blob: feb68d07255f9d269863bba394ec75bdd6d46517 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import traceback
from _emerge.SpawnProcess import SpawnProcess
import copy
import io
import signal
import sys
import portage
from portage import os
from portage import _encodings
from portage import _unicode_encode
from portage import _unicode_decode
from portage.elog.messages import eerror
from portage.package.ebuild.fetch import _check_distfile, fetch
from portage.util._pty import _create_pty_or_pipe
class EbuildFetcher(SpawnProcess):
__slots__ = ("config_pool", "ebuild_path", "fetchonly", "fetchall",
"pkg", "prefetch") + \
("_digests", "_settings", "_uri_map")
def already_fetched(self, settings):
Returns True if all files already exist locally and have correct
digests, otherwise return False. When returning True, appropriate
digest checking messages are produced for display and/or logging.
When returning False, no messages are produced, since we assume
that a fetcher process will later be executed in order to produce
such messages. This will raise InvalidDependString if SRC_URI is
uri_map = self._get_uri_map()
if not uri_map:
return True
digests = self._get_digests()
distdir = settings["DISTDIR"]
allow_missing = "allow-missing-manifests" in settings.features
for filename in uri_map:
# Use stat rather than lstat since fetch() creates
# symlinks when PORTAGE_RO_DISTDIRS is used.
st = os.stat(os.path.join(distdir, filename))
except OSError:
return False
if st.st_size == 0:
return False
expected_size = digests.get(filename, {}).get('size')
if expected_size is None:
if st.st_size != expected_size:
return False
stdout_orig = sys.stdout
stderr_orig = sys.stderr
global_havecolor = portage.output.havecolor
out = io.StringIO()
eout = portage.output.EOutput()
eout.quiet = settings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET") == "1"
success = True
sys.stdout = out
sys.stderr = out
if portage.output.havecolor:
portage.output.havecolor = not self.background
for filename in uri_map:
mydigests = digests.get(filename)
if mydigests is None:
if not allow_missing:
success = False
ok, st = _check_distfile(os.path.join(distdir, filename),
mydigests, eout, show_errors=False)
if not ok:
success = False
except portage.exception.FileNotFound:
# A file disappeared unexpectedly.
return False
sys.stdout = stdout_orig
sys.stderr = stderr_orig
portage.output.havecolor = global_havecolor
if success:
# When returning unsuccessfully, no messages are produced, since
# we assume that a fetcher process will later be executed in order
# to produce such messages.
msg = out.getvalue()
if msg:
self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=self.logfile)
return success
def _start(self):
root_config = self.pkg.root_config
portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
ebuild_path = self._get_ebuild_path()
uri_map = self._get_uri_map()
except portage.exception.InvalidDependString as e:
msg_lines = []
msg = "Fetch failed for '%s' due to invalid SRC_URI: %s" % \
(self.pkg.cpv, e)
self._set_returncode((, 1 << 8))
if not uri_map:
# Nothing to fetch.
self._set_returncode((, os.EX_OK << 8))
settings = self.config_pool.allocate()
portage.doebuild_environment(ebuild_path, 'fetch',
settings=settings, db=portdb)
if self.prefetch and \
self._prefetch_size_ok(uri_map, settings, ebuild_path):
self._set_returncode((, os.EX_OK << 8))
nocolor = settings.get("NOCOLOR")
if self.prefetch:
if self.background:
nocolor = "true"
if nocolor is not None:
settings["NOCOLOR"] = nocolor
self._settings = settings
# Free settings now since it's no longer needed in
# this process (the subprocess has a private copy).
settings = None
self._settings = None
def _spawn(self, args, fd_pipes=None, **kwargs):
Fork a subprocess, apply local settings, and call fetch().
pid = os.fork()
if pid != 0:
return [pid]
# Use default signal handlers in order to avoid problems
# killing subprocesses as reported in bug #353239.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
# Force consistent color output, in case we are capturing fetch
# output through a normal pipe due to unavailability of ptys.
portage.output.havecolor = self._settings.get('NOCOLOR') \
not in ('yes', 'true')
rval = 1
allow_missing = 'allow-missing-manifests' in self._settings.features
if fetch(self._uri_map, self._settings, fetchonly=self.fetchonly,
rval = os.EX_OK
except SystemExit:
# Call os._exit() from finally block, in order to suppress any
# finally blocks from earlier in the call stack. See bug #345289.
def _get_ebuild_path(self):
if self.ebuild_path is not None:
return self.ebuild_path
portdb = self.pkg.root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
self.ebuild_path = portdb.findname(self.pkg.cpv, myrepo=self.pkg.repo)
if self.ebuild_path is None:
raise AssertionError("ebuild not found for '%s'" % self.pkg.cpv)
return self.ebuild_path
def _get_digests(self):
if self._digests is not None:
return self._digests
self._digests = portage.Manifest(os.path.dirname(
self._get_ebuild_path()), None).getTypeDigests("DIST")
return self._digests
def _get_uri_map(self):
This can raise InvalidDependString from portdbapi.getFetchMap().
if self._uri_map is not None:
return self._uri_map
pkgdir = os.path.dirname(self._get_ebuild_path())
mytree = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pkgdir))
use = None
if not self.fetchall:
use = self.pkg.use.enabled
portdb = self.pkg.root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
self._uri_map = portdb.getFetchMap(self.pkg.cpv,
useflags=use, mytree=mytree)
return self._uri_map
def _prefetch_size_ok(self, uri_map, settings, ebuild_path):
distdir = settings["DISTDIR"]
sizes = {}
for filename in uri_map:
# Use stat rather than lstat since portage.fetch() creates
# symlinks when PORTAGE_RO_DISTDIRS is used.
st = os.stat(os.path.join(distdir, filename))
except OSError:
return False
if st.st_size == 0:
return False
sizes[filename] = st.st_size
digests = self._get_digests()
for filename, actual_size in sizes.items():
size = digests.get(filename, {}).get('size')
if size is None:
if size != actual_size:
return False
# All files are present and sizes are ok. In this case the normal
# fetch code will be skipped, so we need to generate equivalent
# output here.
if self.logfile is not None:
f =,
encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
mode='a', encoding=_encodings['content'],
for filename in uri_map:
f.write(_unicode_decode((' * %s size ;-) ...' % \
filename).ljust(73) + '[ ok ]\n'))
return True
def _pipe(self, fd_pipes):
"""When appropriate, use a pty so that fetcher progress bars,
like wget has, will work properly."""
if self.background or not sys.stdout.isatty():
# When the output only goes to a log file,
# there's no point in creating a pty.
return os.pipe()
stdout_pipe = None
if not self.background:
stdout_pipe = fd_pipes.get(1)
got_pty, master_fd, slave_fd = \
return (master_fd, slave_fd)
def _eerror(self, lines):
out = io.StringIO()
for line in lines:
eerror(line, phase="unpack", key=self.pkg.cpv, out=out)
msg = out.getvalue()
if msg:
self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=self.logfile)
def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval):
SpawnProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval)
# Collect elog messages that might have been
# created by the pkg_nofetch phase.
# Skip elog messages for prefetch, in order to avoid duplicates.
if not self.prefetch and self.returncode != os.EX_OK:
msg_lines = []
msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (self.pkg.cpv,)
if self.logfile is not None:
msg += ", Log file:"
if self.logfile is not None:
msg_lines.append(" '%s'" % (self.logfile,))