blob: 0a90eef07cd4566140c1f503cfa09e2e66d79fed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved
"""Unit tests for the Crosperf Benchmark class."""
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
from benchmark import Benchmark
import unittest
class BenchmarkTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Individual tests for the Benchmark class."""
def test_benchmark(self):
# Test creating a benchmark with all the fields filled out.
b1 = Benchmark('b1_test', # name
'octane', # test_name
'', # test_args
3, # iterations
False, # rm_chroot_tmp
'record -e cycles', # perf_args
'telemetry_Crosperf', # suite
True) # show_all_results
self.assertTrue(b1.suite, 'telemetry_Crosperf')
# Test creating a benchmark field with default fields left out.
b2 = Benchmark('b2_test', # name
'octane', # test_name
'', # test_args
3, # iterations
False, # rm_chroot_tmp
'record -e cycles') # perf_args
self.assertEqual(b2.suite, '')
# Test explicitly creating 'suite=Telemetry' and 'show_all_results=False"
# and see what happens.
b3 = Benchmark('b3_test', # name
'octane', # test_name
'', # test_args
3, # iterations
False, # rm_chroot_tmp
'record -e cycles', # perf_args
'telemetry', # suite
False) # show_all_results
# Check to see if the args to Benchmark have changed since the last time
# this test was updated.
args_list = ['self', 'name', 'test_name', 'test_args', 'iterations',
'rm_chroot_tmp', 'perf_args', 'suite', 'show_all_results',
'retries', 'run_local']
arg_spec = inspect.getargspec(Benchmark.__init__)
self.assertEqual(len(arg_spec.args), len(args_list))
for arg in args_list:
self.assertIn(arg, arg_spec.args)
if __name__ == '__main__':