blob: 6d4553518c05162f1471df8f7a31317f89a363e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from portage import _shell_quote
from portage.tests import TestCase
class ShellQuoteTestCase(TestCase):
def testShellQuote(self):
test_data = [
# String contains no special characters, should be preserved.
# String contains whitespace, should be double-quoted to prevent word splitting.
("abc xyz","\"abc xyz\""),
("abc xyz","\"abc xyz\""),
(" abcxyz ","\" abcxyz \""),
# String contains > or <, should be double-quoted to prevent redirection.
# String contains =, should be double-quoted to prevent assignment.
# String contains *, should be double-quoted to prevent globbing.
# String contains $, should be escaped to prevent parameter expansion.
# Also double-quoted, though not strictly needed.
# String contains `, should be escaped to prevent command substitution.
# Also double-quoted, though not strictly needed.
# String contains \, should be escaped to prevent it from escaping
# the next character. Also double-quoted, though not strictly needed.
("abc\\xyz", "\"abc\\\\xyz\""),
("abc\\\\xyz", "\"abc\\\\\\\\xyz\""),
("\\abcxyz\\", "\"\\\\abcxyz\\\\\""),
# String contains ", should be escaped to prevent it from unexpectedly
# ending a previous double-quote or starting a new double-quote. Also
# double-quoted, though not strictly needed.
# String contains ', should be double-quoted to prevent it from unexpectedly
# ending a previous single-quote or starting a new single-quote.
# String contains ;, should be double-quoted to prevent command separation.
# String contains &, should be double-quoted to prevent job control.
# String contains |, should be double-quoted to prevent piping.
# String contains (), should be double-quoted to prevent
# command group / array initialization.
# String contains {}. Parameter expansion of the form ${} is already
# rendered safe by escaping the $, but {} could also occur on its own,
# for example in a brace expansion such as filename.{ext1,ext2},
# so the string should be double-quoted.
# String contains [], should be double-quoted to prevent testing
# String contains #, should be double-quoted to prevent comment.
# String contains !, should be double-quoted to prevent e.g. history substitution.
# String contains ~, should be double-quoted to prevent home directory expansion.
# String contains ?, should be double-quoted to prevent globbing.
for (data,expected_result) in test_data:
result = _shell_quote(data)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)