blob: df55a2b2572fcd6495e4c9603dcca91d36d29983 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import locale
import logging
import time
from portage import os
from portage.exception import PortageException
from portage.localization import _
from portage.output import EOutput
from portage.util import grabfile, writemsg_level
def have_english_locale():
lang, enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()
if lang is not None:
lang = lang.lower()
lang = lang.split('_', 1)[0]
return lang is None or lang in ('c', 'en')
def whenago(seconds):
sec = int(seconds)
mins = 0
days = 0
hrs = 0
years = 0
out = []
if sec > 60:
mins = sec / 60
sec = sec % 60
if mins > 60:
hrs = mins / 60
mins = mins % 60
if hrs > 24:
days = hrs / 24
hrs = hrs % 24
if days > 365:
years = days / 365
days = days % 365
if years:
out.append(str(years)+"y ")
if days:
out.append(str(days)+"d ")
if hrs:
out.append(str(hrs)+"h ")
if mins:
out.append(str(mins)+"m ")
if sec:
out.append(str(sec)+"s ")
return "".join(out).strip()
def old_tree_timestamp_warn(portdir, settings):
unixtime = time.time()
default_warnsync = 30
timestamp_file = os.path.join(portdir, "metadata/timestamp.x")
lastsync = grabfile(timestamp_file)
except PortageException:
return False
if not lastsync:
return False
lastsync = lastsync[0].split()
if not lastsync:
return False
lastsync = int(lastsync[0])
except ValueError:
return False
warnsync = float(settings.get(var_name, default_warnsync))
except ValueError:
writemsg_level("!!! %s contains non-numeric value: %s\n" % \
(var_name, settings[var_name]),
level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
return False
if warnsync <= 0:
return False
if (unixtime - 86400 * warnsync) > lastsync:
out = EOutput()
if have_english_locale():
out.ewarn("Last emerge --sync was %s ago." % \
whenago(unixtime - lastsync))
out.ewarn(_("Last emerge --sync was %s.") % \
time.strftime('%c', time.localtime(lastsync)))
return True
return False