blob: ab83155e300bb6b6f8e1eb55ae8bd80e37081a77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2005-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
doc = """Check and clean old logs in the PORTAGE_LOGDIR."""
__doc__ = doc
module_spec = {
'name': 'logs',
'description': doc,
'module1': {
'name': "logs",
'sourcefile': "logs",
'class': "CleanLogs",
'description': doc,
'functions': ['check','clean'],
'func_desc': {
'clean': {
"short": "-C", "long": "--clean",
"help": "Cleans out logs more than 7 days old (cleanlogs only)" + \
" module-options: -t, -p",
'status': "Cleaning %s",
'action': 'store_true',
'func': 'clean',
'time': {
"short": "-t", "long": "--time",
"help": "(cleanlogs only): -t, --time Delete logs older than NUM of days",
'status': "",
'type': int,
'dest': 'NUM',
'func': 'clean'
'pretend': {
"short": "-p", "long": "--pretend",
"help": "(cleanlogs only): -p, --pretend Output logs that would be deleted",
'status': "",
'action': 'store_true',
'dest': 'pretend',
'func': 'clean'