clang_tidy: DCE and simplify

This patch contains a few things:

- We've synced to a fixed ||, so we can remove an old workaround.
- Our remaining call to clang_tidy_execute can apparently be replaced by
  a call to |subprocess.check_call|, which removes what is apparently
  our last use of clang_tidy_execute.
- This slightly restructures code to just |shutil.rmtree| instead of
  |os.remove|, since it lets us avoid try/except blocks with its
  |ignore_errors| param.


Change-Id: Ia7b20db03c884d244b15198c4c9995b5d1e71220
Commit-Ready: George Burgess <>
Tested-by: George Burgess <>
Reviewed-by: Caroline Tice <>
diff --git a/clang_tidy/ b/clang_tidy/
index e65fcc9..d207483 100755
--- a/clang_tidy/
+++ b/clang_tidy/
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 import argparse
 import datetime
 import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
 import sys
-import clang_tidy_execute
 def Main(argv):
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@@ -89,29 +89,25 @@
   warnfile = os.path.join(output_dir, html_filename)
   warnfile_csv = os.path.join(output_dir, csv_filename)
-  result = clang_tidy_execute.Execute(
-      'python %s %s ' % (warn_script, logfile) +
-      '--csvpath %s --url http://cs/android --separator "?l=" > %s' %
-      (warnfile_csv, warnfile))
+  run_warn_py = [
+      'python',
+      warn_script,
+      logfile,
+      '--csvpath',
+      warnfile_csv,
+      '--url',
+      'http://cs/android',
+      '--separator',
+      '?l=',
+  ]
-  # Handle if we are running on an older version of
-  # that does not have support for --csvpath added in
-  # aosp/369755
-  if result.returncode == 2:
-    result = clang_tidy_execute.Execute(
-        'python %s %s ' % (warn_script, logfile) +
-        '--url http://cs/android --separator "?l=" > %s' % warnfile)
-  if result.returncode != 0:
+  try:
+    with open('/dev/null') as stdin, open(warnfile, 'w') as stdout:
+      subprocess.check_call(run_warn_py, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout)
+  except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
     print("Couldn't generate warnings.html", file=sys.stderr)
-    try:
-      os.remove(warnfile)
-    except EnvironmentError:
-      pass
-    try:
-      os.remove(warnfile_csv)
-    except EnvironmentError:
-      pass
+    shutil.rmtree(warnfile, ignore_errors=True)
+    shutil.rmtree(warnfile_csv, ignore_errors=True)
     return 1
   return 0
diff --git a/clang_tidy/ b/clang_tidy/
deleted file mode 100755
index ec49b92..0000000
--- a/clang_tidy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""For executing subcommands."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import threading
-class ExecOutput(object):
-  """The results of any Execute operation.
-  Attributes:
-    returncode: The return code for the process.
-    cmd: The actual command that was run.  This may include extra
-      arguments that were not asked for but needed for proper
-      operation, like shell wrappers.
-    cwd: Current working directory.
-    rawcmd: The command that was asked to be run.
-    stdout: The stdout of the command.
-    sdterr: The stderr of the command.
-  """
-  def __init__(self,
-               returncode,
-               cmd=None,
-               cwd=None,
-               stdout=None,
-               stderr=None,
-               rawcmd=None):
-    self.returncode = returncode
-    self.cmd = cmd
-    self.cwd = cwd
-    self.rawcmd = rawcmd
-    self.stdout = stdout
-    self.stderr = stderr
-class _Muxer(threading.Thread):
-  """A single thread that reads and collects both mixed and unmixed output."""
-  def __init__(self, unmixed, mixed, lock):
-    """Create  a new _Muxer.
-    Args:
-      unmixed: The stream to write unmixed content to.
-      mixed: The stream to write mixed content to.
-      lock: The lock to use to protect access to the mixed content.
-    """
-    threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-    self._unmixed = unmixed
-    self._mixed = mixed
-    self._lock = lock
-    self._buffer = ''
-    (self._reader, self.writer) = os.pipe()
-    self._complete_event = threading.Event()
-  def _ProcessData(self, data):
-    """Buffer the data and emit it when we reach a full line."""
-    # Append the data to the buffer
-    self._buffer += data
-    # If newline, flush the buffer.
-    if data == '\n':
-      self._FlushBuffer()
-  def run(self):
-    data =, _BUFFER_SIZE)
-    while data:
-      self._ProcessData(data)
-      data =, _BUFFER_SIZE)
-    # The underlying filehandle has been closed, so there is no more
-    # data to read.  Flush any data we still have in the buffer to our
-    # files, and then have the os flush the data to disk.  This will
-    # ensure anybody trying to read the data later has it all.
-    self._FlushBuffer()
-    self._unmixed.flush()
-    with self._lock:
-      self._mixed.flush()
-  def _FlushBuffer(self):
-    if self._buffer:
-      self._unmixed.write(self._buffer)
-      # The mixed buffer is shared between Muxers, so requires a lock.
-      with self._lock:
-        self._mixed.write(self._buffer)
-      self._buffer = ''
-  def Stop(self):
-    """Stop the muxer, and wait for the background thread to complete."""
-    # Closing the self.writer will cause the inside run to
-    # return EOF, which will cause the thread to exit.
-    os.close(self.writer)
-    self.join()
-    os.close(self._reader)
-class _CommandOutputMuxer(object):
-  """A context to use when collecting stdout/stderr logs.
-  This class provides an easy way to manage collecting logs from a
-  process.  It provides ways to collect stdout, stderr, and a mixed
-  log which intermixes stdout and stderr.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None, mixed=None):
-    """Create a new _CommandOutputMuxer.
-    Args:
-      stdout: The file stream used to collect stdout.
-      stderr: The file stream used to collect stderr.
-      mixed: The file stream used to collect the mixed stdout/stderr output.
-    """
-    self._stdout = stdout or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
-    self._stdout_offset = self._stdout.tell()
-    self._stderr = stderr or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
-    self._stderr_offset = self._stderr.tell()
-    self._mixed = mixed or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
-    self._mixed_lock = threading.Lock()
-    self._stdout_muxer = _Muxer(
-        unmixed=self._stdout, mixed=self._mixed, lock=self._mixed_lock)
-    self._stderr_muxer = _Muxer(
-        unmixed=self._stderr, mixed=self._mixed, lock=self._mixed_lock)
-  def Run(self, command, timeout, **kwargs):
-    """Wrapper method for running the command.
-    This allows CommandOutputMuxer to better control the lifecycle of
-    the underlying command to make sure data is buffered correctly and
-    everything is cleaned up.
-    Args:
-      command: The command to run
-      timeout: How long (in seconds) to wait for the command to
-               finish, or 0 to wait forever
-      **kwargs: Arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen()
-    Returns:
-      Command return code.
-    Raises:
-      TimeoutException: If the command takes too long to execute.
-    """
-    # Specify some local args that are required for this class to work.
-    local_args = dict(
-        args=command,
-        close_fds=True,
-        stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-        stdout=self._stdout_muxer.writer,
-        stderr=self._stderr_muxer.writer)
-    local_args.update(**kwargs)
-    p = subprocess.Popen(**local_args)
-    p.stdin.close()
-    try:
-      return _PopenWaitWithTimeout(p, timeout)
-    finally:
-      # Now that we are done running, stop the background threads to
-      # ensure that all the data they are collecting is properly
-      # collected and buffered to disk before we return
-      self._stdout_muxer.Stop()
-      self._stderr_muxer.Stop()
-  def _Read(self, fh, offset):
-    data =
-    return data
-  def ReadStdout(self):
-    return self._Read(self._stdout, self._stdout_offset)
-  def ReadStderr(self):
-    return self._Read(self._stderr, self._stderr_offset)
-  def __enter__(self):
-    self._stdout_muxer.start()
-    self._stderr_muxer.start()
-    return self
-  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-    exc_type = exc_type  # unused
-    exc_value = exc_value  # unused
-    traceback = traceback  # unused
-    self._stdout.close()
-    self._stderr.close()
-    self._mixed.close()
-class TimeoutException(Exception):
-  """Raised when an Execute call times out."""
-# This error code is the same code that alarm returns on linux for
-# timeout.
-def _PopenWaitWithTimeout(process, timeout):
-  """Do Popen.wait, but with a timeout.
-  Args:
-    process: the Popen object itself.
-    timeout: How long to wait.
-  Returns:
-    The error code from the child process
-  Raises:
-    TimeoutException: if the command takes too long.
-  """
-  def Kill():
-    print('Killing process %d after %s seconds',, timeout)
-    # process.termiante doesn't seem to always kill the process.  This
-    # uses the same method the alarm command used.
-    pgid = os.getpgid(
-    os.killpg(pgid, signal.KILL)
-  timer = threading.Timer(timeout, Kill)
-  timer.start()
-  try:
-    returncode = process.wait()
-  finally:
-    if timer.is_alive():
-      timer.cancel()
-    else:
-      raise TimeoutException()
-  return returncode
-def ExecuteWithTimeout(cmd, timeout, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(
-      cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, timeout=timeout, ignore_output=ignore_output)
-def Execute(cmd, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, ignore_output=ignore_output)
-def ExecuteWithTimeoutAndLogfile(cmd,
-                                 timeout,
-                                 logfile,
-                                 cwd=None,
-                                 env=None,
-                                 ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell with a timeout and logfile.
-  The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
-  the command.  Since the results are written out to a logfile, stdout
-  and stderr are NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this
-  function.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
-    logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(
-      cmd=cmd,
-      cwd=cwd,
-      env=env,
-      timeout=timeout,
-      logfile=logfile,
-      ignore_output=ignore_output)
-def ExecuteWithLogfile(cmd, logfile, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell with a logfile.
-  The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
-  the command.  Since the results are written out to a logfile, stdout
-  and stderr are NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this
-  function.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.  If
-        specified, the results of stdout and stderr are not provided
-        in the result of this call.  Keep in mind that if you don't
-        specify a logfile, the results are read back into memory.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(
-      cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, logfile=logfile, ignore_output=ignore_output)
-def ExecuteWithTimeoutAndStderrLogfile(cmd,
-                                       timeout,
-                                       logfile,
-                                       stderr_logfile,
-                                       cwd=None,
-                                       env=None,
-                                       ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell with logfiles and a timeout.
-  The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
-  the command.  The stderr_logfile just contains the stderr output.
-  Since the results are written out to logfiles, stdout and stderr are
-  NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this function.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
-    logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
-    stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(
-      cmd=cmd,
-      cwd=cwd,
-      env=env,
-      timeout=timeout,
-      logfile=logfile,
-      stderr_logfile=stderr_logfile,
-      ignore_output=ignore_output)
-def ExecuteWithStderrLogfile(cmd, logfile, stderr_logfile, cwd=None, env=None):
-  """Execute a command from shell with logfiles and a timeout.
-  The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
-  the command.  The stderr_logfile just contains the stderr output.
-  Since the results are written out to logfiles, stdout and stderr are
-  NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this function.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
-    stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  """
-  return _Execute(
-      cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, logfile=logfile, stderr_logfile=stderr_logfile)
-# It's nice to have all the different ways of calling Exceute
-# implemented here inside this function.  Except with all it's options
-# and flags and stuff, it exposes a pretty bad API interface.  So
-# rather than inflict that on the rest of the buildbot, we'll wrap
-# this ugly API into nicer APIs above.
-def _Execute(cmd,
-             cwd=None,
-             env=None,
-             timeout=None,
-             logfile=None,
-             stderr_logfile=None,
-             raise_on_timeout=False,
-             ignore_output=False):
-  """Execute a command from shell and returns the result.
-  Args:
-    cmd: A string command to be executed.
-    cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
-    env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
-    timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
-    logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.  If
-        specified, the results of stdout and stderr are not provided
-        in the result of this call.  Keep in mind that if you don't
-        specify a logfile, the results are read back into memory.
-    stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command.  Requires
-        logfile to be set.
-    raise_on_timeout: controls if we raise TimeoutException on timeout
-        or return TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE.
-    ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
-                   ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
-                   the caller.  This is useful in cases where
-                   stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
-                   where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
-  Returns:
-    ExecOutput object with results of command
-  Raises:
-    TimeoutException: if timeout specified and command did not
-        complete in time if raise_on_timeout is true.
-  """
-  cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
-  # Python provides no way to override which shell is used for
-  # shell=True (it uses /bin/sh by default), so we'll override it here
-  # to ensure we use bash.
-  command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd]
-  info_line = 'Executing: %s from %s\n' % (command, cwd)
-  print(info_line)
-  # Default values
-  stdout = None
-  stderr = None
-  if logfile:
-    # Open stdout and write header line
-    stdout = open(logfile, 'a+')
-    stdout.write(info_line)
-    stdout.flush()
-    # If also log stderr to it's own logfile, set that up here.
-    if stderr_logfile:
-      stderr = open(stderr_logfile, 'a+')
-      # Seek to end of file.  _CommandOutputMuxer assumes the
-      # filehandle's offset is already at the end.  It turns out that
-      # when opening a file in 'a', the offset isn't set until data is
-      # written.
-, 2)
-  with _CommandOutputMuxer(mixed=stdout, stderr=stderr) as mux:
-    try:
-      returncode = mux.Run(command=command, timeout=timeout, env=env, cwd=cwd)
-    except TimeoutException as e:
-      if raise_on_timeout:
-        raise e
-      returncode = TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE
-    info_line = 'Return Code: %d' % returncode
-    print(info_line)
-    if stdout:
-      stdout.write(info_line + '\n')
-    # Setup stdout and stderr for returning to the caller.  Note that
-    # stdout is explicitly JUST stdout here and not the mixed output.
-    # This enables callers to easily be able to run a command and
-    # parse the results without having to worry about whatever the
-    # command put on stderr.
-    stdout_return = None if ignore_output else mux.ReadStdout()
-    stderr_return = None if ignore_output else mux.ReadStderr()
-    return ExecOutput(
-        cmd=command,
-        rawcmd=cmd,
-        cwd=cwd,
-        returncode=returncode,
-        stdout=stdout_return,
-        stderr=stderr_return)