blob: cdffad645ccb45b86f32c7e147dbfd4e61409d12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
# Typical usage:
# dohtml -r docs/*
# - put all files and directories in docs into /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
# dohtml foo.html
# - put foo.html into /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
# Detailed usage:
# dohtml <list-of-files>
# - will install the files in the list of files (space-separated list) into
# /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html, provided the file ends in .html, .png, .jpg
# or .css
# dohtml -r <list-of-files-and-directories>
# - will do as 'dohtml', but recurse into all directories, as long as the
# directory name is not CVS
# dohtml -A jpe,java [-r] <list-of-files[-and-directories]>
# - will do as 'dohtml' but add .jpe,.java (default filter list is
# added to your list)
# dohtml -a png,gif,html,htm [-r] <list-of-files[-and-directories]>
# - will do as 'dohtml' but filter on .png,.gif,.html,.htm (default filter
# list is ignored)
# dohtml -x CVS,SCCS,RCS -r <list-of-files-and-directories>
# - will do as 'dohtml -r', but ignore directories named CVS, SCCS, RCS
import os
import sys
import types
def dodir(path):
os.system("install -d '%s'" % path)
def dofile(src,dst):
os.system("install -m0644 '%s' '%s'" % (src, dst))
def install(basename, dirname, options, prefix=""):
fullpath = basename
if prefix: fullpath = prefix + "/" + fullpath
if dirname: fullpath = dirname + "/" + fullpath
if options.DOCDESTTREE:
destdir = options.D + "usr/share/doc/" + options.PF + "/" + options.DOCDESTTREE + "/" + options.doc_prefix + "/" + prefix
destdir = options.D + "usr/share/doc/" + options.PF + "/html/" + options.doc_prefix + "/" + prefix
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1]
if (len(ext) and ext[1:] in options.allowed_exts) or basename in options.allowed_files:
dofile(fullpath, destdir + "/" + basename)
elif options.recurse and os.path.isdir(fullpath) and \
basename not in options.disallowed_dirs:
for i in os.listdir(fullpath):
pfx = basename
if prefix: pfx = prefix + "/" + pfx
install(i, dirname, options, pfx)
return False
return True
class OptionsClass:
def __init__(self):
self.PF = ""
self.D = ""
if os.environ.has_key("PF"):
self.PF = os.environ["PF"]
if os.environ.has_key("D"):
self.D = os.environ["D"]
if os.environ.has_key("DOCDESTTREE"):
self.DOCDESTTREE = os.environ["DOCDESTTREE"]
self.allowed_exts = [ 'png', 'gif', 'html', 'htm', 'jpg', 'css', 'js' ]
self.allowed_files = []
self.disallowed_dirs = [ 'CVS' ]
self.recurse = False
self.verbose = False
self.doc_prefix = ""
def print_help():
opts = OptionsClass()
print "dohtml [-a .foo,.bar] [-A .foo,.bar] [-f foo,bar] [-x foo,bar]"
print " [-r] [-V] <file> [file ...]"
print " -a Set the list of allowed to those that are specified."
print " Default:", ",".join(opts.allowed_exts)
print " -A Extend the list of allowed file types."
print " -f Set list of allowed extensionless file names."
print " -x Set directories to be excluded from recursion."
print " Default:", ",".join(opts.disallowed_dirs)
print " -r Install files and directories recursively."
print " -V Be verbose."
def parse_args():
options = OptionsClass()
args = []
x = 1
while x < len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[x]
if arg in ["-h","-r","-V"]:
if arg == "-h":
elif arg == "-r":
options.recurse = True
elif arg == "-V":
options.verbose = True
elif sys.argv[x] in ["-A","-a","-f","-x","-p"]:
x += 1
if x == len(sys.argv):
elif arg == "-p":
options.doc_prefix = sys.argv[x]
values = sys.argv[x].split(",")
if arg == "-A":
elif arg == "-a":
options.allowed_exts = values
elif arg == "-f":
options.allowed_files = values
elif arg == "-x":
options.disallowed_dirs = values
x += 1
return (options, args)
def main():
(options, args) = parse_args()
if type(options.allowed_exts) == types.StringType:
options.allowed_exts = options.allowed_exts.split(",")
if options.verbose:
print "Allowed extensions:", options.allowed_exts
print "Document prefix : '" + options.doc_prefix + "'"
print "Allowed files :", options.allowed_files
success = True
for x in args:
basename = os.path.basename(x)
dirname = os.path.dirname(x)
if not install(basename, dirname, options):
success = False
if success:
retcode = 0
retcode = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":