blob: c539865e09ad89ff8a08bec84e3f71ccb49d5ec6 [file] [log] [blame]
testenv: look for "go" executable in path.
--- src/go/build/deps_test.go
+++ src/go/build/deps_test.go
@@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ var pkgDeps = map[string][]string{
"runtime/debug": {"L2", "fmt", "io/ioutil", "os", "time"},
"runtime/pprof": {"L2", "compress/gzip", "context", "encoding/binary", "fmt", "io/ioutil", "os", "text/tabwriter", "time"},
"runtime/trace": {"L0"},
"text/tabwriter": {"L2"},
"testing": {"L2", "flag", "fmt", "internal/race", "os", "runtime/debug", "runtime/pprof", "runtime/trace", "time"},
"testing/iotest": {"L2", "log"},
"testing/quick": {"L2", "flag", "fmt", "reflect", "time"},
- "internal/testenv": {"L2", "OS", "flag", "testing", "syscall"},
+ "internal/testenv": {"L2", "OS", "os/exec", "flag", "testing", "syscall"},
// L4 is defined as L3+fmt+log+time, because in general once
// you're using L3 packages, use of fmt, log, or time is not a big deal.
"L4": {
--- src/internal/testenv/testenv.go
+++ src/internal/testenv/testenv.go
@@ -43,16 +43,19 @@ func HasGoBuild() bool {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "android", "nacl":
return false
case "darwin":
if strings.HasPrefix(runtime.GOARCH, "arm") {
return false
+ if _, err := exec.LookPath("go"); err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
return true
// MustHaveGoBuild checks that the current system can build programs with ``go build''
// and then run them with os.StartProcess or exec.Command.
// If not, MustHaveGoBuild calls t.Skip with an explanation.
func MustHaveGoBuild(t testing.TB) {
if os.Getenv("GO_GCFLAGS") != "" {