blob: 8eaa37a3f80131a54e55c5e1fa7e549cd99e720d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010-2020 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
"""Provides an easy-to-use python interface to Gentoo's metadata.xml file.
Example usage:
>>> from portage.xml.metadata import MetaDataXML
>>> pkg_md = MetaDataXML('/var/db/repos/gentoo/app-misc/gourmet/metadata.xml')
>>> pkg_md
<MetaDataXML '/var/db/repos/gentoo/app-misc/gourmet/metadata.xml'>
>>> pkg_md.herds()
>>> for maint in pkg_md.maintainers():
... print "{0} ({1})".format(,
... (Joe Sapp)
>>> for flag in pkg_md.use():
... print, "->", flag.description
rtf -> Enable export to RTF
gnome-print -> Enable printing support using gnome-print
>>> upstream = pkg_md.upstream()
>>> upstream
[<_Upstream {'docs': [], 'remoteid': [], 'maintainer':
[<_Maintainer ''>], 'bugtracker': [],
'changelog': []}>]
>>> upstream[0].maintainer[0].name
'Thomas Mills Hinkle'
__all__ = ("MetaDataXML", "parse_metadata_use")
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
except Exception:
ExpatError = SyntaxError
from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, unique_everseen
class _MetadataTreeBuilder(etree.TreeBuilder):
Implements doctype() as required to avoid deprecation warnings with
Python >=2.7.
def doctype(self, name, pubid, system):
class _Maintainer:
"""An object for representing one maintainer.
@type email: str or None
@ivar email: Maintainer's email address. Used for both Gentoo and upstream.
@type name: str or None
@ivar name: Maintainer's name. Used for both Gentoo and upstream.
@type description: str or None
@ivar description: Description of what a maintainer does. Gentoo only.
@type maint_type: str or None
@ivar maint_type: GLEP67 maintainer type (project or person). Gentoo only.
@type restrict: str or None
@ivar restrict: e.g. &gt;=portage-2.2 means only maintains versions
of Portage greater than 2.2. Should be DEPEND string with < and >
converted to &lt; and &gt; respectively.
@type status: str or None
@ivar status: If set, either 'active' or 'inactive'. Upstream only.
def __init__(self, node): = None = None
self.description = None
self.maint_type = node.get("type")
self.restrict = node.get("restrict")
self.status = node.get("status")
for attr in node:
setattr(self, attr.tag, attr.text)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
class _Useflag:
"""An object for representing one USE flag.
@todo: Is there any way to have a keyword option to leave in
<pkg> and <cat> for later processing?
@type name: str or None
@ivar name: USE flag
@type restrict: str or None
@ivar restrict: e.g. &gt;=portage-2.2 means flag is only available in
versions greater than 2.2
@type description: str
@ivar description: description of the USE flag
def __init__(self, node): = node.get("name")
self.restrict = node.get("restrict")
_desc = ""
if node.text:
_desc = node.text
for child in node:
_desc += child.text if child.text else ""
_desc += child.tail if child.tail else ""
# This takes care of tabs and newlines left from the file
self.description = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", _desc)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
class _Upstream:
"""An object for representing one package's upstream.
@type maintainers: list
@ivar maintainers: L{_Maintainer} objects for each upstream maintainer
@type changelogs: list
@ivar changelogs: URLs to upstream's ChangeLog file in str format
@type docs: list
@ivar docs: Sequence of tuples containing URLs to upstream documentation
in the first slot and 'lang' attribute in the second, e.g.,
[('http.../docs/en/tut.html', None), ('http.../doc/fr/tut.html', 'fr')]
@type bugtrackers: list
@ivar bugtrackers: URLs to upstream's bugtracker. May also contain an email
address if prepended with 'mailto:'
@type remoteids: list
@ivar remoteids: Sequence of tuples containing the project's hosting site
name in the first slot and the project's ID name or number for that
site in the second, e.g., [('sourceforge', 'systemrescuecd')]
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.maintainers = self.upstream_maintainers()
self.changelogs = self.upstream_changelogs() = self.upstream_documentation()
self.bugtrackers = self.upstream_bugtrackers()
self.remoteids = self.upstream_remoteids()
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
def upstream_bugtrackers(self):
"""Retrieve upstream bugtracker location from xml node."""
return [e.text for e in self.node.findall("bugs-to") if e.text]
def upstream_changelogs(self):
"""Retrieve upstream changelog location from xml node."""
return [e.text for e in self.node.findall("changelog") if e.text]
def upstream_documentation(self):
"""Retrieve upstream documentation location from xml node."""
result = []
for elem in (e for e in self.node.findall("doc") if e.text):
lang = elem.get("lang")
result.append((elem.text, lang))
return result
def upstream_maintainers(self):
"""Retrieve upstream maintainer information from xml node."""
return [_Maintainer(m) for m in self.node.findall("maintainer")]
def upstream_remoteids(self):
"""Retrieve upstream remote ID from xml node."""
return [
(e.text, e.get("type")) for e in self.node.findall("remote-id") if e.text
class MetaDataXML:
"""Access metadata.xml"""
def __init__(self, metadata_xml_path, herds):
"""Parse a valid metadata.xml file.
@type metadata_xml_path: str
@param metadata_xml_path: path to a valid metadata.xml file
@type herds: str or ElementTree
@param herds: path to a herds.xml, or a pre-parsed ElementTree
@raise IOError: if C{metadata_xml_path} can not be read
self.metadata_xml_path = metadata_xml_path
self._xml_tree = None
self._xml_tree = etree.parse(
metadata_xml_path, encoding=_encodings["fs"], errors="strict"
except ImportError:
except ExpatError as e:
raise SyntaxError("%s" % (e,))
if isinstance(herds, etree.ElementTree):
herds_etree = herds
herds_path = None
herds_etree = None
herds_path = herds
# Used for caching
self._herdstree = herds_etree
self._herds_path = herds_path
self._descriptions = None
self._maintainers = None
self._herds = None
self._useflags = None
self._upstream = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.metadata_xml_path)
def _get_herd_email(self, herd):
"""Get a herd's email address.
@type herd: str
@param herd: herd whose email you want
@rtype: str or None
@return: email address or None if herd is not in herds.xml
@raise IOError: if $PORTDIR/metadata/herds.xml can not be read
if self._herdstree is None:
self._herdstree = etree.parse(
self._herds_path, encoding=_encodings["fs"], errors="strict"
except (ImportError, IOError, SyntaxError):
return None
# Some special herds are not listed in herds.xml
if herd in ("no-herd", "maintainer-wanted", "maintainer-needed"):
return None
# Python 2.7 or >=3.2
iterate = self._herdstree.iter
except AttributeError:
iterate = self._herdstree.getiterator
for node in iterate("herd"):
if node.findtext("name") == herd:
return node.findtext("email")
def herds(self, include_email=False):
"""Return a list of text nodes for <herd>.
@type include_email: bool
@keyword include_email: if True, also look up the herd's email
@rtype: tuple
@return: if include_email is False, return a list of strings;
if include_email is True, return a list of tuples containing:
[('herd1', ''), ('no-herd', None);
if self._herds is None:
if self._xml_tree is None:
self._herds = tuple()
herds = []
for elem in self._xml_tree.findall("herd"):
text = elem.text
if text is None:
text = ""
if include_email:
herd_mail = self._get_herd_email(text)
herds.append((text, herd_mail))
self._herds = tuple(herds)
return self._herds
def descriptions(self):
"""Return a list of text nodes for <longdescription>.
@rtype: list
@return: package description in string format
@todo: Support the C{lang} attribute
if self._descriptions is None:
if self._xml_tree is None:
self._descriptions = tuple()
self._descriptions = tuple(
e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription") if e.text
return self._descriptions
def maintainers(self):
"""Get maintainers' name, email and description.
@rtype: list
@return: a sequence of L{_Maintainer} objects in document order.
if self._maintainers is None:
if self._xml_tree is None:
self._maintainers = tuple()
self._maintainers = tuple(
_Maintainer(node) for node in self._xml_tree.findall("maintainer")
return self._maintainers
def use(self):
"""Get names and descriptions for USE flags defined in metadata.
@rtype: list
@return: a sequence of L{_Useflag} objects in document order.
if self._useflags is None:
if self._xml_tree is None:
self._useflags = tuple()
# Python 2.7 or >=3.2
iterate = self._xml_tree.iter
except AttributeError:
iterate = self._xml_tree.getiterator
self._useflags = tuple(_Useflag(node) for node in iterate("flag"))
return self._useflags
def upstream(self):
"""Get upstream contact information.
@rtype: list
@return: a sequence of L{_Upstream} objects in document order.
if self._upstream is None:
if self._xml_tree is None:
self._upstream = tuple()
self._upstream = tuple(
_Upstream(node) for node in self._xml_tree.findall("upstream")
return self._upstream
def format_maintainer_string(self):
"""Format string containing maintainers and herds (emails if possible).
Used by emerge to display maintainer information.
Entries are sorted according to the rules stated on the bug wranglers page.
@rtype: String
@return: a string containing maintainers and herds
maintainers = []
for maintainer in self.maintainers():
if is None or not
if and
for herd, email in self.herds(include_email=True):
if herd == "no-herd":
if email is None or not email.strip():
if herd and herd.strip():
maintainers = list(unique_everseen(maintainers))
maint_str = ""
if maintainers:
maint_str = maintainers[0]
maintainers = maintainers[1:]
if maintainers:
maint_str += " " + ",".join(maintainers)
return maint_str
def format_upstream_string(self):
"""Format string containing upstream maintainers and bugtrackers.
Used by emerge to display upstream information.
@rtype: String
@return: a string containing upstream maintainers and bugtrackers
maintainers = []
for upstream in self.upstream():
for maintainer in upstream.maintainers:
if is None or not
if and
for bugtracker in upstream.bugtrackers:
if bugtracker.startswith("mailto:"):
bugtracker = bugtracker[7:]
maintainers = list(unique_everseen(maintainers))
maint_str = " ".join(maintainers)
return maint_str
# lang with higher value is preferred
_lang_pref = {
"": 0,
"en": 1,
def _cmp_lang(a, b):
a_score = _lang_pref.get(a.get("lang", ""), -1)
b_score = _lang_pref.get(b.get("lang", ""), -1)
return a_score - b_score
def parse_metadata_use(xml_tree):
Records are wrapped in XML as per GLEP 56
returns a dict with keys constisting of USE flag names and values
containing their respective descriptions
uselist = {}
usetags = xml_tree.findall("use")
if not usetags:
return uselist
# Sort by language preference in descending order.
usetags.sort(key=cmp_sort_key(_cmp_lang), reverse=True)
# It's possible to have multiple 'use' elements.
for usetag in usetags:
flags = usetag.findall("flag")
if not flags:
# DTD allows use elements containing no flag elements.
for flag in flags:
pkg_flag = flag.get("name")
if pkg_flag is not None:
flag_restrict = flag.get("restrict")
# Descriptions may exist for multiple languages, so
# ignore all except the first description found for a
# particular value of restrict (see bug 599060).
except KeyError:
# emulate the Element.itertext() method from python-2.7
inner_text = []
stack = []
while stack:
obj = stack.pop()
if isinstance(obj, str):
if isinstance(obj.text, str):
if isinstance(obj.tail, str):
if flag.get("name") not in uselist:
uselist[flag.get("name")] = {}
# (flag_restrict can be None)
uselist[flag.get("name")][flag_restrict] = " ".join(
return uselist