blob: 3722c846257cf11df1bad58a3a10a2a48620e74e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
from portage.sets.base import PackageSet
from portage.sets import get_boolean
from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
class LibraryConsumerSet(PackageSet):
_operations = ["merge", "unmerge"]
def __init__(self, vardbapi, debug=False):
super(LibraryConsumerSet, self).__init__()
self.dbapi = vardbapi
self.debug = debug
def mapPathsToAtoms(self, paths):
rValue = set()
for link, p in self.dbapi._owners.iter_owners(paths):
cat, pn = catpkgsplit(link.mycpv)[:2]
slot = self.dbapi.aux_get(link.mycpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
rValue.add("%s/%s:%s" % (cat, pn, slot))
return rValue
class PreservedLibraryConsumerSet(LibraryConsumerSet):
def load(self):
reg = self.dbapi.plib_registry
consumers = set()
if reg:
plib_dict = reg.getPreservedLibs()
for libs in plib_dict.itervalues():
for lib in libs:
if self.debug:
print lib
for x in sorted(self.dbapi.linkmap.findConsumers(lib)):
print " ", x
print "-"*40
# Don't rebuild packages just because they contain preserved
# libs that happen to be consumers of other preserved libs.
for libs in plib_dict.itervalues():
if not consumers:
def singleBuilder(cls, options, settings, trees):
debug = get_boolean(options, "debug", False)
return PreservedLibraryConsumerSet(trees["vartree"].dbapi, debug)
singleBuilder = classmethod(singleBuilder)