blob: d80f4187266ce3592a04c1f49d4ed4676cbe80a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is an example experiment file for Crosperf, showing how to run
# a basic test, using a (previously made) trybot image.
name: trybot_example
# Replace board and remote values below appropriately. e.g. "lumpy" and
# "123.45.678.901" or "".
board: <your-board-goes-here>
remote: <your-remote-ip-address-here>
# You can replace 'canvasmark' below with the name of the Telemetry
# benchmakr you want to run.
benchmark: canvasmark {
iterations: 1
# Replace <path-to-your-chroot-goes-here> with the actual directory path
# to the top of your ChromimumOS chroot.
trybot_image {
# Replace <trybot-image-name> with the actual name of the trybot image
# that you wish to use. You can find this by going to the trybot build
# log, going # to the 'Report' stage, and looking for "Build Artifacts'
# at the bottom. You will see something like:
# 'lumpy:'
# From that you can extract the trybot image name and put it in the build
# field:
# build:trybot-lumpy-paladin/R34-5417.0.0-b1506