blob: 96e85cecd92f55cc87f4d64023ebafdfacdb9563 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1998-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
__all__ = ["dbapi"]
import re
import portage
from portage import os
from portage import auxdbkeys
from portage.localization import _
class dbapi(object):
_category_re = re.compile(r'^\w[-.+\w]*$')
_categories = None
_use_mutable = False
_known_keys = frozenset(x for x in auxdbkeys
if not x.startswith("UNUSED_0"))
def __init__(self):
def categories(self):
Use self.cp_all() to generate a category list. Mutable instances
can delete the self._categories attribute in cases when the cached
categories become invalid and need to be regenerated.
if self._categories is not None:
return self._categories
self._categories = tuple(sorted(set(catsplit(x)[0] \
for x in self.cp_all())))
return self._categories
def close_caches(self):
def cp_list(self, cp, use_cache=1):
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def _cpv_sort_ascending(self, cpv_list):
Use this to sort self.cp_list() results in ascending
order. It sorts in place and returns None.
if len(cpv_list) > 1:
# If the cpv includes explicit -r0, it has to be preserved
# for consistency in findname and aux_get calls, so use a
# dict to map strings back to their original values.
ver_map = {}
for cpv in cpv_list:
ver_map[cpv] = '-'.join(catpkgsplit(cpv)[2:])
def cmp_cpv(cpv1, cpv2):
return vercmp(ver_map[cpv1], ver_map[cpv2])
def cpv_all(self):
"""Return all CPVs in the db
A list of Strings, 1 per CPV
This function relies on a subclass implementing cp_all, this is why the hasattr is there
if not hasattr(self, "cp_all"):
raise NotImplementedError
cpv_list = []
for cp in self.cp_all():
return cpv_list
def cp_all(self):
""" Implement this in a child class
A list of strings 1 per CP in the datastore
return NotImplementedError
def aux_get(self, mycpv, mylist, myrepo=None):
"""Return the metadata keys in mylist for mycpv
mycpv - "sys-apps/foo-1.0"
mylist - ["SLOT","DEPEND","HOMEPAGE"]
myrepo - The repository name.
a list of results, in order of keys in mylist, such as:
["0",">=sys-libs/bar-1.0",""] or [] if mycpv not found'
raise NotImplementedError
def aux_update(self, cpv, metadata_updates):
cpv - "sys-apps/foo-1.0"
metadata_updates = { key : newvalue }
raise NotImplementedError
def match(self, origdep, use_cache=1):
"""Given a dependency, try to find packages that match
origdep - Depend atom
use_cache - Boolean indicating if we should use the cache or not
NOTE: Do we ever not want the cache?
a list of packages that match origdep
mydep = _dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.settings)
return list(self._iter_match(mydep,
self.cp_list(mydep.cp, use_cache=use_cache)))
def _iter_match(self, atom, cpv_iter):
cpv_iter = iter(match_from_list(atom, cpv_iter))
if atom.slot:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_slot(atom, cpv_iter)
if atom.unevaluated_atom.use:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_use(atom, cpv_iter)
if atom.repo:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_repo(atom, cpv_iter)
return cpv_iter
def _iter_match_repo(self, atom, cpv_iter):
for cpv in cpv_iter:
if self.aux_get(cpv, ["repository"], myrepo=atom.repo)[0] == atom.repo:
yield cpv
except KeyError:
def _iter_match_slot(self, atom, cpv_iter):
for cpv in cpv_iter:
if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"], myrepo=atom.repo)[0] == atom.slot:
yield cpv
except KeyError:
def _iter_match_use(self, atom, cpv_iter):
1) Check for required IUSE intersection (need implicit IUSE here).
2) Check enabled/disabled flag states.
aux_keys = ["IUSE", "SLOT", "USE"]
for cpv in cpv_iter:
metadata = dict(zip(aux_keys,
self.aux_get(cpv, aux_keys, myrepo=atom.repo)))
except KeyError:
if not self._match_use(atom, cpv, metadata):
yield cpv
def _match_use(self, atom, cpv, metadata):
iuse_implicit_match = self.settings._iuse_implicit_match
iuse = frozenset(x.lstrip('+-') for x in metadata["IUSE"].split())
for x in atom.unevaluated_atom.use.required:
if x not in iuse and not iuse_implicit_match(x):
return False
if atom.use is None:
elif not self._use_mutable:
# Use IUSE to validate USE settings for built packages,
# in case the package manager that built this package
# failed to do that for some reason (or in case of
# data corruption).
use = frozenset(x for x in metadata["USE"].split()
if x in iuse or iuse_implicit_match(x))
missing_enabled = atom.use.missing_enabled.difference(iuse)
missing_disabled = atom.use.missing_disabled.difference(iuse)
if atom.use.enabled:
if atom.use.enabled.intersection(missing_disabled):
return False
need_enabled = atom.use.enabled.difference(use)
if need_enabled:
need_enabled = need_enabled.difference(missing_enabled)
if need_enabled:
return False
if atom.use.disabled:
if atom.use.disabled.intersection(missing_enabled):
return False
need_disabled = atom.use.disabled.intersection(use)
if need_disabled:
need_disabled = need_disabled.difference(missing_disabled)
if need_disabled:
return False
elif not self.settings.local_config:
# Check masked and forced flags for repoman.
pkg = "%s:%s" % (cpv, metadata["SLOT"])
usemask = self.settings._getUseMask(pkg)
if usemask.intersection(atom.use.enabled):
return False
useforce = self.settings._getUseForce(pkg).difference(usemask)
if useforce.intersection(atom.use.disabled):
return False
return True
def invalidentry(self, mypath):
if '/-MERGING-' in mypath:
if os.path.exists(mypath):
writemsg(colorize("BAD", _("INCOMPLETE MERGE:"))+" %s\n" % mypath,
writemsg("!!! Invalid db entry: %s\n" % mypath, noiselevel=-1)
def update_ents(self, updates, onProgress=None, onUpdate=None):
Update metadata of all packages for package moves.
@param updates: A list of move commands, or dict of {repo_name: list}
@type updates: list or dict
@param onProgress: A progress callback function
@type onProgress: a callable that takes 2 integer arguments: maxval and curval
@param onUpdate: A progress callback function called only
for packages that are modified by updates.
@type onUpdate: a callable that takes 2 integer arguments:
maxval and curval
cpv_all = self.cpv_all()
maxval = len(cpv_all)
aux_get = self.aux_get
aux_update = self.aux_update
meta_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND", "PROVIDE", 'repository']
repo_dict = None
if isinstance(updates, dict):
repo_dict = updates
from portage.update import update_dbentries
if onUpdate:
onUpdate(maxval, 0)
if onProgress:
onProgress(maxval, 0)
for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
metadata = dict(zip(meta_keys, aux_get(cpv, meta_keys)))
repo = metadata.pop('repository')
if repo_dict is None:
updates_list = updates
updates_list = repo_dict[repo]
except KeyError:
updates_list = repo_dict['DEFAULT']
except KeyError:
if not updates_list:
metadata_updates = update_dbentries(updates_list, metadata)
if metadata_updates:
aux_update(cpv, metadata_updates)
if onUpdate:
onUpdate(maxval, i+1)
if onProgress:
onProgress(maxval, i+1)
def move_slot_ent(self, mylist, repo_match=None):
"""This function takes a sequence:
mylist: a sequence of (package, originalslot, newslot)
repo_match: callable that takes single repo_name argument
and returns True if the update should be applied
The number of slotmoves this function did
pkg = mylist[1]
origslot = mylist[2]
newslot = mylist[3]
origmatches = self.match(pkg)
moves = 0
if not origmatches:
return moves
for mycpv in origmatches:
slot = self.aux_get(mycpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
if slot != origslot:
if repo_match is not None \
and not repo_match(self.aux_get(mycpv, ['repository'])[0]):
moves += 1
mydata = {"SLOT": newslot+"\n"}
self.aux_update(mycpv, mydata)
return moves