blob: 4e309e4019cf00b08c6d67fed840822131c7912e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
import errno, os, re, sys
import portage
'portage.util:ConfigProtect,grabfile,new_protect_filename,' + \
from portage.exception import DirectoryNotFound, PortageException
from portage.const import USER_CONFIG_PATH, WORLD_FILE
ignored_dbentries = ("CONTENTS", "environment.bz2")
def update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent):
if update_cmd[0] == "move":
old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
if old_value in mycontent:
old_value = re.escape(old_value);
mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"(:|$|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
def myreplace(matchobj):
# Strip slot and * operator if necessary
# so that ververify works.
ver = remove_slot(
ver = ver.rstrip("*")
if ververify(ver):
return "%s-%s" % (new_value,
return "".join(matchobj.groups())
mycontent = re.sub("(%s-)(\\S*)" % old_value, myreplace, mycontent)
elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove" and get_operator(update_cmd[1]) is None:
pkg, origslot, newslot = update_cmd[1:]
old_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, origslot)
if old_value in mycontent:
old_value = re.escape(old_value)
new_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, newslot)
mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"($|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
return mycontent
def update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata):
"""Performs update commands and returns a
dict containing only the updated items."""
updated_items = {}
for k, mycontent in mydata.iteritems():
if k not in ignored_dbentries:
orig_content = mycontent
for update_cmd in update_iter:
mycontent = update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent)
if mycontent != orig_content:
updated_items[k] = mycontent
return updated_items
def fixdbentries(update_iter, dbdir):
"""Performs update commands which result in search and replace operations
for each of the files in dbdir (excluding CONTENTS and environment.bz2).
Returns True when actual modifications are necessary and False otherwise."""
mydata = {}
for myfile in [f for f in os.listdir(dbdir) if f not in ignored_dbentries]:
file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
f = open(file_path, "r")
mydata[myfile] =
updated_items = update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata)
for myfile, mycontent in updated_items.iteritems():
file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
write_atomic(file_path, mycontent)
return len(updated_items) > 0
def grab_updates(updpath, prev_mtimes=None):
"""Returns all the updates from the given directory as a sorted list of
tuples, each containing (file_path, statobj, content). If prev_mtimes is
given then only updates with differing mtimes are considered."""
mylist = os.listdir(updpath)
except OSError, oe:
if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise DirectoryNotFound(updpath)
if prev_mtimes is None:
prev_mtimes = {}
# validate the file name (filter out CVS directory, etc...)
mylist = [myfile for myfile in mylist if len(myfile) == 7 and myfile[1:3] == "Q-"]
if len(mylist) == 0:
return []
# update names are mangled to make them sort properly
mylist = [myfile[3:]+"-"+myfile[:2] for myfile in mylist]
mylist = [myfile[5:]+"-"+myfile[:4] for myfile in mylist]
update_data = []
for myfile in mylist:
file_path = os.path.join(updpath, myfile)
mystat = os.stat(file_path)
if file_path not in prev_mtimes or \
long(prev_mtimes[file_path]) != long(mystat.st_mtime):
f = open(file_path)
content =
update_data.append((file_path, mystat, content))
return update_data
def parse_updates(mycontent):
"""Valid updates are returned as a list of split update commands."""
myupd = []
errors = []
mylines = mycontent.splitlines()
for myline in mylines:
mysplit = myline.split()
if len(mysplit) == 0:
if mysplit[0] not in ("move", "slotmove"):
errors.append("ERROR: Update type not recognized '%s'" % myline)
if mysplit[0] == "move":
if len(mysplit) != 3:
errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
orig_value, new_value = mysplit[1], mysplit[2]
for cp in (orig_value, new_value):
if not (isvalidatom(cp) and isjustname(cp)):
"ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
if mysplit[0] == "slotmove":
if len(mysplit)!=4:
errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
pkg, origslot, newslot = mysplit[1], mysplit[2], mysplit[3]
if not isvalidatom(pkg):
errors.append("ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
# The list of valid updates is filtered by continue statements above.
return myupd, errors
def update_config_files(config_root, protect, protect_mask, update_iter):
"""Perform global updates on /etc/portage/package.* and the world file.
config_root - location of files to update
protect - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT
protect_mask - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK
update_iter - list of update commands as returned from parse_updates()"""
if isinstance(config_root, unicode):
# Avoid UnicodeDecodeError raised from
# os.path.join when called by os.walk.
config_root = config_root.encode('utf_8', 'replace')
config_root = normalize_path(config_root)
update_files = {}
file_contents = {}
myxfiles = ["package.mask", "package.unmask", \
"package.keywords", "package.use"]
myxfiles += [os.path.join("profile", x) for x in myxfiles]
abs_user_config = os.path.join(config_root, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
recursivefiles = []
for x in myxfiles:
config_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
if os.path.isdir(config_file):
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(config_file):
for y in dirs:
if y.startswith("."):
for y in files:
if y.startswith("."):
os.path.join(parent, y)[len(abs_user_config) + 1:])
myxfiles = recursivefiles
for x in myxfiles:
myfile = open(os.path.join(abs_user_config, x),"r")
file_contents[x] = myfile.readlines()
except IOError:
if file_contents.has_key(x):
del file_contents[x]
# update /etc/portage/packages.*
ignore_line_re = re.compile(r'^#|^\s*$')
for update_cmd in update_iter:
for x, contents in file_contents.iteritems():
for pos, line in enumerate(contents):
if ignore_line_re.match(line):
atom = line.split()[0]
if atom.startswith("-"):
# package.mask supports incrementals
atom = atom[1:]
if not isvalidatom(atom):
new_atom = update_dbentry(update_cmd, atom)
if atom != new_atom:
contents[pos] = line.replace(atom, new_atom)
update_files[x] = 1
protect_obj = ConfigProtect(
config_root, protect, protect_mask)
for x in update_files:
updating_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
if protect_obj.isprotected(updating_file):
updating_file = new_protect_filename(updating_file)
write_atomic(updating_file, "".join(file_contents[x]))
except PortageException, e:
writemsg("\n!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
writemsg("!!! An error occured while updating a config file:" + \
" '%s'\n" % updating_file, noiselevel=-1)
def dep_transform(mydep, oldkey, newkey):
if dep_getkey(mydep) == oldkey:
return mydep.replace(oldkey, newkey, 1)
return mydep