blob: ce3f207eb96b8e8e8f9f16469132b8e46c2de0cd [file] [log] [blame]
# This example experiment file shows how to run a Telemetry test
# directly, bypassing autotest. This runs the "run_measurement"
# script. You need to supply both the name of the Telemetry test and
# the page_set (via the test_args argument).
# You should replace all the placeholders, marked by angle-brackets,
# with the appropriate actual values.
name: telemetry_without_autotest_example
board: <your-board-goes-here>
# Note: You can specify multiple remotes, to run your tests in parallel on
# multiple machines. e.g. "remote: test-machine2.come
remote: <your-remote-goes-here>
# Replace "page_cycler_dhtml" below with the name of the Telemetry test
# that you want run_measurement to run. Also replace the page set below
# (in the test_args field) with the appropriate page set for your test.
# N.B. The key to running telemetry without autotest is the 'suite' field.
# Make sure your suite is 'telemtry', NOT 'telemetry_Crosperf'.
benchmark: page_cycler_dhtml {
suite: telemetry
iterations: 1
test_args: ./page_sets/page_cycler/dhtml.json
# Replace the chromeos image below with the actual path to your test image.
test_image {