blob: dafa0597c6cbfe1423da031813aba85102cd32b2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for"""
from __future__ import print_function
import io
import unittest
import fetch_gn_descs
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for fetch_gn_descs."""
def test_fix_result_removes_uninteresting_items(self):
items = {
'//uninteresting:a': {},
'//uninteresting:b': {
'sources': ['whee'],
'//uninteresting:c': {
'configs': ['whee'],
'//uninteresting:d': {
'sources': [],
'configs': [],
'//interesting:a': {
'sources': ['a'],
'configs': ['b'],
'//interesting:b': {
'sources': ['d'],
'configs': ['c'],
expected_items = {
'//interesting:a': items['//interesting:a'],
'//interesting:b': items['//interesting:b'],
self.assertDictEqual(fetch_gn_descs._fix_result(items), expected_items)
def test_gn_desc_output_parsing_skips_pre_json_warnings(self):
gn_desc = io.StringIO('\n'.join((
'warning: "{" is bad',
'{"bar": "baz",',
' "qux": true}',
warnings, desc_json = fetch_gn_descs._parse_gn_desc_output(gn_desc)
self.assertEqual(warnings, '\n'.join((
'warning: "{" is bad',
self.assertEqual(desc_json, {
'bar': 'baz',
'qux': True,
def test_gn_desc_output_parsing_issues_no_warnings_if_none_are_present(self):
gn_desc = io.StringIO('{"bar": "baz"}')
warnings, desc_json = fetch_gn_descs._parse_gn_desc_output(gn_desc)
self.assertEqual(warnings, '')
self.assertEqual(desc_json, {'bar': 'baz'})
gn_desc = io.StringIO('\n \n\t\n{"bar": "baz"}')
warnings, desc_json = fetch_gn_descs._parse_gn_desc_output(gn_desc)
self.assertEqual(warnings, '')
self.assertEqual(desc_json, {'bar': 'baz'})
if __name__ == '__main__':