crosperf: Add

This script allows us to generate HTML, JSON, text, and email reports
for JSON inputs, rather than needing to run things through crosperf.

TEST=cros lint on new files passes, ./ passes.

Change-Id: I213149c0feca8b97f72fb447030c670e2f631a87
Commit-Ready: George Burgess <>
Tested-by: George Burgess <>
Reviewed-by: Caroline Tice <>
diff --git a/crosperf/ b/crosperf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0fd9fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crosperf/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Given a specially-formatted JSON object, generates results report(s).
+The JSON object should look like:
+{"data": BenchmarkData, "platforms": BenchmarkPlatforms}
+BenchmarkPlatforms is a [str], each of which names a platform the benchmark
+  was run on (e.g. peppy, shamu, ...). Note that the order of this list is
+  related with the order of items in BenchmarkData.
+BenchmarkData is a {str: [PlatformData]}. The str is the name of the benchmark,
+and a PlatformData is a set of data for a given platform. There must be one
+PlatformData for each benchmark, for each element in BenchmarkPlatforms.
+A PlatformData is a [{str: float}], where each str names a metric we recorded,
+and the float is the value for that metric. Each element is considered to be
+the metrics collected from an independent run of this benchmark. NOTE: Each
+PlatformData is expected to have a "retval" key, with the return value of
+the benchmark. If the benchmark is successful, said return value should be 0.
+Otherwise, this will break some of our JSON functionality.
+Putting it all together, a JSON object will end up looking like:
+  { "platforms": ["peppy", "peppy-new-crosstool"],
+    "data": {
+      "bench_draw_line": [
+        [{"time (ms)": 1.321, "memory (mb)": 128.1, "retval": 0},
+         {"time (ms)": 1.920, "memory (mb)": 128.4, "retval": 0}],
+        [{"time (ms)": 1.221, "memory (mb)": 124.3, "retval": 0},
+         {"time (ms)": 1.423, "memory (mb)": 123.9, "retval": 0}]
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+Which says that we ran a benchmark on platforms named peppy, and
+  peppy-new-crosstool.
+We ran one benchmark, named bench_draw_line.
+It was run twice on each platform.
+Peppy's runs took 1.321ms and 1.920ms, while peppy-new-crosstool's took 1.221ms
+  and 1.423ms. None of the runs failed to complete.
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import functools
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+from results_report import BenchmarkResults
+from results_report import HTMLResultsReport
+from results_report import JSONResultsReport
+from results_report import TextResultsReport
+def CountBenchmarks(benchmark_runs):
+  """Counts the number of iterations for each benchmark in benchmark_runs."""
+  # Example input for benchmark_runs:
+  # {"bench": [[run1, run2, run3], [run1, run2, run3, run4]]}
+  def _MaxLen(results):
+    return 0 if not results else max(len(r) for r in results)
+  return [(name, _MaxLen(results))
+          for name, results in benchmark_runs.iteritems()]
+def CutResultsInPlace(results, max_keys=50, complain_on_update=True):
+  """Limits the given benchmark results to max_keys keys in-place.
+  This takes the `data` field from the benchmark input, and mutates each
+  benchmark run to contain `max_keys` elements (ignoring special elements, like
+  "retval"). At the moment, it just selects the first `max_keys` keyvals,
+  alphabetically.
+  If complain_on_update is true, this will print a message noting that a
+  truncation occurred.
+  This returns the `results` object that was passed in, for convenience.
+  e.g.
+  >>> benchmark_data = {
+  ...   "bench_draw_line": [
+  ...     [{"time (ms)": 1.321, "memory (mb)": 128.1, "retval": 0},
+  ...      {"time (ms)": 1.920, "memory (mb)": 128.4, "retval": 0}],
+  ...     [{"time (ms)": 1.221, "memory (mb)": 124.3, "retval": 0},
+  ...      {"time (ms)": 1.423, "memory (mb)": 123.9, "retval": 0}]
+  ...   ]
+  ... }
+  >>> CutResultsInPlace(benchmark_data, max_keys=1, complain_on_update=False)
+  {
+    'bench_draw_line': [
+      [{'memory (mb)': 128.1, 'retval': 0},
+       {'memory (mb)': 128.4, 'retval': 0}],
+      [{'memory (mb)': 124.3, 'retval': 0},
+       {'memory (mb)': 123.9, 'retval': 0}]
+    ]
+  }
+  """
+  actually_updated = False
+  for bench_results in results.itervalues():
+    for platform_results in bench_results:
+      for i, result in enumerate(platform_results):
+        # Keep the keys that come earliest when sorted alphabetically.
+        # Forcing alphabetical order is arbitrary, but necessary; otherwise,
+        # the keyvals we'd emit would depend on our iteration order through a
+        # map.
+        removable_keys = sorted(k for k in result if k != 'retval')
+        retained_keys = removable_keys[:max_keys]
+        platform_results[i] = {k: result[k] for k in retained_keys}
+        # retval needs to be passed through all of the time.
+        retval = result.get('retval')
+        if retval is not None:
+          platform_results[i]['retval'] = retval
+        actually_updated = actually_updated or \
+          len(retained_keys) != len(removable_keys)
+  if actually_updated and complain_on_update:
+    print("Warning: Some benchmark keyvals have been truncated.",
+          file=sys.stderr)
+  return results
+def _ConvertToASCII(obj):
+  """Convert an object loaded from JSON to ASCII; JSON gives us unicode."""
+  # Using something like `object_hook` is insufficient, since it only fires on
+  # actual JSON objects. `encoding` fails, too, since the default decoder always
+  # uses unicode() to decode strings.
+  if isinstance(obj, unicode):
+    return str(obj)
+  if isinstance(obj, dict):
+    return {_ConvertToASCII(k): _ConvertToASCII(v) for k, v in obj.iteritems()}
+  if isinstance(obj, list):
+    return [_ConvertToASCII(v) for v in obj]
+  return obj
+def _PositiveInt(s):
+  i = int(s)
+  if i < 0:
+    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%d is not a positive integer.' % (i, ))
+  return i
+def _AccumulateActions(args):
+  """Given program arguments, determines what actions we want to run.
+  Returns [(ResultsReportCtor, str)], where ResultsReportCtor can construct a
+  ResultsReport, and the str is the file extension for the given report.
+  """
+  results = []
+  # The order of these is arbitrary.
+  if args.json:
+    results.append((JSONResultsReport, 'json'))
+  if args.text:
+    results.append((TextResultsReport, 'txt'))
+  if
+    email_ctor = functools.partial(TextResultsReport, email=True)
+    results.append((email_ctor, 'email'))
+  # We emit HTML if nothing else was specified.
+  if args.html or not results:
+    results.append((HTMLResultsReport, 'html'))
+  return results
+# Note: get_contents is a function, because it may be expensive (generating some
+# HTML reports takes O(seconds) on my machine, depending on the size of the
+# input data).
+def WriteFile(output_prefix, extension, get_contents, overwrite, verbose):
+  """Writes `contents` to a file named "${output_prefix}.${extension}".
+  get_contents should be a zero-args function that returns a string (of the
+  contents to write).
+  If output_prefix == '-', this writes to stdout.
+  If overwrite is False, this will not overwrite files.
+  """
+  if output_prefix == '-':
+    if verbose:
+      print('Writing %s report to stdout' % (extension, ), file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.stdout.write(get_contents())
+    return
+  file_name = '%s.%s' % (output_prefix, extension)
+  if not overwrite and os.path.exists(file_name):
+    raise IOError('Refusing to write %s -- it already exists' % (file_name, ))
+  with open(file_name, 'w') as out_file:
+    if verbose:
+      print('Writing %s report to %s' % (extension, file_name), file=sys.stderr)
+    out_file.write(get_contents())
+def RunActions(actions, benchmark_results, output_prefix, overwrite, verbose):
+  """Runs `actions`, returning True if all succeeded."""
+  num_success = 0
+  report_ctor = None # Make the linter happy
+  for report_ctor, extension in actions:
+    try:
+      get_contents = lambda: report_ctor(benchmark_results).GetReport()
+      WriteFile(output_prefix, extension, get_contents, overwrite, verbose)
+    except Exception:
+      # Complain and move along; we may have more actions that might complete
+      # successfully.
+      traceback.print_exc()
+  return num_success == len(actions)
+def PickInputFile(input_name):
+  """Given program arguments, returns file to read for benchmark input."""
+  return sys.stdin if input_name == '-' else open(input_name)
+def _NoPerfReport(_label_name, _benchmark_name, _benchmark_iteration):
+  return {}
+def _ParseArgs(argv):
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Turns JSON into results '
+                                   'report(s).')
+  parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+                      help='Be a tiny bit more verbose.')
+  parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+                      help='Overwrite existing results files.')
+  parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='report', type=str,
+                      help='Prefix of the output filename (default: report). '
+                      '- means stdout.')
+  parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', required=True, type=str,
+                      help='Where to read the JSON from. - means stdin.')
+  parser.add_argument('-l', '--statistic-limit', default=0, type=_PositiveInt,
+                      help='The maximum number of benchmark statistics to '
+                      'display from a single run. 0 implies unlimited.')
+  parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true',
+                      help='Output a JSON report.')
+  parser.add_argument('--text', action='store_true',
+                      help='Output a text report.')
+  parser.add_argument('--email', action='store_true',
+                      help='Output a text report suitable for email.')
+  parser.add_argument('--html', action='store_true',
+                      help='Output an HTML report (this is the default if no '
+                      'other output format is specified).')
+  return parser.parse_args(argv)
+def Main(argv):
+  args = _ParseArgs(argv)
+  # JSON likes to load UTF-8; our results reporter *really* doesn't like
+  # UTF-8.
+  with PickInputFile(args.input) as in_file:
+    raw_results = _ConvertToASCII(json.load(in_file))
+  platform_names = raw_results['platforms']
+  results = raw_results['data']
+  if args.statistic_limit:
+    results = CutResultsInPlace(results, max_keys=args.statistic_limit)
+  benches = CountBenchmarks(results)
+  # In crosperf, a label is essentially a platform+configuration. So, a name of
+  # a label and a name of a platform are equivalent for our purposes.
+  bench_results = BenchmarkResults(label_names=platform_names,
+                                   benchmark_names_and_iterations=benches,
+                                   run_keyvals=results,
+                                   read_perf_report=_NoPerfReport)
+  actions = _AccumulateActions(args)
+  ok = RunActions(actions, bench_results, args.output, args.force,
+                  args.verbose)
+  return 0 if ok else 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/crosperf/ b/crosperf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..230fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crosperf/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Test for"""
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import copy
+import json
+import mock
+import test_flag
+import unittest
+import generate_report
+import results_report
+class _ContextualStringIO(StringIO):
+  """StringIO that can be used in `with` statements."""
+  def __init__(self, *args):
+    StringIO.__init__(self, *args)
+  def __enter__(self):
+    return self
+  def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
+    pass
+class GenerateReportTests(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Tests for"""
+  def testCountBenchmarks(self):
+    runs = {
+        'foo': [[{}, {}, {}], [{}, {}, {}, {}]],
+        'bar': [],
+        'baz': [[], [{}], [{}, {}, {}]]
+    }
+    results = generate_report.CountBenchmarks(runs)
+    expected_results = [('foo', 4), ('bar', 0), ('baz', 3)]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(expected_results, results)
+  def testCutResultsInPlace(self):
+    bench_data = {
+        'foo': [[{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 3, 'b': 2.5, 'c': 1}]],
+        'bar': [[{'d': 11, 'e': 12, 'f': 13}]],
+        'baz': [[{'g': 12, 'h': 13}]],
+        'qux': [[{'i': 11}]],
+    }
+    original_bench_data = copy.deepcopy(bench_data)
+    max_keys = 2
+    results = generate_report.CutResultsInPlace(bench_data, max_keys=max_keys,
+                                                complain_on_update=False)
+    # Cuts should be in-place.
+    self.assertIs(results, bench_data)
+    self.assertItemsEqual(original_bench_data.keys(), bench_data.keys())
+    for bench_name, original_runs in original_bench_data.iteritems():
+      bench_runs = bench_data[bench_name]
+      self.assertEquals(len(original_runs), len(bench_runs))
+      # Order of these sub-lists shouldn't have changed.
+      for original_list, new_list in zip(original_runs, bench_runs):
+        self.assertEqual(len(original_list), len(new_list))
+        for original_keyvals, sub_keyvals in zip(original_list, new_list):
+          # sub_keyvals must be a subset of original_keyvals
+          self.assertDictContainsSubset(sub_keyvals, original_keyvals)
+  def testCutResultsInPlaceLeavesRetval(self):
+    bench_data = {
+        'foo': [[{'retval': 0, 'a': 1}]],
+        'bar': [[{'retval': 1}]],
+        'baz': [[{'RETVAL': 1}]],
+    }
+    results = generate_report.CutResultsInPlace(bench_data, max_keys=0,
+                                                complain_on_update=False)
+    # Just reach into results assuming we know it otherwise outputs things
+    # sanely. If it doesn't, testCutResultsInPlace should give an indication as
+    # to what, exactly, is broken.
+    self.assertEqual(results['foo'][0][0].items(), [('retval', 0)])
+    self.assertEqual(results['bar'][0][0].items(), [('retval', 1)])
+    self.assertEqual(results['baz'][0][0].items(), [])
+  def _RunMainWithInput(self, args, input_obj):
+    assert '-i' not in args
+    args += ['-i', '-']
+    input_buf = _ContextualStringIO(json.dumps(input_obj))
+    with mock.patch('generate_report.PickInputFile', return_value=input_buf) \
+        as patched_pick:
+      result = generate_report.Main(args)
+      patched_pick.assert_called_once_with('-')
+      return result
+  @mock.patch('generate_report.RunActions')
+  def testMain(self, mock_run_actions):
+    # Email is left out because it's a bit more difficult to test, and it'll be
+    # mildly obvious if it's failing.
+    args = ['--json', '--html', '--text']
+    return_code = self._RunMainWithInput(args, {'platforms': [], 'data': {}})
+    self.assertEqual(0, return_code)
+    self.assertEqual(mock_run_actions.call_count, 1)
+    ctors = [ctor for ctor, _ in mock_run_actions.call_args[0][0]]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(ctors, [
+        results_report.JSONResultsReport,
+        results_report.TextResultsReport,
+        results_report.HTMLResultsReport,
+    ])
+  @mock.patch('generate_report.RunActions')
+  def testMainSelectsHTMLIfNoReportsGiven(self, mock_run_actions):
+    args = []
+    return_code = self._RunMainWithInput(args, {'platforms': [], 'data': {}})
+    self.assertEqual(0, return_code)
+    self.assertEqual(mock_run_actions.call_count, 1)
+    ctors = [ctor for ctor, _ in mock_run_actions.call_args[0][0]]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(ctors, [results_report.HTMLResultsReport])
+  @mock.patch('generate_report.WriteFile')
+  def testRunActionsRunsAllActionsRegardlessOfExceptions(self, mock_write_file):
+    def raise_error(_):
+      raise Exception('Oh nooo')
+    actions = [
+        (raise_error, 'json'),
+        (raise_error, 'html'),
+        (raise_error, 'text'),
+        (raise_error, 'email'),
+    ]
+    output_prefix = '-'
+    ok = generate_report.RunActions(actions, {}, output_prefix, overwrite=False,
+                                    verbose=False)
+    self.assertFalse(ok)
+    self.assertEqual(mock_write_file.call_count, 4)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  test_flag.SetTestMode(True)
+  unittest.main()