blob: f4fc234f79db5e03590928f2a34c13e09e4cdfca [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runs a tryjob/tryjobs after updating the packages."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import os
from assert_not_in_chroot import VerifyOutsideChroot
from failure_modes import FailureModes
from get_llvm_hash import GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption
from get_llvm_hash import is_svn_option
from subprocess_helpers import ChrootRunCommand
from subprocess_helpers import ExecCommandAndCaptureOutput
import update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash
def GetCommandLineArgs():
"""Parses the command line for the command line arguments.
The log level to use when retrieving the LLVM hash or google3 LLVM version,
the chroot path to use for executing chroot commands,
a list of a package or packages to update their LLVM next hash,
and the LLVM version to use when retrieving the LLVM hash.
# Default path to the chroot if a path is not specified.
cros_root = os.path.expanduser('~')
cros_root = os.path.join(cros_root, 'chromiumos')
# Create parser and add optional command-line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Runs a tryjob if successfully updated packages\''
# Add argument for the absolute path to the file that contains information on
# the previous tested svn version.
help='the absolute path to the file that contains the last tested '
'svn version')
# Add argument for other change lists that want to run alongside the tryjob
# which has a change list of updating a package's git hash.
help='change lists that would like to be run alongside the change list '
'of updating the packages')
# Add argument for custom options for the tryjob.
help='options to use for the tryjob testing')
# Add argument for builders for the tryjob.
help='builders to use for the tryjob testing')
# Add argument for the description of the tryjob.
help='the description of the tryjob')
# Add argument for a specific chroot path.
help='the path to the chroot (default: %(default)s)')
# Add argument for whether to display command contents to `stdout`.
help='display contents of a command to the terminal '
'(default: %(default)s)')
# Add argument for the LLVM version to use.
help='which git hash of LLVM to find '
'{google3, ToT, <svn_version>} '
'(default: finds the git hash of the google3 LLVM '
args_output = parser.parse_args()
return args_output
def GetLastTestedSVNVersion(last_tested_file):
"""Gets the lasted tested svn version from the file.
last_tested_file: The absolute path to the file that contains the last
tested svn version.
The last tested svn version or 'None' if the file did not have a last tested
svn version (the file exists, but failed to convert the contents to an
integer) or the file does not exist.
if not last_tested_file:
return None
last_svn_version = None
# Get the last tested svn version if the file exists.
with open(last_tested_file) as file_obj:
# For now, the first line contains the last tested svn version.
return int(
except IOError:
except ValueError:
return last_svn_version
def GetTryJobCommand(change_list, extra_change_lists, options, builder):
"""Constructs the 'tryjob' command.
change_list: The CL obtained from updating the packages.
extra_change_lists: Extra change lists that would like to be run alongside
the change list of updating the packages.
options: Options to be passed into the tryjob command.
builder: The builder to be passed into the tryjob command.
The 'tryjob' command with the change list of updating the packages and
any extra information that was passed into the command line.
tryjob_cmd = ['cros', 'tryjob', '--yes', '--json', '-g', '%d' % change_list]
if extra_change_lists:
for extra_cl in extra_change_lists:
tryjob_cmd.extend(['-g', '%d' % extra_cl])
if options:
tryjob_cmd.extend('--%s' % option for option in options)
return tryjob_cmd
def RunTryJobs(cl_number, extra_change_lists, options, builders, chroot_path,
"""Runs a tryjob/tryjobs.
cl_number: The CL created by updating the packages.
extra_change_lists: Any extra change lists that would run alongside the CL
that was created by updating the packages ('cl_number').
options: Any options to be passed into the 'tryjob' command.
builders: All the builders to run the 'tryjob' with.
chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot.
verbose: Print command contents to `stdout`.
A list that contains stdout contents of each tryjob, where stdout is
information (a hashmap) about the tryjob. The hashmap also contains stderr
if there was an error when running a tryjob.
ValueError: Failed to submit a tryjob.
# Contains the results of each tryjob. The results are retrieved from 'out'
# which is stdout of the command executer.
tryjob_results = []
# For each builder passed into the command line:
# Run a tryjob with the change list number obtained from updating the
# packages and append additional changes lists and options obtained from the
# command line.
for cur_builder in builders:
tryjob_cmd = GetTryJobCommand(cl_number, extra_change_lists, options,
out = ChrootRunCommand(chroot_path, tryjob_cmd, verbose=verbose)
tryjob_launch_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
tryjob_contents = json.loads(out)
buildbucket_id = int(tryjob_contents[0]['buildbucket_id'])
new_tryjob = {
'launch_time': str(tryjob_launch_time),
'link': str(tryjob_contents[0]['url']),
'buildbucket_id': buildbucket_id,
'extra_cls': extra_change_lists,
'options': options,
'builder': [cur_builder]
AddTryjobLinkToCL(tryjob_results, cl_number, chroot_path)
return tryjob_results
def AddTryjobLinkToCL(tryjobs, cl, chroot_path):
"""Adds the tryjob link(s) to the CL via `gerrit message <CL> <message>`."""
# NOTE: Invoking `cros_sdk` does not make each tryjob link appear on its own
# line, so invoking the `gerrit` command directly instead of using `cros_sdk`
# to do it for us.
# FIXME: Need to figure out why `cros_sdk` does not add each tryjob link as a
# newline.
gerrit_abs_path = os.path.join(chroot_path, 'chromite/bin/gerrit')
tryjob_links = ['Started the following tryjobs:']
tryjob_links.extend(tryjob['link'] for tryjob in tryjobs)
add_message_cmd = [
gerrit_abs_path, 'message',
str(cl), '\n'.join(tryjob_links)
def main():
"""Updates the packages' 'LLVM_NEXT_HASH' and submits tryjobs.
AssertionError: The script was run inside the chroot.
args_output = GetCommandLineArgs()
last_svn_version = GetLastTestedSVNVersion(args_output.last_tested)
update_packages = [
'sys-devel/llvm', 'sys-libs/compiler-rt', 'sys-libs/libcxx',
'sys-libs/libcxxabi', 'sys-libs/llvm-libunwind'
patch_metadata_file = 'PATCHES.json'
svn_option = args_output.llvm_version
git_hash, svn_version = GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption(svn_option)
# There is no need to run tryjobs when the SVN version matches the last tested
# SVN version.
if last_svn_version == svn_version:
print('svn version (%d) matches the last tested svn version (%d) in %s' %
(svn_version, last_svn_version, args_output.last_tested))
update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash.verbose = args_output.verbose
change_list = update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash.UpdatePackages(
update_packages, git_hash, svn_version, args_output.chroot_path,
patch_metadata_file, FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES, svn_option)
print('Successfully updated packages to %d' % svn_version)
print('Gerrit URL: %s' % change_list.url)
print('Change list number: %d' % change_list.cl_number)
tryjob_results = RunTryJobs(change_list.cl_number,
args_output.chroot_path, args_output.verbose)
for tryjob in tryjob_results:
# Updated the packages and submitted tryjobs successfully, so the file will
# contain 'svn_version' which will now become the last tested svn version.
if args_output.last_tested:
with open(args_output.last_tested, 'w') as file_obj:
if __name__ == '__main__':