).
test_patch_1 = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
'until': 1190
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'applicable_patches' list (which is the list that the .json file will be
# updated with) because the 'svn_version' < 'inf' (this patch does not have
# an 'until' value which implies 'until' == 'inf').
test_patch_2 = {
'comment': 'Fixes input',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_input.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'non_applicable_patches' list and 'removed_patches' list because
# the 'svn_version' (1500) >= 'until' (1500).
test_patch_3 = {
'comment': 'Adds a warning',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_warning.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 750,
'until': 1500
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'non_applicable_patches' list and 'removed_patches' list because
# the 'svn_version' (1500) >= 'until' (1400).
test_patch_4 = {
'comment': 'Adds a helper function',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_helper.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 20,
'until': 1400
test_patch_metadata = [
test_patch_1, test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
# Simulate behavior for 'GetPathToPatch()' when successfully constructed the
# absolute path to the patch and the patch exists.
def MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath(call_count, filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
self.assertEqual(filesdir_path, abs_path_to_filesdir)
if call_count < 4:
return os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir,
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 4 times.'
# Use the test function to simulate behavior of 'GetPathToPatch()'.
mock_get_path_to_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath
expected_applied_patches = []
expected_failed_patches = []
expected_disabled_patches = []
expected_non_applicable_patches = [
'fixes_output.patch', 'add_warning.patch', 'add_helper.patch'
expected_removed_patches = [
# Assigned 'None' for now, but it is expected that the patch metadata file
# will be modified, so the 'expected_patch_info_dict's' value for the
# key 'modified_metadata' will get updated to the temporary .json file once
# the file is created.
expected_modified_metadata_file = None
expected_patch_info_dict = {
'applied_patches': expected_applied_patches,
'failed_patches': expected_failed_patches,
'non_applicable_patches': expected_non_applicable_patches,
'disabled_patches': expected_disabled_patches,
'removed_patches': expected_removed_patches,
'modified_metadata': expected_modified_metadata_file
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
expected_patch_info_dict['modified_metadata'] = json_test_file
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
src_path = '/some/path/to/src/'
revision = 1500
patch_info = patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file,
abs_path_to_filesdir, src_path,
self.assertDictEqual(patch_info._asdict(), expected_patch_info_dict)
# 'test_patch_2' was an applicable patch, so this patch will be the only
# patch that is in temporary .json file. The other patches were not
# applicable (they failed the applicable check), so they will not be in
# the .json file.
expected_json_file = [test_patch_2]
# Make sure the updated patch metadata was written into the temporary
# .json file.
with open(json_test_file) as patch_file:
new_json_file_contents = json.load(patch_file)
self.assertListEqual(new_json_file_contents, expected_json_file)
self.assertEqual(mock_get_path_to_patch.call_count, 4)
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'GetPathToPatch')
@mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'ApplyPatch')
def testSuccessfullyDidNotRemoveAFuturePatch(self, mock_apply_patch,
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'non_applicable_patches' list and 'removed_patches' list because
# the 'svn_version' (1200) >= 'until' (1190).
test_patch_1 = {
'comment': 'Redirects output to stdout',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_output.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
'until': 1190
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'applicable_patches' list (which is the list that the .json file will be
# updated with) because the 'svn_version' < 'inf' (this patch does not have
# an 'until' value which implies 'until' == 'inf').
test_patch_2 = {
'comment': 'Fixes input',
'rel_patch_path': 'cherry/fixes_input.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1000,
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'applicable_patches' list because 'svn_version' >= 'from' and
# 'svn_version' < 'until'.
test_patch_3 = {
'comment': 'Adds a warning',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_warning.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 750,
'until': 1500
# For the 'remove_patches' mode, this patch is expected to be in the
# 'applicable_patches' list because the patch is from the future (e.g.
# 'from' > 'svn_version' (1200), so it should NOT be removed.
test_patch_4 = {
'comment': 'Adds a helper function',
'rel_patch_path': 'add_helper.patch',
'version_range': {
'from': 1600,
'until': 2000
test_patch_metadata = [
test_patch_1, test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4
abs_path_to_filesdir = '/abs/path/to/filesdir'
# Simulate behavior for 'GetPathToPatch()' when successfully constructed the
# absolute path to the patch and the patch exists.
def MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath(call_count, filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
self.assertEqual(filesdir_path, abs_path_to_filesdir)
if call_count < 4:
return os.path.join(abs_path_to_filesdir,
# 'GetPathToPatch()' was called more times than expected (4 times).
assert False, 'Unexpectedly called more than 4 times.'
# Use the test function to simulate behavior of 'GetPathToPatch()'.
mock_get_path_to_patch.side_effect = MultipleCallsToGetPatchPath
expected_applied_patches = []
expected_failed_patches = []
expected_disabled_patches = []
# 'add_helper.patch' is still a 'non applicable' patch meaning it does not
# apply in revision 1200 but it will NOT be removed because it is a future
# patch.
expected_non_applicable_patches = [
'fixes_output.patch', 'add_helper.patch'
expected_removed_patches = [
# Assigned 'None' for now, but it is expected that the patch metadata file
# will be modified, so the 'expected_patch_info_dict's' value for the
# key 'modified_metadata' will get updated to the temporary .json file once
# the file is created.
expected_modified_metadata_file = None
expected_patch_info_dict = {
'applied_patches': expected_applied_patches,
'failed_patches': expected_failed_patches,
'non_applicable_patches': expected_non_applicable_patches,
'disabled_patches': expected_disabled_patches,
'removed_patches': expected_removed_patches,
'modified_metadata': expected_modified_metadata_file
with CreateTemporaryJsonFile() as json_test_file:
# Write the test patch metadata to the temporary .json file.
with open(json_test_file, 'w') as json_file:
WritePrettyJsonFile(test_patch_metadata, json_file)
expected_patch_info_dict['modified_metadata'] = json_test_file
src_path = '/some/path/to/src/'
revision = 1200
patch_info = patch_manager.HandlePatches(revision, json_test_file,
abs_path_to_filesdir, src_path,
self.assertDictEqual(patch_info._asdict(), expected_patch_info_dict)
# 'test_patch_2' was an applicable patch, so this patch will be the only
# patch that is in temporary .json file. The other patches were not
# applicable (they failed the applicable check), so they will not be in
# the .json file.
expected_json_file = [test_patch_2, test_patch_3, test_patch_4]
# Make sure the updated patch metadata was written into the temporary
# .json file.
with open(json_test_file) as patch_file:
new_json_file_contents = json.load(patch_file)
self.assertListEqual(new_json_file_contents, expected_json_file)
self.assertEqual(mock_get_path_to_patch.call_count, 4)
if __name__ == '__main__':