blob: a3fa2b5b848fa599d82dfc7f1650910c86bc4ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import portage
from portage import os
from portage.util import shlex_split, varexpand
## default clean command from make.globals
## PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN = 'find "${PORTAGE_LOGDIR}" -type f ! -name "summary.log*" -mtime +7 -delete'
78 : "PORTAGE_LOGDIR variable not set or PORTAGE_LOGDIR not a directory.",
127 : "PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN command not found."
class CleanLogs(object):
short_desc = "Clean PORTAGE_LOGDIR logs"
def name():
return "logs"
def can_progressbar(self, func):
return False
def check(self, **kwargs):
options = kwargs.get('options', None)
if options:
options['pretend'] = True
return self.clean(**kwargs)
def clean(self, **kwargs):
"""Log directory cleaning function
@param **kwargs: optional dictionary of values used in this function are:
settings: portage settings instance: defaults to portage.settings
"PORTAGE_LOGDIR": directory to clean
"PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN": command for cleaning the logs.
options: dict:
'NUM': int: number of days
'pretend': boolean
num_of_days = None
pretend = False
# convoluted, I know, but portage.settings does not exist in
# kwargs.get() when called from _emerge.main.clean_logs()
settings = kwargs.get('settings', getattr(portage, 'settings', {}))
options = kwargs.get('options', None)
if options:
num_of_days = options.get('NUM', None)
pretend = options.get('pretend', False)
clean_cmd = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN")
if clean_cmd:
clean_cmd = shlex_split(clean_cmd)
if '-mtime' in clean_cmd and num_of_days is not None:
if num_of_days == 0:
i = clean_cmd.index('-mtime')
clean_cmd[clean_cmd.index('-mtime') +1] = \
'+%s' % str(num_of_days)
if pretend:
if "-delete" in clean_cmd:
if not clean_cmd:
return (True, None)
rval = self._clean_logs(clean_cmd, settings)
errors = self._convert_errors(rval)
if errors:
return (False, errors)
return (True, None)
def _clean_logs(clean_cmd, settings):
logdir = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOGDIR")
if logdir is None or not os.path.isdir(logdir):
return 78
variables = {"PORTAGE_LOGDIR" : logdir}
cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in clean_cmd]
rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ)
except portage.exception.CommandNotFound:
rval = 127
return rval
def _convert_errors(rval):
msg = []
if rval != os.EX_OK:
if rval in ERROR_MESSAGES:
msg.append("PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN command returned %s" % rval)
msg.append("See the make.conf(5) man page for "
"PORTAGE_LOGDIR_CLEAN usage instructions.")
return msg