blob: 463e34ac9c2799c9de6872cb81ac8f4e3e6c4b8f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
mainCc = ""
clangAndroid = "./clang"
clangTidyAndroid = "./clang-tidy"
clangX86_64 = "./x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-clang"
gccX86_64 = "./x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"
gccX86_64Eabi = "./x86_64-cros-eabi-gcc"
gccArmV7 = "./armv7m-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"
gccArmV7Eabi = "./armv7m-cros-eabi-gcc"
gccArmV8 = "./armv8m-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"
gccArmV8Eabi = "./armv8m-cros-eabi-gcc"
type testContext struct {
t *testing.T
wd string
tempDir string
env []string
cfg *config
inputCmd *command
lastCmd *command
cmdCount int
cmdMock func(cmd *command, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer) error
stdinBuffer bytes.Buffer
stdoutBuffer bytes.Buffer
stderrBuffer bytes.Buffer
umaskRestoreAction func()
// We have some tests which modify our umask, and other tests which depend upon the value of our
// umask remaining consistent. This lock serializes those. Please use `NoteTestWritesToUmask()` and
// `NoteTestDependsOnUmask()` on `testContext` rather than using this directly.
var umaskModificationLock sync.RWMutex
func withTestContext(t *testing.T, work func(ctx *testContext)) {
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "compiler_wrapper")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to create the temp dir. Error: %s", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
ctx := testContext{
t: t,
wd: tempDir,
tempDir: tempDir,
env: nil,
cfg: &config{},
defer ctx.maybeReleaseUmaskDependency()
var _ env = (*testContext)(nil)
func (ctx *testContext) umask(mask int) (oldmask int) {
if ctx.umaskRestoreAction == nil {
panic("Umask operations requested in test without declaring a umask dependency")
return syscall.Umask(mask)
func (ctx *testContext) initUmaskDependency(lockFn func(), unlockFn func()) {
if ctx.umaskRestoreAction != nil {
// Use a panic so we get a backtrace.
panic("Multiple notes of a test depending on the value of `umask` given -- tests " +
"are only allowed up to one.")
ctx.umaskRestoreAction = unlockFn
func (ctx *testContext) maybeReleaseUmaskDependency() {
if ctx.umaskRestoreAction != nil {
// Note that the test depends on a stable value for the process' umask.
func (ctx *testContext) NoteTestReadsFromUmask() {
ctx.initUmaskDependency(umaskModificationLock.RLock, umaskModificationLock.RUnlock)
// Note that the test modifies the process' umask. This implies a dependency on the process' umask,
// so it's an error to call both NoteTestWritesToUmask and NoteTestReadsFromUmask from the same
// test.
func (ctx *testContext) NoteTestWritesToUmask() {
ctx.initUmaskDependency(umaskModificationLock.Lock, umaskModificationLock.Unlock)
func (ctx *testContext) getenv(key string) (string, bool) {
for i := len(ctx.env) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
entry := ctx.env[i]
if strings.HasPrefix(entry, key+"=") {
return entry[len(key)+1:], true
return "", false
func (ctx *testContext) environ() []string {
return ctx.env
func (ctx *testContext) getwd() string {
return ctx.wd
func (ctx *testContext) stdin() io.Reader {
return &ctx.stdinBuffer
func (ctx *testContext) stdout() io.Writer {
return &ctx.stdoutBuffer
func (ctx *testContext) stdoutString() string {
return ctx.stdoutBuffer.String()
func (ctx *testContext) stderr() io.Writer {
return &ctx.stderrBuffer
func (ctx *testContext) stderrString() string {
return ctx.stderrBuffer.String()
func (ctx *testContext) run(cmd *command, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer) error {
ctx.lastCmd = cmd
if ctx.cmdMock != nil {
return ctx.cmdMock(cmd, stdin, stdout, stderr)
return nil
func (ctx *testContext) runWithTimeout(cmd *command, duration time.Duration) error {
return ctx.exec(cmd)
func (ctx *testContext) exec(cmd *command) error {
ctx.lastCmd = cmd
if ctx.cmdMock != nil {
return ctx.cmdMock(cmd, ctx.stdin(), ctx.stdout(), ctx.stderr())
return nil
func (ctx *testContext) must(exitCode int) *command {
if exitCode != 0 {
ctx.t.Fatalf("expected no error, but got exit code %d. Stderr: %s",
exitCode, ctx.stderrString())
return ctx.lastCmd
func (ctx *testContext) mustFail(exitCode int) string {
if exitCode == 0 {
ctx.t.Fatalf("expected an error, but got none")
return ctx.stderrString()
func (ctx *testContext) updateConfig(cfg *config) {
*ctx.cfg = *cfg
ctx.cfg.newWarningsDir = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, "fatal_clang_warnings")
ctx.cfg.triciumNitsDir = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, "tricium_nits")
ctx.cfg.crashArtifactsDir = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, "clang_crash_diagnostics")
func (ctx *testContext) newCommand(path string, args ...string) *command {
// Create an empty wrapper at the given path.
// Needed as we are resolving symlinks which stats the wrapper file.
ctx.writeFile(path, "")
return &command{
Path: path,
Args: args,
func (ctx *testContext) writeFile(fullFileName string, fileContent string) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(fullFileName) {
fullFileName = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, fullFileName)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fullFileName), 0777); err != nil {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(fullFileName, []byte(fileContent), 0777); err != nil {
func (ctx *testContext) symlink(oldname string, newname string) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(oldname) {
oldname = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, oldname)
if !filepath.IsAbs(newname) {
newname = filepath.Join(ctx.tempDir, newname)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(newname), 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.Symlink(oldname, newname); err != nil {
func (ctx *testContext) readAllString(r io.Reader) string {
if r == nil {
return ""
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return string(bytes)
func verifyPath(cmd *command, expectedRegex string) error {
compiledRegex := regexp.MustCompile(matchFullString(expectedRegex))
if !compiledRegex.MatchString(cmd.Path) {
return fmt.Errorf("path does not match %s. Actual %s", expectedRegex, cmd.Path)
return nil
func verifyArgCount(cmd *command, expectedCount int, expectedRegex string) error {
compiledRegex := regexp.MustCompile(matchFullString(expectedRegex))
count := 0
for _, arg := range cmd.Args {
if compiledRegex.MatchString(arg) {
if count != expectedCount {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %d matches for arg %s. All args: %s",
expectedCount, expectedRegex, cmd.Args)
return nil
func verifyArgOrder(cmd *command, expectedRegexes ...string) error {
compiledRegexes := []*regexp.Regexp{}
for _, regex := range expectedRegexes {
compiledRegexes = append(compiledRegexes, regexp.MustCompile(matchFullString(regex)))
expectedArgIndex := 0
for _, arg := range cmd.Args {
if expectedArgIndex == len(compiledRegexes) {
} else if compiledRegexes[expectedArgIndex].MatchString(arg) {
if expectedArgIndex != len(expectedRegexes) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected args %s in order. All args: %s",
expectedRegexes, cmd.Args)
return nil
func verifyEnvUpdate(cmd *command, expectedRegex string) error {
compiledRegex := regexp.MustCompile(matchFullString(expectedRegex))
for _, update := range cmd.EnvUpdates {
if compiledRegex.MatchString(update) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("expected at least one match for env update %s. All env updates: %s",
expectedRegex, cmd.EnvUpdates)
func verifyNoEnvUpdate(cmd *command, expectedRegex string) error {
compiledRegex := regexp.MustCompile(matchFullString(expectedRegex))
updates := cmd.EnvUpdates
for _, update := range updates {
if compiledRegex.MatchString(update) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected no match for env update %s. All env updates: %s",
expectedRegex, cmd.EnvUpdates)
return nil
func hasInternalError(stderr string) bool {
return strings.Contains(stderr, "Internal error")
func verifyInternalError(stderr string) error {
if !hasInternalError(stderr) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected an internal error. Got: %s", stderr)
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`\w+.go:\d+`, stderr); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a source line reference. Got: %s", stderr)
return nil
func verifyNonInternalError(stderr string, expectedRegex string) error {
if hasInternalError(stderr) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a non internal error. Got: %s", stderr)
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`\w+.go:\d+`, stderr); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected no source line reference. Got: %s", stderr)
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(matchFullString(expectedRegex), strings.TrimSpace(stderr)); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected stderr matching %s. Got: %s", expectedRegex, stderr)
return nil
func matchFullString(regex string) string {
return "^" + regex + "$"
func newExitCodeError(exitCode int) error {
// It's actually hard to create an error that represents a command
// with exit code. Using a real command instead.
tmpCmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("exit %d", exitCode))
return tmpCmd.Run()