blob: 48e198bc56b1672495a4947eea384e4c7b1d832a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020-2021 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from portage import os
from portage.tests import TestCase
from portage.util._async.PipeLogger import PipeLogger
from portage.util.futures import asyncio
from portage.util.futures._asyncio.streams import _reader, _writer
from portage.util.futures.unix_events import _set_nonblocking
class PipeLoggerTestCase(TestCase):
async def _testPipeLoggerToPipe(self, test_string, loop):
Test PipeLogger writing to a pipe connected to a PipeReader.
This verifies that PipeLogger does not deadlock when writing
to a pipe that's drained by a PipeReader running in the same
process (requires non-blocking write).
input_fd, writer_pipe = os.pipe()
writer_pipe = os.fdopen(writer_pipe, 'wb', 0)
writer = asyncio.ensure_future(_writer(writer_pipe, test_string.encode('ascii')))
writer.add_done_callback(lambda writer: writer_pipe.close())
pr, pw = os.pipe()
consumer = PipeLogger(background=True,
log_file_path=os.fdopen(pw, 'wb', 0),
# Before starting the reader, wait here for a moment, in order
# to exercise PipeLogger's handling of EAGAIN during write.
await asyncio.wait([writer], timeout=0.01)
reader = _reader(pr)
await writer
content = await reader
await consumer.async_wait()
self.assertEqual(consumer.returncode, os.EX_OK)
return content.decode('ascii', 'replace')
def testPipeLogger(self):
loop = asyncio._wrap_loop()
for x in (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2**5, 2**10, 2**12, 2**13, 2**14, 2**17, 2**17 + 1):
test_string = x * "a"
output = loop.run_until_complete(self._testPipeLoggerToPipe(test_string, loop))
self.assertEqual(test_string, output,
"x = %s, len(output) = %s" % (x, len(output)))