blob: 03a2477ebe1bf4a918341f200b7fef99169b13b1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for"""
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
import unittest
import heatmap_generator
def _write_perf_record(pid, tid, addr, fp):
'0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 %d/%d: '
'[%x(0x100) @ 0x0 0:0 0 0] '
'r-xp /opt/google/chrome/chrome\n' % (pid, tid, addr),
def _write_perf_fork(pid_from, tid_from, pid_to, tid_to, fp):
'0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_FORK(%d:%d):(%d:%d)\n' % (pid_to, tid_to, pid_from,
def _write_perf_exit(pid_from, tid_from, pid_to, tid_to, fp):
'0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_EXIT(%d:%d):(%d:%d)\n' % (pid_to, tid_to, pid_from,
def _write_perf_sample(pid, tid, addr, fp):
'0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE(IP, 0x2): '
'%d/%d: %x period: 100000 addr: 0' % (pid, tid, addr),
print(' ... thread: chrome:%d' % tid, file=fp)
print(' ...... dso: /opt/google/chrome/chrome\n', file=fp)
def _heatmap(file_name, page_size=4096):
generator = heatmap_generator.HeatmapGenerator(
file_name, page_size, '', log_level='none') # Don't log to stdout
def _cleanup(file_name):
class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
"""All of our tests for heatmap_generator."""
def test_with_one_mmap_one_sample(self):
"""Tests one perf record and one sample."""
fname = 'test.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
_write_perf_record(101, 101, 0xABCD000, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
self.assertIn('out.txt', os.listdir('.'))
with open('out.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self.assertTrue(len(lines) == 1)
self.assertIn('101/101: 1 0', lines[0])
def test_with_one_mmap_multiple_samples(self):
"""Tests one perf record and three samples."""
fname = 'test.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
_write_perf_record(101, 101, 0xABCD000, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD102, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE102, f)
self.assertIn('out.txt', os.listdir('.'))
with open('out.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self.assertTrue(len(lines) == 3)
self.assertIn('101/101: 1 0', lines[0])
self.assertIn('101/101: 2 0', lines[1])
self.assertIn('101/101: 3 4096', lines[2])
def test_with_fork_and_exit(self):
"""Tests perf fork and perf exit."""
fname = 'test_fork.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
_write_perf_record(101, 101, 0xABCD000, f)
_write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
_write_perf_sample(202, 202, 0xABCE101, f)
_write_perf_exit(202, 202, 202, 202, f)
self.assertIn('out.txt', os.listdir('.'))
with open('out.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self.assertTrue(len(lines) == 2)
self.assertIn('101/101: 1 0', lines[0])
self.assertIn('202/202: 2 4096', lines[1])
def test_histogram(self):
"""Tests if the tool can generate correct histogram.
In the tool, histogram is generated from statistics
of perf samples (saved to out.txt). The histogram is
generated by and saved to
inst-histo.txt. It will be used to draw heat maps.
fname = 'test_histo.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
_write_perf_record(101, 101, 0xABCD000, f)
for i in range(0, 100):
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xAFCD000 + i, f)
self.assertIn('inst-histo.txt', os.listdir('.'))
with open('inst-histo.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self.assertTrue(len(lines) == 4)
self.assertIn('100 0', lines[0])
self.assertIn('100 4096', lines[1])
self.assertIn('100 196608', lines[2])
self.assertIn('100 4194304', lines[3])
def test_histogram_two_mb_page(self):
"""Tests handling of 2MB page."""
fname = 'test_histo.txt'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
_write_perf_record(101, 101, 0xABCD000, f)
for i in range(0, 100):
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
_write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xAFCD000 + i, f)
_heatmap(fname, page_size=2 * 1024 * 1024)
self.assertIn('inst-histo.txt', os.listdir('.'))
with open('inst-histo.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self.assertTrue(len(lines) == 2)
self.assertIn('300 0', lines[0])
self.assertIn('100 4194304', lines[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':