blob: b26559c244f14b7d6fa3795d3a978445ee0ff192 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from _emerge.Package import Package
# import our initialized portage instance
from repoman._portage import portage
# 14 is the length of DESCRIPTION=""
max_desc_len = 100
allowed_filename_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9._-+:"
qahelp = {
"CVS/Entries.IO_error": (
"Attempting to commit, and an IO error was encountered access the"
" Entries file"),
"ebuild.invalidname": (
"Ebuild files with a non-parseable or syntactically incorrect name"
" (or using 2.1 versioning extensions)"),
"ebuild.namenomatch": (
"Ebuild files that do not have the same name as their parent"
" directory"),
"changelog.ebuildadded": (
"An ebuild was added but the ChangeLog was not modified"),
"changelog.missing": (
"Missing ChangeLog files"),
"ebuild.notadded": (
"Ebuilds that exist but have not been added to cvs"),
"ebuild.patches": (
"PATCHES variable should be a bash array to ensure white space safety"),
"changelog.notadded": (
"ChangeLogs that exist but have not been added to cvs"),
"dependency.bad": (
"User-visible ebuilds with unsatisfied dependencies"
" (matched against *visible* ebuilds)"),
"dependency.badmasked": (
"Masked ebuilds with unsatisfied dependencies"
" (matched against *all* ebuilds)"),
"dependency.badindev": (
"User-visible ebuilds with unsatisfied dependencies"
" (matched against *visible* ebuilds) in developing arch"),
"dependency.badmaskedindev": (
"Masked ebuilds with unsatisfied dependencies"
" (matched against *all* ebuilds) in developing arch"),
"dependency.badtilde": (
"Uses the ~ dep operator with a non-zero revision part,"
" which is useless (the revision is ignored)"),
"dependency.missingslot": (
"RDEPEND matches more than one SLOT but does not specify a "
"slot and/or use the := or :* slot operator"),
"dependency.perlcore": (
"This ebuild directly depends on a package in perl-core;"
" it should use the corresponding virtual instead."),
"dependency.syntax": (
"Syntax error in dependency string"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"dependency.unknown": (
"Ebuild has a dependency that refers to an unknown package"
" (which may be valid if it is a blocker for a renamed/removed package,"
" or is an alternative choice provided by an overlay)"),
"file.executable": (
"Ebuilds, digests, metadata.xml, Manifest, and ChangeLog do not need"
" the executable bit"),
"file.size": (
"Files in the files directory must be under 20 KiB"),
"file.size.fatal": (
"Files in the files directory must be under 60 KiB"),
"": (
"File/dir name must be composed"
" of only the following chars: %s " % allowed_filename_chars),
"file.UTF8": (
"File is not UTF8 compliant"),
"inherit.deprecated": (
"Ebuild inherits a deprecated eclass"),
"inherit.missing": (
"Ebuild uses functions from an eclass but does not inherit it"),
"inherit.unused": (
"Ebuild inherits an eclass but does not use it"),
"java.eclassesnotused": (
"With virtual/jdk in DEPEND you must inherit a java eclass"),
"wxwidgets.eclassnotused": (
"Ebuild DEPENDs on x11-libs/wxGTK without inheriting wxwidgets.eclass"),
"KEYWORDS.dropped": (
"Ebuilds that appear to have dropped KEYWORDS for some arch"),
"KEYWORDS.missing": (
"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty KEYWORDS variable"),
"KEYWORDS.stable": (
"Ebuilds that have been added directly with stable KEYWORDS"),
"KEYWORDS.stupid": (
"Ebuilds that use KEYWORDS=-* instead of package.mask"),
"LICENSE.missing": (
"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty LICENSE variable"),
"LICENSE.virtual": (
"Virtuals that have a non-empty LICENSE variable"),
"DESCRIPTION.missing": (
"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty DESCRIPTION variable"),
"DESCRIPTION.toolong": (
"DESCRIPTION is over %d characters" % max_desc_len),
"EAPI.definition": (
"EAPI definition does not conform to PMS section 7.3.1"
" (first non-comment, non-blank line)"),
"EAPI.deprecated": (
"Ebuilds that use features that are deprecated in the current EAPI"),
"EAPI.incompatible": (
"Ebuilds that use features that are only available with a different"
" EAPI"),
"EAPI.unsupported": (
"Ebuilds that have an unsupported EAPI version"
" (you must upgrade portage)"),
"SLOT.invalid": (
"Ebuilds that have a missing or invalid SLOT variable value"),
"HOMEPAGE.missing": (
"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty HOMEPAGE variable"),
"HOMEPAGE.virtual": (
"Virtuals that have a non-empty HOMEPAGE variable"),
"PDEPEND.suspect": (
"PDEPEND contains a package that usually only belongs in DEPEND."),
"LICENSE.syntax": (
"Syntax error in LICENSE"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"PROVIDE.syntax": (
"Syntax error in PROVIDE"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"PROPERTIES.syntax": (
"Syntax error in PROPERTIES"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"RESTRICT.syntax": (
"Syntax error in RESTRICT"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"REQUIRED_USE.syntax": (
"Syntax error in REQUIRED_USE"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"SRC_URI.syntax": (
"Syntax error in SRC_URI"
" (usually an extra/missing space/parenthesis)"),
"SRC_URI.mirror": (
"A uri listed in profiles/thirdpartymirrors is found in SRC_URI"),
"ebuild.syntax": (
"Error generating cache entry for ebuild;"
" typically caused by ebuild syntax error"
" or digest verification failure"),
"ebuild.output": (
"A simple sourcing of the ebuild produces output;"
" this breaks ebuild policy."),
"ebuild.nesteddie": (
"Placing 'die' inside ( ) prints an error,"
" but doesn't stop the ebuild."),
"variable.invalidchar": (
"A variable contains an invalid character"
" that is not part of the ASCII character set"),
"variable.readonly": (
"Assigning a readonly variable"),
"variable.usedwithhelpers": (
"Ebuild uses D, ROOT, ED, EROOT or EPREFIX with helpers"),
"LIVEVCS.stable": (
"This ebuild is a live checkout from a VCS but has stable keywords."),
"LIVEVCS.unmasked": (
"This ebuild is a live checkout from a VCS but has keywords"
" and is not masked in the global package.mask."),
"IUSE.invalid": (
"This ebuild has a variable in IUSE"
" that is not in the use.desc or its metadata.xml file"),
"IUSE.missing": (
"This ebuild has a USE conditional"
" which references a flag that is not listed in IUSE"),
"IUSE.rubydeprecated": (
"The ebuild has set a ruby interpreter in USE_RUBY,"
" that is not available as a ruby target anymore"),
"LICENSE.invalid": (
"This ebuild is listing a license"
" that doesnt exist in portages license/ dir."),
"LICENSE.deprecated": (
"This ebuild is listing a deprecated license."),
"KEYWORDS.invalid": (
"This ebuild contains KEYWORDS"
" that are not listed in profiles/arch.list"
" or for which no valid profile was found"),
"RDEPEND.implicit": (
"RDEPEND is unset in the ebuild"
" which triggers implicit RDEPEND=$DEPEND assignment"
" (prior to EAPI 4)"),
"RDEPEND.suspect": (
"RDEPEND contains a package that usually only belongs in DEPEND."),
"RESTRICT.invalid": (
"This ebuild contains invalid RESTRICT values."),
"digest.assumed": (
"Existing digest must be assumed correct (Package level only)"),
"digest.missing": (
"Some files listed in SRC_URI aren't referenced in the Manifest"),
"digest.unused": (
"Some files listed in the Manifest aren't referenced in SRC_URI"),
"ebuild.majorsyn": (
"This ebuild has a major syntax error"
" that may cause the ebuild to fail partially or fully"),
"ebuild.minorsyn": (
"This ebuild has a minor syntax error"
" that contravenes gentoo coding style"),
"ebuild.badheader": (
"This ebuild has a malformed header"),
"manifest.bad": (
"Manifest has missing or incorrect digests"),
"metadata.missing": (
"Missing metadata.xml files"),
"metadata.bad": (
"Bad metadata.xml files"),
"metadata.warning": (
"Warnings in metadata.xml files"),
"portage.internal": (
"The ebuild uses an internal Portage function or variable"),
"repo.eapi.banned": (
"The ebuild uses an EAPI which is"
" banned by the repository's metadata/layout.conf settings"),
"repo.eapi.deprecated": (
"The ebuild uses an EAPI which is"
" deprecated by the repository's metadata/layout.conf settings"),
"virtual.oldstyle": (
"The ebuild PROVIDEs an old-style virtual (see GLEP 37)"),
"virtual.suspect": (
"Ebuild contains a package"
" that usually should be pulled via virtual/, not directly."),
"usage.obsolete": (
"The ebuild makes use of an obsolete construct"),
"upstream.workaround": (
"The ebuild works around an upstream bug,"
" an upstream bug should be filed and tracked in")
qacats = list(qahelp)
qawarnings = set((
allvars = set(x for x in portage.auxdbkeys if not x.startswith("UNUSED_"))
allvars = sorted(allvars)
for x in missingvars:
x += ".missing"
if x not in qacats:
logging.warning('* missingvars values need to be added to qahelp ("%s")' % x)
valid_restrict = frozenset([
"binchecks", "bindist", "fetch", "installsources", "mirror",
"preserve-libs", "primaryuri", "splitdebug", "strip", "test", "userpriv"])
suspect_rdepend = frozenset([
suspect_virtual = {
"dev-util/pkg-config-lite": "virtual/pkgconfig",
"dev-util/pkgconf": "virtual/pkgconfig",
"dev-util/pkgconfig": "virtual/pkgconfig",
"dev-util/pkgconfig-openbsd": "virtual/pkgconfig",
"dev-libs/libusb": "virtual/libusb",
"dev-libs/libusbx": "virtual/libusb",
"dev-libs/libusb-compat": "virtual/libusb",
ruby_deprecated = frozenset([
# file.executable
no_exec = frozenset(["Manifest", "ChangeLog", "metadata.xml"])
def format_qa_output(
formatter, fails, dofull, dofail, options, qawarnings):
"""Helper function that formats output properly
@param formatter: an instance of Formatter
@type formatter: Formatter
@param fails: dict of qa status failures
@type fails: dict
@param dofull: Whether to print full results or a summary
@type dofull: boolean
@param dofail: Whether failure was hard or soft
@type dofail: boolean
@param options: The command-line options provided to repoman
@type options: Namespace
@param qawarnings: the set of warning types
@type qawarnings: set
@return: None (modifies formatter)
full = options.mode == 'full'
# we only want key value pairs where value > 0
for category in sorted(fails):
number = len(fails[category])
formatter.add_literal_data(" " + category)
spacing_width = 30 - len(category)
if category in qawarnings:
formatter.add_literal_data(" [fatal]")
spacing_width -= 8
formatter.add_literal_data(" " * spacing_width)
formatter.add_literal_data("%s" % number)
if not dofull:
if not full and dofail and category in qawarnings:
# warnings are considered noise when there are failures
fails_list = fails[category]
if not full and len(fails_list) > 12:
fails_list = fails_list[:12]
for failure in fails_list:
formatter.add_literal_data(" " + failure)
def format_qa_output_column(
formatter, fails, dofull, dofail, options, qawarnings):
"""Helper function that formats output in a machine-parseable column format
@param formatter: an instance of Formatter
@type formatter: Formatter
@param fails: dict of qa status failures
@type fails: dict
@param dofull: Whether to print full results or a summary
@type dofull: boolean
@param dofail: Whether failure was hard or soft
@type dofail: boolean
@param options: The command-line options provided to repoman
@type options: Namespace
@param qawarnings: the set of warning types
@type qawarnings: set
@return: None (modifies formatter)
full = options.mode == 'full'
for category in sorted(fails):
number = len(fails[category])
formatter.add_literal_data("NumberOf " + category + " ")
if category in qawarnings:
formatter.add_literal_data("%s" % number)
if not dofull:
if not full and dofail and category in qawarnings:
# warnings are considered noise when there are failures
fails_list = fails[category]
if not full and len(fails_list) > 12:
fails_list = fails_list[:12]
for failure in fails_list:
formatter.add_literal_data(category + " " + failure)