blob: c6c72ab26ee1bae15f4a3db8391d21f4e6726bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
# linecheck_help.yaml
# Repoman API version (do not edit)
version: 1
# minimum
repoman_version: 2.3.3
# configuration file for the LineCheck plugins run via the multicheck
# scan module
COPYRIGHT_ERROR: 'Invalid Copyright'
LICENSE_ERROR: 'Invalid Gentoo/GPL License'
ID_HEADER_ERROR: 'Stale CVS header'
NO_BLANK_LINE_ERROR: 'Non-blank line after header'
LEADING_SPACES_ERROR: 'Ebuild contains leading spaces'
TRAILING_WHITESPACE_ERROR: 'Trailing whitespace error'
READONLY_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR: 'Ebuild contains assignment to read-only variable'
MISSING_QUOTES_ERROR: 'Unquoted Variable'
NESTED_DIE_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls die in a subshell'
PATCHES_ERROR: 'PATCHES is not a bash array'
REDUNDANT_CD_S_ERROR: 'Ebuild has redundant cd ${S} statement'
EMAKE_PARALLEL_DISABLED: 'Upstream parallel compilation bug (ebuild calls emake -j1)'
EMAKE_PARALLEL_DISABLED_VIA_MAKEOPTS: 'Upstream parallel compilation bug (MAKEOPTS=-j1)'
DEPRECATED_BINDNOW_FLAGS: 'Deprecated bindnow-flags call'
EAPI_DEFINED_AFTER_INHERIT: 'EAPI defined after inherit'
NO_AS_NEEDED: 'Upstream asneeded linking bug (no-as-needed)'
PRESERVE_OLD_LIB: 'Ebuild calls preserve_old_lib function reserved for system packages'
BUILT_WITH_USE: 'built_with_use'
NO_OFFSET_WITH_HELPERS: 'Helper function is used with D, ROOT, ED, EROOT or EPREFIX'
USEQ_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls deprecated useq function'
HASQ_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls deprecated hasq function'
URI_HTTPS: 'Ebuild uses http:// but should use https://'