blob: 420ec7eaa28d3f29a6c16b6046e97ae40f66cb04 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Gets the latest google3 llvm version"""
from __future__ import print_function
from pipes import quote
import argparse
import traceback
import os
from cros_utils import command_executer
class LLVMVersion(object):
"""Provides a method to retrieve the latest google3 llvm version."""
def __init__(self, log_level="none"):
self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
def _DeleteClient(self):
"""Deletes a created client."""
# delete client
delete_cmd = 'g4 citc -d my_local_client'
ret, _, err = self._ce.RunCommandWOutput(delete_cmd, print_to_console=False)
if ret: # failed to delete client
raise ValueError("Failed to delete client: %s" % err)
def _CreateClient(self):
"""Creates a client returns a path to the google3 directory.
ce: A CommandExecuter object for executing commands
A string that is the path to the google3 directory.
Exception: Failed to create a client.
# number of tries to create client
num_tries = 2
# cmd to create client
client_cmd = 'p4 g4d -f my_local_client'
# try to create client
for _ in range(num_tries):
ret, google3_path, err = self._ce.RunCommandWOutput(
client_cmd, print_to_console=False)
if not ret: # created client
return google3_path
try: # delete client and re-try
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Failed to create a client: %s' % err)
def GetGoogle3LLVMVersion(self):
"""Gets the latest google3 llvm version.
Creates a client to retrieve the llvm version.
The client is then deleted after the llvm version is retrieved.
The latest llvm version as an integer.
Exception: An invalid path has been provided to the cat command.
# create a client and get the path
google3_path = self._CreateClient()
# remove '\n' at the end
google3_path = google3_path.strip()
# cmd to retrieve latest version
llvm_version_path = 'third_party/crosstool/v18/stable/' \
path_to_version = os.path.join(google3_path, llvm_version_path)
cat_cmd = 'cat %s' % quote(path_to_version)
# get latest version
ret, g3_version, err = self._ce.RunCommandWOutput(
cat_cmd, print_to_console=False)
# check return code
if ret: # failed to get latest version
raise Exception('Failed to get google3 llvm version: %s' % err)
# no longer need the client
# change type to an integer
return int(g3_version.strip())
def main():
"""Prints the google3 llvm version.
Parses the command line for the optional command line
# create parser and add optional command-line argument
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get the google3 llvm version.')
choices=['none', 'quiet', 'average', 'verbose'],
help='the level for the logs (default: %(default)s)')
# parse command-line arguments
args_output = parser.parse_args()
cur_log_level = args_output.log_level # get log level
if __name__ == '__main__':